Chapter Nine: Jellal?....
Erza Prov:
As we attack with all we've got we start to free people from their cells to help join out fight for freedom. Its been so much work fighting off all the guards that are here but we have managed to free most of the tower's slaves. And soon we will find a way to cross the sea to true freedom.
"We have to try and get to sector eight today!" I shout as everyone looks at me.
"Why all the way over there? There shouldn't be anyone over there right?" Wally asks me looking confused.
"We have to! Because thats where Jellal is and we have to get him out!" I say adjusting my weapons.
I've managed to get some decent weapons while we were fighting and its helped me to fight more even though i'm tired I have to free Jellal.....At all costs.
Jellal Prov:
As the guards continue to use magic to harm my body, I still have not made a sound not wanting them to have the satisfaction of hearing my cries of pain.
"COME ON KID SCREAM, SCREAM AND WE MIGHT GO EASY ON YOU!" One of the guards screams at me sending another shockwave of pain into my body.
"Shut up you fat pig." I say smiling at him with my eyes burning into him.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY BRAT!" The guard shouts at me.
"Now now we can leave him, we have to deal with the rebellion!" The other guard speaks up looking at me and then laughs.
"Enjoy the break kid we'll be back soon. HAHAHAHAHA! You'll be begging our God for MERCY!" The two of them laugh at me and then walk out of the room.
I sigh and look around the room.
"All this for some God....What has God ever done for us." I say sighing "I hate it all....."
Is that so?....
"Who's there?" I say looking around.
Your dark emotions are not a weakness I feed my self on them....
"Who are you..." I ask looking around and only sensing a dark aura in the room.
Such fools they build this tower to resurrect me and I am already here, So close to them and they cannot feel my presence.
"SHOW YOUR SELF!" I shout into the empty space
After shouting this the dark aura starts to turn into something, A strange body with red markings all over it appears in front of me.
They may have all the faith in the world but its YOUR hatred that allows you to see me. Jellal you are a fortunate child, for you have met the God they so Revere.
My name is Zeref and Hatred is my very existence
And with that the figure opened its one large eye and looked at me. It looked deep into my soul....
No ones Prov:
While all this was going on with Jellal, Erza and her friends continue to fight to try and rescue their friend and comrade.
Erza's Prov:
"Come on we can do this!" I shout holding my tools
"How are we supposed to that Erza?! How will we be able to defeat all them guards?" Simon asks looking at me as if to say 'Haven't we done enough for today Erza?'
"I guess she has a thing for Jellal. Sorry buddy!" Wally says and then Simon begins to blush.
"Erza do you like Jellal?" Simon asks looking at me.
"Um how can you ask that right now?!" I shout at him
As were talking about where to go next all of a sudden there are some strange beings that appear in the sky.
"MAGIC SOLDIERS!" Shô says pointing to the sky.
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