Chapter Sixteen
Meanwhile, Poppy ran straight towards her home village with huge smile on her face. She'll finally be back home with his friends, family, and her boyfriend...
Queen Poppy: Guys! Guys! No need to fear! Your Queen Poppy is here!! *gasped*
Poppy looked at her village, destroyed into the dust, just like the Boiling Isles. She looked around to see if anyone is here, but no luck. Until her friends came out of their hiding spots...
Branch: POPPY!!
King Quincy: Poppy!
Delta Dawn: Sugarplum!
Queen Poppy: Guys! You're alright! *hugs Branch*
Branch: Poppy, where have you been? Everyone in TrollsTopia was attacked by Sir Pentious and his Demon goons! And he said that he's taking everyone to a place called Pentagram City!
Queen Poppy: What?
Trollzart: It was awful! Those Demons were everywhere!!
Poppy looked around at Pop Village and saw the destruction the Demons had caused. For being away for a long time, she realized her biggest mistake of all: Leaving a friend behind...
Queen Poppy: I...I made a huge mistake, everyone
Queen Essence: What do you mean?
Queen Poppy: I...I left Trollex and Barb behind when we were trying to save all cartoons
The leaders and Branch gasped. They know her so well, and that she would never leave anybody behind. No matter how scared she could be...
Branch: Poppy, you never leave anybody behind. You were always there for a Troll in need. *holds her hands* You have a caring heart
Queen Poppy: I know. But, looked what happened to Pop Village. I did this because I left you, Barb, and Trollex. He was trying to do the right thing to save all cartoons, but for some reason...I doubted it
King Quincy: Don't blame yourself, Poppy. You were only trying to help. And that's what truly and really matters
Poppy looked at her friends and her boyfriend, and a smile came to her face. Now, she need to think of a plan to save her friends...
Queen Poppy: *idea* I know what to do! I have to go back to Trollex and Barb!
Delta Dawn: And we're coming with ya, Poppy. Trollex and Barb are our friends and a fellow leaders. And us leaders have to stick together
Poppy's face then showed confidence that they can save the Multiverse
Branch: But, how are we gonna sneak past any guards or security to get into Pentagram City? Either which of them, there's gonna be a lot of Demons involved in this adventure
Queen Poppy: I may have a plan. Do you guys remembered that we once turned in Rock Trolls?
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