Chapter 20- so close...
"Hyung~ is there any more rainbow cupcakes?" Kookie asks as he heads into the kitchen where alongside Jin hyung, Hobi and I are cooking- though Hobi is doing a better job at distracting than he is at cooking the rice- dragging me into his arms to swirl me around even as I insist that someone needs to check the stew.
Hobi freezes mid spin, leaving me to almost stumble into his arms but he manages to right me, shooting me an apologetic grin as we focus on our maknae who's beginning to rifle through the fridge with a hopeful expression.
Jin hyung turns from the sink.
"No Kook-ah...and anyways you'll spoil your appetite. Hyung will give you one of his salted caramel ones afterwards." He calls.
But the two of us don't miss the sad pout on his lips as he closes the fridge and even Jin hyung hears the sad sigh, turning to stare at the maknae.
"Yah what's wrong with my cupcakes? I slaved over that caramel!" he complains, looking betrayed even as Kookie drags himself over to us, leaning sadly onto Hobi who coos and presses kisses to his face, making giggles erupt instead.
"The rainbow ones were really bright and pretty." He mumbles.
And even as Jin hyung calls out for everyone to have dinner Kookie milks the sad pout for all it's worth, once again plastering the sad look on as the others enter, so he can easily melt into the others' petting and fussing- Tae even having the nerve to jump in on it and whining playfully.
Though hyung's glitter as he threatens to never bake for them, he can't help the twitch of his lips as we sit down to eat.
And the night passes in the usual ambience of fond teasing and laughter, but even so my mind drifts to the rainbow cupcakes and the person who'd baked them.
The image of (Y/N) darting around the kitchen with her usual small smile as she bakes makes me unconsciously smile- the way hyung had been talking animatedly about his baking partner as we'd cooked had made Hobi initially poke his head in curiosity about why hyung could be heard laughing through towards the stairs and had jumped into the fray. But seeing the way hyung had been so excited and eager to share his experience, especially because I knew who he was talking about had made me feel so soft towards hyung- at the way he was so easily opening up to the silent sweet girl for whom it was obvious he was beginning to form a soft spot for. It was endearing, as if hyung was beginning to see her as a dongsaeng and take her under his large wing.
I couldn't help but hope that we could finish our conversation from last time, I also wanted to know how she was going to use the music- whether she was going to try and make something from it. It made me excited and I couldn't help but wonder when I would see her next.
I blink my eyes open because Hobi and Jiminie's phones chime, and the two shift around sleepily, bodies moving and covers rustling as they splay their arms out to grapple blindly for them.
Hobi is the first one to pick up his phone, leaning away from me as he curves towards the desk, yawning as he checks and on my other side, Jiminie curls back into me even as he opens his phone, blearily at first and then slightly awake as he turns to peer at Hobi.
"Hyung...did you get the same text?" he asks, hair mussed and looking adorably droopy as he splays himself over me to lean to get to Hobi and even though I huff- he takes no heed, instead presses himself further into me, with a teasing sleepy smile.
"Yeah...I'll just text her the studio pin." He mumbles, tapping away before the phone is placed back and he dives back into my side, clutching tightly as he smiles against the curve of my neck.
"Hoseok-ah, so early...too early." I grumble but he kisses my neck apologetically before tugging the blankets more tightly around us, leaning across to tug Jiminie further into the embrace.
"I might check on her later. Maybe..." Jiminie mumbles but before I can ask or question anything, the two are already drifting back off to sleep easily.
And I let their warm presences and closeness lull me back to sleep too, eyes easily sliding shut as my hands wound around them, drawing them in.
When we all stumble down after a lie-in, everyone sleepily congregates at the breakfast table and just then Kookie shuffles in, large shirt gaping at his neck and shoulders- probably Jin hyung's and sleepily plops himself into my lap, murmuring a good morning against my cheek as he makes himself comfortable.
"Morning bun." I say, kissing his cheek before going back to observe the kitchen where the hyungs are pottering about cooking slowly, shuffling around each other- slowly becoming more alert as they wake up.
Kookie opens his phone, leaning forward to put it on the table as he peers at it, I continue to scroll through mine, hand absently petting the slither of skin of his hip, hand burrowed under his shirt to press against the warmth of his body.
And as I'm mindlessly replying to my messages, Kookie suddenly bolts up, straightening up and staring at his phone. Before I can peer to see what has caught his attention, he's already calling out for Jiminie.
"Hyung...did any of you two reply?" he calls, and immediately as if he knows what's happening Hobi hyung is already calling out an affirmative over from where he's brewing coffee.
"That's a bit early..." he muses worriedly.
Jiminie nods thoughtfully, bringing the bowl of chopped fruit to the table, bringing a piece to feed the two of us, ruffling Kookie's hair reassuringly.
