Chapter 57- two sides of a coin
I pause when there's a jubilant rhythmic series of knocks at the door, and no sooner than do I turn does the door get opened and Yoongi hyung pokes his head in, lips stretching wide into a gummy smile when his eyes alight on me and he enters the studio, bearing a bag of food in one hand, moving closer and closer until he's next to me and pressing a greeting kiss to my lips.
"Don't turn into any of your hyungs Tae-ah, remember to take breaks very regularly." He says, fingers lightly scratching at my scalp, I tilt my head into the sensation, melting under his touch as I peer up at him, puckering my lips in a hopeful pout.
He grins, a huff of laughter escaping him before he lowers his head to kiss me again, longer, slower and with his tongue that brushes teasingly across my lips before he retreats.
"Are you always putty in everyone's hands?" he says, tugging me up so we can go and eat, leading me out of the studio.
But before we manage to leave, he pauses, sight captured by the sight of a large canvas that hangs on one wall, bare save for it.
He moves closer, mouth parting slightly as he takes in the details, eyes intently and carefully roving over the details, over the fading sunlight that filters through, the flowers encompassing the figure in the centre with a bright, soft embrace. And the figure, face hidden behind a camera, rosy lips visible under it.
"Is that....?" He asks slightly uncertain.
"(Y/N)." I finish, smiling happily as I look at the photo, reminded of that day, of the sweet floral scents, the gentle air and the way she'd been so happy to help, so prepared. And then my eyes flick back to see the cup she'd given me, sitting pride of place- clean and awaiting near the drinks machine.
"'ve always ever kept pictures of us or yourself in your studio. You always keep pictures you take for others, as distinctly separate." Yoongi hyung comments thoughtfully.
I nod.
"But I took this photo for myself hyung. It makes me smile looking at it." I reply.
He squeezes my hand.
"I can see that there's something about it that's calm and inviting- even if you can't see her face." Hyung adds.
And then after a few moments he tugs me alongside him again, leading me out of the studio.
"Where should we go?" Yoongi hyung asks.
"Let's eat in the small side room next to my studio. I know you love the sofas there, that's why you're always napping whenever I see you." I tease, barely dodging the reprimanding dig to the ribs I get, his elbow just missing.
"It's always because you take so long when I'm waiting for you." he says, opening the door.
I smile to the back of his head.
Yoongi hyung will never admit it but he only waits for me so I don't have to go home alone, so I have company. And because he fusses and worries in his own silent sweet ways.
Which is why he pretends it's easier for him to feed the two of us, than to hand me chopsticks, just bringing the food directly to my mouth; but I note he feeds me more than he eats, smiling when he sees me happily chew and accept each mouthful without complaint.
He fiddles with the chopsticks as I chew, looking slightly lost in thought until I nudge him.
"What's wrong?" I ask, taking a fork to pierce the sliced fruit and nudge against his lips.
He parts his mouth automatically and takes it, chewing slowly.
"Have you seen (Y/N) recently?" Yoongi hyung carefully hedges.
I tilt my head.
"I'm going to be meeting her in a bit. She's coming to the studio." I say.
Yoongi hyung's head jerks up, eyes wide.
"Umm...I don't know exactly when it is you two have planned to meet but could you just keep an eye out for her? Joon mentioned that he was shocked when he saw her and I just have a gut feeling about this." He says.
I nod. It's a given I'll look out for her. I'd last seen her at the club but I don't know how the night had ended, a part of me wished that I could've mustered the same courage as Jiminie to ask her to dance.
She'd looked stunning and I couldn't stop the way my eyes had repeatedly trailed over to her over the course of the night, always seeing her being held close by someone. And that sight alone had pushed me away from gathering the confidence.
But from the silent fretting faces of the hyungs and Jiminie and Kookie- I gathered something must've happened. Something that caused Hobi hyung and Jin hyung to arrive the next morning still clothed in their outfits from last night. Something that had made Kookie arrive home looking like he'd been struck by thunder, gaze unfocused and quieter than usual that day. And Jiminie looked like there was a storm brewing inside, and I didn't know what would happen when it eventually imploded.
And then Joon hyung. Who'd cradled the dessert box and handed them out, happily chatting about how (Y/N) had guided him in making the sponge, but there had also been moments where he seemed deep in contemplation about something.
Something was wrong. And I hadn't been the only one who'd picked up on it.
"She'll actually be here in an hour or so. You can stay if you want." I offer, knowing if I directly say that hyung can wait and reassure himself with his own eyes that she's fine- he'd shrug it off and pretend that wasn't the case. This way he could stay and settle whatever worries I saw brewing in his eyes.
