Chapter 93- drawn back to it again and again
There's the sound of soft giggles before hands slide around my eyes, shutting away the sight of the screen from me. Soft fingertips pressing to my face and my hands reach out to slide around wrists, tugging at them to draw the person closer from where they stand behind me, feeling a head slot beside mine, the ticklish sensation of hair brushing against the side of my face and neck.
"You think I wouldn't recognise those giggles just about anywhere?" I ask, lips quirked up with fondness as I turn to press kisses to the inside of the wrists.
Trailing my lips down one arm and smiling when her arm trembles, a small hitch of breath.
She was always so responsive.
And every sound she'd made from the first time she'd begun making them, every single one of them were burned across my mind, every sound she continued to make was added to them.
But she remains silent.
"(Y/N)...aein, I know it's you. Now can I see my pretty girl before she whisks me away on a date?" I say with a fond sigh.
Her fingers slide away and when I turn it's to see her peering at me over my shoulder, face lit up and hair falling forward as she turns to look at me.
I lean upwards towards her lips for a kiss, smiling against them when she leans in too, head bent towards me, fingers brushing the back of my head, winding into my curls and nails lightly trailing across my scalp. A touch that's light and distracting, fingers sinking into my hair as she kisses back, lips light and gentle on mine.
Then she leans away, hand moving to tuck a strand behind her ear.
Eyes sparkling with excitement as she looks at me.
"Ready Tae?" she asks.
"Ready! I've been waiting for this moment for what feels like forever." I say, eyes bright.
She tucks herself closer against my back, peering at the screen from over my chair.
Looking at my work that was still open and I look at her.
Look at the way her lips curve up and part, see the way her eyes drift over my work slowly. And watch as she turns her eyes back to me.
Eyes brighter and shining with something hidden, something more in them. Fierce love and pride pouring out of the way she looks at me.
"Forever's a long time~ you'd age if you waited that long. But you look the same." She muses, fingers light as they trail over my face. My eyes flutter at the delicate touches, leaning into her touch as she traces the slope of my nose, traces over my cheeks, my shut eyelids, press a kiss to her fingertips when they brush across my lips.
"That's part of my charm. I didn't age despite waiting forever for you." I breathe, eyes opening to see strong emotion swim in her eyes, leaning down to press the lightest touch of her lips to mine.
"No need to wait forever. It already feels like I've waited that long to find you Tae. Now let me reclaim all those centuries. Let me make up for lost time." She murmurs. Words a soft whisper, a gentle lilt to them. Eyes full of promise and meaning.
"Please do. Take me back in time." I murmur.
My eyes are wide as (Y/N) tugs me along, hand laced together with mine, expression giddy and just as exuberant as she leads me through towards the dressing rooms. My eyes drift over every detail, marvelling at how each exterior captures the essence of the time period, how there's endless racks of clothes bursting out. Rich jewel tones, muted colours, bold patterns and cuts, a veritable treasure chest that was just begging, enticing for us to dive in, to lose ourselves in the history that they spoke of.
It was a hidden gem she'd found near the outskirts of Seoul, had driven me through the bustle of the city to reach a seemingly nondescript building. But the way her eyes had shone with secrecy and promise as she'd led me inside had anticipation mounting inside me, bubbling away.
Because the interior was a sensational mix of history, it was stepping through to a world where beyond the doors, the outside world ceased to exist. It was stepping into a different time and each hallway and corridor brought the feeling of travelling through time, the decoration and interior design all carefully chosen to match a certain era.
"(Y/N)'s stunning." I breath, letting her tug me down a hallway, her head turns to face me, smiling at me over her shoulder.
"Tae pick three periods of history." She says, stopping at a reception desk.
My fingers drum onto the counter, thrown off by her question and trying to sort through countless phases, countless eras that called to me, appealed to me.
She notices the bewilderment in my eyes, notices the way I look torn and smiles, leaning in a bit.
"Pick three you really want. We'll be dressing up in clothes from those eras." She says.
Dressing up? My mind flashes with memories of seeing the racks stuffed full of countless fabrics and styles, lingering on styles that had popped out, had called alluringly. It'd been a brief longing in passing, a wish to try them on and to see (Y/N) dressed similarly.
But she was making it a reality. She was making it come true.
