Chapter 19- bonds become sweeter
The moment our lesson is over and (Y/N) has managed to blow us all away several times with the extremely contradicting switch between her usual shy sweet self and the powerful entrancing dancer she is, the three of us watch as the tall man from her audition enters, greeting us all- Kookie with more amicability and friendliness that has me yet again pausing in confusion. That there's something the two of are blatantly missing, especially when the man insists that he allows our Kook to at least have the chance to thank him properly.
However the sight of him asking for Jungkookie's number makes me realise that we should exchange ours with (Y/N)- so we can talk about dance and though I already have hers saved from the day she texted me, I watch as she saves her number into Kookie's phone first, handing it back with a wry smile, and then Jiminie's- smiling sweetly up at him before waving at us and leaving.
"Kook-ah, how do you know him?" Jiminie asks once the door shuts behind the two of them, he turns to us with a mixed look.
"Ahh I've met him briefly once. He was with (Y/N)." he explains.
"And how do you know (Y/N)?" I echo.
He looks slightly flustered at that, fiddling with the hem of his sleeve.
"About that hyung..." he starts off shyly.
But then his face splits into his mischievous grin and he darts away from the two of us.
"You'll have to catch me first." He hollers playfully over his shoulder as he rushes out the studio.
I exchange a look with Jiminie before setting off after our playful baby.
Oh it's on Kookie.
"Okay, okay I'll tell you when we get home." Kookie gasps breathlessly, squirming away from our hands that have pinned him down and tickle him relentlessly.
Jiminie makes a mock serious face, hand wiggling threateningly.
"Do you promise?" he asks.
Kookie nods, laughing when Jimin's hand darts under Kook's shirt and tickles him without the added barrier of clothes.
And he relents.
But even as we drive home, the ambience light and toying the curiosity keeps gaining strength- mind buzzing with the desire to know just how it is our shy baby got so comfortable and familiar around (Y/N).
But when we finally do pin him between us on the couch, glaring at him to spill he huffs with laughter before wriggling down comfortably looking at the two of us with shining eyes.
"She's the friend from the arcade." He says.
One sentence. One sentence and I recall how we'd all gushed over him when he'd confessed to having overstayed longer than planned because he'd made a friend, a girl. And it had been (Y/N). (Y/N) had been the one to draw our shy maknae out of his shell?
Even if it felt slightly disbelieving to my mind, trying to imagine the shy girl coax out our baby from his shell, I also knew that something about her was entrancing and captivating- she might not even have needed to try, might've drawn him out unconsciously simply because of her silently alluring presence.
"I first noticed her when she was trying so hard to win a plushie. She spent so much money on the plushie that I couldn't help feeling both amused and bad for her." Kookie elaborates, beginning the tale of exactly what had happened at the arcade.
And his smile is fond and sweet- eyes clearly recalling the memory.
"She even did a little happy dance of victory when she got it." He laughs.
But the mental image of her wriggling around excitedly, waving the plushie triumphantly makes me silently gush at how cute and adorable the sight must've been- feeling both jealous and wistful that I wish I had tagged along with him that day.
Jiminie is openly cooing at the description.
"And then we just...played together. And kinda got carried away with time." he adds, fiddling as he smiles.
But then he's happily talking about the other details, how competitive she was at DDR, how ruthless she was whilst playing ice hockey and even how they'd gotten some food together at the local diner and I realise that somehow (Y/N) has drawn him out further and quicker than anyone new he's met. The friends he's extremely close to now didn't melt his defences this quick, yet somehow (Y/N) did.
And she continues to surprise me.
And somehow the idea of her playing and having fun with Kookie brands itself across my mind, alongside the memories of her dancing playing on a constant loop.
Her contact number burns itself against my thigh, where my phone sits in my pocket.
No-one needs to know that she's saved as 'little dance fairy'.
Not at all.
Even if the words bring a smile to my face, one that has nothing to do with the way Jiminie is fussing and teasing Kookie.
"Hi guys." I greet as I return from work, poking my head in the living room doorway and seeing the three dancers curled up languidly on the couch, hair slightly damp and loose clothes fluttering around their bodies as they talk, sharing snacks between them.