Not many people could immediately distinguish his silent subtle care as his affection, sometimes took his watchful eyes as judgemental, whereas all that lay in their dark depths were concern and tenderness. He was living, breathing beautiful proof that you didn't need to be vocal to reveal your kindness, that there were other ways to show it.
He shrugs noncommittally before packing the empty containers up and standing up.
"I'll take a tour of your studio; I wander what other photos you've added." He says, leading the way out as he steps through to the studio once more.
He shoos me away, nudging me back to the project I'd had up currently- I was experimenting with how well I could capture emotions and precious moments through black and white photographs.
Which is why I'd dragged Jiminie and Kookie into an impromptu photoshoot this morning.
I intently examine the black and white versions of the photos I'd taken.
Of the two of them wrapped up in a bare embrace, sheets loose and resting low on their hips, revealing toned abdomens, and muscled lithe torsos. Their eyes are shut, heads curved towards each other and there's a slight reflection of the sunlight dancing onto their skin.
But the black and white photo seems to both enhance it and yet lose some of the original beauty, of the original golden glow the sun casts on their marked skin. There's something more satisfying about seeing the colour smattered across Kookie's skin that can't be captured properly if I turn it into a black and white photograph, where they don't hold the same power. The next series of photos of the two I decide are better in colour too, they just become another set to add to our collection of memories, private and intimate and cherished.
I click onto the next folder of photographs, pausing at the photos taken from the night we'd gone to the club. There's something far more satisfying about seeing certain shots in black and white. Where the lack of colour draws attention to the expressions, to the heat and intensity in the eyes, of the sultry expression and of the tousled hair. There's perhaps an air of dark seduction to some of the photos, to the way Hobi hyung had pinned Kookie against a wall before we'd left- far too eager and willing to show his appreciation to how we'd dressed him up, something powerful about them.
And just as I'm playing with the shadows, there comes a steady knocking at the door. (Y/N).
And in my haste, I stand up- forgetting the photos, but hyung is already there, opening the door with a sweet welcoming smile.
But then his expression falters slightly.
"Come in (Y/N), I know Taehyungie can be quite the haggler, so I apologise for him." he says, shooting an exasperated fond look at me.
But his words draw a smile from (Y/N) who steps in, hair tied up, drawing immediate attention to the slender column of her neck. And I watch as she shakes her head, disputing hyung's words.
Hah. I most certainly didn't haggle.
Nor did I try bribe her with the promise of trying to get Tannie there too.
Of course not. Jin hyung had shut down the idea- pointing out that I never usually let Tannie rush around my studio.
So that got ruled out.
And I see the way her eyes do subtly scan the floor, trying to catch sight of my smitten puppy who if he'd been here would've scampered over for affection already.
"Not fair...I don't know whether I should be pleased or affronted you love my baby so much." I say, grinning when her head darts up, eyes snapping to meet mine.
She gives a sheepish smile.
But then her eyes narrow. Silently asking where is Tannie in fact.
"I wasn't allowed to bring him. He's too boisterous and energetic to be let loose in the studio." I say, looking apologetically at her.
She shakes her head at me in a mock scolding way but the effect is lessened when Yoongi hyung mutters under his breath 'like someone I know'.
And I avoid staring too long at the fading bruises on her face, try to push down the anger and concern that swells up immediately at the sight of them. But Yoongi hyung seems to have more difficulty with that- eyes flickering back to silently examine, to try and piece together the missing puzzle pieces, that would help him understand what happened.
"You know I told you that you can come anytime to talk. It doesn't have to be only at the shop (Y/N)." Yoongi hyung suddenly remarks.
She flushes, his eyes giving away exactly what he's silently implying.
She nods.
He nods in response.
My eyes drift over her features, soft and delicate- still breathtakingly beautiful and in full view, not covered by the dark lighting of the club. I feel my cheeks warm when I remember figments of my imagined fantasy, of dancing with her, of moving with her slowly regardless of whatever music plays.
From the moment I'd seen her to the moment I'd fallen asleep beside one of the hyungs, my mind had been occupied with distracting thoughts of how she'd feel in my arms, whether she'd indulge me and dance slow with me, would feel as comfortable and yet equally as giddy as I did when I imagined twirling her around, dipping her, leaning in close enough that I could sent the soft sweet notes of whatever scent she'd rubbed into her glistening skin.
I felt guilty for the way when she entered, stepping closer and her mouth dropped with shock as she took in the studio, that my eyes dropped to her satin rosy lips, feeling a flushed warmth as my imagined fantasy and the present reality merged.
