Chapter 6- sliding and slipping
"Hyung are you sure you want to come? There's no pressure, I can get one of the others to." I say, looking confusedly at Yoongi hyung.
The confusion hasn't gone from when hyung had come up to me this morning and told me that he'd be happy to take me to the ice rink. Hyung never volunteered for active outings. So what's changed?
"Yes Jimin-ah, I'm sure. Why wouldn't I?" hyung said, a small smile playing at his lips, dark eyes glittering as he looks at me.
The others are more than happy to usher us off, Jin hyung pulling me close to wind a scarf around my neck and one around Yoongi hyung, who despite all his grumbling and protesting can't hide the pleased flush when hyung pulls us in for kisses before waving us off.
"Take care of each other and Yoongi-ah don't be a spoilsport." He calls after us, eyes bright and smile stretched wide as he watches the two of us leave.
And oddly hyung is chatting excitedly, fingers intertwined with mine as they rest in the middle as he drives, one hand effortlessly controlling the wheel, practiced ease in his body.
And when he parks in front of the ice rink, I turn to him. Hand keeping his stationary and preventing him from leaving.
"Last chance hyung, I'll give you an out." I warn, eyes playfully meeting his own.
But his are determined and unmovable- eyes glinting as they look at me.
"Nope! Let's go in then Jimin-ah." He says, unbuckling his belt before opening the door to get out. I follow him in excited haste, the realisation that hyung is actually going to be skating with me sinking in, sending excitement and eagerness to thrum through my body- nearly vibrating with the joy of doing something like this with him.
Hyung lied. Blatantly and easily to my face as he settled down comfortably in the seats made for viewing and watching as the others skated inside- smiling gummily at me as he looks up at me, at the way I'm standing there with my hands on my hips, frowning at him.
"But hyung~" I whine, but it only serves to widen his smile, spreading further across his lips and I have to fight the conscious desire to smile back at him and perhaps steal a kiss or two.
"I never said I'd skate, I said I'd happily come along- you should've clarified Jiminie." He says, eyes flitting with a teasing flame.
"Ahh hyung, don't tease. Why won't you just come with me, it's not that bad!" I say, trying to wheedle him into agreeing.
But he shakes his head.
"Easy for you Jimin-ah, not easy for me. I still haven't forgotten the time we all went as a group." He says, pouting and immediately my heart softens. Him being here is enough, he doesn't need to be on the ice with me- watching me is more support than he needs to give and I know whether or not he cheers me on loudly, he'll be doing it inside his heart.
"Fine~ but cheer me on like I do at your basketball matches." I tease as I step away to get into line, to get skates in my size, eyes full of fondness at hyung who's settled happily into his seat.
And when I step onto the ice, the ground slippery and smooth- temperature lower than it had been outside, I'm thankful for the scarf hyung had wrapped me into, as well as the jumper Yoongi hyung had tugged out of my wardrobe this morning.
I slowly pick up pace, starting with doing just laps around the rink before slowly increasing speed, weaving in and out of others, adding in the small tricks and skills I'd learnt when I'd gone out with Tae and Kookie. And even though I don't turn, I can feel Yoongi hyung's burning gaze across the ice, fiery and intense as he watches me whirl and twist and glide.
It's addicting- the thrill of sliding effortlessly on ice, feeling as if I rush past the world, the people- all a blur, the sounds all mingling into a constant hum, the cold atmosphere brushing against my cheeks, feet moving and body tensing and shifting into one move then the next.
I slow down to come to a stop in front of where Yoongi hyung had been seated, meet bright eyes with his own that burn and carve their way into the depths of my soul- glittering and dark and awed. His phone which he'd been holding up remains stationary, frozen, and forgotten in his tight grip because his eyes are on me, have been since I'd stepped onto the ice.
"Jiminie you are beautiful, the way you move is just—" he tails off, his lips parting in awe. I bask in the warmth of his praise, feel my flushed cheeks from movement, burn brighter and redder from his eyes and words.
"Thank you hyung," I say, stepping onto solid ground and stumbling slightly to him, his arms automatically reaching out to stabilise me and drawing me into the seat next to me. He deftly unscrews a water bottle and passes it to me, fingers lingering as they brush against mine.
