Chapter Thirteen
King Trollex: Well, your Majesties, we need your help to save all cartoons from Sir Pentious, the favorite of Hazbin Hotel. If we combine our cartoons together, Sir Pentious will know that we're all the same, and he'll be one of us!
The king and queen's faces turned from happy to unconcern. They looked at each other, and then back at Trollex...
King Toothless: Trollex, I don't mean any disrespect, but from a Dragon king to a Techno Troll king? Anything but that
King Trollex: What do you mean?
King Toothless: *opens up a secret cave with his plasma blast* *to his sons* Let's tell them what happened, boys
RuffRunner: You got it, Dad. *to the Trolls* Long ago, our creators were great friends, until they found the gems, and life was one big showcase
The Dragons than showed the Trolls the one and only black Dragon Gem Shard within the cave. It's been placed in a rare rock, securing the Gem. Trollex and the girls were amazed to see it in person...
King Trollex: Oh, yeah. I've heard this story before. My parents told me about it
Pouncer: Well, that is, until the Trolls creator, Walt Dohrn, tried to steal our Gems
King Trollex: Steal your Gems? T-That's not what it says on our scrolls
Queen Poppy: Or our scrapbooks
Pouncer: S-Scrapbooks?
RuffRunner: Those are all cut and glued by the winners. Let us tell you what really happened
The Dragons led the Trolls and Tempest to some tapestries that shows pictures of their creators. And each Dragon starts to explain...
Pouncer: A long time ago, there were five best friends. Lauren Faust, Dana Terrace, Vivienne Medrano, Walt Dohrn, and Tim Johnson. They each have a very special talent to create different kinds of creatures and animation
RuffRunner: And to hold in their animation power, they created six gems to represent each creature they made. But even though there are five of them, and they made six gem shards, Lauren made two creatures: the Heroes and the Ponies
King Toothless: Until one day, everything changed. Walt suddenly got amazed by the powers of the Gems, he toke it for himself. He wants to keep making Trolls for everyone to see only. The other creators gotten worried that their own friend stole all the Gems to make everyone only see Trolls
Queen Shimmer: The other creators tried to reason him and even ignore the warnings that come across them. But suddenly, they had enough. They went after Walt and saw all of the Trolls he had made. And that includes your ancestors. But they didn't fight Walt
King Toothless: Instead, they each toke a Gem Shard, toke them to a chosen favorite and they say run to get away from Walt and his Trolls. Leaving him completely powerless with just the Trolls Gem Shards. And the creatures never lived in peace and harmony again
Trollex and Barb couldn't believe on what they've heard. The Trolls creator stealing the others Gems Shards? That doesn't sound right...
King Trollex: So, the creatures lived in isolation because of what Trolls did?
Queen Shimmer: Trolls tried to destroyed our cartoons
Queen Barb: Sir Pentious was trying to do
King Trollex: I can make this right! *swims to the Gem Shard and looked at the Royal Dragon Family* History is just gonna repeat itself if we don't do something, but if we do, Sir Pentious will finally realized that we're all the same
King Toothless: But we're not all the same
Queen Shimmer: That's why the gems are different. Because it reflect our different kind of species and entertainment
King Toothless: Denying our differences, it's actually denying the truth of who we really are on the inside and the outside
King Trollex: I...I never thought of that before
But before anyone could speak, Dragons from the outside starts roaring and starts flying like crazy. The commotion is an alert that the Demons have arrived
RuffRunner: The Demons has arrived!
Pouncer: It's on!
King Toothless: Prepare for battle!
The Dragons gathered around and get ready for the attack of the Demons. The Trolls and Tempest followed the Royal Family to get ready, but Dart has to stop them...
Dart: Guys, I love you, but I don't want you guys to get hurt. So...I'm getting you out of here *to a water dragon* Make sure they get out of here safely
The Tidal Class dragon made two bubbles. One for Tempest, and one for Barb and Trollex. They start to float away from the Hidden World and out of the exit and the bubbles started drifted away from each other...
King Trollex: Oh, no! Tempest!
Tempest: Don't worry! I'll find you guys! Just hang on!
Trollex tried to pop it, but it won't pop. Until Barb saw something in the sky...
Queen Barb: Uh, *pats Trollex's shoulder* Trollex? You might wanna take a look at this
King Trollex: *follows her sight* Huh?
They looked up and saw Sir Pentious and his Demons flying to the enternece of the Hidden World...
Sir Pentious: *driving his ship into the Hidden World* HA HA!!! IT'S ON, BITCHES!!!!
King Trollex: NO!! *tries to pop the bubble* We gotta get back down there! We had to save them
Queen Barb: Dude! Calm down
King Trollex: But Dart and her family are down there! We have to help!
Queen Barb: But, don't you think we've done enough? I think it's time we can go back home to TrollsTopia
King Trollex: What?! No! I don't wanna go home now! We need to stop Pentious for destroying all cartoons before it's to late!
Queen Barb: But, dude, we're both leaders and have citizens to go back to! We need to go home, right now!
King Trollex: Not until I can prove my parents that I'm no longer a child, and needs to be saved!
Queen Barb: So that's what this is about, huh? Proving your parents that you're not a baby anymore?
King Trollex: Why are you so upset all of a sudden?!
Queen Barb: Because your parents are right, Poppy was right, and Queen Shimmer was right! And I've been backing you up, man! Even if you ignored it! But...*turns away* you don't listen to me
King Trollex: Wha-What are you talking about?
Queen Barb: We're leaders, T. *looks at him* And what we do is listen to others around us. And you know what I heard back there? "Differences do in fact matter!" *sighed* and me. We're to different to get along
As they landed back on land, the bubble popped, releasing the Rock Queen and Techno King. Then Trollex broke the silence...
King Trollex: We are to different
Queen Barb: SO different!!
King Trollex: I don't even know why we were friends in the first place!
Queen Barb: That's because I was trying to destroy all music! *sighed* I'm outta here
Trollex watched Barb walking away and saw her stopped and looked at him...
Queen Barb: So, why are you the only person I truly cared about more than anyone? Weird, right?
Trollex watched her leave as his ears started going down. He put his hands on his face like he started to cry that their relationship was ruined after what they've been through throughout the whole adventure. He was trying his hard best to be a good favorite, that he forgot to be a good friend. With Barb, she was walking along side of a stream with her arms grabbing each other with her ears down, too. She sat down in front of the stream as she looked at her reflection. Then she starts to see visions of her and Trollex having some fun times with each other. Like having a fun time partying with the Pop Trolls, joining a hoedown in Lonesome Flats. That made her have a small smile as she put her hand on the Trollex reflection. Then it grabbed her hand and they start dancing around. It was a dream for them, as Trollex twirls Barb around and catches her, started to hold each other's hands. Then they were shown to look like they're about to kiss each other, but they both know that not real. Barb looked back and hugs her knees through sadness. But that tension broke when suddenly she heard voices from the plants...
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