Chapter 75- the sweetness of you, the pain in you
To have the jaunty ring of a phone cut through my work mid-shoot isn't ideal. To have it be my phone with its distinctive ringtone makes it a rare occurrence that the model and staff pause. I dip my head in an apology as I hurry to turn it off, slight frustration and embarrassment- everyone had been so in the zone, we were really beginning to get some nice shots. And then I pause.
Because it's the first time this number has called my phone, the first time it's appeared on my screen that way. It's the first time that (Y/N) calls me. And immediately I wonder whether she's okay, signalling with my hand that I'm ducking out to take the call, moving to a quieter corner out of the studio so I can pick up, voice slightly breathless from the run and my rush to answer it.
"Hey (Y/N)! Is everything okay?" I ask immediately, the moment the phone connects, the sound of her soft breathing coming through.
There's a few beats of silence.
"...yeah I...I'm sorry am I disturbing you?" she asks gently, voice sounding apologetic and guilty.
I shake my head furiously even if she can't see it.
"No no not at all!" I rush to say, hearing the way there's a small sound of amusement on the other end, though her voice is still tentative when she speaks.
"Can we meet later?" she asks.
I can't fight the smile that spreads across my face, body doing a little happy jig at her wanting to meet, at her asking rather than me badgering her.
Because she called me. And I briefly wonder if I'm the first one she's called, mentally planning on teasing and bragging later if that is the case.
And then hear her repeating a question.
"Sorry pretty girl, repeat that please?" I ask, having missed the question.
"Can you...can you bring Tannie too?" she asks hesitantly.
But because Tannie is my baby, because (Y/N) asks with such hopefulness- I wouldn't ever have the heart to separate her from him and him from her. I hadn't missed the way Tannie barked and tried to cling onto legs when one of us were leaving- tail swishing eagerly whenever someone mentioned her. It was clear he was besotted with her.
"Of course. I know he's missed your cuddles a lot. I know I have too." I add, ears catching onto the small, hitched sound of breath.
I didn't know how much fun and how much more it would be to continue to tease her in my usual playful way but to get small sounds to accompany her responses. Her usually silent wide-eyed stare accompanied with a small huff, or the way when we now spent time with her- her gentle sweet voice would interject or join conversations, not at all looking put out or scared by the notion.
It almost seemed as if she was no longer bound by whatever specific reasons held her back from speaking, as if she was slowly emerging from the shell herself and freeing herself from whatever kept her captive. As if that first date experience had triggered a change within her, as if reliving trauma had in some way had slightly released its hold on her. I couldn't say exactly what it was, or how the two tied together- but it hadn't been just me who'd made that connection.
The others had too.
And I had seen Joonie hyung's notebook fill with pages trying to theorise why, trying to connect it to studies and research but when Jin hyung had incidentally peeked over his shoulder, he'd been quick to snap it shut, cheeks warm and muttering about not giving anyone false hope.
"Thank you Tae." She says sweetly.
And this time it's my breath that catches in my throat, a small noise that accidentally slips out.
Because she called me Tae.
Not Taehyung.
Not Taehyungie. Tae.
And it had sounded like the sweetest thing ever rolling off her tongue, spilling past her lips.
And I knew I wanted to hear it over and over again from her lips, wanted her to say it whenever she saw me, wanted her to repeat it again now too. Just so I could relish in that moment just a second longer.
" you not want me to call you that? It's just you wrote that down when we first met so I thought you'd prefer it..." she rambles cutely, words tinged with a bit of alarm, as if worried and fretting that she'd crossed a line.
What she didn't know was how much of an excitable wriggling mess I was at the moment, silently dancing and celebrating the fact.
"No! I...I love hearing you call me Tae." I confess, heart squeezing tightly and speeding up- feeling as if I was falling for the first time, as if the butterflies in my stomach were a new foreign sensation, a small swoop of my stomach when she giggles with relief on the other end, whispering back to me 'okay Tae' as if she too was relishing the moment. It's a feeling of giddiness and elation when she asks me how my day is going, whether I've eaten lunch- the same questions that come from the hyungs come across as habitual fussing and doting. Coming from (Y/N), they sound like the sweetest words ever, silently melting over how concerned and fussy she seems to be- a light tone of petulance coming in when I tell her I've been snacking between work.
