Chapter 77- waves from the past
(Y/N) POV:
When I accepted Jin's invitation for dinner I didn't imagine ending up staying so late. Didn't expect that their contagious enthusiasm would make it so much harder to detach myself from arms that tugged me close, that wrapped me up with their warmth. That their easy smiles and bubbling laughter and deep low voices would ensnare me in a web I had no intention of escaping.
And when I did mention that I should leave, that it was getting late and I was disturbing them I'd been on the receiving end of seven huffy, endearingly pouty glares- every single one of them trying to wheedle with their eyes and jutted out lips that made me fall silent, that made me stay a tad bit longer.
And it's in the middle of a game tournament- that I'd been explicably 'banned' from under Jungkook's huffy pleading silent eyes that I smile and wave off the invitations, finding myself tugged to the sight of Namjoon curled up on the couch reading an inviting warming image. He's tucked away on one of the couches away from all the din the boys are making as they yell and play and make jibes at each other
I pad close, slightly uncertain whether he'd mind company but he seems to sense my presence because his eyes stray from the pages to peer up at me, face softening as he gives a dimpled smile and moves the book aside. An invitation to approach and when I do, moving to sit beside him I'm pleasantly surprised when instead his hands go to my waist and still me from moving further and draw me back to sit on his lap, arms winding around my torso to secure me against him, sitting sideways as he peers up at me with a soft smile, the soft shadows and lights from the screen casting a glow on his face in the dimmed room.
"I have something to confess." He says wryly, voice slightly shy and eyes brimming with emotion and flickering with endearing bashfulness.
I lean in closer slightly, as if to block the sight of the others from his eyes, to reassure him that whatever he has to say is between the two of us.
"You can tell me." I say softly.
His eyes slowly trail over me, eyes searching and yet gentle- something deep and knowing in the soft brown of them.
"I've wanted to read with you on my lap for a long time." he murmurs, lips quirking when his sweet confession has my eyes slightly widening with surprise and lips unconsciously stretching into a smile.
I shift to a get a bit more secure on his lap, bringing myself to nestle close to him before picking up the book he'd been reading to hand it to him.
"Then do it." I say, not expecting the soft kiss he presses to my cheek in thanks before drawing his arms around me, an arm snaking around my back- between the couch and me, and the other over my stomach, tightly anchoring me to him as he opens the book, as he finds his line.
But before he reads his eyes dart up towards me.
"Want to read? It's a historical fiction." He says and at my eager nod, begins to narrate what the past few pages have been about.
"Want me to read or you want to read yourself?" he asks.
And though I don't tend to like having stories read to me, there's a certain charm and power in certain people's voices that you could go on forever just listening to them, that they could be saying the most boring things but because of their voice you find yourself lost and entrapped. And because Namjoon's voice is liquid warmth, rich tones of the sweet depth in his words. Because I'd be mental to pass the chance up to hear any single one of them to keep talking, because it was the way that they'd effortlessly communicated with me when I wouldn't speak, when I couldn't that has me nodding eagerly. Because their voices have always been a source of such deep comfort, always brushing against my sore wounded soul and trying to heal, balms that helped soothe and calm.
"You please." I say quietly, rewarded with the honeyed warmth of his dimpled smile as he gives a sweet nod and leans closer to me, to read out the story, to lure me into the trap that were his words heavy with illusion, weaving pictures and beautifully descriptive scenes in front of my eyes, pulling me to exist in a different time and place.
It reminds me of 'The Little Mermaid' in a historical royal setting, the beautiful silent princess who haunts the halls with her voiceless figure, beckoning and catching the eye of the prince, the faceless figure who's deeds fill the halls more than his presence do. Of two figures shy in their own retrospect whose interactions have sparks of attraction and conflict. A dangerous mix.
And silently I wonder if the writer was inspired by sirens, if the princess is a siren and that's why she doesn't speak, not as much as it is shyness as it is a self-preservation tactic, to save herself from being caught out, from hurting others. Remember that Namjoon had explained she was found at the shore, washed up, the most elaborate ballgown clinging to her drenched form.
It was a painfully familiar image.
And as Namjoon continues to read, his words begin to wash over me, a low indecipherable hum, a deep comforting tone that has me relaxing and leaning against him, that has me curling into his warmth to leech more of it, to get closer to it.