"I noticed you like historical fashion, it's one of the first things I noticed about you. And you also like I booked us a private day session to dress up and get our photos taken." She adds.
Looking almost nervously at me, wondering whether she'd misread my enthusiasm. Wondering whether I liked it or not.
But I was...blown away. Breathless at the thought she'd put into this date. I didn't know what I'd been expecting but she'd wiped my mind, had left me reeling. It also made warmth pool in my body at the thought that she'd been paying just as much attention to me in those first instances when we met. That she hadn't forgotten the way we'd met, hadn't forgotten the details and had given them importance.
What she'd offered with this date was exactly what I'd confided to Namjoon hyung all those months ago, had told him that I was drawn to the cuts and styles she wore, feeling as if she'd stepped out of a gateway, a pocket of time. But also what she was offering was more. Because she was willing to be photographed, willing to step in front of a camera when all those months ago she'd jerked away and flinched at the thought.
It felt as if this was a step she was taking. Towards me and away from whatever had prompted the pain and agony. A step towards the present, towards the future and away from the past that still clung to her.
But for a brief moment I wondered whether this was something I'd heard Yoongi hyung and Joonie hyung talk about. Worried that she was using it as an escape. Wondered what was wrong with loving history the way she did, especially if it seemed to make her smile, glow brighter. Couldn't see what they meant by it. It was a passion, a love.
It was something that had brought the two of us close on several occasions. Towards me.
And with that, I shook any remnants of worry from my mind.
This was a date. And she'd chosen it for me.
"Can we do the Roaring 20s? And ooh! Maybe the Regency era and something from the 1800s?" I ask, bouncing on the balls of my feet as I look at her.
See the way she smiles, nodding eagerly. I saw nothing but excitement in her eyes.
But gives me the gentle nudge forward towards the receptionist, choosing to subtly shift behind me, silent as her fingers fiddle with my sleeve.
She talked but there was still this hesitance around strangers, around someone she didn't know, someone she wasn't comfortable with. My hand reached back to squeeze her waist as I signed the form, filling in the preferred eras and smiling at the man.
Following the lead of a woman, after a short wait, as she led us to a large private dressing room, split off into two.
"We'll do the Roaring 20s first. (Y/N) already called in before and informed us of your sizes so we've been preparing for any eventuality. There should be clothes that fit the both of you. The door on the other side will lead you to the photography studio." The woman informs, gesturing to the doors as her head dips into a polite bow before stepping away.
I blink at her retreating figure.
"You didn't know what I'd you had clothes prepared for every era?" I asked, lost and fumbling.
She gives a small smile, shrugging her shoulders.
"Maybe....or maybe I knew what sort of styles you'd be drawn to. The Roaring 20s I was very sure of...the era of sharp suits, flapper girls and jazz? Sounds like a certain man's likes." She says before stepping away, giving me a small nudge towards the door.
"I'll see you on the other side Jay Gatsby~" she teases, twisting the handle to enter, door shutting behind her.
Leaving me to stare at the ornate doors.
And promptly rush through my own a few moments later.
Fingers deftly undoing buttons and hurrying to strip out of my clothes, eyes drawn to the suits and wondering which one would look best, which one would match (Y/N). Drawing on the suit jacket, fixing the shirt and waistcoat, smiling as I reach for a cane, twirling it around before setting it down.
It was a slight fumble to get my hair to set, to remain slicked back and straight, pushed away from my forehead, wondering whether or not it was fine.
Brows furrowed as I fiddle for the small details, straightening the tie, smoothing out the waistcoat, securing a belt around my waist.
And when I finally deem myself ready, finally think it's complete, I step through on the other end, walking carefully through to the studio with the glitzy glamorous label for the 20s, eyes drifting to the ground to check for a final time that the shoes match the cream-coloured trousers.
And here an impressed, sweet lilting voice.
"Won't you turn your eyes on me too Tae? After I dressed all pretty for you?" a voice calls.
My head turns towards it, mouth going dry at the sight of her in a flapper dress, perched on top of a bar table as she looks at me. Hair curled and styled, a jewelled headband circling her head, strings of pearls dripping off her neck and cascading down, the black boa that drapes around her, legs crossed to reveal where the black beaded dress hikes up, revealing the curve of her thighs.
Dark lips parting in an enticing call as she wriggles on the bar top, reaches out for a champagne glass and holds it up towards me in a toasting motion.