Looking at them reminded me of how I'd dreamt of holding her close, of leaning in close as I spoke to her, still a distance away from her lips and yet all I'd needed to do was close that distance, to confirm whether her lips tasted as sweet as she smelt, whether the sweetness of her personality could be felt and tasted on those rose petals. Whether they were as soft as they appeared.
And then mentally rue myself for not going ahead with it. Why hadn't dream me done it? Why hadn't I taken the courage to if it hadn't been real?
But then when Yoongi hyung speaks, I feel guilt wash in, large waves overwhelming my own distracted train of thought.
"Well I'll leave you two to it, I'll be expecting a visit soon (Y/N)." Yoongi hyung says.
But before he leaves, he seems to hesitate, looking torn as he hovers before he makes his mind up.
He takes long purposeful strides forwards, silently tugging (Y/N) into a hug, arms carefully going around her as he holds her close for a few moments.
There's a look of brief surprise before (Y/N)'s own arms come to reciprocate the hug and she nods to whatever he's said to her.
And then their arms slowly fall away, Yoongi hyung sporting an indecipherable look before he gives a squeeze to her shoulder and leaves, the studio now seeming infinitely large and yet confining simultaneously as I look at (Y/N).
As if there's all the distance in the world between us, and yet the conscious knowledge that it's only us here.
Because it's in that moment, when it's just the two of us, and there's nothing distracting me from taking in the sight of her that I realise. That my feelings veered off the friendship label, that at that moment whatever I felt when I saw her was in that dangerous territory. In between the space where the lines blurred, where they merged.
And I didn't know what to do.
(Y/N) POV:
I walk closer to Taehyung, smiling when he seems to be blankly staring at me.
I wave my hand in front of his face, trying to see if he's paying attention. And it's only when I gently grip his arm that he seems to snap back to the present, to the studio.
"Ahh...sorry about that. Umm...what was I going to say?" he says confusedly, looking distracted.
I point to his computer.
He'd called me over to ask for my opinion on experimenting with different styles of photography.
His face clears with realisation.
He nods.
"Go sit down at that chair in front of the largest computer, I'll grab another one." he says pointing it out before rushing away to another corner of his studio.
I walk over, sinking into the chair and noting immediately that it's extremely comfortable, designed to support a relaxed posture even as they work. I could easily imagine Taehyung sprawled comfortably in the chair as he edited and looked over photographs. And just as I sit, fitting myself to a comfortable posture, I turn to the screen. Expecting it to be blank.
Certainly not expecting this.
I feel my cheeks burn, heat spreading out across my body as my eyes catch onto the photo of Hobi and Jungkook on the screen, Hobi exuding dominance and power and control as he pins Jungkook to the wall, whose own head is throw back, eyes heavily lidded. Clearly Taehyung had been playing around with editing it because the black and white somehow enhances the seductive feel of the photo and I tear my eyes away, throat bobbing nervously, head ducked as I play with my fingers- consciously aware of how the photo seems to practically loom over me. They're both dressed in the outfits they'd been wearing at the club- beautifully intimidating and powerful and yet it feels too bare, too intimate for my eyes to even look at it.
"(Y/N)-ah why are you sitting like....oh." Taehyung says, having returned from his hunt for a chair, the sound of it touching the ground before he speaks from beside me, shoulder brushing mine.
"It's okay, I've taken it off." He says voice deep and smooth- gentle as it brushes over me.
I tentatively raise my head up, peeking through my fingers and dropping them when I see a picture of Yeontan on the screen instead.
My fingers fall to my side.
"Sorry about that...the others are my muses I guess is one way to put it." He says, eyes soft as he peers at me, smiling.
"Why? Was it too embarrassing? Explicit?" he says, slightly teasing, voice dropping an octave, deepening, and having a lower timbre to it. Unconsciously husky almost.
I try to fight back the affect his voice has on me, feeling myself both melt and turn to putty but also the shivers it sends dancing across my skin, as if his words had caressed it.
I shake my head rapidly, not able to meet his eyes immediately.
And then his tone softens.
"Sorry I won't tease." He says, raising his hands in front of him and shooting me a sincere soft look.
But when he leans past me to get the mouse, to bring it to his side so he can use it, I find myself freezing. Taking in the close proximity, the undertones of his cologne and mind flashing back to the club.
To the way he'd held me close and waltzed with me, uncaring of the music that played, of the atmosphere of the surroundings. No, he'd drawn me into a world, into a time, a moment where it had just been the two of us. And he'd made me hypersensitive and hyperaware of him and just him, the small details.
And I find myself doing that now, noting the way, his brows furrow as he searches for some photos, long fingers adorned with rings and wrist decorated with different textures and styles of bracelets- none of them matching and yet looking perfect.