"You shouldn't skip meals Tae. I'll make something for you. Want me to pick you up in a bit?" she says.
Before I can reply though, one of the assistants appears.
"Taehyung-ssi, the model needs to leave for another appointment." He calls loudly and I know that in that moment I'm caught out.
There's a disbelieving laugh that slips out her throat.
"Go work Tae. I'll bother you later." She says. And I don't need to see her face to be able to hear the smile in her voice. To know that she's sporting one, fond and amused.
"Okay." Feeling somewhat chastised, despite the giddiness that continues to have me clutch at the phone.
"Lo.. see you later." She says before the phone disconnects.
Leaving me behind to hold onto it for a few long moments before I move.
I knew it felt too soon to say it. But I couldn't deny that everything I felt for (Y/N) was steadily getting stronger day by day, with each smile, each word and each moment spent with her.
And wistfully wished for that day to come soon. Where I could say it.
Where I could definitely say with certainty that those feelings were absolute.
It's as everyone is filing out, leaving after the end of the shoot that I end up halting in my steps because of a commotion, a small crowd and hushed murmurs. I peer over the heads of the others with confusion, finding that the source of their fascination, the source of their intrigue and barely suppressed murmurs is the sight of (Y/N) standing there waiting for me, leaning against her car and being wrapped up into an embrace, firm strong arms encasing her in a hug as Jin hyung smiles at her, the curve of his plump lips visible and clear as day.
"Isn't that Taehyung ssi's..." one of the girls whisper, her voice a hush as she gawks at what they believe is some sort of cheating happening, the gasps barely muted when he presses a kiss to the tip of her nose, to her cheek and happily draws her into his arms.
"Boyfriend? Man?" I quip, before stepping through- watching as the others part, eyes falling to me. Some of them pitying, concerned, others shocked and slightly apprehensive- eyes glinting with uncertainty.
My eyes rove over jumper that sticks to his broad frame, at the jeans, at the hat that tips over towards (Y/N) and find myself softening at the sight.
"Damn right he is." I say proudly before striding forward, lips curving further upwards, unable to resist taking a photo before approaching- capturing that moment of my two intertwined lovers.
"Jin hyung you came too!" I say happily once I'm close enough, watching as the two disentangle, as her head peeks out over his shoulder, crinkling slightly as they fall onto me.
"Someone had to bring Tannie and when I texted (Y/N) and she said she was making food- there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity. To taste my sweet flower's cooking. If it's anything like her, then I'm already falling." He says, pressing another kiss to her cheek as if he can't get enough of her, lips pressing to the pink rosiness of her skin even as she clutches at his jumper and squirms- eyes falling to the crowd behind me.
"Don't worry my pretty girl." I coo as I tug her close, arms winding around her to hug her close to me, to relax as she wraps her arms around me and ducks her head to hide against my chest, to shut out the sight of them.
"Aren't you just the sweetest?" I murmur, drawing back to press a peck to her lips, watching as she leans into the brief touch.
"Yah! You keep stealing kisses from her without letting us have a go." Jin hyung complains good naturedly, tugging her back to encase in his arms.
He grins when I huff and lean to get her back, twirling her away.
"You can drive Tae. I'll cuddle (Y/N) in the back. Besides that way she can cuddle Tannie too." He says easily, already drawing her away and gesturing for me to get into the driver's seat where the car key is still in the ignition.
A car driver is what Jin hyung has reduced me to.
To be tormented by the sight of the two of them curled close and cuddling and a very happy puppy stealing all the love and affection I wanted doted on me.
I sigh as I begin reversing, eyes flickering to the back through the rear-view mirror.
I see how it is Jin hyung, I see.
But when my eyes watch the scene, I see that there's a soft tenderness as his eyes drift to (Y/N), as if he knows something I don't. Eyes flickering with pride and joy as her head is bent towards Tannie, softly and lowly murmuring to him- his usual doting and pets layered on with her sweet voice.
