Chapter Four
Everyone, including Dart the dragon, gotten into their swimming gear and followed the Royal Techno Family to Techno Reef to give their son and his friends an explanation on who's Sir Pentious and what he meant by their gem shard. They gathered around a light blue neon rock coral as King Coral looked at some old scrolls. As he found the right scroll, he toke it out and opened it on the rock. He began to explain...
King Coral: *clears throat* Many years ago, there was nothing but five friends. Their names are Lauren Faust, Dana Terrace, Vivienne Medrano, Walt Dohrn, and Tim Johnson. They are wonderful friends (just like to make it like this), until one day, one of them made something special. Lauren made a special creature, with special abilities. She made a small colorful pony with a beautiful teal, blue, purple, and pink flowing mane. That convinced the others to make their very own creature with their own type of style. Lauren even made two types creatures, so these two might be a bit related. They also create six gem shards, each for a different king of creature and cartoon. Heroes (violet), witches (maroon), dragons (navy blue), ponies (purple), demons (burgundy), and trolls (dark blue). What they can also do is that if they've joined their gems in the form of a star, it would create the most amazing animation of all time. But then, the gang started to fight over what cartoon they should show first. The gem's power is to powerful for these five friends, so they tore out a gem, and gave them to a favorite from their creation for protection. And go their separate ways, never to be seen again. Now, they lived in isolation, far away from each other as possible.
King Trollex: I think I get Sir Pentious' invitation.
Queen Poppy: Yeah. He wanted to unite the creatures so life can be one big party again!
Queen Barb: Really, Pop-squeak? That's what you've heard? "One big party"? Actually I wouldn't mind on that. I mean, come on! There are demons out there!!
Branch: But didn't you heard what it said. The gems cause fighting. So, bringing the shards together would lead to fighting.
Queen Marine: Exactly, Branch. That's why we must protect our gem shard. *swam to a light blue clam* Behold. The Trolls Gem Shard
The queen opened the clam to reveal the dark blue diamond-shaped gem to the gang. King Trollex was amazed to see the beautiful shard revealed from the clam. His father tapped the gem, and starts to glow. Neon lights shots out, showing a scene from their past lives...
Trolls:🎵Just sing! Sing it together! Louder then ever, ever! Forgot everything, just sing🎵!
King Trollex: It's beautiful
King Coral: And powerful. And it's been waiting for many years to find the next favorite of our cartoon.
Queen Marine: *gasp* It's starting. The gem is glowing.
She's right. The gem starts to glow as bright as their pink pixel hearts. Then a light blue spotlight came out, and starts to land at random Trolls to find the next favorite. It first landed on Queen Poppy, then at Branch, at Dart, at Barb, and when it landed on Trollex, he started to glow like the gem. He's the favorite.
Queen Marine: Oh! Our son's the favorite! The favorite! *hugs Trollex*
King Trollex: Mom, you're squeezing me!
Queen Marine: *lets him go* Heh, sorry. I'm just so proud that our son's the favorite.
Queen Poppy: Then, you can help Pentious to unite all the creatures again!
King Coral: Poppy, we're not going to let our son go out into the unknown to unite the other creatures. It's to dangerous
King Trollex couldn't believed what he just heard. His parents are still treating him like a child. He knows how to take care of himself, and he can decide what he wants to do. He couldn't take it...
King Trollex: But what if I want to?
Queen Marine: ?! What was that?
King Trollex: What if I want to help Sir Pentious to bring all the other creatures together?
King Coral: Son, you don't understand. These other creatures are not like us. They're not always happy, they don't have our animation, they don't even like singing or dancing for all they care!
King Trollex: How would you know? I bet you never even met the new favorites from other creatures.
Queen Marine: Trollex, you're not listening to us
King Trollex: You're not listening to me
King Coral: We're your parents!
King Trollex: And I'm the king. Not to mention that I'm also the favorite of Trolls!
Other Trolls and Dart: Ooooh!!
Queen Marine: Well, parents trumps king! Now, we gotta go find a perfect spot to hide our gem shard.
King Coral: Come along, everyone!
The king and queen led the gang to find a good hiding spot. But Trollex stand behind looking very disappointed...
King Trollex: We are all creatures! I think Poppy's right. Difference really doesn't matter
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