Chapter 78- and joys of the present
The day dawns like always. Sun rising and slowly filtering through the slithers in the curtains. And yet it's different.
Because when I wake the memories of last night seep in, filtering through that sleepy haze. Of (Y/N) curled up asleep in Joon hyung's arms, head resting on his chest and his arms wound around her, face shining with both joy and tenderness as he shushed us, tucking her in close. Of her sleepily protesting about not wanting to wake up, and then the tears, her sleepy face crumpling with distress and hurt as she tried to fold herself away from us and of the seemingly small snippet of her life but one I knew meant so, so much. And I realised that all that sleepy haze had vanished in the instant when Jin hyung as he was waking her had called her poppet, had called Joon hyung as Joonie and triggered a painful aching sorrow. He'd inadvertently reminded her of the people she'd lost, of her family she was no longer able to see.
It made me wonder that she'd probably been dreaming of them, if her pained sleepy eyes were any indication, or the almost subtle hidden way her eyes had darted around the room and her posture had caved slightly. That she wasn't where she was dreaming of.
It had been hard letting her go to bed alone after that. When she'd looked so hurt as the memory clung to her even after she'd relaxed, had stopped crying- each tear kissed away, the soft warmth of her cheeks as she'd slightly relaxed and leaned into the touch. But even so, all seven of us had hovered in the doorway of Yoongi hyung's bedroom, torn between gushing over how she was practically swallowed up by one of my larger sweatshirts, having shyly asked me for some clothes when the others had been debating what to give her to change into and to just close the distance to hug her, hold her, tell her that she didn't need to spend the night alone. But she hadn't asked and we hadn't pushed.
I had noticed that she still seemed slightly lost and vulnerable, that maybe something large and soft would be more comforting to wear and when she'd emerged from the bathroom looking all cuddly and soft and slightly settled I'd known that the decision wasn't wrong.
But even so that hadn't stopped me from restlessly fidgeting and shifting as I'd tried to fall asleep, Yoongi hyung's knowing eyes watching me through sleepy slanted eyelids.
"I know Kook-ah. It just doesn't feel right does it?" he sighs, forgoing the pretence of trying to sleep and abruptly pushing the blankets away and sitting upright.
"Want to check up on her with me?" he asks, already swinging his legs out to slide his feet into house slippers, moving to the door as I scramble out eagerly.
But we'd come to a standstill in front of the door.
Wondering whether or not to knock. If we did and she was asleep then we'd be distracting her, if we didn't and she was awake then we were intruding.
Yoongi hyung sighs, looking equally torn, before he raps his knuckles gently against the wood of the door, the sound so quiet in the dimly lit hallway that it makes me shake my head.
"She's not gonna hear that, even I barely heard that!" I exclaim when the sight of the door swinging open inwards has me startling and turning to face (Y/N), somehow not expecting her to have answered so quick.
But then a frown appears on my face when I see how wide awake she looks, the sleepy vestiges from earlier vanished as she peers at the two of us.
"(Y/N) you're not asleep." I state, taking in the way she gives a small nod, hands lost in the fabric of the sweater's sleeves.
"Not tired or couldn't sleep?" Yoongi hyung asks softly.
"Couldn't sleep." She confesses.
"You're not used to the different space." I realise aloud and her wry look is answer enough.
"Do you want us to stay with you until you fall asleep? I can get you some warm milk..." Yoongi hyung starts, face open with concern and tenderness.
"Stay please." She murmurs.
She clenches the door handle with sweater clad hands, looking silently between the two of us before she shifts the door open a bit wider, a silent invitation. To come in.
And when the door shuts softly behind us, it suddenly feels warmer, feels different and yet the same, as if she just slots into this, into being in the same bedroom as us.
And when Yoongi hyung happily makes his way to his bed, he makes a beckoning gesture with wide open arms for the two of us, signalling for us to get in.
I gently push (Y/N) towards the bed before me, smiling when she slides under the sheets and nestles close to Yoongi hyung's side and turning to pat the space beside her.
I immediately dive in and sidle close, lips curving up at the way she pushes her hand free from the fabric of my sweater to grip lightly at my top, keeping me close.
"Why don't you lie down? The two of us will stay with you until you sleep." Yoongi hyung murmurs, watching with a tender look when she nods, shuffling so she's lying down and even as she does so, the grip on my shirt doesn't loosen.