"One of us will check up on her." he says but Kookie's already tapping out a message and from here I can see the way his brows are furrowed, looking intently at his screen- waiting for a reply that doesn't come. Not now, not even as we eat breakfast, finish, and wash up- his eyes darting back to the phone over and over, hands snatching it up to peer expectantly at it.
And it's clear something is being silently communicated between the three, a silent exchange of glances and meaningful shrugs and head tilts until Jiminie throws his hands up exasperatedly and heads out.
"I'll go check. And I'll text." He calls as he leaves, the rest of us looking stumped and a mere explanation from Hobi hyung that he's gone to meet their new dance member.
But even so I note each little behaviour and word that has been exchanged since before breakfast, the concern and worry that I've never seen them extend for their students to such an extent. But then again they've never had a new member- it's always been the three of them.
I can't help feel curious about who their new member is- and just what is it about her that's got all of them in a tizzy, Kookie included.
Whoever she is sounds and seems like a special person.
I'm happy with the fact that they already seem close enough to be worrying about her.
It means they're getting along well.
(Y/N) POV:
I'm heading out of the studio, sweaty and gross but so satisfied with how productive the private session has gone that I almost miss the way Jimin suddenly appears and freezes, quick pace halted as he stands in front of me, eyes wide and disbelieving.
"You're just leaving now?" he asks in a voice that is disbelieving and exasperated.
I nod, looking at him confused.
Not really understanding why he's here.
"You've been here for hours! Did you even take proper breaks, stretch correctly?" he asks words harried and concerned, face slightly pinched.
I nod insistently- he might not know but decades as a dancer has taught me the necessities of warming up and stretching correctly before practice. I had probably had the most mistakes, most experiences to learn from. Probably strained and had more torn muscles in my life than they did all together- I knew I did.
But his concern is still sweet and warming. And I can't help but feel slightly conscious because of how sticky and damp I feel, know that my cheeks will be a bright red and my skin will be shining disgustingly.
But the worried look doesn't fade and he points a stern finger towards me.
"Stay here a minute." Before he rushes indoors, leaving me to try and process the suddenness of it all.
And just as quickly as he'd gone, he comes rushing back out and tilts out an energy drink towards me, the bottle inviting and a silent gesture of concern and care.
"Drink up, it's an electrolyte drink." He says, watching as I take the bottle from his hand, twist the cap off and take a long gulp, the flavoured sweet drink refreshing and cool against my heated body.
When I take the bottle away from my mouth, I notice he's been intently observing me and my cheeks heat a tad bit more but the worry has abated...slightly.
"You should never overwork yourself. If you're going to stay for such long periods, I don't ever want to hear you didn't take proper breaks." He chides me softly.
I nod, eager to see the worry slide off his face.
His worry though sweet and genuine, is unknowingly unfounded. Because he doesn't know the truth about just how well I know how my body can break under too much strain. And a long morning private session is a godsend, especially in comparison to the gruelling, exploitative company I'd once been roped into foolishly- how for them dancers were machines, machines that relentlessly operated until the body gave out. My morning private session was just a way of me trying to put my body back into that mindset of a dancer, to prep myself into becoming strong and having high stamina again. It wasn't anything else.
"You better not turn out to be like mad dance machine is enough; I don't need the two of you becoming reckless dancers." He warns as though he's caught me several times rather this one time.
And though I nod and smile abashed, I have no idea of backing down from the training I'm used to putting my body through, I guess I'll just have to make sure I'm not caught out by him.
And the thought of darting around secretively makes me feel like this will become an odd but unique game of cat and mouse- and this time round, I don't mind the chase...rather it's almost thrilling.
"I even walked all the way here!" he huffs, voice softening and becoming slightly's cute.
But it does make me feel guilt, especially because I realise that he'd hurried here to check on me, and whilst the knowledge is warming, I can't help but feel bad and my smile fades away. Lip worried between my teeth as I stare guiltily at him.
"Ahh don't feel bad about it. You're one of ours now. We look after each other, we're a team." He says reassuringly.
But I don't feel like a team player, not when I made him rush here.
And my eyes rove to my car and I figure- the least I can do is offer him a lift back.
I take my keys out, slipping my phone out to shoot a text off to him. He takes his phone out, staring curiously at me but then reads a message and looks up from the screen to beam at me.
"Don't do it because you felt bad!" he admonishes lightly.
I shake my head. It's the least I could do anyways for him- especially because he's been nothing but kind and welcoming and supportive.
And then I gesture with my two hands towards the car, setting the pace as I walk past him, a small head turn alerting me that he's following a few paces behind me.
I unlock the car, putting my bag into the back seat before getting into the driver's seat, Jimin's already belted in and slowly roving his eyes through the inside, smiling cutely when he sees the small plushie and scented car diffuser that hangs under the rear-view mirror.