And his large hand that turns the pages becomes a blur, the slender digits blurring with the smooth expanse of the paper- and his warmth becomes an enticing call, drawing me in, gently brushing against my side. And when my head comes to rest against a solid broadness I find my eyes fluttering, consciousness slipping away under the hypnotic deep charm of his words.
And distantly the last coherent thought I have, laced with a sleepy fog is that Namjoon would make a pretty mermaid, a sweet siren if they didn't come with the lethal deadliness associated with them. He'd charm the fishes.
There's a small huff, amused and fond and the feeling of a hand brushing against my untucked arm, warm gentleness before the hold around me tightens, before a weight rests against my head and the feeling of safety and comfort takes me away.
"Noona~" a bright giddy voice chirps as I feel a pair of arms wrap around my legs, around the fitted breeches clinging to me, making me pause from where I'd been braiding my hair and peering at my reflection, eyes drifting down to fondly catch on the figure of my little brother, round rosy cheeks as he looks up at me.
"What's up buttercup?" I say, smiling at the small rhyme that rolls off my tongue, at the way my experimenting with words has stuck and never fails to bring a cute toothy smile out of him.
"Wanna go with you." he mumbles endearingly unlatching from my legs only to make grabby arms as he stretched upwards, revealing a slither of rounded soft tummy and my hands swoop down to pluck him up, fingers darting to tickle at the slither of skin, to poke and watch as he giggles and wriggles in my hold.
"Tickles noona." He says and when I stop he plants a wet smack of lips against my cheeks, smiling against my neck when he rests his head against my shoulder.
"Please noona?" he says, voice soft and wheedling, all thick persuasion in his naturally exuded cuteness.
"Awww my teeny darling, I can't take such a precious thing with me when I go riding. What if you get hurt?" I ask, trying to gently put him off the idea, horse-riding with my little brother wasn't an ideal situation, not with how excitable he was and his habit of tugging just a bit too hard on the mane of horses. I winced in reminder at the last time that had happened, the bruising on my hip that had remained for weeks afterwards, being thrown off as the horse had bucked and thrashed, but the crashing relief that he was okay, safely cocooned in my arms and cradled towards me.
"Noona can kiss it better." he says plaintively, voice wheedling and insistent as he nuzzles close.
"Hyun Joonie baby..." I say softly trying to get him to raise his head but he keeps it insistently there, winding his arms around me and clinging on, much like the drawings father had shown me of the exotic animals over the seas.
"No! I go too." He insists.
And then there's the sound of fond tinkling laughter from behind me, I turn to find my parents standing there, father's arms looped around mother's waist as he peers fondly at the sight. My mother shakes her head, the gesture drawing attention to the earrings which catch the light, which brush across her cheeks in an intimate caress.
"Come on Joonie baby let your pretty noona go." Our mother says as she sweeps in, the floating skirts billowing attractively from the fitted waist. She's always been so stunning, breathtakingly beautiful.
His siren father called her. Because for her he'd go to any depths, any extents. Because for her he'd willingly be trapped.
I wanted a love like that one day.
A love that mother giggled as she told me about would come one day. Promised it as she brushed my hair away from my face and pressed a kiss to my forehead to wish me goodnight, told me about it as we kneaded dough for tarts together, stealing swipes of the strawberry conserves father toiled over when he wasn't looking, caught in a sticky embrace when he whirled to catch her.
"No!" he huffs, clinging tighter to me.
My father enters from where he'd been watching from the doorway, winking conspiratorially to me.
"Joon-ah if you let noona go I'll share my special tarts with you....that even your mama hasn't had a chance to taste." He bargains, a deep laugh rumbling out of his chest when Joon bolts up, head butting against the side of my jaw in his eagerness as he nods, only noticing my pain when his head turns and catches me mid-wince.
His eyes turn wide and apologetic and before I can reassure him he's already pressing kiss after kiss to my jaw, mumbling sorry as he tries to 'kiss it better'.
"I'm all healed buttercup. Now why don't you try save me a tart too? Before mama gets to them." I whisper and he nods, solemnly promising on his teeny heart to save me a tart from mama bear before falling forward to be caught by father, swooped up into his arms before the two rush off, deep laughter and pealing giggles mingling together and floating down the hallway as they vanish from sight.