"Want me to lie down too?" I ask, peering down at her.
A small nod, slightly shy.
And I waste no time in burrowing under the blankets with her, shivering exaggeratedly and burrowing close.
She laughs but her eyes are fond and gentle as she slightly shuffles closer too.
"Won't you lie down Yoongi? This is your bed." She remarks.
He studies her silently for a few moments before he nods, slowly edging down so he's lying on her other side.
"Want me to tell you about the new music I think you'll like? I've also been keeping my ears open for good music for your competitions." He says with enthusiasm.
"I'd like that Yoongi." She says, twisting to face him, to lie on her side so she can look at him as he speaks, his body curved towards her, but her hand reaches behind to tug me close with a silent tugging motion with the fabric she's holding and when I curve my arm to wrap around her waist, she relaxes, sinking into the bed and smiling.
And before Yoongi hyung is finished talking about the music pieces for our competition, barely making a start really, her eyes have already fluttered shut, lashes curling against the high of her cheek and breathing deeply.
"She fell asleep hyung." I murmur.
He nods.
"She just needed to feel comfortable enough to drop off to sleep. Poor love was exhausted." He says, hand brushing over her cheek, leaning close to press a soft kiss to her cheek and then holding out his hand out for me to nestle my face against, thumb brushing over the high of my cheek.
"Go to sleep Kook-ah. Somehow I think she won't mind if we stay the night. Somehow I feel like she needs to be with someone tonight." He says.
And his hand falls away, resting lightly over (Y/N)'s and my waist, a band of warmth that protects us, that keeps us close.
And like that the two of us also fell asleep.
But awaking had been a completely different experience.
Because I hadn't woken up with the soft warmth of (Y/N) still curled under my arm or to Yoongi hyung on the other side. In fact, I'd woken to both of them gone and the sheets rumpled and empty.
And I sigh as my hand stretches over the distance where the two had lain, sheets cold.
They'd been gone for some time then.
And get out of bed, wondering who else was awake and where the two had gone.
The kitchen it turns out. And only Jin hyung is the other person awake, looking far too smug as he stands in the space between (Y/N)'s legs, peering up at her as she sits on the kitchen counter. Behind them Yoongi hyung still looks a bit drowsy as he sits at the kitchen island, though for all that his posture is loose and relaxed, his eyes are awake and alert as he takes in the two of them, edges of his lips quirked up.
"Aren't you just the sweetest to wake up to?" I hear Jin hyung murmur in a low voice as I step through, watching as he doesn't wait for an answer, stealing a kiss from her lips when they part.
But he quickly deepens it, tilting his mouth up to hers and his hands moving off the counter to snake around her waist and to draw her close, her hands curling into his shirt and leaning into him, the small soft sounds of their sighs, of the way he groans in approval at the taste of her, one hand sliding away from around her to grip the back of her head, to gently guide her down to his awaiting mouth.
And suddenly Yoongi hyung seems much wider awake.
I move in closer to the two of them, able to see the way (Y/N)'s eyes have fluttered shut and her hand slides into his hair, playing with the silky strands at the back of his head, posture loose and sinking into him.
I watch as their mouths move slowly against each other, how she lets out a shaky exhale that has him smiling against her mouth, has his eyes roving over her face.
And it's almost unwillingly that he turns the kiss to a series of small pecks as he draws his lips away, eyes flashing with pleasure and desire as he sees the way her lips are slick with saliva and how she seems to lean to chase after him before she leans back smiling, hand still lightly playing with his hair and the other moving to wrap her fingers in the apron tie around his neck.
"Hyung you play dirty. Stealing her away when everyone's sleep." I comment wryly as I finally move to their side, leaning against the counter, my arm brushing against the side of her leg as I stare at Jin hyung.
He grins unabashedly.
"A desperate man is driven to desperate measures such as theft." He says, leaning over to press a kiss to my lips. And with a teasing swipe of his tongue against my lips moves away before I can let my mouth fall open.
I huff as he laughs, head thrown back, (Y/N)'s hands falling away to hold the edge of the counter.
"Breakfast." He says as he leans away.
"Looks like you've already started though." Yoongi hyung remarks from the kitchen island, on the other side of the long counter and watching with amused flickering dark eyes, voice raspy and deep.
