Chapter Twelve
In the morning, Trollex was stirring the raft while Barb and Tempest takes some time off from below. Barb was upset as Trollex when he saw Poppy leaving them to go back home to TrollsTopia. She laid down on her back with her hands sliding down from her face. Until she saw Tempest...
Tempest: Something tells me there's a lot of things going on your mind, Barb
Queen Barb: *gets up* What are talking about? I'm right here
Tempest: Yeah, you maybe here, but your heart wants to be with Trollex
Queen Barb: Whoa, whoa, whoa, lady! Hold your horses! *noticed that she is a horse* Ooh! I'm sorry, was that offensive?
Tempest: *lays down* *chuckled* Not as offensive if I can't tell what's in front of my own eyes. Did you tell him, yet?
Queen Barb: I tried. Once. But...*whistled and mimics an explosion* *sighed*
Tempest: Well, maybe we'll know if he heard you
Queen Barb: What does that mean?
Tempest: Well, lets just say that one of you is doing the listening, and I gotta day it's not him. It's you
Queen Barb: Yeah! I got that! Thanks *crossed her arms*
King Trollex: *sees something in the sky* Uh, girls?
The girls looked up and they couldn't believe their eyes. They saw a huge group of Dragons heading right towards them...
Tempest: What in sweet Celestia?!
Queen Barb: Are those...Dragons?!
A Dragon called a Monstrous Nightmare, landed on the ship and grabbed Tempest and Barb in his claws, while another Dragon called a Deadly Nadder, grabbed Trollex. They flew off, leaving the raft behind and dove into a giant waterhole in the ocean. The Trolls were terrified to see creatures like these before. And as the flew in deeper into the hole, they saw something incredible, they saw a whole world of Dragons. They even saw two Dragons on top of a huge crystal. One of them has black scales and green eyes, and the other one has white scales and blue eyes. The Nadder carefully placed Trollex on a rock, gave him a grin, and then she flew off. While the Nightmare aggressively dropped them on the ground and flew off. Until a voice was heard and saw two Dragons that looked like the Dragons they've seen when they flew in here...
RuffRunner: Welcome to the Hidden World. You're cordial guests of Princess Dart
King Trollex: Dart?! What are you doing here? And who's your friend?
RuffRunner: Hahaha!
Dart: *from behind*!Actually, guys! I'm over here!
King Trollex: *looked at Dart and the other two Dragons* Wait, what?
Tempest: Holy, Pony, Moly!! (Idk. I just like to do it)
Queen Barb: Ok. *pats her ear* Maybe not all the hot robot guy moments hadn't left my brain, yet
Dart: Well, it turns out, I'm actually from the Hidden World. Just like my brothers
RuffRunner: I'm RuffRunner
Pouncer: And I'm Pouncer. What's up!
The two Dragons ran up to Dart all laughing and hugging like
Dart: *laughing* Can you guys believe it?! I have brothers!! HA HA!!!
King Trollex: How is that even possible?
Dart: Well, let's say it was a very complicated story...
Dart Narrating: When we just babies, my egg got snatched up from the nest. My mom and dad couldn't find me, so instead you Trolls raised me as one of your own. And when I went to search for creatures like me, my mom and dad finally found me!
Queen Shimmer (that's my best name for the Light Fury): T, is that her? I think our search is finally over
King Toothless: Our daughter is finally home!
Dart: *happy gasped*
End Flashback
Dart: Well, I guess it wasn't too complicated. *laughing* Oh! Trollex, *walked next to her parents* I would like you to meet the king and queen of the Dragons!
RuffRunner: King Toothless
Pouncer: And Queen Shimmer
Dart: My mom and dad!
Queen Shimmer: *kissed/or licked Dart's cheek*
Dart: Aww!
King Trollex: Wow! Dart, you look like just like your dad. Literally
King Toothless: Ha! Yeah, that must be why she's so fierce looking *high-five Pouncer*
Dart: Was that a dad joke? IT WAS LAME!!!
The Furies: *laughing*
King Trollex: So, wait, that means you're a princess of the Dragons?
Dart: You don't have to be one thing, though. I'm a friend to you Trolls, and a Dragon princess!
RuffRunner: Or maybe you're a worrier Dragon, like us
Dart: *gasp* Yeah!
King Trollex: Worriers? *checks his map*
Pouncer: Yeah, dude, I think your map is a bit outdated
Queen Barb: *looks at the map* Oh, yeah. He's right. Look at that. It still has Soul Eater, Niihau Kilian, and this thing called Adventure Time
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