Chapter 91- your imprint left behind
(Y/N) POV:
At some point we drift off, curled up close to each other, vaguely I remembered Minnie gently extracting himself from around me, remembered the damp cool feeling as he cleaned me up with a towel, coordinating my pliant, loose limbs to carefully shift to recline against the bed. I remembered faintly the press of his lips softly to my shoulder as he drew the sheets back over us, the light blankets covering us, the heat of his body curving around me, enveloping me.
And I remembered drifting off to the feeling of his arms wound around me, of my voice trailing off into a mumble as I whispered, 'I love you', as I shifted close and my hand coming to settle on his bare chest, against the steady thud of his heart.
I fell asleep to the feeling of Minnie, of that warmth and protection and safety of being encased in his arms, of his body curved towards mine, legs entangled. But I woke to the feeling of soft lips marking a trail from the base of my spine upwards, lazily marking a path as soft plush warmth pressed again and again to my skin, the feeling of an unhurried tenderness as they trailed up to the nape of my neck.
I turn my head, greeted with the sight of an empty pillow and when my eyes drift lower it's to see him kneeling on the bed, sheets entangled around his waist, body bare for the boxers he'd tugged on. It reminded me of how bare I was under the sheets, fingers curling into them to tug them higher above my waist.
"Morning angel." Minnie murmurs and a shiver races down my spine, body trembling with the dangerous, heady affect of his morning voice. Heavy and rumpled, deep and slipping into a naturally deeper dialect. Two words. But they reverberate against my skin where he'd murmured it, lips parting at the nape of my neck, teeth lightly dragging across skin.
My fingers curl into the sheets.
It was a new feeling of intimacy to wake up still entangled in sheets, in each other. It was thrilling and new and warming in a way I hadn't felt before. It was a tenderness that wound around my heart, sank to the depths of my soul and gently brushed against old hurts, old scars.
"Morning Minnie." I whisper back, voice soft and light. Quieter because this feeling, this sensation of waking up with someone else's body heat warming me, of waking up to this gentle unhurried loving gesture had my heart yearning and aching, had it healing as well as spilling over with emotion.
And then his lips press down, linger for a few moments before he curls back to rest his head near mine, smiling at me with a wide sweet smile and eyes blinking at me, trailing over my face.
"Shower and breakfast? The others are probably be up and about downstairs." He muses, turning to face the ceiling, gaze contemplative and thoughtful.
The thought of stepping out of the room and the others knowing, knowing that we hadn't waited for them to head back, so consumed and engulfed in our feelings, in our longing and yearning for each other made my cheeks burn.
Made them feel hot and flushed and when I sit up, temporarily forgetting that I'm bare, it's the heat- fiery embers in Minnie's eyes as his eyes trail lower that has me grabbing the sheets to curl around me, swatting his arm.
"What? Is there something wrong with appreciating you angel? Turning all shy when you were a tease last night?" he quips, voice teasing and deep, still rough and heady.
It threatens to make those embers spark into flames.
"You're the tease." I retort before moving to slide off the bed, feet sinking into the plush carpet, reaching for his discarded sheer top to wear to head to the bathroom.
Sheets falling away once I've tugged it on, the closest thing I can find to cover me sufficiently as I stand up, begin walking to the door, body still slightly aching, bearing that slight throb, a reminder of the night past.
And when my hand curls around the handle I turn to face Minnie, see him sitting up in bed, sheets pooled low around his waist, face expressing a mixture of surprise and bewilderment, something dark and enticing flashing in his eyes, I cock my head at him. Gesturing to the door.
"Aren't you coming?" I say.
My hand pushes the door open, stumbling out, laughing when he goes from sitting there to suddenly lunging.
Darting away from reach but caught before I get to the bathroom.
Hands sliding around my waist, feeling as if they belonged there, as if they were always meant to be there.
"Minx..." he breathes, lips grazing the shell of my ear.
There's the sound of a door opening, of quiet shifting and rustling that makes me squirm out his hold and rush forward, lips stretched wide when I hear him rush after me, when I find myself caged between the bathroom door and him, the door barely shutting behind us before he's deftly locking it, pinning me there.