"Aren't you a fine man to look at?" she calls, eyes flashing as they trail over me.
My posture straightens as I walk forward, feeling that dizzying rush of exhilaration at the lazy unhurried examination of her eyes drifting over my body.
Disappointment making my lips curl into a frown when a photographer stops me, gesturing to a fine, luxurious set, a decanter perched on a tray.
"We'll photograph you here. Both of you are on opposite ends. But your eyes are on the bar, on the woman waiting for you there." The woman instructs, smiling when I groan, hand brushing over the slicked back hair as I stare at (Y/N), longing curling around my gut.
And the photographer seems pleased, flitting in and out silently as they take photos, instructing us for to remain how we are.
And (Y/N) thrives in it, finger tracing the rim of the glass, leaning back on the bar top, legs uncrossing, parting slightly in invitation. Head cocked as she stares at me. It doesn't feel like she's playing the part of someone trying to tease and allure. She's doing it. And it feels like hell waiting, holding back and only being able to stare, only being able to look at her, fingers curled around a crystal tumbler glass, glaring down at the amber liquid.
The photographer is barely saying they're done when my feet are rushing forward, a relieved groan slipping past my lips as I rush to her, her teasing lessening as she laughs, delighted and wrapping her black heeled feet around my trousers, fingers toying with the strands.
"This is a dangerous look on you. You looked like you were going to snap the cane." She muses.
I lean in towards her, smiling when she leans back, blinking at me as her hands brace her on the counter, boa slipping down to reveal the curve of her shoulder, the teasing glimpse of curved hugged by black glittering fabric.
"It felt like it. I hated having to stand there only watching." I mumble, brushing my lips across her collarbone, nosing along her skin, breathing in the light floral tone of whatever she'd rubbed into her skin, a subtle sparkle to it.
"Well~ it's a shame because we have to move to the next rooms." She breathes lightly, legs unfolding from around me. My hands go to her waist, drawing her close to the edge before lifting her off, setting her down onto the floor.
Her hands slide up my jacketed arms.
Gives a small squeeze before she's slipping away from me, sliding out from between the counter and my body as she walks away. The sway of her hips beckoning as she walks away, draws the boa off carefully as she walks, revealing the low back to the dress.
And with a pleading glance upwards, praying for my sanity and composure, I follow after her. Follow her as we walk down long winding hallways towards the older historical periods.
Shooting her a glance as we reach ornate, baroque style of doors. Heavily embellished and decorative doors with two handles to pull outwards.
"I'll see you on the other side Tae?" she asks, head tilted as she smiles at me.
I nod eagerly.
Moving to step in first. This time I wasn't going to be the last one out. This time I wanted to see her walk out. Wanted to see her walk towards me.
And I got that wish. Got the satisfaction of waiting on a chaise when (Y/N) stepped out, adorned in a cream lace dress, something so beautiful and sweetly appealing about the loose sleeves, flowy skirt and fitted waist. Something so devastatingly stunning about the way lace clutched at her throat, hair pulled away from her face, swept up in a low bun, pearls beading in her hair.
And as she grew closer I realised it wasn't the clothes, it wasn't the way they fit her body, clung to her as if they were made for her, as if they were designed to suit her but rather it was her. It was her beauty pouring out, this natural fluidity as she walked with ease in the long draping skirt of the dress, the way her hands smoothened the satin bow around her waist and leant forwards to peer at me.
"Your cravat is a bit rumpled. Let me." she says.
Fingers undoing the silk to carefully fix it, an elaborate knot that settles against the side of my throat. Her eyes drift to the unbuttoned shirt, blinking at the sight of skin peeping through, where she needed to tug the fabric over.
"Come on darling....we've got a shoot waiting." I whisper back.
Lips curved wide.
Two could play at a game.
And this time the ball was in my court.
My hands brush over the satin band around her waist, tugging her closer.
"Done?" I ask.
Her hands retreat, body still curved over mine as I peer up at her.
"Done." She whispers. The word slightly wavery.
Blinking and fingers brushing her cheek when she moves away, at the pink tint appearing on them. Eyes sliding away from mine.