I fight a shiver. Yoongi hyung's morning voice does things to me and when my eyes catch his, there's sensual promise in them, flickering alongside teasing amusement as we hear Jin hyung splutter and move to the fridge.
"You stay right there pretty." Jin hyung calls over his shoulder without turning.
Somehow sensing (Y/N)'s mouth open to offer help and body about to slide off the high counter.
"But I intruded on you all last night. The least I can do is..." she begins.
"You weren't intruding on a space that you belong in. That we want you in. And you don't owe something in return either." Yoongi hyung says, straightening up from his slouched position to peer at her, sees the way her head turns and she silently just looks at him, finding confirmation in his eyes before she nods, head ducking slightly with a slight rosiness to her cheeks.
" did you sleep flower?" Jin hyung asks as he takes out a mixing bowl, cracking eggs into them. From where he stands he can see (Y/N) and gives her a soft look.
She flushes.
And I seize the opportunity.
"Quite well I'd say, don't you agree Yoongi hyung?" I quip.
And seeing Jin hyung's head whip towards the three of us makes me laugh.
"You snooze you lose hyung." Yoongi hyung says with a laugh as he finally drags himself out of the stool to make his way into the kitchen space, to help Jin hyung with breakfast.
And as the two work I seize the vacated space between her legs, gripping lightly at her calves.
"So (Y/N) never told me what styles of dance you've 'dabbled' in." I say as I peer up at her, press myself against the counter and lean towards her.
And though her cheeks are flushed and rosy, her eyes are deep and level and focused as they meet mine.
"Well...which one should I start with?" she asks with a teasing tone.
And I realise just how much I always want to kiss that look off her face.
(Y/N) POV:
I laugh when Jungkookie's face slackens with shock.
"You've casually 'dabbled' in that many dance forms?" he asks, mouth agape.
I nod, laughing when his eyes remain wide and unblinking, peering up at me with a startled frozen look.
"What's wrong with that?" I ask, sensing from the corner of my eyes as the other two turn to look at us, feeling their observing eyes wash over me with a soft gentle warmth.
"I don't get why you'd register as a beginner. I feel like you could wipe the floor with all three of us." he says, voice both incredulous and assured.
"Is that you want? To lose?" I whisper.
And watch as the startled look melts to give way to a flash of competitive ire.
"As if!" he retorts.
" about this? You beat me at DDR and I'll give you a prize. You name it." I say, wanting to see his face scrunch with both elation and that fiery competitive need that rivals my own so strongly.
What comes as a pleasant surprise is the way his lips slowly curve up until he's beaming, grip on my calves squeezing tightly for a moment before it loosens.
"Any prize?" he asks slowly.
I nod.
But regret my casual agreement when his eyes flash with mischief, something dark and heady in his eyes that has butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
"Well then should I claim it now or later?" he muses aloud.
"What do you mean?" I ask, skin feeling warm at the way he runs his eyes slowly over my face.
"I beat your record. I was just waiting for you to go to the arcade and realise yourself." He says triumphantly, a smug grin spreading wide across his face.
I pause.
Half a beat of silence.
"Prove it. What if you're just saying it to get something out of me?" I ask suspiciously, trying to ignore the sinking feeling of realisation that I've quite possibly trapped myself.
Very literally too. Caged in by Jungkook's muscular frame filling the space between my legs.
And when he fishes out his phone from his pocket, tapping away before he turns the screen to me, my heart plummets slightly. Realising I've lost.
That at the top of the leaderboard a very victorious JK shines bright and proud in its first place. My S bumped down to second place.
I sigh, even if my lips twitch at the jubilant expression on his face.
Is losing that bad? If it draws such a sweet expression of giddiness out of him?
No. Suddenly losing isn't too bad.
"What prize do you want then?" I say with a sigh, peering down at him.
His smile turns dangerous, private and intimate and a mixture of heady and enticing.
"A kiss." He says simply, voice a low rough whisper that sends delicious tingles to lick up against my skin.
My brain short-circuits. And my eyes traitorously drop to his lips, drawn to the pinkness of them. To the way that despite how confidently he'd said it, his teeth worry at his bottom lip.
"A kiss." I echo, distantly realising that the slight noise and chatter from further into the kitchen quietens.