Tannie is the lucky one here.
Luckiest, my mind amends and my senses confirm when his joyous barks drift into a pleased low whine when she pets him.
And another part of my mind wonders what is it that he knows and I don't.
And becomes eager to find out.
(Y/N) POV:
For as easy as it had been to fall asleep with the thread of giddiness still coursing through my body, the pleasant eager anticipation to dance and perform again- I'd imagined that my dreams would be filled with scenes of dancing with the boys, of combining the contemporary dance styles I preferred and merging it with the strength the bodies exuded with each body movement. Of beautiful scenarios of dancing again on a stage. But it wasn't to be so.
Because rest was harshly torn from me, my mind filled instead with the blank unstaring gaze of Tae as he trudged closer to me in the waters, my voice which had been silent and unsinging at the time is now the only voice that sings, that tugs Tae closer and closer into Her watery ensnare, his eyes glazed as he moves towards me, tries to reach out for me. And even as my mind is on fire, screaming, screeching and begging for the Ocean to leave him alone, for me to stop singing- I can't escape Her vice grip, voice pouring out thicker and stronger and headier. And the salty tang of the Ocean fills my nose, brushes cruelly against my lungs as I heave for breath, heave to escape the words that are yanked out of me and then his arms come around me- cold and relentless as they not only begin to sink into the waters but go to tug me down to a watery death too, bound together by the salty water that engulfs us and consumes us whole.
And I'd bolted upright, throat raw as if I'd been screaming and the phantom scent of salt lingering in the air, skin clammy with sweat and eyes desperately latching onto my surroundings, the familiar walls of my room, the sight of the sun dawning filtering through a slither in the curtain and reach over to turn on the bedside lamp- the soft glow banishing the shadows of the room and of my mind.
And though I knew Tae was fine, that they all were- sickening anxiety had pushed me to finally make the call hours later- needing to hear his voice to feel reassured, blessing every star that my voice didn't waver and sound rough, that it didn't give away the turmoil that shredded me away inside.
And when the phone ends, I'm left holding it tightly- waves of relief crashing in and sweeping out the cold remnants of my night terror- leaving me soothed and reassured and calm because Tae was fine, I was going to meet Tae. Because he'd been his usual teasing wonderful self, voice deep and smooth and a balm to my wounded soul.
And I go about the house cleaning, sorting out things and resorting, hopping onto the counter to watch Habaek oppa prod and poke Mi-sun unnie as she was trying, and failing though endearingly, to bake- flour smeared across her face and hair bundled up high, steadfastly following the recipe I'd added to our own cookbook and brows furrowed as Habaek oppa distracted, chattered away as she was measuring out cups so she'd forget and have to start again.
"Habaek!" she screeches, turning like a whirlwind when it's the third time she's dumped the flour back and is remeasuring, glaring at him with molten raging eyes that promise vengeance.
"What? You're always telling me to talk more." He retorts shooting me a wink when she throws her hands exasperatedly in the air, groaning and muttering as she turns away.
My legs swing against the counter watching until I hop off and begin collecting my own armful of ingredients, to make filling snacks for Tae who'd been so busy with work he was sneaking mouthfuls here and there. I shake my head in thought. Silly boy needed to take more care of himself.
But there was also something extremely gratifying about chopping and slicing vegetables and stir-frying chicken to make him noodles, about making the dish with the thought and knowledge that he was going to eat it and I'm so immersed in my own task I don't notice the arguing has trailed off and that the other two have paused to just watch me.
Or that when I get to packing some other filling snacks I make that they watch with wide eyes, only spotting their observation when I reach upwards for another container and Habaek oppa gets it down for me instead, a fond smile curving his lips.
"You meeting the boys?" he asks curiously.
I flush.
"Just Tae." I say.
"Make that Tae and Jin." Mi-sun calls from where my phone had chimed and she picks it up.
"He said he's bringing Tannie." She adds, the two watching as my smile widens.
I nod, making sure that the food is enough for another person- making the containers larger and fuller.