And there's sweet sensual playfulness when his hand curls into the sheer black top, tugging it forward and bringing me closer.
"As stunning as you look in my top, you won't be needing it." He promises and then his fingers are drawing it back off, hands gentle and careful for all that they ignite sparks.
And he tugs me to join him under the shower spray, tugs me to join him under the cascade of warm water.
And as a siren water shouldn't feel any different, should feel like the thing that I'm most aware of, most comfortable with. As a siren water is part of that very essence that courses through me, that marks me as different.
And yet it feels as if this water is different, as if this one washes away every bit of dirt and guilt and filth I'd associated myself with. This water feels like it cleanses and soothes rather than confines and traps.
This water that washes over my body and Minnie's, that draws our hands closer with light loving touches and bodies to shift close, comes with a warmth that goes beyond the physical, goes beyond the way our bodies melt.
It's under the water, standing close to Minnie, hands lathering his hair up that I realise, that I truly feel for the first time since my existence became cursed, that water can heal and nurture too.
Despite all my embarrassment about walking in to them, walking in to see either teasing glances or quirked lips, there's an ease that washes over me as Minnie and I rinse off, hands tender and lingering on each other, smiling when he reached for a towel to wrap around me, to dab me dry before reaching one for himself, slung low on his hips.
"I'll get you some clothes." He'd murmured, stepping out of the bathroom in a swirl of steam, head poking out to check before he'd turned, hand held out towards mine and guided me back to his room, had nudged for me to sit on the edge of his bed, clutching at the towel around my body as he rummaged for clothes.
Emerging with a long sleeve baggy t-shirt, soft and large, holding it out towards me, cheeks pink as he turned and moved to another drawer, handing over a pair of boxers.
"I can get another pair actually. So they're not tight on your hips." he mumbles, eyes drifting to me, as if he could see my body through the towel, brows furrowed before he withdraws it, rushing around to search for another pair.
And once he's hunted down clothes for me, he easily strips away, peeling off the towel to draw on his own clothes, unhurried and unabashed, lips twitching when he saw me freeze on the bed.
"Come on or you'll miss breakfast." Prompting me to start changing, undoing the towel to draw the black boxers over my legs, tugging them up onto my waist and reaching for the shirt. Smiling when I saw the way it fell past mid-thigh, at the way that despite it being Minnie's, he clearly had a preference for soft, oversized clothing too.
Turning to see his gaze soften, flash with both pride and love as he looks at me.
"Perfect." He murmurs.
And it's with his hand laced in mine that he leads me down, leads me out of his bedroom and down the stairs.
And when I step through behind him into the kitchen, I smile at the fact that there's a pair of slippers my size, that they sit there waiting as if I'm a part of this home, a part of this space just as much as they are. That I hadn't been here quite as frequently enough for it to matter, but yet they'd made sure there was a pair waiting for me.
Everyone's scattered around the kitchen, dotted around immersed in their own tasks, their conversations, atmosphere light and bubbly, fizzing with energy and enthusiasm for a new day. And yet it changes, changes so abruptly when Hobi turns, somehow sensing us and his eyes flash, hunger curling around them. Silently but abruptly moving forward, hurrying to us quickly, uncaring of everything else before he's tugging at my wrist, hand curling around the loose sleeve and yanking me to him.
Lips fierce and heated as they collide with mine, unyielding and hungry as his mouth moves over mine, desperate to taste and explore, soft lingering kisses as his lips trace mine, parting my mouth under his when his teeth drag across my bottom lip, tug it into his mouth with a sharp nip that has me groaning, has him swallowing down the sound and swooping in for more, tongue almost lazily flicking against where his teeth had nipped, soothing away the sting but leaving behind a trail of slick heat. Feel my hands scrabble to escape the long sleeves as I clutch at him, fingers curling into his arms as he cradles my face, cups it towards him and angling it so he can deepen the kiss, hot crackling sparks when his tongue swipes back and forth over my lip before delving into my mouth, easily gaining entry. There's something furious and wanting laced in each broad stroke of his tongue, something so urgent and needing as he leans into me, my body tilting close at the magnetic pull he has, guiding me to get closer and closer, mouth parting readily for him, tongue brushing against his.
