Chapter 22- learning truths and making connections
The room becomes thick with unanswered questions, confusion and surprise making everyone of us turn and shift to face each other. Hobi shares a confused look with me but I can also feel a bubbling sense of excitement too, the nervous anticipation that maybe, just maybe we all have met and known the same (Y/N) this entire time.
"I think we need to start at the very beginning. Who wants to start?" I say, shifting upwards a bit and bracketing Hobi more securely in my arms, he leans into the touch.
Tae is the first one to speak up.
"I met her in the library when I went along with Joonie hyung. She was sitting in those tucked away nooks and for some reason I felt that she was approachable, different. And then I met her a few times- at the park when I'd gone with Tannie and then a third time at the library. And the fourth was today at the arcade." He speaks up, deep voice alight with excitement and joy, an unconscious smile on his face as he recalls the several instances he's met her. Perhaps the one who's met her the most I realise with surprise.
"I umm...accidentally fell on her...when I was walking Tannie at night. Umm and then at the park when Tae-ah called me over and then a third time when I found out that she knows the man I'm working with." I add, speaking up. My admission has mixed reactions but everyone expresses shock and amused exasperation.
"You knocked her over?"
"You injured her?"
"Classic cute Joonie!"
I ducky my head sheepishly, briefly hiding behind Hobi's shoulder but he turns and laughs, kissing the tip of my nose.
"Yah Joon-ah, I hope you apologised and checked if she was injured!" Jin hyung says from the other end, looking incredulous and when I nod, he shifts back slightly appeased and begins talking.
"Well I met her when we returned from our trip to the sea...when we stopped to pick up groceries..." he begins his words interjected by Hobi and Yoongi hyung.
"That long ago?!" Yoongi hyung asks with disbelief as he twists to face him. The others show similar shock.
Maybe he'd been the first one to meet her then, I figure.
He nods but then glares for being interrupted.
"And then I met her at the baking classes I've just started. She's my baking partner." He confesses.
Everyone turns, loudly reacting to how good her baking is, throwing in a few teasing comments along the way and when hyung speaks up again it's with red-tipped ears.
"Yah! And then...I met her at Yoongi's store. I didn't expect to see her there, I was off to drop lunch off." He muses, nudging Yoongi hyung so he can begin talking.
"Ahh...she's the wandering soul I mentioned from the Magic Shop." Hyung shyly admits, cheeks coloured a soft pink.
"Aigoo...hyung is just a softie. She's the one you mentioned who had such a deep connection with music?" Jiminie asks, leaning forward interest and intrigued- eyes intently trained on hyung.
He nods.
"I've met her again at the shop when Jin hyung came over and also when I went out to pick strawberries." He murmurs.
Tae sits up straight, betrayed and wounded.
"Ahh hyung! You should've taken me with you, I bet she looked adorable." He muses almost wilted and droopy-like, looking dejected at the idea of having missed out. Jin hyung too turns in surprise.
"Ahh...was my Yoongi-ah too distracted to collect lots of strawberries?" Jin hyung teases, leaning to kiss his cheek quickly, plush lips against pink skin.
Yoongi hyung attempts to shrug him off but he doesn't deny the comment, interesting.
"Well...I met her when she signed up with her friend for dance lessons." Hobi begins dramatically.
"Huh? So don't tell me...she's the new dancer isn't she? She's the one the three of you have so eagerly added to your team." Jin hyung surmises quickly, voice calm and collected- eyes indicating he's already put the pieces together.
Hobi droops, disappointed. As if he wanted to share this morsel of information.
I pat his shoulder, a small consolation because it seemed like he was desperate to tell us himself.
But then he brightens up.
"You should really see her dance though; all that shyness vanishes when she performs." He adds.
Jiminie and Kookie eagerly nod along with that, sharing fond smiles and recalling eyes- lips stretching wider.
It stirs my curiosity, makes me want to know more, to see her perform.
Who knew that the shy girl I'd accidentally bowled over had so much depth and layers to her, had somehow met the others and left equally deep impressions on?
"I've only seen her in dance lessons though...we did take her to lunch though once, didn't we Min?" he calls out to Jiminie.
He nods, acquiescing.
"Apart from knowing her from dance lessons, she's the one who drove me home hyung." He says darting a glance to Jin hyung who straightens up.
"I knew the car looked like hers!" he exclaims triumphantly before nodding for Jiminie to continue.
He smiles, privy to some hidden unknown secret before he divulges it to us.
"She's pink mittens girl." He adds. Yoongi hyung starts, looking regretful at having missed her that day whilst the rest of us take no time at all in fondly teasing him, remembering how touched he'd been, how much we'd been that someone had helped him out as well as how carefully he'd handled her mittens that day too- tucked away somewhere safe this very instance.