"You know they're lucky to have you right?" Mi-sun asks once I've finished packing, draping herself across my back and hugging me.
I relax into her touch.
"I'm lucky." I reply softly.
I feel her head come to rest on my shoulder.
"That's true. But they're lucky as well. Because they got the most beautiful soul to fall in love with, to be smitten with." She says softly.
I turn to face her.
"Isn't it too early to call it love?" I say, brows raised.
She gives me a knowing look.
"Maybe that's what our minds say, but our hearts don't always agree." She says before unwinding her arms from around me, to let me move around to head towards the doorway, to clear myself up.
"And falling in love is one of the beauties of existing. Experience it to the fullest darling." She says softly, smiling at me.
The three of us know how rare it is for us as sirens to find love and be able to hold onto it. Because time takes our love away from us, makes them age and leave- leaves them bitter and viciously angry when they begin to show signs of aging, of weakness and we remain. Love wasn't dangerous for a siren. It just hurt so much more. And as people who wouldn't age, wouldn't grow old- it made love a fleeting experience.
Except this time I'd do anything for this fleeting moment of happiness, for that winter flower blooming in the cold, sprouting through the hard soil, for the gentle cool breeze in the blistering heat, for the mirage of the shimmering oasis in the scorching desert. I'd do it for that momentary reprieve, for that temporary salvation.
This time I knew I was falling without a harness or safety equipment- freefalling into each experience, each interaction with them and finding myself ensnared in a web made of them that I had no intention of freeing myself from.
"I will." I reply.
Because this time, this time I knew they were worth it. That in all my centuries of existing, no emotion, no tug to someone had been this strong as the call and tug I felt to the seven of them. Because it seemed both silly and yet made perfect sense that somewhere in the seven of them, I found breathing a little easier, I found myself being able to look in the mirror and not flinch as I'd often had- staring into the eyes of a monster, this time I felt as if I was slowly being put back together. That whether or not they were consciously aware of it, I was being fixed, healed. Tiny, tiny bandages and balms and warmth that helped the cracks fade and the fissures close. As if they were helping me begin once more, as if they made me begin afresh. As if this lifetime was the only one I had.
So when I pull up outside their house and Jin moves out, a furry excited wriggly puppy in his hands, his lips curve into a gentle smile and he doesn't hesitate to clamber into the passenger seat and press a kiss to my cheek, laughing when an excited yip and the feeling of a small weight landing on me has me looking down to peer at the wriggly ball of fluff and scoop Tannie close for cuddles.
"How's my favourite flower?" he asks once he's managed to get a hold of Tannie and I start the car, my lips quirking up with the easy fondness he says it with- feeling his soft gaze on the side of my face.
"...better. Excited too." I add.
"Why's that?" he asks, shifting closer, head turned fully to peer at me.
I give him a glance, seeing the curious bright intrigue flash in his soft brown eyes, all warmth and sweetness.
"Hobi mentioned competition season coming up. And I'm excited, I love to perform." I confess, words spilling softly.
Love wasn't an accurate enough word to describe the feeling of liquid pleasure and adrenaline that seemed to course through my body, pumped around through my bloodstream as I let go and danced. Love didn't describe the feeling of elation and euphoria when I connected with the music, when I became the performer, when I was no-one but a dancer in that moment, not (Y/N) the siren, just (Y/N), just me.
And when we come to stop at a traffic light, I turn to face him because he hasn't responded, because Tannie yips and barks for my attention, trying to bound over again. Jin looks at me with a look of softness and pride, eyes trained intently on me..
"I'd love to see you perform." He says simply but with so much intensity, so much meaning and depth in those words that it has my heart racing, that maybe it just tugs me to him that much more, reeling me in to everything Jin is for me- safety, warmth, fun and tender love. Affection, which was easy, which was soothing, which was a constant force from him. It came without burden and remained without question.
I smile at him.
"Would you come if I invited you?" I ask as I continue to drive towards Tae's studio.
He gives a small laugh.