And that's how her gaze stays even as we're instructed and guided into our pose. Cheeks pink and a demure expression as I sit up, her body leaning against mine but her gaze steadfastly away from mine. Curved towards the camera and blinking with fluttering lashes even as her fingers curl into my jacket. Legs pressed to mine, hidden away by the loose layer of fabric.
"Is someone a bit bashful?" I tease, leaning closer to brush my lips across her ear, feeling her fingers tighten in my jacket.
"No..." she mumbles back.
My finger brushes across the pearl beading.
Try to turn her chin towards me, so utterly focused on her that the sound of the photographer melts away.
"Then why can't you look at me? Do I not look nice? All suited up for you?" I ask.
Her teeth sink into her bottom lip.
"You look very nice. I never quite realised breeches could be this attractive...and this distracting." She mumbles.
My head falls back onto the cushion with a small, muffled groan.
"Now don't say things like that!" I say in a hushed whisper.
Her fingers loosen around my jacket.
"Shouldn't have worn the most fitted outfit then. And those boots too!" she complains, eyes still not meeting mine, lowering them as the photographer instructs, even as my hand curves around her back to draw her close.
My lips quirk but I focus for the final shots, body bracketed by hers.
A picture of being caught out, of the enticing lady tugged close by the gentleman. Of a lacklustre attempt to escape.
And when the photographer steps away, there's something almost apologetic in their eyes. As if they know and can sense the tension brewing. Can sense how close we are, at this deep intimacy and how the poses represent a leaning away, curving away from each other, shying away from that tug.
"There were some sensational shots. They'll look beautiful printed out." The photographer says a smile on her lips when (Y/N) tugs herself away and hurriedly stands. Moving away from the chaise with an incoherent mumble.
I stretch out, getting to my feet to rush after her.
Catching her hand before she leaves the studio and stepping into stride with her.
"Is it so bad (Y/N)?" I ask.
She shoots me a glance from the side.
Eyes narrowed and knowing.
"You know exactly what you're doing." She says.
My eyes drift to her nude lips.
"Do I? Do you know what you're doing?" I ask, voice low as we walk towards the final dressing.
She's silent, face contemplative as she turns to face me before the final set of doors.
"What is it that I'm doing?" she asks. Plaintive and intrigued.
I huff, tugging her close.
Unable to resist any longer as I pressed my lips to hers quickly, head curved towards her.
"Unravelling me."
(Y/N) POV:
I step through to the final dressing room. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Maybe renting out private dressing for me and Tae had been me digging my own grave.
But how was I to have foretold that he'd suit every style? That he'd look like he'd stepped into the past.
How was I to know that when I adorned clothes that I was accustomed to...clothes I would've once worn myself, that it would be just as easy for Tae to reach out to the past, to step through and stand by my side.
How was I to know that seeing him in clothes that reminded me of times gone would stir an aching longing for him, a yearning wish that if he'd been there in my past maybe it wouldn't have been bleak, it wouldn't have been so trying.
And it seemed like it didn't matter whether or not the clothes covered my body, I still felt his gaze burning a hole through them, trailing across my skin as if it was laid bare to him. There was just something so intoxicating and consuming about his gaze, something so demanding and powerful about it.
There was this tug that urged me to get closer, there was pure need and heat in his eyes when they'd trailed over the side of my face on the chaise and hunger when he'd stepped out, all suited up and dark slick hair, gaze making my skin prickle.
I lean against the wood, taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself down, long deep gulps of air, trying to calm the racing of my heart, trying to calm the way my body yearned and ached.
The way it wanted nothing more than closeness, felt a twist in my gut, at the walls dividing us.
I'd been ecstatic when I'd arrived, thrilled at the thought of taking photos with Tae, giddy to share this with him, with immortalising these precious memories together. There wasn't that hesitance anymore, not when I knew this stage in my service to be the most beautiful moment in life, not when I knew this lifetime was the only one that mattered to me now, overriding everything else I'd gone through.
I'd been thrilled.
And now I wanted to get out of here, not sure if I could survive the final fitting, the final tormenting process of getting our photos taken. Not sure if I could stand being so close yet feel achingly far.
My fingers fumbled with the endless row of buttons, picking up the lacing hook to undo them quicker, undoing the satin around my waist and allowing the fabric to pool at my feet as I stepped out of it, bending down to pick it up.
Final costume. Final costume and we'd be done.
My eyes searched the rich, wide variety, eyes trailing over the countless costumes.
