Hit and Run
After their, in violet's case, unannounced concert, arora, marceline, violet, and dick proceeded to hang out for the rest of the morning to after noon. Well arora, marceline, and dick did. They all held a conversation like they knew each other for more than just childhood. Violet wanted to join in her freinds fun with this random fan of their work together, yet times when she could talk were either interrupted or she had no comment. But then again, when you have spent majority of your life with a freind you knew since pre-k and the other one since middle school, it would be hard speaking with another person who wasn't them.
That wasn't the issue she had however.
Her issue with this Dick Williams was the fact that he kept trying to put his hand either on her sholder or her hand. She would try to shuffle herself next to Marcy but her freind would give a look to her. 'Aw come on. Let the newbie sit next to ya'.' It would read. Thankfully arora attempted to tell the dude to switch spots. Emphasis on 'attempted'. He would politely say no and then continue on talking and touching. "Creep," she muttered under her breath.
Eventually marceline looked over at the clock on the wall. "Yo' remind me again when that baseball game again was?"
"3:05. Why? "Violet was able to add.
Marceline looked at the group again. "Its 3:19, guys," replied the girl. "AH DOG! I'M MISSING IT!" Arora yelled as she jumped up from her seat. "Sorry bros but I gotta split. See y'all later!" She said as she ran towards the door. "I better get going too. My sister, and parental figures will start calling me if I'm not home by 3:35," dick said fallowing arora. When he got the doorway he turned back around to face the two remaining girls,"Let's hang around again sometime. " He smiled then left.
"Well that was a thing that happened, " Violet said shifting her position in the booth to face the stage. Marceline lightly chuckled. "What's so funny?" Violet asked looking at her freind. "I just had a mental image of you and dick as a couple," she replied. "Wha- why would you do that?" She asked now very conserned. "Chill I just wanted to say that," she replied. Violet shook her head. "Why would you need to say that? "
"Just had the urge,"she replied.
"I have the urge to flip out on you most of the time, but I don't act on it. "
"That's you're issue vi-vi. You just can't handle how cool I am," marceline replied puffing her chest out. "Cool or not I think you should keep those type comments to yourself," violet stated standing up. "Lame. Aww ya' leaving me here?" Marceline asked. "No. Well. Actually. Yes, sorry I stayed at your place last night without asking and you know how my-" violet started. Marceline raised her hand to stop her, frowning. "Nah, I get it. Your sis is nuts." Both girls sighed. Violet's was one of relief while marceline's one displeasure. " This time when she starts to swing at you swing back," she added.
Violet knodded," I'll try too." She picked up her bag and walked out the door. Marceline's eyes followed the girl's movements as she left.
The walk was pleasant until she came to 6th street. She then felt a large pain in the back of her head. She fell to the concrete. The pain felt familiar. Almost like when her twin, indigo, would hit her.
No. It was the way indigo would hit her.
"WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO?" Indigo yelled at the girl on the ground. Violet winced. " A few of my freinds thought there wasn't any school today. So we thought-" indigo pulled the girl off the ground and slammed her into a wall. " NOT THAT! I ment 'WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO LAST NIGHT?!" Indigo corrected herself. Violet whimpered," The door was locked and mom never gave me the key. So I went over to Marcy's place for the night. "
Indigo let go.
"That's all? Shit, I told you we're hiding the keys under the grill. You could have called me with your cellular to unlock you. No need to run off to miss fat ass," Indigo replied. "Well if I did call you. You'd slap me when I got inside for calling late at night. A-and the only person with an overly large rump is you!" Violet stated mustering up a bit of courage.
Horrible choice in words. Next thing violet knew indigo threw one of her nasty right hooks. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME FREAK!"
Violet's nose was now had a small bit if blood drip out from the strike. "I-I-I," violet stuttered. swing back she thought to herself,"I said YOU have an OVERLY LARGE-" she started but was interrupted by another right hook. This time knocking her down again.
"Ya' know something ,sis? I don't like the way you're talking to me," indigo said, spitting venom with each word. "Its kinda out of line." She bent down above the girl, who was now trying her hardest to stop her nose's bleeding problem. She grabbed violet's hair to pull her up, meeting non-merciful hazel eyes. "And Mama said i have a right to beat the shit out of you if you step out of the line we make for you. " violet closed her eyes. As much as she wanted to swing back, it wouldn't help that much. Indigo shifted her eyes to a pile of rubbish a few inches from where she just threw her sister against. She dropped violet's hair and her face slammed into the earth bellow. Indigo grabbed an item from the pile before speaking to the girl trying to get off the ground.
" Stay still. I don't wanna hit you than I already have too. " she stated as she stepped on her sister's back so she wouldn't move. Violet opened an eye , not really remembering why her eyes were closed in the first place, to see what her sister grabbed. She saw a blurry version of a drain pipe and loud "OI!", before her vision fade to black with a loud WHACK!
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