His eyes remain trained and intently focused as he watches me gulp down the water, flickering with love and want as he watches me stand up to go back.
Once I'm on the ice I wave at him, smiling brightly before turning to skate off again.
It's as I'm skating through the centre, weaving in and out in circles- smile stretching wider that I see the disaster before it's about to happen, just as I've picked up speed and glide quickly across the ice- almost in horrifyingly slow motion I see a small kid stumble and fall to his knees, hands landing on the ice as he tumbles, body small and fragile on the cold floor, my own skates whizzing closer and closer to him- icy fear numbing my body and horror seeping into my veins, heart in my mouth as I get closer and closer, to the boy struggling to get off the ground.
And then suddenly there's a slither of clearing, a space that I desperately swerve and twist into, skates clattering harshly against the ice that grates under the metal. I can feel the ground slipping away from my teetering balance, sliding away and body tumbling and falling through the air- hands flailing as I try to maintain balance, to straighten up.
But I can feel my body tilting forward and my hands rush out to prevent a harsher collision with the icy ground, body careening forwards as I fall, hands jolting with impact. I wince at the sensitive, achy feeling in my hands- where the cool ice of the ground meets heated throbbing flesh, my left wrist flaring up with pain. A pained whimper slips out of my mouth before I can stop it and I twist myself to sit up straight, to get to my feet even as my body aches with the impact of my fall. I need to get off the ice.
But when I try to heave myself up, my hands groan against the weight I'm pushing onto them, and I groan- miserable.
But then comes a small soft pink mitten-clad hand, and my eyes confusedly follow it to trail upto an angelic figure whose eyes shine with compassion and soft worry, hair escaping from under a matching beanie. She lowers herself down, bringing with her descent the view of flushed full cheeks and rosy lips that peek out of the scarf around her neck. And silently she holds out those hands again, an offer and promise of help in them. I tentatively slide my hands into hers, letting this fallen angel bring me to rise with her.
(Y/N) POV:
After yesterday I had been hesitant to step out again but the rational thought that if I let such incidents plague and faze me I'd never truly live is what propels me out of the house clad in a scarf and beanie, pink mittens waiting in my jeans pocket as Habaek oppa drives the two of us to an ice-rink.
"And it's a good thing that you and I have had decades of practice. No more injuries and tears isn't that right cherub?" he asks, eyes darting to mine as he parks in front of the centre.
I nod brightly.
At least there's a bonus in this all.
And when oppa had come to my room, looking bright-eyed and bushy tailed as he'd waved his phone around; who in their right mind could resist such an adorable sweet lovable person?
Mi-sun unnie had waved us off from the nest of blankets she'd happily been snuggled in, coffee table filled with an array of snacks and drinks. We both knew she wouldn't be budging from the couch at all today.
And I'd silently let oppa draw the mittens over my hands as he'd strapped my skates on, helping me to my feet before putting his own on, and we'd circled the rink the first few times hand in hand- barely feeling the heat of his body before we'd separated hands- beginning what would be the start of a competitive day as we whizzed around, ducking in and out and giving chase. And only after pausing to make the promise of the loser buying hot chocolate, I'd skated off at the go signal speeding and competitively making my way across the ice.
But somewhere just pass the central point, I see a small kid go tumbling to the ground and approaching him at high speed is a male figure. I speed and rush towards the child, hoping to make it in time but just at the very last moment, the man swerves away and goes tumbling harshly onto the ice, landing heavily on his hand. And I have to slow down to avoid going tumbling over him, feet coming to a stop in front of him.
I hear a pained sound leave his mouth and bite my lip in worry- he'd swerved to avoid hurting the child and ended up injured. I see as he struggles to get up, already slowly skating closer so I can help him up.
I hold out my right hand towards him, body curved downwards slightly.
Soft eyes sparking with pain lead down to flushed round cheeks and a pair of thick, sensual lips, the curve of his jaw sharply contrasting the softness of his features- hair tumbling over his forehead.