And my mother's fond smile turns to me, eyes crinkled with laughter lines.
"Now that you've got a window to escape, seize it poppet." She says, reaching over to finish my braid, taking a ribbon to tie it up.
"May the wind be on your back darling. And no more actual sneaking out of windows!" she says laughingly after her word of blessing, eyeing me with teasing suspicion.
I nod, grabbing my cloak and rushing out.
"I make no promises mama." I call as I hurry away, tugging my riding boots on before scrambling out towards the stables, cheeks warming at the cute stable boy who helps saddle my horse, whose hands are firm and gentle as they help me hook my feet securely in the stirrups and whose voice is soft and shy as he wishes me a safe ride.
And the feeling of the wind whipping across my face, sifting through my braided hair and teasingly rippling in my clothes.
Freedom. That's what my parents had always given.
And yet despite it, I was eager to rush home, to get to them, to sink into that warmth that only the three could provide- imagining curling up with tarts and Hyun Joonie slipping under the blankets at night to latch on like a cuddling fiend.
Home had the warmth the sun's rays never could.
Home was where I belonged.
"...Joonie you lucky bastard." A voice softly says, almost petulant and a small whine following it has a 'hyung why?' slipping out and the sound of soft shuffling.
"Don't wake her. Poor love must've been tired to be able to fall asleep through the racket you all were making." A voice says gently, soft and warm and tender.
"But hyung you were complaining when Hobi hyung beat—" an indignant voice says before it's cut off by the same tender warmth.
"Shush love, or flower will wake up." he chides, and despite not being able to see his face, I can hear the smile in his voice.
Soft voices that gently tug me from sleep, trying to coax me out into consciousness.
But the circle of warmth around me tightens and becomes an even enticing lure, tugging me back to the warmth, to relax and curl into the solidness, shifting to curve into it.
The voices peter off, falling off into silence.
And as I'm drifting away again I hear a small, whispered murmur.
And it feels like it's only been moments when that wave of heavy comforting sleep has brushed against me when an incessant buzzing cuts through it, repetitive and a vibrating sensation tugging me out of sleep, tugging me out of the warm safety I felt wrap around me.
"Quickly get it...she'll wake up." a voice hisses, panicked and harried and the slight sounds of shuffling and just as my eyes are fluttering open, peeling heavy eyelids open to come face to face with the blurry image of a graphic tee.
There's a hand that brushes over my hair and murmurs softly, the sound of the buzzing cut off.
At the same time as a low voice murmurs, another softly washes over me.
"Sleep darling." The voice urges.
And the voice's gentle rich heavy charm is what has my eyes easily fluttering shut, the blurry tee vanishing to be replaced with a blanket of inky black security once more.
"...who was it?" Jiminie murmurs quietly, eyes flickering to the sight of (Y/N) curled up in my arms, gaze softening immediately.
"Habaek. He said not to wake her, that it's fine if she stays the night- I could hear Mi-sun cheering in the back." Hobi says, a huff of laughter as he sets her phone to the side, eyes brightening on (Y/N)'s sleeping form.
I don't blame the others for constantly turning to take her in, can hardly believe it myself.
Couldn't believe how satisfying and fulfilling it felt.
Or believe my luck when at some point as I'd read, her head had slowly drooped to settle against my shoulder- I'd taken it as her getting comfortable, slowly easing down to relax against me.
And it was only when I'd leant forward a bit too much to turn the page and her head had lolled- my hand quickly coming to cradle her head and draw her back to my shoulder.
The book was long forgotten, set aside quickly so I could wind my arms more securely around her- feeling so settled and calm with the feel of her curling close to get comfortable.
The boys' game tournament ended at some point, because the exuberant laughter and victorious yells had quietened when Tae had turned with a bright yell and fallen silent at the sight, silently melting and rushing forward- his swift change in tone causing the others to turn and follow suit.
Yoongi hyung was right.
I was lucky.
Lucky to have her sleeping so peacefully in my arms, lucky to have her feel safe and comfortable enough to fall asleep in the first place. Lucky to be holding her.