And then something happens. There's a tiny scampering of feet and joyous, loud yapping barks that has our mouths slipping away from each other, has me peering down to see Tannie, see his fluffy tail wag quickly and his teeth clamp down onto Hobi's trouser leg, see him tug, his small body tilting back as he tries to get him out of the way.
Hobi's gaze follows mine and he huffs, amused as well as put-out.
"Tannie~" Hobi sighs but he only stops tugging at his trouser leg to yap with delight, at his name, tail swishing quicker.
And my attention goes to him, fingers uncurling from around his forearms to coo at him, stepping away to crouch down for him, laughing when he yaps and darts for me, scampering into my open hands, paws resting on them as he stands on his hindlegs.
"Tannie've you been?" I coo, fingers brushing through his fur, giggling when he gets excited, barking louder and pushing himself close, paws slipping and sliding onto my thighs in his haste as he barks, tongue wagging.
"Tae...your baby keeps stealing our girl." Hobi complains from above me, sounding petulant but fond too.
But I'm too busy petting Tannie, hands brushing through his fur, scratching the back of his ears and smiling when he wriggles, trying to clamber onto my lap when he finally succeeds, paws resting on the edge of my thigh, skin touching cool tiling as he scampers onto me.
I draw him into my arms, cradling him as I stand, feeling eyes on me, heavy and hot, but one that particularly stands out, fiery and strong, a burning gaze that scorches my skin, makes it prickle with the intensity of the stare. It makes me lift my head up as I'm standing, locating the gaze and seeing how Tae's eyes trail over me, lingering on my face before they trail down, trail down to the oversized shirt, to my hands holding Tannie, drifting lower and lower.
The pool of want in his eyes as he looks at me, unashamedly and bold, stirs something inside me, at the way his gaze feels like a touch, a phantom touch that trails over my body, seems to sear through the clothes and makes my skin pebble, feel his eyes like a burning touch over my thighs and down my calves.
It's exciting and thrilling to have the weight of his gaze settle on me, the way that despite everyone else in the kitchen, his eyes are solely for me, are unwilling to turn away. And then the second thing happens.
Two hands snake around my waist and firmly yank, pushing me back to a firm, muscled torso, hands assured and familiar on my body as Minnie tugged me into him and draped his body over mine, head hooked over my shoulder as he peers at everyone else, looks into the kitchen.
Seeming perfectly content to keep me tugged to him as we stand near the entrance.
Sees just as well as I do as the others turn to face us, see the way their easy expressions slip, faltering. See the way want and pure unadulterated flickers and comes to settle in their stares, just as confident and assured, no pair of eyes that stray away or leave the sight, drifting over Minnie's hands over me, taking in the clothes or lack of.
And see the understanding and knowledge settle on them. See how Jin who'd been helping Kookie at the stove turns as he sees the silence and just stops.
Blinks several times at me, a slow fluttering of his lashes as he stares. Ignoring the way Kookie calls for him, nudging him with a hip, eyes fixated on me. See the way Kookie's head snaps up, clearly to poke at him for being so distracted when he peers over his shoulder.
Eyes a slow trail across my body before his lips quirk, see that same familiar look of challenge and competitiveness in them.
"Hmm~ you look nice. But I'd bet you'd look nicer in my clothes." He remarks easily. As if his words don't hold sensual promise, as if he wasn't issuing a challenge not only to me but to Minnie who's arms tightened around me.
But his voice is breezy and light as he speaks.
"Sleep well? I did." He answers, voice dipping deeper as he nudges me to begin walking, still with his arms wrapped around me as I walk, Tannie wriggles in my arms, scrabbling to get closer and yapping in excitement when he noses at my throat, paws stretching up.
It makes Yoongi turn from where he and Namjoon were talking, knees brushing and hands curled around their mugs. See the way Namjoon's gaze freezes, stilling, fingers that had been tapping against the cup pausing and dimpled smile stilting. See the way his throat bobs as he swallows heavily, a brief scan before his eyes focus on mine, smile slightly strained as he takes me in.