Even if it was a torment, I wanted to make the final pictures count. Wanted to make them worthy of being captured through a camera.
Wanted to blow Tae away.
Eyes drawn to a fitted corset piece, I remembered the breathless feeling that came with being laced up into them, remembered how much they stuck to skin as if it belonged there. Remembered hands sliding along the curve of my waist, hand flat against the corset and drawing me close. Remembered an endless stream of memories. Remembered them and just as easily let them leave me as well.
I drew on a pair of silky drawers, tugging them across my thighs, sitting above my own pair of underwear. Hands dithering over beautiful, embroidered chemises before it came to rest, drawing it over my bare torso, turning to face myself in the mirror. My hands reach for the corset, drawing it around me, beginning to lace it up, tugging at it to tighten around me.
I manage to get the bottom half of the corset laced, tugging it flush against my skin, twisting to face myself in the mirror, trying to see my back properly, trying to reach back to tighten the corset properly.
A huff of frustration escapes my lips when my hands just don't quite reach around to thread the lacing through, unable to finish lacing myself up.
My eyes drift to the door behind me, wondering whether Tae was done. I hadn't thought about approaching the door that connected both dressing rooms yet, hadn't needed to with the ease of slipping into the other clothes.
I'd forgotten just how quite fiddly and bothersome corsets could be.
"Tae...are you finished?" I ask, moving closer towards the door, tentatively knocking at it, one hand clutching the front of the corset to keep it close to my chest.
There's the sound of approaching footsteps, the sharp clacking of shoes moving across the ground before his own comes through on the other end. Soft and low.
"Is something wrong aein?" he asks.
My cheeks warm at the endearment. At the low depth to his voice.
"I need a bit of help." I mumble.
And then the door's being tugged open, I step back and watch as he steps through, once again in fitted clothes of the period, eighteenth century fashion suited him. it all did.
And I tried to fight the way my cheeks burned when he took in my state of undress in comparison, felt my skin pebble under the heat of his eyes that made a shiver dance my spine. And slowly he walked forward, each stride purposeful and unhurried. It makes me walk backwards, bare feet sinking into the carpet and moving back until the low of my back hits the dressing room table, hands falling back to clutch at it.
"I can do that. Turn around sweetheart." He murmurs.
I turn around under his encouragement, see his gaze meet mine in the mirror as I stare back at him and see how his hands, adorned with fitted gloves, slowly tug them off, setting them aside before his hand comes to settle on the low of my back.
Pushes me forward, urging me to lean forward, one hand curled around the wood, the other keeping the corset flush against my chest, to stop it from falling forward, to stop the sheer fabric to pull tight across the swells of my chest. The low of my stomach presses into the table's edge, eyes fluttering when he smiles at me, a lilting, teasing edge to his lips.
His fingers brush across the lacings that had been done up, teasing along the crossing of them, weaved in and out and tight against my back.
"Just a little bit left." He muses, fingers trailing up to settle on the chemise, where the heat of his hand scorches through the thin chemise, flattens across my back and gives a small press, pushing my back forward, moving my body to bend over the dressing room table.
"You play risky games aein. Don't you know a lady never invites a man to her chambers? And that too barely dressed?" he asks, leaning forward.
I force myself to raise my head slightly to meet his eyes in the mirror, feel sparks where his hand rests, watch as his other hand snakes around my front, flush against my stomach and drawing me up, guiding me to be pulled against him.
There's something so primal in the way his eyes capture mine, make it impossible to tear my gaze away, something that makes my body pulse with the way his fully-clothed form brackets my barely dressed one.
His hand slides up my stomach, rests over where my hand clutches the corset and draws it away, tugging it down until it's resting on the wood.
"I want to see you like this." He murmurs, lips pressing to my bare shoulder, lips moving slowly to mark a trail of kisses to my neck, smiling when my head falls against his shoulder.
"Eyes on the mirror aein. I want you to see everything." He whispers.
My eyes move from to focus on the image of us, throat bobbing when his other hand tugs at the lacings at the low of my back, tugging me against him but also loosening them.
"Tae..." I breathe, calling out his name, needing him closer.
"Yes (Y/N)?" voice so composed, so utterly in control as he presses kisses to my throat, tongue flicking out against skin, tugging it with his teeth to suck at it, holding me steady against him. Smiling when it makes my breath hitch at a particularly sharp nip and suck.
