Chapter Eighteen
Barb suddenly turned into a Demon from Sir Pentious' ray shot. Everyone was shocked and surprised...
King Trollex: *gasped* Barb!
Barb opened her eyes, and it's a dark blood red and her outfit changed into her Rock outfit from her concert, but more Demonic like...
Demon Barb: WHAT'S UP, BITCHES?!?!
Everyone cheered as the combination of the Six Gems actual worked...
Sir Pentious: Oh, shit! It worked! It's really worked!
Demon Barb: Which one of you little assholes wants to start a little genocide as I suddenly start stabbing you in the dick!?
King Trollex: What? Well, ignoring that. But, wait, you're turning everybody into Demons?!
Sir Pentious: Not just any kinds of Demons. Their dark sides as their Demons. Can't wait to hang out with you, Trollex!
Sir Pentious went into a ship and flew all around the stage to get ready for the next aim. The Demons roared as he flew over the crowd. He then aimed the Demonator at the Furies, shoot the weapon at them. Their bodies started glitches, and when it stopped, they suddenly have deadly dragon armor and their pupils turned Demonic like. The Night Lights were terrified as their parents turned into Demon Dragons. Meanwhile, Trollex went to the lock to get it open so he can escape. Next, Pentious shot Zatanna and Eda, and turned them into their inner Demons. Zatanna turned all blue and goth-like, while Eda turned into a huge owl beast...
Batgirl: *gasped* ZATANNA!! *tries to run after her
Supergirl: *grabs Batgirl* No! Bats! Don't!
Luz: Eda!!
King: She's into her curse form again!
Lilith: *gasped* Edalyn!!
And finally, Sir Pentious aimed the machine at Princess Twilight and turned her into Midnight Sparkle with her demonic wings and horn. Sir Pentious landed back to the stage and toke a bow. The crowd went wild as they saw the new looks of the favorites from each show. Until suddenly, Sir Pentious heard Trollex's cage open...
Sir Pentious: Ah, ah, ah! Not so fast, Troll-E! *to Barb* Hey, girl-toy, it's hair time!
Barb sees Trollex and like the Pop Trolls, she used her hair to grab Trollex before he could swim away. Sir Pentious aimed the Demonator at him and toke a shot. Trollex fell to the ground, glitching. His parents were terrified...
Coral and Marine: *gasped*
TBDB: Trollex?
Sir Pentious looked through to see the new him when the smoke finally lifted. He became his Rock self. Everyone all gasped in shocked...
Demon Rock Trollex: WHAT'S UP, MOTHER-FUCKERS?!?! Who's ready to cause some chaos!?
The Demons cheered, but the other creatures all gasped in feared. Sir Pentious let out a toothy grin as he transformed the Techno Troll king as a Rock Troll Demon...
Sir Pentious: Why don't you finished them off, Trollex? *tossed him the Demonator*
Trollex caught the machine and starts loading up the machine and aimed the machine at the Night Light hatchlings and his parents. Coral hugged Marine as she looked at her son in fear and sadness, along with TBDB. Trollex pointed the machine at them with an evil grin. But then, he gave them a wink and aimed the machine at Pentious. He then noticed, and sees Trollex's eyes normal like...
Sir Pentious: What the hell are you doing? You're suppose to be your inner Demon!
King Trollex: *removed magic lenses* Magic lenses. Perfect for blocking anything hot, sound proof, and perfect to see without glasses
Will: Hey, hey! He knew that by watching me!
Bill: *facepalms* Ugh!
Tempest: You two are gonna have a major butt-wiping!
Will: Sorry
Sir Pentious: Give me that!
King Trollex: I'm not gonna let you do this to anybody else! I mean, a world where it's all about Hazbin Hotel? That's not entertainment!
Sir Pentious wasn't sure what he's talking about. Until Charlie spoke out...
Charlie: Uh, Pent? I agree with King Trollex. I mean, if it's just Hazbin Hotel that only shows up on TV or makes up merch, how will anyone else gets to make up other new shows or movies for everyone to watch? Like, learning about animals from the Wild Kratts, see goofy episodes of the Amazing World of Gumball, or see cool action from Soul Eater or from Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse. Or seeing some family movies like Frozen Two or even Trolls World Tour. Anything like that, so let me ask you this: Do you think this fair to you?
Sir Pentious looked at everyone around him as he headed them all murmur. He didn't think it would even happen like this...
King Trollex: A leader and a favorite listens to the people around them
He looks at Poppy and the other leaders with a happy smile. They all nod when they understood the meaning of a true leader...
King Trollex: *to Sir Pentious* Real entertainment takes visions! *floats to the center of the stage* Different visions! *smashed the machine with the Gems inside*
As Trollex floated to the center of the stage, he smashed the Demonator. And what happened next was that the Gems were shattered and the colors and animation were sucked right out of everything. The characters, the backgrounds, everything. Now, the whole world is nothing but colorless animatics. Trollex looked at the machine as he realized that he and the other favorites were turned back to normal. Then he noticed Barb and swam towards her when he sees her normal too...
King Trollex: *sees Barb and gasped* Barb! *swam to her*
Sir Pentious: *slithered to the shattered Gems* No. *grabs some of the shattered pieces* My Gems *sees the Gems disappeared* *to Trollex* What. Have. You. Done?! You destroyed cartoons! *to the crowd* Give him a hand ladies and gentlemen! Thanks to the Techno Troll king of Trolls World Tour, we've all lost our cartoons! I guess history repeats itself, Trolls ruins everything
Trollex realized his mistakes as he looked around from his surroundings of what he did when he shattered the Gems. Now everyone is all a bunch of animatics. Toothless looked at Shimmer and hugged her with his wing. Pouncer and Ruff-Runner looked at their parents with sadness. Dart looked down at her claws in shame. She just discovered her true family, and she just lost them. But then, she heard a heart-beat out of nowhere. She looked down, and saw a black heart on her chest
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