And then he's moving himself away, as if fearing rejection and my hand darts out to gently grip his chin, thumb brushing over his lip, freeing it from his teeth. Legs immediately going to wrap lock around his waist to keep him from moving away.
And lean forward to brush our lips together.
Feeling both of us relax once our lips touch, seal against each other.
And he sighs, smiles against my lips before he squeezes at my calves, hands sliding up to grip the low of my thighs as he leans in, angling his head. Slowly kissing me, lingering pecks as he presses our mouth together over and over, tongue slowly flicking out against my lips, teasingly swiping at my bottom lip, at the dip between them. I gasp against his mouth when his teeth scrape against my bottom lip, tugs it between them, tongue brushing against it after he nips, teeth sinking in slightly before he's soothing away the sting. And his tongue brushes past to slide into my mouth, teasing and playful as his tongue brushes lightly against my own and licks into my mouth, brushing through it in deep slow strokes and when it draws out a small whimper out of me, he finally relents, meeting my tongue with his own, mouth hot and claiming and branding as he tilts his head upwards to mine. His hands squeeze at my thighs, the weight of his hands pinning me to the counter and anchoring me to him, the heat of hid fingers seeming to burn through the fabric of my clothes. My hands lift off the counter, legs tightening and around him as his hands slide up to cup my waist.
His lips and tongue slowly explore my mouth, lazily as if we have all the time in the world and it's the sound of a small, muttered curse and a bubble of laughter that has me leaning back, his hot mouth leaving mine, longing for his intimate touch once more but a burst of fondness sparks in my heart when I see his face; see how visibly affected he looks, hazy enthralled eyes, swollen slick lips that have turned into a deeper pink from pressure, and the easy loose tilt to his lips as he peers up at me.
"That was one hell of a prize." He murmurs, leaning forward to peck my lips lightly.
A small bubble of laughter escapes me. Fond and incredulous.
And that minute moment of nerves have completely vanished as he unabashedly leans into my space, grips my waist tightly.
I can't help but notice he doesn't hold me tentatively, carefully. He holds me confidently, assuredly, he holds me like he's claiming me as his, hands certain and sure. It makes my body pulse with desire, makes me want to lean back into him.
"Motivation enough that when I beat you again at DDR, you'll be back to try win again?" I ask, gazing intently at him.
His eyes darken.
"You can bet on it baby." He says, voice low and rough and laced with promise.
And when my eyes drift from his I find that we've gathered an audience. That Jin and Yoongi had paused in making breakfast to gape unashamedly and that they're not the only ones.
Because the curse had come from somewhere towards our side and when I turn my head I see Hobi and Namjoon standing to the side, Hobi's hand a stabilising force around Namjoon's waist, who stares with wide eyes and parted lips and has his body bent, hand frozen near his foot.
"Did you just stub your foot hyung?" Jungkookie asks with a tone of amusement.
And his flustered look speaks for him.
He did.
It's as if the room has frozen, still feeling the weight of their dark heady gazes on me, Hobi's eyes drifting over every inch of my face and lingering on my lips.
And just as Jimin and Tae walk in he says with a feigned calm voice.
"So my pretty girl, where do I sign up for a prize?"
And I flush. Hiding my face in Jungkook's chest and gripping his shirt to tug him close and burrow my face into it, hearing the fond bright laughter as a beautiful ringing melody to my ears but too content and shy to raise my face and see their expressions, feeling his arms wrap around me as he hooks his head over mine, chin resting lightly against my head.
"I'll keep you safe from the hungry wolves." Jungkookie promises in a loud whisper.
And the loud pealing giggles when he's wrestled away from me by the indignant others makes it worth losing my hiding spot.
And I watch with warm cheeks as the others laugh and attack him, the tight ambience shattering into something lighter and sweeter.
But something equally as intimate for me. Something equally as cherished.
Mine is... there's two actually! One is the amazing support system my darling has been for me, not that she already and always isn't but she's kept me sane through this stressful exam period! So lots of love to my sweetheart Midiiplier ! And the my friends who've been my sanity in what feels like permanent lockdown in London, that despite our plans cancelling because of the highest lockdown restriction we've still remained connected- we had a heart to heart in our groupchat in the middle of the night a few days back and it just made me realise how super lucky I am for them! We talked about raising our future kids together and being aunts to them and touched and soft.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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