And then Kookie stretches, curling on top of the two maknaes and peers up at us with glittering shining doe-eyes.
"My turn?" he asks.
I peer up at Kookie, mind already bursting with these new revelations, more details and snippets of stories coming out about (Y/N), who had surprisingly met us all. And it was clear from everyone's words and tone and unconscious body language that they too had been affected by the sweet shy girl who'd clearly left an impression on us.
What I was most curious to find out though was whether anyone had heard her voice? Had met her at a time when her throat wasn't sore. That was something that niggled away incessantly at my mind, the burning need to know what her voice sounded like, whether it was sweet as I'd imagined it to be.
But then Kookie begins talking, filling the others in on parts they don't know and sharing what none of us knew.
"So...first of all she's the friend from the arcade. And I don't know...there was something so expressive in the ways she was just enjoying herself, having fun that made me approach her..." he mumbles, the teasing glint gone to give way to a softer mumble.
I'm surprised that our shy baby had been the one who initiated communication but at the same time proud of him too. And also the image of the sweet shy girl I have in mind is far more silent and hidden in her shell then the Kookie I know, so at the same time I'm not too shocked by it. And by the looks of the others, they aren't too.
"And then...I met her at the swimming pool. She's a better swimmer than all of you guys." He suddenly boasts, looking so proud and smug at admitting the fact, at telling us that (Y/N) could easily thwart us in the waters- rivalling and impressing Kookie wasn't an easy feat by any means. I could attest to that, everyone in this room could.
"And I think the man hyung was talking about was Habaek ssi, if I'm right. He was there that day too and he was at the arcade too. I also had lunch with her at the diner, have danced with her and met her again today." he surmises, shocking us all with how frequently they seemed to have met.
That somehow out of us all, Kookie was the one who'd interacted with her the most, and it's the boy we thought would've been too shy to that has somehow gotten along the most, who seems most exuberant and happy to share his stories.
Kookie had surprised us all.
And it's the shock of processing everything that lets the room fall into a hush as everyone's minds whir away, connecting all these images and stories to add to the image we know of (Y/N).
In my mind, the image of the shy sweet pretty fashionable girl (Y/N) is has now grown- she's multi-talented it seems, the several hobbies and traits I've seemed to have amassed about her; she's a baker, she loves music, she dances and she likes nature and fashion and photography.
The list blows me away because I never knew that she had such depth, such hidden layers that have slowly been revealed and yet I don't think she's even spoken yet.
At least the hyungs and the others didn't mention it yet.
"By any chance have any of you heard her speak?" I ask, treading carefully.
The others shake their head.
"But somehow she's really expressive, I don't find it hard to understand her somehow." Yoongi hyung muses, eyes thoughtful and reflective.
"We've written notes." I comment.
"Ooh and type them sometimes." Jimin adds.
"Or text." Kookie says, once again surprising us out of the blue.
Even Jiminie and Hobi hyung look surprised until he waves his phone in explanation.
"She just texted back. Hobi hyung she said to tell you she's sorry for making you worry and Jiminie hyung- something about keeping a promise?" he adds uncertainly, reading off the screen before he begins to text back to her, immersed in the task at hand, quite literally.
I huff, pouting.
How do they have her number and I don't?
But my dissent is voiced by Jin hyung.
"Yah! Why doesn't her baking partner have her number? Kook-ah hand it over." He asks.
Kookie shakes his head, a clear refusal without even thinking about it.
"You should ask her for it. I don't think she knows we all know each other- it might startle her. And besides...I can't just give it away without her permission." He adds.
His comment strikes me as how mature he is under the layers of being babied and coddled is someone who's sensitive and understanding of others.
I feel my heart swell with pride, pushing aside the huff of protest as I lean over to kiss him, suddenly capturing his lips.
He's startled initially but melts into it, leaning over Jiminie to get to me.
"What's that for hyung?" he breathes when I pull my lips away unwillingly.
"Just because you're you." I reply.
(Y/N) POV:
A day or so after the arcade surprise, I find myself outside the dance studio again- ready for our group session, excited and curious about what dance style we'll be playing and experimenting with.
And yet when I enter nothing prepares me for the sight of the three of them waiting outside the door, turning to greet me happily- more exuberance and joy in them than I've witnessed, even more enthusiastic as they usher me in, grinning to each other.
I cock my head at the nearest one, who turns out to be Jungkook but he just smiles at me, doe-eyes shining with a hidden secret.