He stares at my hand and I lower myself down, feet stable as I bend towards him, holding both hands out in a silent gesture for him to grasp onto them so I can help him up.
And when he does slide his hands into mine, I don't miss the wince when I wrap my mitten-clad hands around them, the slight squeeze around his left hand when I pull him up making it clear he's injured it. I let go of that hand, trying to support his body against my side as much as I can- feeling the warm, masculine toned body shift against my side, hips bumping as I slowly try to move the two of us forward, his feet making small careful steps on the ice. It's painfully slow progress and it makes me worried for the silent angelic looking boy next to me who hasn't uttered a word and is trying to control his pained breaths.
The sound of him suffering makes me want to speak to him, to reassure him that it'll be fine but no matter how strong that urge is I can't bring those words to push themselves out of my lips, sitting heavily in my throat- making it feel clogged up.
He sinks gratefully into the closest seat, and it's then that I see that he's been biting onto his bottom lip, eyes filled with pain. I slowly drop to my knees, drawing the left hand close in a very gentle, careful manner wincing when I see the swelling and discolouration- the blues and reds starting to scatter across smooth skin.
I can't help noticing that though his hands are on the slightly smaller side, they're still bigger than my own- but I shake the thought off as I watch his hand, eyes darting back to scan fervently for Habaek oppa; he'll know what to do, he always knows what to do.
I dither- torn between going to find an on-site medic or Habaek oppa, or some ice...anything that could help him in this situation.
I stand, ready to rush off to get help, body turning away when his free hand comes to snag around my wrist, tugging me to a sudden stop.
I twist in shock and confusion, looking quizzically at him.
"Can you stay actually? I can't see my hyung and I—I'd rather not be left alone." He confesses, head ducking down as if ashamed.
And it makes me soften towards this hurting, caring person, of how even though he's embarrassed about it, he's still gathering courage to ask.
Of course I should stay.
So I nod, sinking into the seat next to him, sides barely brushing as we sit in silence for a bit.
"Thank you by the way." He says, turning slightly.
I stare at him. He was the selfless one. I did what anyone should've done.
I shake my head quickly.
I pull my phone out of my pocket, struggling slightly with opening the zip on my jacket before exasperatedly pulling the mittens off.
I type a message out to him on my notes, tilting the screen towards him.
You got injured trying to save the little boy from getting hurt.
His eyes dart to mine, wide and startled.
"Ahh you saw that?" he says slightly shy.
And then I slide the phone back into my pocket, just nodding.
But I can feel his intense stare on the side of my face and unconsciously my face ducks into the scarf, bottom half slightly obscured and covered by my scarf, cheeks heating from the focused attention.
"You're shy, you're just like JK~ my dongsaeng, his shyness is just so endearing sometimes." He says happily, providing me an excuse for my silence without calling me out or asking me about it.
And his comment piques a slight curiosity, that there are people who are shy and yet still know bright, cheerful people such as the one in front of me.
But before the conversation can go any further, I hear a sudden yell- loud and shocked and worried tear through the slight din of chatter, footsteps that rush close.
"Jiminie!" a deep voice calls, slender figure approaching the stranger, Jiminie- my mind silently amends, and rushing to fret over him, his gaze focused solely on him, his body twisting away from mine to reach up to the newcomers'- hands gentle and familiar as they land on the man's forearms with a soft murmur of 'hyung'.
Knowing he's with someone who'll care and get him that medical help, I get up from my seat slipping away from the scene without alerting anyone. I slip away into the bustle, finally reunited with Habaek oppa who crows victoriously to me, hands pumping triumphantly in the air.
I let him lead me out of the rink to the adjacent café, ply him with hot chocolate. It's a small cost for stopping to help someone. And for once defeat doesn't leave a bitter taste. It's sweeter and warmer than the hot chocolate itself.
And it's only in the refuge of the car that I realise I left my pink mittens behind.
Mine is...we had this room full of these amazing beanbags and one of the sweetest moments were having naps on these beanbags that became chairs/seats to mould the way you sat. Super comfy! Some of my friends would nap whilst the rest of us cuddled together to watch shows or movies!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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