The three turn, two bright exclamations of 'Joon hyung' and Hobi loudly calling 'Joonie' as they beckon to me, the three making adorable grabby arm gestures as they tug me between them, limbs overlapping mine and cocooning me.
"Hyung will yell if you spoil your appetite." I say, glancing at the bags of snacks that lie open on laps, though my lips part automatically when Kookie nudges a chocolate straw against my lips, grinning when I eat it.
"Now he'll yell at you too hyung!" he teases, laughing with Jiminie who fondly tugs the maknae further into him, with a fond 'brat' mumbled against his cheek, feeding his dongsaeng regardless.
As Hobi wounds his arms around me, I realise something.
"Oh! How was dance? Kook-ah did you like the new dancer?" I say excited for them, turning to face said boy who just grins at me before nodding.
"Believe it or not, through some lucky twist of fate, the new dancer is actually Kook's buddy from the arcade." Jiminie adds.
My eyes widen with shock and surprise.
Lucky twist of fate indeed.
I'm just happy that there'll be no issues of Kookie being uncomfortable with her, that it's someone he can work happily with. And I'm overjoyed that he's reunited with his arcade friend here, spending more time together will hopefully ease him out of his shell with her- and I just know that whoever the girl is, will be lucky to see the adorable, friendly, sweet personality of Kookie as he opens up more. She'll get to see the wonderful, smart beautiful boy we're all enamoured with.
And when Jin hyung sweeps into our home some time later, with Yoongi hyung in tow who grumbles but allows himself to be tugged in, talking about dinner that he wants at least two volunteers to help with, he stops and freezes when he catches sight of the four of us.
"Where's Tae?" he asks, noting the missing boy.
"Here!" a deep but bright voice calls from behind him, entering into the living room as he grins at all of us.
And then the smile he'd been shooting all of us slips as he takes in the open snack packets lying around, at the bag of honey butter chips I'd just tugged out of Kookie's teasing hands mere minutes ago.
"Kim Namjoon! Are you spoiling your appetite before dinner as well as the appetites of my babies?" he bristles, glaring at me, arms crossed and waiting expectantly for an answer.
And the snorts of repressed laughter and the shaking of their giggling bodies has me exclaiming in protest- protesting which falls on deaf ears because hyung continues to scold me as he tugs the bag out of my hand and tells me with a disapproving expression that I'm stuck on cleaning duty...alone.
And the sly mischievous grins only lessen the sting of betrayal on the slightest.
But the cuddles and kisses the three shower me with after dinner, as they corner me as I head to bed make up for it way more.
Because with their quick butterfly kisses showered across my skin and tight cuddles and giggling apologies I find myself laughing and smiling. The feeling of betrayal vanishing as they shower their love onto me.
(Y/N) POV:
I smile as I stretch after clambering out of bed, feeling the slight tell-tale soreness of having danced hard yesterday. But it's a good that makes me feel happy because it's a soreness that comes with hard work and movement. Comes with the feeling of exhilaration and freedom that I had experienced as I danced.
But my mind wanders back to the three members of the dance team. Of all people it had been Jungkook.
But the knowledge that it had been him was more comforting than anything.
That the third dancer was none other than the man who had comforted and calmed me down at the swimming pool, had easily pushed back the beginnings of a panic attack with his reassuring voice and warm soothing presence made me feel safe and secure.
Feeling as if I knew that he had my back, that he would look out for me.
And though I had no qualms about Jimin and Hoseok- there was something so grounding about Jungkook.
And I knew the three of them were already worming their way past my defences, with their kindness and genuine natures. They offered hands of friendship.
And whilst I was pretty sure Jungkook had already grabbed my hand eagerly, I had no doubt that the other two were not far behind from him.
"I'm heading out to meet Namjoon. I think that if everything goes well today, I can begin my research." Habaek oppa says happily from around the rim of his mug as I sit down and eat breakfast with him.
"Who's Namjoon?" Mi-sun unnie asks, noting the way my head turned up in interest.
Figuring out it wasn't the paper and his research that interested me but the name instead.
"He's the man from that night I went on a walk." I explain, turning to fill her plate with food- handing her a fork and smiling when she plants a kiss to my cheek, an exaggerated mwah sound that makes me laugh as I gently push her to eat.
