Chapter 53- learning how the night passes differently
I stretch out my arms and legs, blankets falling off my body when I sit up, but I make no move to cover myself up, sliding out of bed and feeling perfectly fine with the eyes that burn a gaze across my naked back, drifting lower- the gaze is appreciative and hungry.
Pity I don't have time to indulge in a bit of fun before I leave.
But modelling won't do itself.
"Can't you stay? For even one quickie in the shower?" the voice comes out slightly rough both from sleep and their endless groaning and moaning last night.
I bend down to pick up my discarded bra and panties, sliding them on before I turn. Running my eyes over the man propped up against the headboard, body scattered with marks. My marks.
And smile.
"Sorry no can do. I've got to head to work." I say, smiling far too wide and happily considering I'm trying to apologise and ease him off the idea of more.
They didn't get more. They got the night and that was it.
My head feels fine too regardless of how much I'd drank- I'd had centuries to perfect drinking, no more hangovers and splitting headaches, or waking up with no idea how I'd tumbled into someone else's sheets, body bare and hair splayed across pillows. No. Centuries meant that I was always in control of how the night turned out, how things played out. They didn't choose me, I chose them.
For momentary relief. For a small escape.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
But I soften my eyes at the look of slight vulnerability in the man's eyes- that flicker with uncertainty, running through with questions as he tries to recall if he did something wrong.
That was the only reason I'd feel occasional guilt towards them. But I'd always entered with them knowing full well it was just for a night- just for a night that we'd use each other's bodies to get pleasure.
It made me sometimes feel like the bad guy.
I draw the dress back over my body, glancing in the mirror and smiling when I see my makeup hasn't been ruined whilst asleep.
"I enjoyed last night." I say by way of both thanks and a goodbye, smiling at him.
It seems to work because an easy grin stretches across his lips as he nods.
"See you around?" he asks.
I shrug, bounding my hair back up.
"Maybe..." I say ambiguously, giving a small wave as I step out, strapping my heels back on.
And on my way back home I become more and more animated, sinking into the back seat of a cab and wondering what best way to regale my night to Habaek and (Y/N). It's funny seeing how flustered (Y/N) can get when I try to go into detail teasingly and how Habaek glares at me whilst protectively cupping her ears, but in all honesty they've seen and heard it all.
There's not much hidden from each other if anything once you've had to live together in all sort of situations and living conditions. We've seen each other at our best and our worsts. It's made us love each other more.
And my face slips into a small frown when I see that my message had been read by (Y/N) but she didn't reply. Habaek hasn't even opened it.
He's ruining my fun.
But I make note to be extra teasing when I get home, stepping out and moving towards the front door. I let myself in, surprised at the lack of noise- the two of them aren't bothered by nights out, so they should be up.
I slip off my heels, they dangle on my fingers by the straps as I head into the living room, calling happily.
"I had an amazing night and I know you two want to hear all about it my loves." I say happily, pausing when I come face to face with a sweet image instead.
The two of them curled up together asleep, wrapped up into each other. I seize the opportunity to add more photos to my collection filed away for cute moments- smiling at the sight.
But the smile slips off when I nudge them several times, shaking them as I call them- to get not a single response. At first I blame it on the drinks even if my mind already scoffs at the thought, and I begin to get a bit panicked when the two don't stir, and that a particular shake has (Y/N)'s head nearly slipping off Habaek's chest, hand darting out to cradle it before gently setting her back.
I turn, catching sight of one of the side couches pulled out, seeing familiar faces.
Hoseok. And...Seokjin- the handsome gentleman from the supermarket. What are they doing here?
Something about the picture I'm seeing is odd. They never invite people back, not like this. Especially because the house was one of those few places where (Y/N) could be her bright loud self.
I stare at them, watching as Hoseok flies up into a sitting up position, clothes slightly rumpled- the two of them looking at me with something nervous and uncertain flickering in their eyes.
What's happened?
Something has definitely happened, my mind whispers as the beginnings of panic seep in and take control.
"What on earth happened last night?" I demand, trying to force my voice into a calmness I wasn't anywhere close to feeling.