And then her phone ringing had shattered through the comfortable haze everyone was in, content to settle into seats when it had buzzed, a constant buzzing that had taunted the soft peace, threatened it and sent everyone into a frantic, hands brushing over pockets and eyes scanning the room when I realised the buzzing was coming close to me, was felt slightly on my stomach given the way (Y/N) was curved close and ever so carefully with a hand had extracted it out of her pocket and hastily handed it over, trying to make sure she didn't wake up.
The fact that she'd fallen asleep so quickly, so easily was a blatant indication that she'd needed the rest, that her body was exhausted even if her mind wouldn't fall quiet, wouldn't let her that respite.
And the sound of Hobi's murmurs merged with Jiminie curling close to soothe her shifting figure, to urge her back to sleep, wishing I had spare hands to brush over her hair, to tuck her tightly and securely into me but not wanting to unwind my arms from around her.
"Looks like our pretty baby is staying the night." He says, setting off a hushed passionate clamour amongst the maknaes about where she should sleep, who's room she should be set down in.
"She can take my bed; I'll bunk with one of you." Yoongi hyung says, cutting off the argument with his words and the ripple of surprise it has spreading through the room.
Because hyung loves his bed, because he loves taking off for naps or spending time listening to new tracks with the duvet drawn up to his chin and head resting against the pillow. Content to tug one of us to lie beside him when we tried getting him up. Yoongi hyung and his bed were the true soulmates, the match made in heaven.
Yoongi hyung was like a dragon with its treasure when it came to his bed.
And to offer it up.
Just like that.
There were raised eyebrows and knowing glances all around. And Kookie doesn't bother holding back his delighted laugh, eyes crinkled and darting out of Yoongi hyung's half-hearted swat as he darts behind Jin hyung.
"Someone's got a big crush~" he teasingly singsongs.
Yoongi hyung levels him a huffy glare.
"I'm pretty sure we all do. Have more than just a crush on her." he says pointedly, the sweet endearing grin sliding off Kookie's face to give way to the soft flush on his cheeks but he doesn't deny it, raising his chin defensively slightly. It's incredibly sweet how Yoongi hyung doesn't even refute it. Just easily accepts it.
"So what? I mean have you met her?" he retorts, eyes sparking with warmth and tenderness and giddiness when they fall on her, looping his head over Jin hyung's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist as he peers at her.
"She's amazing, I think I've met my match." He says, looking awed and struck with amazement.
Met his match.
That fits perfectly.
Someone who rivals his competitiveness, his teasing sly humour and equally as fiery and passionate, but she wasn't just his match- there was something about her intrinsically different for the each of us that tugged us close, that reeled us in and continued to do so and yet also her sweet shyness, the genuine warmth she exuded that made us desperately starved for it.
And like this, I couldn't think of a more perfect moment. Couldn't think of a more satisfying and fulfilling experience.
I stare at Jin hyung dismayed, unable to believe my ears.
"You want me to wake her?" I whisper incredulously, looking at him as if he's grown a few heads.
He nods patiently, standing firm when the others had murmured that we should get her comfortably settled in bed.
"But hyung...she's asleep. I don't want to wake her." I say, lips jutting out at the thought, at the image of having to shake her awake and tell her to get up, simply because hyung wanted to.
It didn't seem valid enough.
"She won't be able to sleep comfortably through the night in jeans." He explains.
And with an indulgent fond look shot to all of us, eyes warm and creased with tenderness, he steps forward to slowly rouse her when Yoongi hyung beats him to it, sinking into the space beside me to carefully lean forward, fingers brushing over her cheek before drifting down to her shoulder.
"(Y/N).... (Y/N) wake up." he says softly, giving the lightest of shakes but eyes filled with trepidation.
What if she was like hyung? Hated being woken up? Even if it hadn't been anywhere near long enough for her to fall into deep sleep.
"Come on baby, let's get you comfortable." Jin hyung adds, kneeling in front to squeeze lightly at her knee, to brush a tender kiss across her cheek and I laugh when she unconsciously squirms from the touch, shifting under it.
"Come on sweetheart, I know Joonie's lap is comfortable." He urges laughing when she shifts and mumbles, lips brushing against my collarbone, still on fabric but the movement of them has me freezing, trying not to focus on the sensation.