I wondered how he felt about it, how he felt about that dance. Whether it had meant anything to him the way it had to me.
And oddly I felt as if it did. That it meant something at least in the slightest.
After my small breakdown in front of Habaek oppa and Mi-sun unnie, it had taken me a day of being holed up, alone with my thoughts to realise that I had to try. That though I'd lived centuries, life was too short to pass up moments and opportunities. That for me, it meant that my regrets would linger far longer. And that I couldn't keep hiding away and shutting down my feelings.
And Taehyung's text had come as a blessing in disguise, an opportunity to confront these newly blossoming feelings.
He turns to look at me.
"I think sometimes with black and white; the photos lose some of those emotions- that the brightness, the colours can all add to. And then sometimes taking away the other colours, makes you focus on the emotions, on the details. What do you think?" he says.
I tap my fingers on top of the desk, drumming them slightly before I reach out for a plain paper, hand hovering over a pen.
He nods eagerly and I pluck it from the pot, writing down what I think.
Emotions aren't black and white, they're every colour and yet have no one colour at all simultaneously.
He reads it, nodding along.
"That explains a lot. Like people dressing in certain colours can give off certain vibes. Like black. People often wearing black can be interpreted as giving off powerful vibes. And sometimes introverted, closed off vibes." He muses.
Seize the opportunity (Y/N). Seize it, my mind urges.
So what vibe was I giving off when you came over? I write before sliding the paper to him.
He peers at it. And then frowns. He raises his head and under his own black riotous curls I see his face, blank and confused. As if my question doesn't ring a bell whatsoever.
I feel my heart squeeze with confusion, with hurt.
"But I never did. I didn't approach you, nothing happened. Right?" he states before tailing off slightly puzzled.
But I hear the questioning tone, feel my stomach plummet, sinking at the fact that he doesn't want to remember, that he's claiming obliviousness.
And that whilst he chooses to be ignorant and push away that moment, I can't do that.
Not when it had stirred up something so deep inside me. Had made me long for something more, to feel the embrace of his arms and to move closer.
With that dance he'd made me want, it had been one of the biggest pushes that had me fall headfirst into these newly developing feelings and now he'd left me to drown in them whilst he walked away.
It hurts. Hurts so much.
So when he places a hand on my shoulder, the other drawing my jaw up to meet his eyes- I find myself crumbling at the gentleness of his actions, find myself shattering at the kindness that for him had always been to a friendly limit.
I'd been the one to read wrong into the situation.
Maybe I'd have to learn to accept that for Taehyung I couldn't hold that close spot in his life. Especially not when he was so drunk on the essence of Namjoon anyways.
And it makes me flinch when I see the sincerity in his dark brown eyes, always inviting, always tender.
And right now that very softness that had been what had made me nod that first day, now makes me feel cold all over.
And it makes a part of my heart shatter. Shatter as hope falls away from me.
That for Taehyung that night had meant nothing, whereas for me it had meant everything.
And though he means well as he looks at me, silently trying to assert I'm fine, I find that whilst I had been so giddy and eager to be invited to a place that meant so much to him, right now I find the spacious studio confining. And find that right now it's the last place I want to be.
So I shake my head, getting to my feet abruptly and trying to brush past him without incident, freezing when his hand darts to catch my wrist, standing with me and tugging me back.
I bite my lip hard when he wraps me into a backhug, wounding his arms around me close, painfully reminiscent of the closeness of that night, and feel him rest his head on my shoulder.
"Don't be sad. I don't like seeing you sad." He murmurs.
Inside I'm begging and pleading myself not to fall weak at this moment. That I will not cry.
I shake my head, tugging his arms free from around me and moving forward.
But just as I reach the door he calls out.
"Take the time you need (Y/N). And I'll be here when you come back." He says, trying to be cheery even as his voice seems to drop.
I hear the unspoken words.
Take the time you need (Y/N). Your friend will be waiting for you.
I nod, not trusting myself to turn.
Because if I turn, I'll see him. And if I see him, I'll cry.
Because when I look at him, I don't see just a friend.
I see someone I've begun to long for.
And I've learnt that when he looks at me, he doesn't see me the same way.
QUESTION...where have you seen ARMYs?
Mine is...for uni, it was intimidating because lots of students had been school together and stuff or clicked really easily, but for me this girl and I bonded immediately over BTS. And also the girls I had in my lessons were also ARMYs so we got even closer super quick! And...when I see people on the train with BT21 merch or at shops, I just silently smile and squeal- recognising fellow ARMYs. It makes me so happy honestly.
And also...sorry what?!! 😱🥺
You guys are just so amazing and wonderful! I love you! 🥺🥰💜
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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