"Oh my dear baby, I'd go because you invited me. I'd go to cheer you on...but don't tell the boys." He adds, leaning in to brush his lips against the curve of my ear, breath warm and words a hot puff that makes me shiver as it tickles the inside of my ear. His words that are playful somehow come out as deep and promising and I can tell without looking that my cheeks are turning pink.
And then he eases us into familiar comforting territory as he bemoans about his day, asks me about mine, fiddling with the dials of the radio to serenade me briefly- stunning me with the sweet dulcet warmth of his voice as he sings, soft and promising and loving, eyes burning a soft sensual trail down the side of my face. Making me increasingly flustered. And as he sets Tannie down carefully in the back, brushing a soft hand over him and murmuring to wait for a moment, I take my opportunity to escape the heated confines of the car, not expecting to be cornered against it immediately by him.
"Going somewhere sweet one?" he asks, leaning imposingly into me, so my body is bracketed by the car and I peer up slightly at him.
I shake my head, teeth catching on my bottom lip.
"Nowhere." I reply, voice slightly breathy- body desperately wanting to curve into his warmth, surprised and yet not at the same time at the magnetic heady effect he has on me.
And when his lips brush against the curve of my cheek, I melt into his touch.
"Good, not letting you go." He promises before his arms come to bring me into a hug, solid warmth and strength in it.
And though he doesn't know exactly how much those words will ever mean to me, it feels like a vow, a promise. One that makes me lean in to return the hug, to kiss his cheek- slightly stretched upwards towards him.
And clutch at him too.
Not intending to let go either.
Tae ends up driving us to this slightly sparse area with rolling hills of lush green and small treks and pebbled paths, the sight of the blue skies and white clouds, the sweet gentle air makes it a perfect choice for the weather, and when we step out of the car, Tannie wriggles in my arms until I let him down, not rushing away but instead circling me with happy barks and looking at me with wide eyes, tongue wagging and raising himself on his hind paws to peer up at me.
My heart gushes at the sight.
And Tae snags my hand this time, sticking his tongue out victoriously to Jin who gently takes the packed basket from my hands, waving me off fondly from carrying it.
"This is one of the places I've taken all of the others at some point, I wanted to take you too." Tae confides as we walk, helping me over the slightly uneven steps with a firm large hand wrapped around mine.
"Why?" I ask simply.
Watching as he turns to shoot me a smile, a meaningful look flickering in his eyes.
"Because I wanted to, because you're special to me. Because I wanted to cloud watch with you." he says with an easy shrug of his shoulders.
As if it doesn't require thinking.
As if he didn't need to justify the need to share it with me.
Simply because he just wanted me there.
And when we reach the top the first thing he does is flop to the ground and tug my hand down suddenly so my balance teeters forward and he cradles me close as he lowers me to the ground.
"You're a sneaky brat Tae." Jin says as he flops down beside him, shooting him an unimpressed look but his lips twitch. And then his eyes drift to me, turning sweet.
"I just want to keep her in my arms. Nothing wrong with that." He says unashamedly as he draws me to lie curved on top, head tucked over mine as we peer up at the clouds, as he murmurs into my ear what each cloud looks like- bringing to life the weirdest, most unique blobs of cloud into creatures and characters and giving them names.
"Ooh that one looks like a mermaid! You see the tail and long hair?" Tae interjects the comfortable silence pointing to a cluster of clouds and Jin's head curves towards mine, tilting as he tries to see it.
"And the blue sky is the sea?" he muses before stilling, a sharp intake of breath.
As if he's overstepped. Been insensitive. And whilst it's sweet to see them care so much, to stop at the mention of it, Tae's arms gently squeezing and holding me. Carefully shifting to wrap more securely around me.
"Sorry I..." Jin begins, voice steeped in guilt but I shake my head.
I'm not scared of mermaids. Nor of the sea. Not the sound of them anyways. And it's the Ocean really. I don't want them to tiptoe on eggshells around me either.
"Don't apologise. I'm not scared of hearing anyone mention it. You don't need to be so careful." I say, turning my head to peer at Jin, seeing the guilt flicker across his face.
"But don't like the open water." He says, hedging carefully.