The fork that had been making it's way to her mouth freezes and the food wobbles precariously on it as she gapes at me.
"The man who first sent you tumbling to the ground and then bowled you over with his chivalrous behaviour?" she asks, eyes twinkling.
I flush.
"I did not say he was chivalrous!" I protest when Habaek oppa leans in, interested.
"You didn't need to. The little smile as you talked about how he took you to a pharmacy to make sure you were checked up spoke for itself." She says smugly.
My smile fades slightly at the mention of the pharmacy, at the reminder of the man who'd been entranced somehow.
"What's wrong?" she says, pouncing on the slight shift of my facial expression.
I shake my head slightly but the hard look she shoots me demands me to spill.
"The man working at the pharmacy became a little too enthusiastic to treat my scrapes." I say, wincing as I remember the harsh ungiving way of how he'd pressed the disinfectant-soaked cotton to my hand, the burn against my tender skin even as I'd tried to tug my hand free.
Her face hardens and a glance to the side shows me oppa is no different, fork clenched tightly.
"But then Namjoon helped me out! He took the man's hands off me and tried to treat me himself." I rush add seeing the way their faces take on a grim look.
Unnie's eyes snap shrewdly to me.
"What do you mean tried to...?" she asks, ignoring the mention of his help to narrow onto my wording.
"Meaning he tried to...but I was scared I didn't have control over my pheromones or something and didn't want him to act like that too." I mumble.
Habaek oppa taps my hand gently.
"That's not on you cherub. Some people are naturally more sensitive to even controlled pheromones. Namjoon wouldn't have done the same." He reassures me.
"How can you be so sure?" Mi-sun unnie questions.
"Because he looked too happy and comfortable in her presence, not allured or entranced." He comments, leaning back to focus on his mug again, tuning out the way unnie squeals and begins gushing about the second chivalrous man I've met- not knowing that somehow I'd met five more who were kind gentlemen.
"Unnie, oppa I'm heading out to my baking lesson." I call as I stand in the hallway, grabbing a light coat after tugging my shoes on.
"Wait!" Habaek oppa appears in the doorway of the living room.
I stop.
He moves over to hug me tightly before letting go.
And then he waves at me as I leave, telling me to be safe both on the journey but also in the kitchen.
And when I arrive, this time it's Seokjin who's there first, waving brightly when he spots me, gesturing to the apron he's already collected for me.
I smile as I make my way over, noting the curious stares that linger only briefly before turning back to themselves. I breathe a sigh of relief at the lack of interest and when I reach Seokjin he hands me the pink apron.
"Look we match!" he says, gesturing to his one and the enthusiasm automatically tugs my smile up higher as I take my coat off to tie it up.
As I put my belongings down, I note him step up next to me, watching as I bundle my hair up to get it out of the way.
"Wonder what we'll be baking today." he muses, gesturing to the ingredients already waiting in each question but before I can look over them and make a guess, the teacher steps through- getting our attention as they explain the first few steps for making something a bit more technical- cupcakes.
I smile as Seokjin bounds over to the kitchen, hands hovering over the ingredients excitedly as he decides what flavour it is he wants to try today.
But then he smiles and lets his hand fall.
"You go first." He offers, even though I can see the temptation clear on his face.
I shake my head, gesturing to him.
"No you." he insists.
I shake my head and then muffle a laugh when he sighs dramatically.
"We'll both go at the same time then. On the count of three. One. Two. Three!" he yells hand darting out the same time mine does. I grab the bright coloured rainbow sprinkles just as he reaches out for the sea salt and large sack of sugar- a relieved laugh bubbling out his throat when he realises we won't grapple for ingredients. Because I have no doubt that the look of determination I'd spotted was a clear indication that he wouldn't have relented. Whatsoever.
His eyes look at the sprinkles with the confusion, at the lack of any other ingredients I've grabbed but shrugs at me.
"Let's see what we end up with." He says.
Because Jin has chosen to make salted caramel cupcakes, he also insists that he makes the caramel by hand, roping me into helping with a wheedling look and some good old negotiation.