"Feels so good." I confess, unable to form any other coherent thought as he holds me, fingers distracting as they continue to tug at the lacing even as he sucks at my neck, loosening the stays, corset growing looser around me.
My hand darts out to catch the front of the corset when it gapes, eyes flying to his face when my gaze drifts away, when he makes a displeased sound.
"You make me feel good jagi. You've been driving me mad. All day you've been making it so hard for me." he murmurs.
Leaning in forward, closing the slight distance by plastering his back against me, hips flush against mine.
And then his hand manages to undo the lacings, corset falling away from my back.
"Hand away aein, I want you out the corset." He says.
My hand lingers against it, teeth worrying my bottom lip, but then it falls away, slipping away as it falls to the dressing table and a hand coaxes my head up, tilting it towards him. Lips sparked with crackling want and fiery pooling need as he kisses me, a bruising pressure of his mouth against mine, tongue roving over where my teeth had sunk into my lip, a harsh tug as his teeth tug it into his mouth, relentless as he kisses me. Tongue sweeping in to brush against my bottom lip before snaking into my mouth, deep quick strokes of his tongue as it roves over the inside, brushing against my tongue. A consuming kiss that makes that heat under my skin grow hotter, makes me tilt into him, body leaning against his knowing it's safe and cradled with the arm that bands around my stomach, draws me closer even as his fingers draw circles onto the chemise, fingertips dragging against it.
His lips move away and my mouth tries to follow, chasing after that enveloping heat of it.
Tae stops, presses his mouth to the nape of my neck as he sweeps my hair forward, nose brushing against skin as he kisses me.
"You're breath-taking jagi." He murmurs. Moving to curve his body over mine, weight pinning me to the dressing table and eyes, lidded and dilated as I meet his eyes, a whimper slipping out when his hand coasts over the top of the chemise, teasing at my breasts through the fabric, deft long fingers toying and playing until I'm shuddering, drawing in lungs of air, chest heaving and the fabric straining around me.
Mouth slots over the nape of my neck as he nips, teeth tugging at skin and pressing a wet open-mouthed kiss on it.
"So sweet." He murmurs.
My fingers clutch desperately at the wood, tight squeezing grip on it and breathing heavy, raising my head to see him watching me. See the flames flickering in his dark eyes.
"Keep your eyes on me can you do that? Just keep looking at me." he asks.
I nod, lips parting and falling open with a silent gasp when without preamble, his hands pinch and tug at my heaving breasts, sliding down to slip under the waist of the silky drawers, brushing against my skin as long fingers delve under my own pair under it, heated fingers cupping me.
But it's hard to keep my eyes on him when his fingers begin to torment, hard to fight the way my eyes clench shut, fluttering when he whispers for me to open them again, voice low and rough.
His eyes remain on me, watch me as he takes me apart, something so obscene and hidden about his breech clad thighs pinning mine, about the way I can see his fingers move under the silky, lacy drawers, not being able to directly see them but see the fabric move, see the way his fingers trail over me, dip and tease and coax out cries as my grip tightens.
His eyes watch as he draws me closer and closer to a dizzying edge, a soaring height that makes my blood pound, so composed and unruffled save for the way his eyes burn and consume, dark as they drink in every expression that flits across my face. I bite down on my bottom lip, teeth clamping down when hot white pleasure blinds my vision, a muffled, strangled moan, head dropping forward even as my gaze remains on his, hair falling forward and curving around the heaving swells of my chest, body going taut when I fall. When I get engulfed in that flood of pleasure and it sears across my body, thrumming with electric sparks, jolts making my body tremble and sag, falling forward towards the table.
But a hand slips out of the drawers cups me back and supports my body, keeps it from falling forward, gentle featherlight kisses to the back of my head, murmured words that I can't quite focus on.
And my eyes are drowning with ecstasy, with pure euphoric pleasure when I meet his. When I groan and push my hips back to his, flush and grounding back.
Hear him groan, hear it slip past his lips.
The first semblance of cracking. Of composure slipping.
There's unadulterated longing in his eyes as he meets my gaze, as his hand brushes at the low of my back, thumb pressing into the grooves at the base of my spine.
"Am I allowed to stay in your chambers my love? Am I allowed to see you fall apart once more?" breath hot at my ear.