I smile.
Don't like is one way of saying it. Hate it, despise it, loathe it. If I could eradicate the ocean I would.
"Sweet imagination and cloud watching isn't going to make me freak though Jin. The water is enemy." I say, feeling Tae shift under me, arms brushing over my midriff, straightening the fabric and tucking me in closer.
I say those words thinking they know. I say it because there's no other way to describe the very force that tore my family from me, that tore Mi-sun unnie and Habaek oppa from their own.
"Enemy?" Tae echoes slightly, voice deep and wondering. I twist to face him, body half curving off his and immediately supported by a hand at the base of my back.
"What else can I call the thing that took my family from me?" I ask.
And see his face shutter with understanding, watch his lips fall open in silent shock and sorrow, grief flashing across his eyes and behind me I feel the hand press more firmly against my back, a small, strangled sound near my ear.
"Your family..." Jin breathes in question.
I nod, eyes drifting to the regular rise and fall of Tae's chest, of my fingers when they carefully splay across his top.
"I thought Yoongi and Namjoon would've told you all. I thought you knew." I say, slight alarm creeping into my mind.
What if they purposely hadn't told? What if they didn't want someone broken and bruised?
What if they couldn't deal with the seemingly endless emotional baggage I came with?
"Oh baby..." Tae murmurs sorrowfully.
And I wonder if my mind creates the illusion or whether I hear dejection and resignation in his voice. For me. For being alone and without family. For not being whole.
I curve away from his voice, even as my fingers feel the reverberations of his voice in his chest.
Mind bitterly whispering that it's against me, because he's disappointed.
"I...I understand if you don't want someone broken. Someone who's alone. Someone who's scared of something that shouldn't matter but..." I say, words spilling out, a rush of emotions tumbling out, of hurt and fear and agony seeping into each word.
My eyes move to the sky, to see the figure of the mermaid cloud, of the idyllic picture the blue skies and soft fluffy white clouds make. Picturesque. Crafted. And from their eyes I'd seen the mermaid with tumbling hair and a curved tail, seen the blue waters. And stare hard at it, unable to meet their gazes, feeling Tae's grip tighten around me- disapproving and silently chiding no doubt. In agreement with my words.
My ears buzz and it's as if my voice escapes me when Tae's hands loosen around me, going lax and falling away, when I hear a soft murmur but can't decipher if it's a sound or a word.
But then feel a gentle hand turn my cheek towards a face raw and open, to see Jin looking at me with vulnerable soft brown eyes as he cups my face, hand deceptively soft for all that I expected them to shun me, to turn away.
"Who said you don't matter?" Jin demands, voice rough and deep and demanding, eyes flashing.
But I can't answer, can't find the words to explain that it had been centuries, centuries and still the grief of losing them never lessened, never ended.
That it would seem ridiculous to anyone. And perfect sense for them wanting to cut ties and tie up loose ends whilst they still could.
He doesn't wait for a reply, eyes searching and scorching into my own, pools of molten hurt and rage even as his hand remains gentle and soft on my cheek. And whatever he finds in my gaze has his face hardening and he draws me up, a band of heat where his hand wraps around my wrist and tugs me up, hand falling away when the two of us are facing each other.
And his other hand comes to cup the nape of my neck, drawing me close before fiery hot lips descend onto mine, and in that moment of soft plushness meeting my lips- a broken sound escapes, a little hitched gasp muffled against his lips. Soft gentleness as he holds me close even if the sight of his eyes are fiery and demanding, and instinctively I go to clutch at his wrists, eyes falling shut.
Because the last thing I expected to happen was this.
Was for my words to be met like this.
With soft plump lips silencing any more words, cutting off anything else I had to say.
As if enough was enough.
And the feel of his warm soft lips against my own has me leaning forward, leaning into him even as my eyes prickle behind shut eyelids.
Into safety, into warmth, into the fiercely protective promise that he won't let go, that I matter.
And in that moment, I feel it, I believe it.
Mine is...fresh cream cake! Someone get me some...sending telepathy waves out to everyone in my reach.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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