"(Y/N)~ can't you help? Just a tiny favour for me...I'll make you more food next time." but the look he's shooting me already makes it impossible to say no.
I had intended to help anyways but seeing the way his face brightens when I nod has me feeling happy and equally as joyed.
And so the two of us fuss over a pot on the stove, attentively observing it and making sure the sugar doesn't burn, that the caramel doesn't stick and that it's made to the best of our ability.
When it bubbles golden and thick and shiny on the stove, we deem it done and take it off the hot stove, placing it to the side.
"I couldn't have done it without my little sous-chef." He says, grinning down at me.
I shoot him a hard stare- we had equally slaved over the pot, arguably- I had put more effort in, rescuing the pot several times when Seokjin got carried away with his little anecdotes and had wheezed over a particularly amusing joke.
But then he raises his hands in surrender and backs away.
"Just kidding...thank you (Y/N)." he adds sincerely. And with the salted caramel done, the two of us get to work making the cake mix, sifting the dry ingredients and creaming butter and sugar. I fold in the sprinkles into the cake mix, watching as the colours dot the pale mix.
Seokjin peers at mine and then huffs when he sees his own smooth batter sans sprinkles.
"That's why you chose them." He sighs, bemoaning slightly as we evenly pipe cupcake batter in, to allow for even spread.
And like last week, he just takes my filled trays from me, placing them carefully into the tall oven after his, shutting the door and then walking back to the counter with me.
"At least there's no spilt flour this time." he jokes as I pull out the ingredients to make the frosting- tugging butter, icing sugar and more sprinkles towards me.
He leans relaxed against the counter as he watches me mix the two, laughing when some icing sugar flies out, splattering my face and the counter with its light sugary goodness.
"Looks like its you this time, messy (Y/N)." he teases.
And I move to wipe my face, brushing off the excess white powder off my face and the top of my shirt. And when I return Seokjin is doodling on the counter, dashes trailed through the icing sugar- indicating the game of hangman he wants to play.
I quickly finish making the icing, pleased with how the colours come through the pale creamy icing and set it aside, wondering what the word could be.
It's a seven-letter word and after a harrowingly close call to the hangman being formed I finally get the word cupcake. And mentally I groan, wondering why I didn't get it before.
And then he gestures to me.
"You're turn." and though it's messy, it's also fun and just as we set out our cupcakes to cool we return to the game, where a five lettered slot awaits.
Just as the teacher calls out for us to check the cupcakes and decorate them if they're cool, Seokjin throws his hands exasperatedly into the air as he says he's given up.
And I triumphantly fill in the remainder gaps, spelling out snack.
He huffs.
"I should've gotten that! It's what Yoongi-ah calls me sometimes." He says laughing, but the way his lips twitch it makes me doubt that, and whether he's just saying it. But who knows...I don't know Yoongi that well but his silent reassuring manner indicates that he's not the type.
But each to their own. Maybe Yoongi does fondly call Seokjin a snack...he's not bad looking at all, his handsome features could easily warrant such a nickname.
I shake the sudden thought out of my head, at how well the nickname suits him and go about piping icing onto my rainbow dotted cupcakes, pleased with the aesthetic at the end of them.
And I silently marvel over Seokjin's cupcakes giving him the thumbs up at the way he's drizzled and filled his cupcakes.
"Wanna swap again? The boys really liked yours last time." he adds slightly bashful, ears tipped red.
I nod eagerly, divvying up the cupcakes so we can place them into the boxes provided. I even help Seokjin draw a brown ribbon around his box, choosing a bright pink one to go around my own.
And like that we walk out of the class at the end with our cupcakes halved and shared, and in the same manner Seokjin waits until I'm in my car before he leaves, waving goodbye to me.
Baking with Seokjin is an experience.
And the more time I spend with him, the more I realise that he too is sweet, personality sweeter than the things he bakes. And paired with his soft teasing, joking nature he was carving a determined path to break down my barriers.
And somehow it felt like I was letting them down for him.
To slot inside.
Mine is...well haha I hate doing chores in general but they gotta be done. Worst one has got to be cleaning the oven and stove, worst thing is when my mum gets these moods to suddenly spring clean and ropes me in ALL THE TIME! 😭😭
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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