Pleading and soft. Sweet and gentle but also crackling with desire.
Liquid ambrosia dripping from his lips, molten honey that made my body thrum, made it long and want.
"Please. Please Tae...." I gasp out.
Feel his hands both go to my hips, squeezing lightly, grounding and affectionate. Feel his hands clamp down on my hips before he's tugging both the drawers and my underwear down, tugging it down to the bottom of my thighs.
His hands are light as they ghost along my back, drifting lower to tug my thighs apart, fabric tight around them, preventing them from moving.
"So good for me jagi." He whispers.
A hushed secret, a softly murmured promise and reassurance. Words that both tenderly ghost along my skin but also come to settle too, a deep rich heady warmth that makes my body sing.
And behind me, he moves to brush a hand up and down my spine, rubbing at the curve of it, taut and watching him.
Watch as his hand goes to undo the lacing of the breeches, to tug the fitted shirt free and hastily moving to tug the fitted trousers down.
Breath shaking when his hand tugs me against him as he rolls his hips forward, a low moan bubbling past his lips as he holds me tugging me back against him even as his body thrusts forward.
And his hands are branding their touch into me, scorching my skin and leaving the imprint of him behind as he draws me back with every thrust, hips snapping forward, a slew of noises spilling past my lips.
Muffled cries for Tae, pushing my hips back to meet his thrust with my own, crying out when his grip tightens and draws me infinitely closer, arms trembling as they try to keep me upright, body buckling when a sharp thrust has a cry tearing out my throat. But my body is drawn back up with Tae's hand even as my arms struggle to push myself back up.
Each thrust and roll of his hips becomes slow, a purposeful movement and his hands continuously drift over my body, a dizzying rush that makes my head spin.
"Are you okay (Y/N)?" voice soft.
Leaning to press kisses to my back, fingers loosening from around me, now light flitting touches as he brushes the pads of his thumbs over me.
I shudder when he stills, pushing myself back, drawn back to him as he holds me, arms snaking around me from behind, cocooning me to him.
"I'm fine...I'm fine Tae." I mumble.
"Sure? Sure you're fine?" he asks, thumbs catching under my ribs, continuing their dizzying track of trailing across my body, having delved under the chemise, rucked it up around my chest.
I push back against him, hand blindly fumbling back for him, pinching his waist and a stuttered gasp of laughter when it causes his hips to jerk.
"Yes...I'm fine. What is it? Fancy swapping places?" I teasingly retort, lungs drawing in air, shaking as I push myself up against him.
And his smile is nothing short of wicked, a sensual promise in the lilt to it as he leans forward.
"Oh far from it. I'm not quite done with you."
And the sharp thrust of his hips into mine that has my hands darting out to steady myself is answer enough.
"I'm not done until I've unravelled you like you unravelled me."
Eyes showing just how much he means to make through on his words. A promise that his body goes to prove.
Lips pepper across the curve of my calf, fingers kneading and rubbing as his hands trail up, gently nudging me back to sink into the dressing room chair.
My fingers sink into curls, a shallow exhale as his head bends over my thighs, pressing gentle kisses to skin, the now damp and used washcloth set aside, drawing a new pair of drawers over me.
"I can't believe you ripped the drawers." He muses.
"I can't believe you were the reason why." I retort, cheeks warm, mind burning with memories of his body pressing down, of my legs parting for him, fabric taut. Legs trembling and trying to move back, the tear that had merged with a deep groan from behind me.
"Reckon we'll get in trouble?" he asks, raising his head , tapping at my legs to raise my hips as he draws the drawers over.
I raise my brows at him.
"Reckon Tae? What I'm more surprised is at the fact you still want photos." I say.
Standing up on wobbly legs and turning around, eyeing him sceptically as I pick up the corset.
"I want to complete this date. And then take you out for dinner after." He says easily, holding his hand out for the corset.
My hand hesitates to hold it out him.
"Will you actually lace me up this time? Or do I need to call for the wardrobe assistant?" I ask.
His hand reaches out to take the corset, carefully drawing it around me, hands light and his hold loose.
Far too loose even as he carefully threads the laces.
My head turns to look at him over my shoulder. Staring incredulously at him.
"Properly! Lace it tighter Tae!" I say. It wasn't going to make a nice photo, that he insisted on, if he wasn't going to lace me up properly.