And then my phone chimes, when I click onto the notification I see a message from Jimin, and see that he'd sent one two hours back. Why are both of them asking if Habaek is fine?
What happened to Habaek last night? I worry, feeling my hand tremble slightly- hiding the fear by clenching tightly onto my phone.
"Why did Jimin just text me at 9:03am and ask me if Habaek had recovered. And sent me a text earlier on at 7 as well. What's really going on here?" I ask.
I'm not taking any back-handed excuse.
I want the truth.
And not a single detail left out.
But it seems that I wasn't prepared for the truth no matter how much I wanted it. That I wasn't expecting myself to hear from the two of them that Habaek had been drugged, that his drink had been spiked and so the two of them had brought (Y/N) and Habaek back last night.
It doesn't explain why they stayed, not until Hoseok's usual bright demeanour seems to darken, the sun disappearing behind stormy clouds, as he explains that (Y/N) had had some of the drink.
I feel sick.
Sick to think that whatever had been slipped into the drink had been so extremely potent that a sip had wrought damage onto (Y/N)'s smaller frame.
Feel angry, seething with rage that someone had tried to drug Habaek so they could use him, use his body. It makes my eyes burn with hot white flames of fury as I recall the last time that had happened, when it had been with (Y/N) and we'd almost been too late. Never again we'd sworn to ourselves.
And yet something like this happened and I didn't even know. I spent my night away in pleasure whilst the two of them were suffering, were in pain. And I didn't know, couldn't do anything to help.
"Mi-sun..." Hoseok hedges carefully, having seen my slightly vacant look.
I shake myself out of it.
If you couldn't do anything then, you most certainly can do something now I urge myself.
But everything I was going to ask, was going to say is cut off by a deep pained groan from the couch. I hurry towards it, head hovering over Habaek who's blinking his eyes open and has thrown his hand over them, clearly sensitive to the sudden light.
"Mi-sun, you're back?" Habaek comments, voice sounding a bit rough but he sounds fine...I hope it's not wishful thinking.
"How are you feeling?" I ask, nudging him back when he tries to sit up, our eyes falling to (Y/N) who's splayed across him, shifting at his movement.
He stills, hand going to brush through her hair.
"Like I've been hit with a truck. Oh god...I feel...I feel useless Mi-sun ah." He mumbles, voice sounding slightly thick and pained. The vulnerability creeps into his tone. And it makes me wonder just how much more I'm missing. How much worse I'm about to find their night was.
"Habaek are you feeling better? Can you focus on your surroundings? Remember anything?" Seokjin says, hovering nearby, face twisted with worry as he looks at the scene.
He nods then grimaces.
"Just feels like I couldn't move. Remember bits of it though." He says.
"Like..." I press.
Most of the time people don't have recollections of where their time went when they've been drugged, I remember that from (Y/N). When she'd woken up sobbing and screaming and pushing away phantom touches when she couldn't recall faces.
It had made my heart break.
"Sick bastards trying to get their hands on me...on (Y/N)." he says, voice trembling slightly. There's also a sickly pallor to his usual warm skin.
And his words make me blanch.
"And I couldn't even move to get their hands off." He says, voice wobbling and hand still thrown off his eyes.
Multiple people. Not one.
It feels like history's playing tricks by repeating a course again.
And when I gently move his hand down, shielding his eyes from the light myself, I see that his eyes are filling up with guilty, shameful hurting tears.
"None of that Habaek, I'll contact the club." I say softly, pained to see him paining.
He nods but then his face blanches.
"Get (Y/N) off Mi-sun." he whispers firmly, hand clutching at his mouth and no sooner than have I shifted her to lean into me, Seokjin assisting by lifting her up, Habaek staggers to his feet, bolting out of the room unsteadily. There's the sound of the bathroom door opening and the violent crash as he falls to the ground and proceeds to be sick.
I grimace, turning to shift (Y/N) back onto the couch, brushing her hair back when she seems to shiver, despite the blanket Seokjin had carefully drawn over her again. And she seems to grow restless, moving with an expression of unease on her features.