"Nothing (Y/N)! Bet I can stretch better than you though." He teases, pushing aside my curiosity and silent question with a goading tease. And though I silently sigh at him, there's no way I'll let myself be outdone at stretching, not by the ever elusive hidden JK- eyes darting to silently glare at him, at how blasé he'd been when he'd first met me, hiding the fact that he was the one at the top of the scoreboard, and the reminder of the fact that I'd won in fact the last time I'd been to the arcade makes me smile happily at the fact, not knowing that there are three gazes trained on me- not until I snap out of my haze to find them staring intently at me.
I continue stretching, legs open in a split as I reach to stretch my hands out over my toes, fingers clutching easily at the edge of my shoes, leaning forward, and continuing to warm up my muscles, still unaware of the secret knowledge that clouds three pairs of eyes.
As I warm up I wonder how long it'll take for Jungkook to beat me, a part of me wanting my title to remain there- him unable to beat it no matter how much he tries, but another part of me wants to return to the arcade and find my position snatched away, so the competitiveness can be riled up and I work just that much harder, with the intent to beat him.
When I stand up, I note Hoseok stepping forwards toward me, I turn to face him, hands busying themselves by pulling my hair up to tie into a ponytail. His eyes divert slightly to the sight before returning to focus on my face.
"I have a request to make (Y/N). And you can say no...there's no pressure and immediately okay. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable." He says seriously, caramel voice deep and gentle and considerate.
I nod slowly, not knowing where this is going, not knowing if I need to feel afraid, even as the beginning of panic and fear threads through my stomach and twists it with nervousness.
He must see something on my face because he shakes his head, hands shaken insistently too as he rushes to spill out.
"Nothing bad I swear." He hastily says.
And then when he sees a slither of nerves leave he speaks again.
"Some of our friends want to drop by later, to watch us rehearse. Are you comfortable with the idea?" he asks.
I pause.
Their friends...whilst the immediately paranoid and closed off part of me shrinks away at the idea, at the idea of opening myself up, exposing my existence to others, unknown people...strangers, the thought making me want to hide away. The other part of me...the part that has listened to Habaek oppa and Mi-sun unnie, the part that has slowly begun opening up to new people with newly found courage and hope makes me think that it can't be bad. If the three of them are such friendly, kind people then surely their friends will be the same.
I dither between the two but because I made a promise, because I want to try. I nod hesitantly.
Jimin steps forward.
"Are you sure? You don't need to force yourself." He says gently, eyes intently searching mine for doubt, fear.
I nod again, more firmly.
And then Jungkook speaks up.
"Well heard the girl. She said yes!" he chirps but the smile he shoots me is furtive, as if he knows something I don't.
And I don't know whether I want to find out what it is.
"And again. Let's go from the top!" Hoseok instructs, watching from the side-lines as I go through the slightly contemporary routine to with the beautifully sad and wistful lyrics of the song that pours out again, a song about waiting for the seasons to change, about meeting friends again.
The song is beautiful and deep and meaningful- its pace requiring more control and carefully handled precision, requiring a close eye to timing for each shift and movement.
Spring Day holds a special place in my heart and aged soul.
Stirs up memories of longing and waiting, a song that connected with me when it had first come out because of the way as a siren I was waiting for the end of this winter, this bleak coldness and the warmth of life and truly living to sweep in like the warmth and spring season once again. Made me wonder and yearn and wish and wait for the day my Spring Day would bloom too.
The final beats of the song play as the three of us come close, sinking down around the space in the centre, where Hoseok is meant to be, arms outstretched as our bodies curve in.
"Fantastic. Let's take a break for five and then perform it together." Hoseok calls and I break out of position, sinking onto the floor to breathe deeply, trying to maintain my heartbeat that has rocketed up for reasons beyond performing.
The song trails through my head, painfully haunting.
While I'm seriously impressed at their song choices, at the timeless beautiful classics they pluck from history to create dances to- the fact that they choose such songs keep striking at old wounds and threaten to re-open old scars.
This song had been a solace during a particularly hard period in time, when the Ocean had snatched back from us one of the youngest turned Sirens, a dainty fragile boy who'd wept and cried and cursed at the Ocean for making his teenaged hands red with the blood of the victims we'd claimed, had screamed and begged to be killed rather than condemning himself to an eternity of this.
The Ocean had been quick to oblige, especially once She saw the way our hearts turned to him, our battered broken selves saw our pasts in him, he had gone into Her deep watery depths with us, he hadn't risen from them though.
And painfully I remember his face, slightly blurred around the edges but the pain hauntingly clear in his eyes, his face wet with tears.