"But it'll hurt! Everyone knows corsets make it hard to breathe. I don't want that for you." he says bluntly, mussed swollen bottom lip jutting out, looking at me with a concerned frown.
I sigh. Rolling my eyes at him, both fond and exasperated.
"Tae....just tighten it. Trust me when I say a corset won't snap my ribs. This one isn't actually a historical representation...not fully. It's not whalebone for one." I say, trying to reassure him.
But his look turns aghast, staring at it.
"I'm not risking cracking any ribs. No. Choose something else." He retorts.
My hand goes to cup the corset to my torso.
"It won't Tae! Now...are you going to lace me up or do I get the assistant? He's very capable with his hands I'm told." I say, tone taking on a playful lilt.
And there's a sudden yank at the lacings that propel me back.
A growl rumbling out his throat, eyes flashing.
"No need for that. I'll do it." He says shortly.
And my lips widen into a smile. Laughing as I look at him. Pools of tender warmth in my eyes and something soft and sweet in his, sparking with an edge of possessiveness.
"We'll look....I'll look all rumpled in the photos." I protest once he's done, even as my hands move to tug the skirts and petticoats on, even as I draw the dress over my body and smile when he steps up immediately to help fasten it.
He smiles as he kisses my temple, turning me around to run eyes over me. Appreciative and unhurried.
"One of the best ways to see you. It'll capture your best side." He teases, slotting our mouths together in a short, sweet kiss.
My hands curve around his back, tug him closer.
Kiss him back, lips soft and gentle.
But even the slightest pressure makes them ache and throb, reminds me of the fiery consuming passion that had engulfed us, that had drawn us close to each other, unable to bear anything but the closest intimacy, the deepest, most intense sharedness of breath and space.
"If I hadn't been the one to call you in, I'd have suspected you planning this." I murmur, leaning back.
Smiling when his hand reaches over to the table to pick a hair pin, securing my hair away from my face with it.
"A Lord having his way with the undressed lady. How scandalous." He whispers, giggling against my lips for a final peck before he draws me with him, moving to the door to step out.
My cheeks burn when we do step out, at the way the photographer isn't in sight as we move towards the studio and get settled.
Flush when they appear a few minutes later, surprised and eyes averting ours quickly as they rush to get the camera, controlled professionalism when they return with it.
Directing us to the bed, cheeks heating as she tells us to get on, to pose as lovers, to capture that moment right before control snaps, before intimacy.
Head carefully lowered down onto pillows and his body slotting over mine, knee between my thighs over the skirts. Body curving into mine, into my space as he leans down.
Delight as he looks at me.
"There was a bed this entire time. Guess I'll have to get you under me another time." he laments.
I huff as I look at him.
"Don't be so sure I'll give in so soon." I warn.
His eyes sparkle with challenge.
"We'll see fair time I'll sneak into your bed chambers." He croons, playing the part perfectly.
I stifle a smile, fluttering my lashes up at him, hand curling into the buttons to yank him forward, fingers brushing against the skin of his chest.
"Next time I'll make you earn that tumble in the sheets....Lord Kim." I whisper, eyes flickering to his lips.
So lost in each other that as we tease and whisper, the sounds of the camera clicking away melts to the background, fades and the world ceases to exist beyond the drapes of the four-poster bed.
And then the photographer calls through.
"We're done. That's a wrap for today. (Y/N)-ssi, I'll have the photos sent to you." the voice calls before the sound of feet hastening away is heard.
I smile up at Tae.
"We're done." I say, moving to sit up.
And even though he lets me slip out from under him, lets me move away, his words are heated and promising, following behind me.
Words that are so heated and promising but said with the softest of tones.
"We're far from done with you (Y/N). Doubt we ever will be."
And this time it's my heart that twists. Aches with the weight of his words.
With what they mean. And how they promise so much more, promise a forever in them.
And I know, as I turn to hold my hand out towards him, feel it slide into mine and squeeze, that I am far from done with this feeling. Of being lost in them. And of being found by them too.
QUESTION....A worry you had? Has it been resolved?
Mine is....I thought my earbuds got ruined cos they got a bit of soapy suds on them and fell into the tub. BUT!! No need to order another pair...they're working GREAT NOW! Phew!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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