And then she tries to move, shaking and trembling and I realise she's having a nightmare.
"You're okay darling, I'm here." I whisper soothingly, trying to gently rouse her out of it.
And it works for a few moments until her shifting becomes more agitated and pained, restless and that of someone confined and then all of a sudden she jerks upright, mouth open in a silent scream and eyes lost with the pain of her memories.
She takes one look at me and bursts into silent tears, moving to nestle herself in my arms, hands thrown around my neck and tugging me in close, tight- her cries shuddery and wet against my neck.
And not for the first time I realise what sort of hell last night must've been for her.
(Y/N) POV:
It's the feeling of intrusive hands roaming and squeezing my body- foreign, alien and unwelcome that makes me shift and writhe to escape them, body operating sluggishly.
My mouth opens but nothing comes out, as if my voice betrays me, can't come out- no matter how much I'm screaming, pleading, begging for them to let go, for them to take their hands off me. Tears filling my eyes when I feel hands inch up my dress, begin to roam under the fabric as they shift higher and higher.
"What a good girl, listening to us. Just stay still like that." A rough, lust-driven voice croons, his hands pinning mine to the side, I feel another foreign hand grab my hair and arch my neck back.
Forcing me, manipulating my limbs. Making me their plaything.
I didn't want it.
I don't want it my mind screams and my soul weeps.
And yet they don't stop, and just as the hands that had been crawling up my legs, clasp onto my hips- begin to draw my underwear off my waist- his grip is forcefully removed. And the sound of two angry voices are what save me, what stop me from shattering.
"You will never dare lay a finger on someone with your filthy intentions." Mi-sun unnie hisses, voice full of command and tinged with part of her allure as a siren. But right now it's dangerous and demanding and controlling.
And when another pair of arms wrap around me, strong and firm and safe...familiar, I finally let myself give in to the numbing buzz rushing through me- because I know that I'm not alone. That the nightmare is over.
My eyes fly open and land on Mi-sun unnie, looking worried and safe and home and I don't hesitate to burrow into her arms, tears escaping my eyes as I desperately latch on, starved for her comfort, for her presence in a way that makes me feel as if eons had passed since I'd last seen her.
"Shhh...I've got you my love. It's all going to be fine. I'll make it right." She promises into my ear, holding onto me just as tightly- a physical reassurance that she won't let go.
" (Y/N)'re safe, we're with you. Don't cry." Seokjin's usual bright teasing tone comes through soft and serious, making my heart clench with just how starkly they all are from the people I've known. From the people who had me want to stop talking.
And then almost quite helplessly Hoseok speaks up.
"Is there anything we can do?" He says, sounding like it hurts not being able to do anything, hurts to just stand by.
Mi-sun unnie shifts, the small movement making me clutch frantically at her and she immediately brings me close, murmuring an apology before she turns to speak to them.
"You've done so much more than I'll ever be able to thank you for Hoseok. And you Seokjin. But I think the two of them just need time." she says, subtly indicating that we need time...alone.
"I'll ask Jimin to drop off that ointment later (Y/N), I'm just a text away if you need me." Seokjin murmurs, voice coming from lower down, either as if he's bent his head down or he's crouching before he gives my leg a small squeeze and he moves back.
Hoseok shifts close.
"Rest up little one." he murmurs, gone with a gentle rub up and down my back.
And somehow I find myself yearning to move towards them, to thank them for their help, for everything they've done. For going above and beyond.
My lips open, the thank you sitting on my tongue and yet no matter how much I force myself, strain to try and make a sound, try, and speak- the words just won't move past my lips, won't empty themselves into the air, and the following tears that fall are of agitation and frustration.
Because I'd wanted to speak, I'd wanted to say thank you.
And somehow I'd betrayed myself, let myself down.
And the words remain unspoken on my tongue.
Thank you Jin and Hobi.
"(Y/N) don't be stubborn and just listen please." Habaek oppa pleads, looking so guilty and betrayed and hurt as he looks at me dithering by the front door a few hours after my meltdown.
