Chapter Nine
Back with the Troll royalty friends, they were able to make it to Equastria, home of the Ponies. Trollex looked at his map to make sure they're at the right place, and then puts it back in his satchel...
King Trollex: This must be where the Ponies lived
Queen Barb: Ok! It looks like nobody's home, so let's go! *walks away*
Queen Poppy: *grabs Barb's hand* C'mon, Barb. Like I once said, "There's no 'I Quit' in 'Team'"
Queen Barb: Awww!!! This place looks like something a unicorn would throw up
King Trollex: Y-You do realized that this place has unicorn, right?
Queen Barb: Noted
As they walked into a small town called Ponyville and toke a good look around. They saw Ponies looking at them, because they've never seen anything like them before. Until suddenly, at a big sparkly castle, a big, beautiful purple pony named Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, Ruler of Equastria, and the favorite of MLP, came out and toke a stroll around town...
Princess Twilight: 🎵 A friend for life
That's what you are to me
A friend for life
That's what you are to me
I couldn't see what was
Right there in front of me
Turned my back
Got my mind off track
You saw a world that was
Something new entirely
Helped me to see
All the possibilities
Like a star in the day light
Or like a diamond at night
Your light was hidden
From my sight
A friend for life
That's what you are to me
A friend for life
That's what you are to me...🎵
King Trollex: This song is so...sad-like, but catchy
Queen Barb: Tell me about it. It's very girly-like too. But for some reason, I it
King Trollex: You do?
Queen Barb: Yeah. I know. It's weird
Queen Poppy: I think they're trying their very best to know that both music and cartoons are suppose to make you happy and care-free. *gasp* That's awful
Princess Twilight: 🎵Every friendship is tested
You say you're sincere
But it's all unclear now
But with a word
Everything changes
And just like that
You and I are right back
Like a star in the day light (Star in the day light)
Or like a diamond at night (Diamond at night)
Your light will shine
When the time is right
A friend for life
That's what you are to me
A friend for life
That's what you are to me🎵
As the song ended, the Trolls went in the center of town and gathered in a huddle. When they're huddling and making a plan, another Pony named Rainbow Dash was flying next to Princess Twilight with a not-trusting look on her face...
Rainbow Dash: Hmmm, Twilight, I don't trust them. I'd say we put these goons in jail!
Princess Twilight: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Rainbow. Take it easy. I mean, I know they're different, but look at them. I feel bad for these guys. Also, doesn't the blue Troll kinda look like you?
Rainbow Dash: Really? *toke a good look* Oh, yeah. But I think the girl with the mohawk has the personality of me
Applejack: Even the pink one looks like Pinkie Pie
Princess Twilight: That, too
With the Trolls...
King Trollex: Ok, first things first. These Ponies need some serious cheering up, and we're gonna have go top shelf
Queen Poppy: *gasp* Oh!
Queen Barb: And when you say "top shelf", do you mean...?
Queen Poppy: Barb! What K.T. (Sounds like "Katie/Katy") is saying is that we are going to being singing a Pop, Techno, and Rock song to the Ponies!
Queen Barb: Seriously? A Pop, Techno, and Rock song?
King Trollex: She's right. And I know just the song
Queen Barb: Oh, no! Don't tell me we're singing...
Then suddenly, on a gazebo and then around town, they suddenly changed clothes to represent their music type and starts singing...
King Trollex: 🎵 Yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me🎵
Queen Poppy and Barb: 🎵Yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six foot three🎵
King Trollex and Queen Barb: 🎵I don't want to but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
B-F-B, B-F-B
My best friend's brother, my best friend's brother!🎵
As they continue to sing, the Ponies in Ponyville looked at them with disturbed looks on their faces. Even Princess Twilight finds this a bit odd. Even though her friend Fluttershy finds it catchy a bit. But Applejack told her to stop, because they find this a bit clingy...
Queen Poppy: 🎵 I kinda think that I might be his type
'Cause when you're not around
He's not acting too shy
Sometimes I feel like he might make a move
Is this all in my head?
I don't know what to do🎵
Queen Barb: 🎵 I know it's strange, I don't know what he's thinking
But it is wrong if I see him this weekend
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want her to know🎵
King Trollex, Queen Barb and Queen Poppy : 🎵 Yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six foot three
I don't want to but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh, yeah yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
B-F-B, B-F-B
My best friend's brother, my best friend's brother
B-F-B, B-F-B
My best friend's brother, my best friend's brother!🎵
As their song ended, everypony went back inside their homes, completely ignoring them after hearing that song. Then suddenly, Princess Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash tossed the three Trolls into a jail cell. The Trolls were shocked that they've been thrown in jail...
Princess Twilight: Look, I'm sorry I have to do this, and it's not like me, but I want you three to sit in here, and think about what you guys just did out there. That was offensive to us Ponies!
King Trollex: Wait, wait, wait! No, please! We're actually here to warn you about Sir Pentious. The favorite of Hazbin Hotel
Princess Twilight: *sigh* Look, you adorable little mer-troll, I've already known and have heard about this Sir Pentious man, and his world tour. And excuse me on saying this, but I'm gonna go wash on what you guys called "entertainment" out of my mind *trots off*
King Trollex: *gasp*😧
Princess FlurryHeart: *came out of Twilight's flowing mane* *chuckled* You guys are in real trouble, now! Right, Aunt Twilight?
Princess Twilight: Keep an eye on them, AJ and RD
Rainbow Dash: Well do!
Applejack: You can count on us!