"" she mumbles, shifting closer and turning away from Jin hyung's words and Yoongi hyung's gentle actions.
She sounds so petulant, so sleepily adorable and huffy that my heart clenches tightly at that one word, trying to actively fight the urge to coo and gush and hide her away from the hyungs because she wanted to sleep, and they were disturbing her.
"You can sleep all you want once we've got you lying down." Kookie says, moving closer to watch with bright eyes at the scene.
Jiminie is just visibly gushing and Tae looks a moment away from falling apart, silently squealing and clinging to Hobi, trying to bemoan quietly just how adorable she looks and how he can't bear it.
Me too Tae. Me too.
She shifts, turning away from my chest to peer blearily at Jin hyung, at Yoongi hyung, eyes drifting to the others and slowly her body becomes more alert, despite the sleepy curve to it, and she shifts to get up.
"Oh I'm sorry" she mumbles, voice thick with sleep and she yawns, before one of her hands are pressing to her mouth and the other scrubs tiredly at her eyes.
I hear several coos and Jin hyung's face softens, incredibly tender and brimming with doting affection.
"It's okay poppet, you just let Joonie baby get you upstairs and we'll get you some pyjamas." He says.
His words are so soft and sweet.
And so it comes as a complete surprise, a surprise that makes my heart lurch painfully in my chest, heartstrings yanked harshly at when she makes a soft hitched sound of breath before her head curves forward, before I catch a glimpse of her face crumpling as she brings her hands to her face.
Alarmed, the others move close, soft sounds and words of concern as they gravitate to form a huddle around her, the easy smiles wiped off everyone's faces.
"Oh honey..." Jiminie breathes as he moves close, looking struck with pain at the small near-silent sniffles of distress.
"What's wrong (Y/N)? Did you have a bad dream?" Hobi asks as he moves round to perch beside Yoongi hyung, who's successfully managed to take a gentle hold of her hands and draw them away from her face.
"Oh petal..." he breathes, our hearts squeezing at the way tears trickle down from shut eyelids.
And when her eyes slowly open, there's a moment where she looks as if she's not present, not here in the moment with us, eyes filled with pain and longing and phantom figures.
"Joon hyung..." Tae says, voice filled with pain and vulnerability, nervous concern.
And she sobs, a choked suppressed sound before she tries to curl up.
Is it something I did? Was it the book we read? What's bothering her?
"(Y/N) sweetheart speak to us..." I say, feeling my heart ache with not being able to help her, with not being able to soothe her.
Her face turns to face me, face raw and agonisingly vulnerable and hurting, but there's also something so tender in them, so fond when she looks at me, when her eyes softly trail over me.
"Is it something I did?" I ask, needing to know. Needing to know she's not hurting because of me, and if she is so I can make it better, make it right.
She immediately shakes her head, tears sparkling drops on her cheeks before she reaches out for me slowly, leans over to cup my cheek.
Immediately I lean into the touch, curving into it and feeling reassured in the way her thumb brushes back and forth over my cheek even as heavy emotion seeps into her eyes.
"Joon...Joonie is what we used to call my little brother. And poppet is something my mum used to call me." she whispers, voice slightly rough and emotional and deeply...fond and nostalgic.
Words that has my breath catching in my throat.
I don't know what to call the lump in my throat or the tight feeling in my chest, or the way I want to hold her close and murmur reassurances to her, makes sure that she's not breaking under the pain of memories.
She shakes her head when Jin hyung and Kookie move to reassure her, murmuring it's fine.
"It is fine, they're just...nostalgic tears I guess. I miss them, I miss him." she confesses, a shaking wavering vulnerability to her words.
"Maybe one day you could tell us how they were, how your brother was." I say gently.
She gives a nod, hand swiping at her tears before Kookie moves forward to do so himself, fingers carefully brushing away each tear and pressing a kiss to each cheek.
"I'd like that. One day." She echoes. And it's a promise.
It's a hope for something more, something that will help her heal and recover. Something we're all going to be there for.
Mine is...A polaroid camera!! Hopefully, I manage to get some discount on one and maybe the first charm for my bracelet too! Let's bring 2021 in with some lovely sales and discounts!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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