Yoongi on the other hand is almost impassive. Eyes expressive but face neutrally blank, words shattering through the thin façade when he speaks.
"I never got to see your costume in close detail. I was hoping to see it, it reminded me of the one the original recorded dancer wore.", eyes filled with regret and a pang of longing.
But there's a slow unhurriedness as he takes in the shirt instead, head tilted as he takes in the way it drapes over me, at the way my sleeves are in the way of properly petting Tannie, a flash of gums as he observes.
His voice is light, deceptively calm and even despite the way the warm depth of it makes my heart leap, silently watching, silently examining.
"You can still see it, I took good care of it." Minnie remarks.
I carefully cradle Tannie with one hand, swatting him with the other as my cheeks warm.
"Stop that." I whisper, wriggling out his hold, ducking away with a smile when I see the look of petulance settle on his face. And move to sit down, feel Tae's hand large and heavy squeeze my waist as I sit down beside him, Tannie scampering more freely on my lap and barking as his tail wags, looking up at Tae with something that can only be described as satisfied.
See Tae's face flash with fondness and amusement as he leans to scratch behind his ears, watching as Tannie's tail swishes more quickly.
"Jinnie do you need any help?" I call. Watch as he turns from where he'd been helping Kookie, it seemed more distracting and handsy, than anything as he stood at the stove. It was from here that I could see how the apron cinched in at Kookie's waist, at the way it dipped in, a contradiction of broad and slender and body curved in.
His lips part as he smiles, shaking his head easily.
"Sit there for me flower. That's all." Waving off any help, Hobi making drinks, hands moving with fluid ease as he reaches for cannisters and the kettle. Knowing just how much milk one of them favoured, how much sugar went into each.
That was an intimacy that perfected and honed with time, that came with closeness of living together, of sharing the same space but also of knowing each other well. Knowing each other as well as they knew themselves.
So it's a sweet surprise when Hobi sets down a drink perfect to my taste, eyes warm and softening when he sees my lips curve up.
"Figured there's no going wrong with hot chocolate. Not when Tae keeps bragging it's your thing." He remarks with a fond glance to Tae, who'd set Tannie onto his lap and was beaming even as he started forking up food.
"Thank you Seokie~" I say, hands curling around it, smiling when Minnie not so subtly shifts closer, thigh pressing against mine, body tilting close almost automatically. A constant line of heat against my side, fingers brushing mine often, foot curling to hook around my ankle to keep me close as we eat.
And breakfast passes by without much incident, with light chatter and gazes that flicker, that turn into something more. Something silent and heavy and unspoken of but there all the same.
Something that stays when from breakfast we move to the living room, the lightness vanishing when me walking towards Hobi's outstretched arms abruptly changes course, my body spun towards a vacant couch, falling onto the soft cushioning and body pinned all of a sudden. Falling to sink against the cushion with the same body from last night pinning me, flashes of heated memories of his teasing, wicked mouth.
Saw his eyes flash with tease and purpose and silent meaning before he was carefully draping himself over me, a knee worming between my thighs, to settle himself against me. It was slightly startling and flustering just how easily my thighs unconsciously parted to give him space, body responding to his even if I felt heat curl around my abdomen at the weight of eyes on us this time.
I feel electric want seep into my veins, a mixture of foreignness at feeling Minnie's gaze train on me, focused and intent and feel the air crackle with charged emotions, felt them seem to make it thicker, clinging to my skin.
My breath hitches with surprise when his hand slides up my calm to cup the back of my leg, drawing it around him, silently hooking my legs around his waist, where they lock together automatically, cradling him close and tugging him down.
Shiver when his hand goes to slide higher, past my calf to the side of my thigh, fingers pushing fabric up as his hand goes to settle on the curve of my waist, fingers teasing and dancing over skin.
"Jimin-ah..." a deep, slightly hoarse voice calls.
He turns his head, expression coy as he bats his lashes, lips curving into a pleased lilt.
"Something the matter?" he asks to the room at large, not stopping in his lazy petting as he rubs circles into my skin, other hand sliding between my thighs to tug them wider, eyes distracted by the sight.