King Trollex: *grabs the bars* No, wait, please! Cartoons are meant to bring us together, not separate us! *let the bars go and faced away from the bars* *grunts* Seaweed! *crossed his arms*
Queen Barb: *sigh* Well, I knew it. "Best Friend's Brother". That was way to far
King Trollex: *uncrossed his arm and ears tilts down* *sigh* Alright, Barb. *swam towards a bed* You can say "I told you so". I know how badly you want to say that
Barb then looked at Trollex with a sad look on her face. She then walked towards the bed and sat next to Trollex to give him some support...
Queen Barb: Well, I think you did really great out there
King Trollex: *looked up and ears titled back up* *smiles* Really?
Queen Barb: Yeah *about to put her hand on Trollex's hand*
Queen Poppy: Ugh! I can't stand being in another pony prison. We've got to get out of here!
King Trollex: I know. *gets off the bed* I can't believe that didn't work. I guess my parents were right. These other creatures have some surprises I was not prepared for. Some creatures just don't like to party
Queen Poppy: Does anybody have a plan B?
Queen Barb: Plan B? *grabs her guitar* Right here. And that's escaping Equastria. Time to start blasting out a tunnel
Queen Poppy: I'll help *used her hair as a shovel and starts digging*
King Trollex: *sits in front of the jail bars* *sigh* Well, plan B it is. Guess we're going home *ears tilting back down*
Then out of nowhere, Trollex suddenly heard a voice...
???: INCOMING!!!!
King Trollex: Huh?
Then cell bar starts glowing and rope came out of nowhere and pull the door back and made Trollex fall back. He looked up and saw a unicorn with black/dark midnight blue armor, purple skin, and magenta mane and a broken horn...
???: It's not right to just throw you in jail just because your type of entertainment, animation, and species are different.
Trollex sat up straight to take a good look at the Pony...
(I'm keeping her name and I'm making her have normal unicorn magic. Just to be fair)
Tempest: It seems not all creatures appreciate some good entertainment when they see one *winks*
Trollex smiled at the mysterious Pony for understanding what they're trying to do...
Tempest: Lets get out of here, shall we?
King Trollex: *floats up* WHOO-HOO!! Mission back on! *to the girls* Barb! Poppy! You can stop rescuing us. We're already saved
The Queens peaked out of the hole to see what the King is talking about. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were competing on hoof wrestling and didn't noticed that the Trolls escaping. They both saw the unicorn that Trollex is heading to. Poppy was interested m, but Barb isn't trust her. Even though she looks like a Rock Troll...
Queen Barb: Trollex, you don't even know this Pony!
King Trollex: *hops on Tempest* I'm King Trollex of the Techno Trolls, and favorite of the Trolls, and you are?
Tempest: I'm Tempest Shadow. Pony commander
King Trollex: Barb, this is Tempest. Tempest, Queen Barb of the Hard Rock Trolls
Queen Poppy: Enough with the introduction, LET'S GO!! I'm Queen Poppy of the Pop Trolls. Nice to meet you
After that crash of the bars of the cell, it made Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and the other Ponies come out of their homes to see what was that loud noise. Tempest used her magic to tie the rope around her waist and gets ready to start running...
Tempest: Everyone, hold on tight! HA!! *starts running away*
Princess Twilight: *gasp* Go get them, ladies!
Pinkie Pie: *starts running after them*
Queen Barb: Huh? *sees Pinkie running towards them*
Queen Barb: AHHH!!! *runs after the gang and gets on the door* Uh, this is my plan C, BTW!
Princess Twilight: AFTER THEM!!!
The Ponies started galloping/flying after the escaped Trolls through out the land of Equestria. They left Ponyville, and they went into the Everfree Forest...
King Trollex: *sees a bunch of trees in the way* Oh, no! Tempest, look out!
Tempest: Don't worry. I got it, King Trollex! Just hang on tight!
Tempest dashes into the forest, and dodge every tree and bushes. While Pinkie Pie dashes through all the trees and bushes, leaving Pinkie Pie shaped holes. The other Ponies followed her, not judging the fact that she left some Pony shaped holes. Tempest needs a plan to shake Pinkie Pie off her tail, until she saw a big hole up ahead. She toke a turn and made a big leap over it, leaving Pinkie Pie suddenly fell into the hole...
Tempest: Sorry, Pinkie Pie! Trying to help some new friends out on a mission!
Princess Twilight: Come on, AJ!
Tempest and Trollex: Hmm? *looked back*
Princess Twilight: Do your thing!
Applejack: *with a rope in her mouth* Nopony can escape from my lasso! *wrapped her rope around Barb's leg*
Queen Barb: Gah!
Applejack: YAH!! *pulls the rope*
Queen Barb: *grabs hold on the door* Dang! This pony is basically Delta Dawn!
Queen Poppy: Quick! Barb, grab old on my hair!
Queen Barb: *grabs Poppy's hair*
Poppy's hair then stretched out so Barb doesn't get lassoed and into the hooves of the Ponies
Queen Barb: AHHHHH!!!!
Then suddenly, Pinkie Pie came back from the soil and pounced at Barb. Barb grunts and screams from all the pain this Pony is giving her. Tempest wiped away some sweat from all that running. Rainbow Dash helped Applejack tugging the rope hard enough to get Barb and the other Trolls. Trollex suddenly noticed they're out of the forest and was about to head towards a valley...
King Trollex: Oh, no! I don't think we're going to make it!
Queen Barb: *grabbed Pinkie* Like heck, we are! Hang on! *used Pinkie's tail and cut the rope*
The rope snapped and the gang suddenly fell over the valley...
Tempest: I know Trollex can swim, I just hope you girls can
The Trolls and Tempest fell into the water below, while the Princess and her friends stoped at the edge...
Princess Twilight: Ugh, dang it!
(For a great friend of mine named FangirlFiasco )
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