"Cute..." he mumbles slightly under his breath and though I feel slightly nervous at having him in such close proximity, realise the responsibility of driving him home safely but at the same time I feel slightly excited- this is the first step I've ever really initiated towards someone I've met, somehow I've never gathered the courage to. So this feels like a baby step on the learning curve. A step in the right direction ever since I promised Habaek oppa I'll try.
So those thoughts outweigh the fear and nerves and I turn expectantly at him to type in his address to the GPS, tapping slightly at the screen to make sure he understands what I'm asking for.
He leans forward, body suddenly extremely close and whilst I know I can maintain control over my pheromones, the suddenness makes me startle and move back a bit, distancing myself again and when he's typed in the GPS he shoots me a wide smile and presses start.
As I drive I learn that Jimin is a very unique passenger. His instructions and shortcuts are ones that the GPS can't provide, so he overrides the automated voice with his cheery bright own one as he points out a route I can take that'll be quicker for me and I trust him, turning into roads he points out. And the second thing is that he's a very exuberant passenger, eagerly asking if he can connect his phone to the Bluetooth so he can play music. And after my quick nod, I learn that he has a very original mix of music- ranging from slow melancholic ballads to upbeat songs that make him start moving his head along to the beat.
Even so...I find myself closer and closer to the urge to laugh and several times I repress the urge to laugh and sing along with the music- reminding myself that though this is my car, the passenger isn't one of the other two. My passenger is very much human...and I will not risk him for a single moment.
And when I pull up outside a large house, both grand looking and welcoming, he turns to me with a grin.
"Thanks (Y/N)! Do you want to come in?" he suddenly asks, my hands tighten around the steering wheel.
The house now looks nerve wracking, the large structure intimidating and slightly overwhelming.
But just as I go to shake my head he starts off apologetically.
"Ahh sorry...I didn't think you wouldn't know the others- it would make you uncomfortable." He rushes to say.
I smile at him softly, letting him know it's okay.
"I'll see you in our next group session. Remember not to overwork yourself. Go eat something when you get home and keep hydrated." He says all whilst unbuckling his belt and opening the door and just as he's about to leave, he turns to wave at me calling out a final goodbye before he bounds off towards the front door.
I reverse the car, shooting a last look to the door closing as I leave.
And on the drive home all I can think is how surprisingly I had found myself slightly more at ease with Jimin- as if offering him a ride home had been a decision made for the better. I saw an adorable, carefree side to him beyond the dance studio and beyond the flushed cheeks and glittering eyes at the ice-rink. This was Jimin as I believed he was to others too.
This was the Jimin who slightly nagged in his worry, was insistent on keeping an eye out for others and also managed to make me feel comforted rather than scolded by it all.
Jimin was a nice person...and the people he lived with I felt would be similar too.
"Jimin-ah, you're home." I state as I open the door to Jimin, smiling as I tug him in, eyes wandering to the driveway briefly.
I catch a glimpse of a familiar colour and model of a car moving past our driveway as I shut the door.
"How did you get home?" I ask as he slips off his shoes, head bent as he focuses on the task.
"Got dropped back off by car." He says as he raises his head, looking at me.
I look at him confused.
"By your dance member?" I ask.
He nods.
"That was nice of them...yah! Why didn't you invite them in for at least a drink? That's basic manners Jiminie." I scold, realising how rude it must seem for him to get a ride and let her drive off without even offering her a glass of water.
I know for a fact he was raised better than this.
He raises his hands in a surrendering gesture.
"I already asked but she was uncomfortable with the idea. She only knows me, Hobi hyung and Jungkook-ah." He says, looking at me- clearly expecting me to understand.
"Ahh...makes sense. But I can't wait for you to introduce her to us. I want to see just who it was that blew away my Jiminie." I say, fussing as I pinch his cheek lightly. And he squirms and laughs but leans up to press a greeting kiss to my lips anyways, smiling against mine.
"One day hyung. When I feel she'll be comfortable with the idea." He says, stepping aside.
My mind flashes with the image of the car that just drove by.
The car was the same as (Y/N)'s, but I figure others drive the same model anyways. It's a popular brand.
But a part of me felt disappointed that I didn't get to even catch a glimpse of their new dance member- felt as if I'd just missed something.
And even as Jiminie tugs me into the living room, I couldn't help but wander just who their member was? And curiosity regarding just why the three of them had been so anxious.
And when Kookie and Hobi furiously glare at Jiminie, I feel like I'm missing something.
But those lingering thoughts get washed away when the three begin lightly bickering, Kookie waving his phone around with an angry huff.
The others look confused too.
And I feel like there's a picture that'll be formed, if all we do is connect the dots.
MINE IS...lace socks! And even though I get teased by my little sister for having doll feet or toddler feet; I like them!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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