I can't help but take in the sight of him eagerly, committing to memory the healthy flush to his cheeks, the ease with which he stands up now and above all...the sheer feelings and emotions and thoughts I can see flickering across his very focused eyes.
"I am listening. You two have always taught me not to let things get me down. And I'm trying but you won't let me." I say, voice coming out as a huffed protest, and I see his lips twitch with fond amusement before he tries to be stern.
Hard to do when all I could remember when I saw him was how scary and horrifying it'd been to see him so lifeless, so drained of energy and his usual enthusiasm to drag me from place to place.
Yesterday had made me experience a side of Habaek oppa I never wanted to see in my lifetime. To see my strength and support so weakened and in so much pain and myself helpless to do anything except watch on.
"Why can't I go? Or Mi-sun?" he says, trying to grasp onto any chance.
I smile grimly.
"Because I'm the one who saw their faces clearly. I'm the one who remembers all the details as the most coherent. And I'm the one who has her id and needs to report it." I say firmly, hand swinging said bag between my fingers. And for all the lightness I seem to wave it, my hand fists around it tightly.
She's not getting away. Neither is the man.
Mi-sun appears behind him, now dressed to head out. And she shoots me a warning look, though there's a small knowing smile on her face.
"I have a few errands to run so I'll go with you. And if you need space to clear your head then we can do that too. But I'm coming with." She states calmy, her only tell being the small tightening of her lips and the way she comes across as too calm...feigned calm when I can see how her eyes are far too alertly trained on me.
I nod, smiling.
Because this is her way of saying she cares. Her way of saying she wants to go with me, to feel close to me.
And I can't deny her that. Especially when I'd been craving her presence so much.
Habaek oppa still frowns as he holds me close, murmuring an apology for an umpteenth time into my ear.
"If you keep apologising, I'll go to unnie to be my midnight chief-taster." I warn as I step back, unable to deal with the guilt storming in his soft brown eyes. When he had nothing to be guilty for.
He smiles, shaking his head.
"Don't do that." He says just as Mi-sun unnie squawks in protest that she feels left out.
"Did you let me blame myself then?" I ask, voice soft despite what my words suggest.
His expression darkens and pain sears across his features.
"Never. You know that." He says voice slightly hoarse.
My eyes soften and I reach out for him, tugging him close as I press myself into an embrace.
"So why are you trying to do the same? We just have rotten luck at times oppa but it happens." I say, words hitting him.
He nods, a bit of the guilt leaving his eyes.
"Take care." He murmurs.
I nod.
"You too." I say, tiptoeing up as he bends his head down towards mine, allowing me to peck his cheek.
And like that Mi-sun unnie and I step out of the house, faces fixed with determination. There's no way we're letting those two people slip out of grasp.
And when we do file the report for drugging and attempted sexual assault, the proof of physical assault clear as day on the bruises darkening on my face, Mi-sun unnie had clenched her jaw at that staring stonily at them, and when we leave it's with shoulders that feel considerably lighter. And it's with much more ease I manage to convince unnie to let me head to the dance studio.
Seeing the way she nods in understanding.
"I'll drop you off." She says.
And it's as the car pulls up to park when it accidentally slips out that I hadn't called her because it was close to 3. That I had been coherent enough to tell her but hadn't. She turns to me with a narrowed set of eyes, yelling at me to stop when I see the glittering dangerous look in her face, slipping out the car to hurry away from her wrath I've accidentally evoked. I rush in to the studio, ignoring the furious shouts and tell-tale sound of her increasingly louder threats that I realise she's set chase.
An angry Mi-sun unnie is a scary Mi-sun unnie I've learnt.
But it turns out that maybe she's not my only problem.
Because when I run in and end up startling Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook- who's heads whip around in alarm, Hoseok's eyes narrowing.
And suddenly despite the spacious dance studio, I may have somehow ended up as the cornered one.
Mine heart bursts whenever Jungkookie goes around calling Namjoon his Rapmon hyung- forever and always for him like that!! And how he's Namjoon's number one fan- he's never shy to declare just how much of an inspiration Namjoon is for him! And I just---*heart flatlines*
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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