There's a sudden sharp intake of breath and a hand comes to swat the back of his head.
"Jimin-ah, she's purpling. Not red, not blue, purpling." Jinnie says from behind him, peering over his shoulder with a look of concern and incredulity, eyes flashing as he looks at the way Jiminie above me, slotted in the space between me preens, a lazy smirk tugging at those sinful lips.
"I may have gotten a bit carried away." he admits.
Jin sucks in a large breath, eyes flickering and darkening as they follow where Minnie's fingers trail over the marks, over the many marks he'd left behind.
Eyes trailing back to meet my gaze, silently asking if it's too much, if I want out. Something so intrinsically him, warm and safe, gentle and caring even if it's clear he's affected by the sight.
His hand that had been rubbing circles onto my hip, rubbing up and down my waist rucks the shirt up more, drawing attention from the others.
My head turns to the side and goes to be captured by other gazes.
See the way recognition curls in Yoongi's eyes, a small smile on his lips as he catches sight of the black boxers I'm wearing.
But still he asks. Makes certain.
"Are they one of mine?" he asks with a tilt.
I squirm, seeing the way his eyes take in the gesture, the way it makes his eyes narrow and darken, focusing on the sight.
And then beside him I see Tae's tongue swipe over his lips, head falling back as he lets out a guttural groan, large hand sliding over his eyes, down his face as he shoots a look in our direction.
At Minnie I realise.
"You left fingerprints behind." He groans out, voice low and dripping with molten desire, heady and intoxicating.
Dangerously beckoning.
His words rouse the other's attention, makes their eyes burn.
Making my skin scorch.
"Did I?" he muses, fingers tracing over my waist, low on my hip, my eyes falling to the sight of his fingers featherlight tracing the darkening marks, so apparently his fingers, his touch left behind. Imprinted onto skin with a deep claim I'd feel every time I saw the splotches of colour, every time my fingers brushed over them.
And then it's with a wicked primal gleam in his eyes that his fingers mercilessly press down, slotting to fit the fingerprints he left behind.
Makes my body respond with the way his fingers draw memories of a heated body on mine, of this dizzying feeling of being complete, of being merged as his body moved with mine, in mine.
And when my head falls back with a bitten back moan, I feel his fingers burn against those marks, the conscious awareness of their eyes on me falling away.
And I peer at him through lowered lashes, blinking at him and the way he's so sly, so thrilled at coaxing out the reaction.
And even with heady desire coursing through my body, a bolt of mischief pulses through it. And my own hands are tugging at his top, legs tightening around him as I ruck his shirt up, push his loose trousers down.
"If you're so intent on sharing last night Minnie, why don't you show my marks too?" I ask, voice breathy and eyes filled with teasing challenge, legs falling away to reveal the marks I'd left low on his hip, had left across his abdomen.
And when I twist to get free his hands tighten, try to keep me there.
But my legs wind around his calves, messily entangled to tug him down relentlessly, drawing him closer to settle between my legs before I'm twisting to straddle him, to push him down into the couch instead, the momentum taking him surprise as he falls back, propped up by his arms.
"And why don't you say that you loved being under me too?" I tease, finger trailing down to his waistband, before poking his stomach, twisting away from him.
Laughing with delight when I duck behind Jin, peer at him with flashing eyes.
Two could play at that game.
And from behind Jin's broad firm frame I found temporary shelter from the hunger, from the gazes. Felt them drift with curiosity and unbridled crackling want as they eye my own marks left behind on him.
Proofs of last night clinging to each other's skin. Lingering behind even when our touches had left each other. Remaining as we'd decorated each other, a canvas for the other to play with, to leave strokes of our love and want behind.
And there might have been simmering flames, low and warm, heated and flickering. But Minnie had been the one to stoke those flames, to make them burn stronger and hotter. Had made them into an inferno.
The matter wasn't whether we'd get burnt, whether we'd get swallowed whole by that heat. That was inevitable.
It was a matter of when.
Mine is...I like hot and cold combos in dessert? cream with crepes or fresh waffles, or hot cookie dough and ice cream...that sort? But then again I have a massive sweet tooth so~
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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