I push away those thoughts and see that there's a bottle being held in front of me, and my eyes dart up to apologetically look at Jimin who's staring at me curiously.
"Lost in thought? Probably cursing out Hobi hyung for being a meanie." He adds, eyes crinkling as he laughs, dropping down to sit beside me as he holds out a towel too.
I gratefully take the too, dabbing at my face and neck- feeling my face flush with the raised body temperature as I unscrew the bottle and take a long gratifying gulp of water- clean and sharp.
I shake my head at Jimin, indicating that no it's not Hoseok- who sticks out his tongue at Jimin and gently pets Jungkook's head- I watch as he silently and easily arches into the touch, eyes shut.
And after a few minutes, I know that Hobi's five is actually until he notes we're all ready to go again, he calls for us to get into formation.
He slips into his spot, replaying the song. I let the thoughts slip away as the music begins to play, immersed in the act of dancing that I barely even register a soft sound coming from one end of the studio, the sound of a door opening.
I move and transition from one part of the choreography to the other, eyes intently glued on our reflection as I watch the four of us dance and move fluidly around each other in ease, bodies shifting and twisting with control. The reflection of us tells me that we dance as if we've known each other for long, that there's this connection as we all understand and move in response to each other's moving; invisible but still felt.
And I dance to let those lingering thoughts be banished from mind, for nothing but sheer exultation and joy fill me as I dance, as I move and feel the music like I used to.
And as we all shift into the final position, sinking around Hoseok with our arms outstretched- the last notes hang in the air, capturing that moment before fading into silence.
Silence that is erupted with cheers and claps coming from one end of the room.
And as I turn towards the source, I suddenly feel a strong tug at the centre of me, in the very essence of everything I am, a deep sharp pain inside me that fills my mind, my heart, my soul with the realisation that my body is being called towards the Ocean. That the violent sudden pain that sets each nerve alight is the beginning of the instinctual feeling- that we're called and urged towards the waters, in pain because that need isn't immediately fulfilled.
I lurch over, body curling in to stabilise myself against the pain, eyes watering and head bowed- mouth parted in a silent cry that never comes, never fills the air because of how accustomed I've become to getting the calling suddenly.
It doesn't make the pain any easier to bear but once I breathe sharply to it, I raise my head- not noting that the three stopped in alarm, don't notice them until they're kneeling in front of me. I spot too many pairs of shoes, there should only be three but there's seven.
And slowly I raise my eyes to see who's there.
And stop breathing.
When I note not one or two but all seven of them as familiar faces, the additional four as ones I've encountered individually, met around the city.
And all of them sport looks of concern and worry in their eyes, bodies close and forming an unconscious huddle.
I hear snippets of words and then focus when I hear my name.
"(Y/N) are you okay? Can you give me a sign to let me know you're okay?" a deep voice asks, the timbre pleasing as always- previously and usually alight with excitement and happiness but now deepened with concern. I meet Taehyung's eyes.
He looks at me pleadingly. To answer him.
But can't find the strength to answer, not whilst my body is furiously tingling with painful sparks. A hand comes out to touch my shoulder, touching clothed skin and I see Seokjin looking at me with furrowed brows, lips twisted downwards.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" he asks gently.
I still don't respond.
And then as a hand comes to tap at my hand, to make skin to skin contact I flinch back, knowing that at this moment I can't guarantee that my pheromones are under control.
And stagger to my feet, pushing myself back. I backpedal, eyes sliding away, fumbling to grab my jacket and bag, feet stiff and uncoordinated, fingers uncooperating. And yet somehow I manage, biting my lip through the pain.
I need to get out of here. Before I end up putting them in a trance. Before my pheromones unconsciously go out of control. I need to get home.
I'm unsafe. Unsafe. This can all be explained later, but not now. Now I need to get home. And even though seven pair of eyes remain on me, track my fumbling movements I try to hurry past, dodging past them to get out, ignoring the shocked alarmed cries of my name.
Not now.
I'll feel bad later but not now. Now I need to get out.
And leaving behind seven connected puzzle pieces, seven parts of the same web I leave.
Not knowing whether I'll see them again.
Not knowing how to explain everything if I do return.
I pull open the car door and collapse into the seat, clutching tightly at the steering wheel. Breathing heavily and in the safety of my car letting out pained whimpers waiting for the worst to pass. I lock the doors, slumping down when I hear the clicking sound.
I hunch over the wheel as I breathe. Breathe through the pain and try to force myself to think beyond the prickling feeling in my heart, the sinking feeling of despair as I realise that we have to return to the Ocean.
Not immediately, but soon. Now that the call has begun.
Mine was...some purple earbuds that just arrived today!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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