Chapter 18- three becomes four
The time rolls around for our group dance session and I had grown more excited as the days passed and Jiminie hyung and Hobi hyung had nonchalantly over dinner informed me that in tomorrow's practice I'd get to meet the girl who'd they'd offered a place to on our team. That she had accepted and now this time tomorrow I'd have already met her.
It made me nervous. Anxious to think about whether or not we'd mesh well as fellow dancers and teammates, whether our chemistry would be good, whether we'd be able to merge our styles to create something captivating and beautiful.
And even as Jiminie hyung and Hobi hyung tug me towards them to share a bed with tonight, I can't help feeling slightly apprehensive and worried- knowing that her induction into our team meant that the dynamics would shift, because we'd be including someone who held a different sort of relationship with the three of us. Almost like we were adding someone new and yet unknown to the familiar intimacy we had as we danced and moved together.
But Hobi hyung is quick to take me into his arms and murmur comfort, pressing sweet kisses to the nape of my neck, tugging my body further into his so he can spoon me, Jiminie hyung facing me so our knees touch even as he leans forward to easily take control of my mouth, tugging my pliant lips into his as he kisses and nibbles his way into my parted mouth, tongue stroking in and claiming me in slow lazy strokes.
"Don't worry Kookie. We wouldn't add someone we didn't think would fit in our group. And if after meeting her you still don't think it'll work out- we'll figure out a way to get around that." He murmurs when he leans back, thumb rubbing against my cheek before his hand slides down to press against my chest.
"Sleep Kook-ah. Tomorrow is going to be an eventful day." Jiminie hyung murmurs before pressing a kiss to the tip of my nose and sandwiched between the warmth and familiar touch of two of my hyungs I fall asleep- dreaming of this faceless dancer I'm yet to meet.
From the moment I wake up, to getting showered and dressed and having breakfast- I'm getting jittery with nerves, I can feel it in the way my energy seems to roll and swell and gather under my skin, itching to get out but remaining pent-up, making me restless. It doesn't get burnt off in the run I go for before everyone's awake, it doesn't fade even after rushing around teasing the hyungs, nor does it go away even as Tae hyung backs me against the door and pins me there, kissing and licking fierily into my mouth, urging me to let some of that energy out in a passionate battle for control.
And even as we get into the car, the hyungs turn over their shoulders to look at me, smiles reassuring and gaits comfortable and loose.
"Hyung wouldn't lie to you Kook-ah. There's nothing to worry about." Hobi hyung says as he starts the car and Jiminie hyung leans over to squeeze my knee.
That is what helps me loose some of the nervousness. Allows some of it to bleed out with the soft familiarity of the sweet gesture. And as we drive to the studio, I peer out of the window- trying to imagine what she'd look like and how she dances like, excitement slowly beginning to replace the slightly antsy feeling.
But I realise as we pull up to the studio and get out that in my nerves I'd forgotten the foresight of grabbing the chilled water bottles I had left in the fridge, I remembered taking them out and groaned aloud when I realised that I'd left them on the kitchen counter.
The two turn to face me, eyes puzzled as they look at me but wave me off to go get some whilst they head to the studio, calling out for me to catch up with them and we part- they turn right towards our dance studio and I turn left to head towards the stocked kitchen we have. I kneel down to grab three bottles when suddenly I recall the new member- reaching out to grab one for her too and slowly make my way back to the studio, curiosity getting the best of me and finally dispelling the large majority of all my worries and doubts.
But when I arrive the door is closed but I can hear hyungs' animatedly talking inside, oddly enough I can't catch the sound of her voice- but maybe that's because she's not as loud and boisterous as the two of them. I juggle the four bottles as I push open the door, eyes glued to the way they balance in my arms- diligent in making sure they don't slip out of my hands.
"Hyungs I'm back..." I call as I enter, eyes finally rising off the bottles to look up, gaze catching onto a small lithe figure that is standing with her back towards me, clearly having been talking to the two. I watch as the girl turns, alerted by the sound of my voice, wavy locks swaying as she moves and when she faces me, I immediately recognise the face that greets me, large doe eyes that widen with recognition as they peer at me, rosy full lips parting in shock and surprise. My hands go lax and the bottles tumble from my hands, the sound of them colliding with the ground distant and barely noticeable. Because right in front of me is (Y/N) extremely competitive arcade buddy, my pleasantly surprising competitor in swimming, the girl who'd danced so hard as she played DDR, who overspent trying to win the cookie plushie. (Y/N) is the new dancer they want to include onto our team?
And somehow the fear and nerves melt away and a smile stretches across my face simply because it's her and simply because I know that we'll work well together.
And so it's easily that her name slips out of my mouth, bright and excited to be reunited with her, here of all places.
"(Y/N)!" I greet as I bound forward, ignoring the discarded bottles for favour of her.
Seeing Kookie so nervous was both endearing and slightly nerve wracking- because it all depended on how him and (Y/N) would get along that would determine whether she'd be a good fit for our team. And even as Jiminie and I head towards the studio, I can't help but begin to feel slight nervousness.
(Y/N) however is already waiting for us when we reach, standing patiently in front of the door, staring interestedly at her shoes, which when I dart a glance down can't help but grin at how small her feet look in comparison to ours.
"(Y/N)!" Jiminie calls, and we watch as her head rises- eyes wide with being so suddenly startled before the expression melts into one that's happy and excited, waving shyly at us as we approach.
I unlock the door to let the three of us in and she steps through, eyes once again widening- amazement and wonder filling them for the second time as she takes in the spacious area, eyes eagerly taking in the surroundings once more.
Her silent reaction alone has me already seeing the connection she has with dance, the fact that she lights up at seeing an empty studio- there to use is something that isn't so easily found, that passion and joy to just move and feel the music is one that I see flashing through her eyes too.
And as she allows Jiminie to guide her to the centre of the room, I follow, already becoming excited with the notion that quite possibly our team will go from three to four.
"Have you been well?" I ask as we come to a stop and she nods before gesturing to me and making an okay gesture, head tilted in question.
I nod back and Jiminie is more than happy to tell her brightly, that yes he's been well too and how excited he is to actually dance with her today.
When he says that I spot a bit of nervousness flash across her eyes, wiped away when she nods enthusiastically along with him- but I note it and store it away, thinking that perhaps it's been some time since she's danced with a group, so we'll need to gently ease her into it.
"We're just waiting for our final dancer; he's gone to get water." I inform her when I see her head tilt in confusion, eyes searching for a presence that isn't there.
But just as I say it, the door gets pushed open and Kookie enters, balancing four bottles that he's focused his attention onto as he walks in.
"Hyungs I'm back..." he begins but stops when his read raises and he spots (Y/N), I watch as she turns and his doe eyes widen, and I feel a rush of affection for our baby who looks so surprised but before I can comment or introduce the two to each other the bottles slip out of his grasp, tumbling to the ground- grip gone slack. He looks shocked and surprised, expression one of a deer caught in headlights.
There's a few moments of him just blankly gawping at (Y/N) and before I can interject and take his undivided attention off the poor girl his mouth stretches into a smile.
"(Y/N)!" he greets happily bounding forward eagerly, ignoring the bottles as he makes a beeline for her.
And I exchange a confused glance with Jimin- when did this happen?
He stops just a small distance from her and this sets alarm bells off because I know she's not particularly comfortable around the two of us let alone Kookie who's suddenly appeared in front of her but I'm surprised when she waves happily at him, gesture holding none of that shyness that she'd had when she'd met us.
I watch as she tilts her head up to look at him, smile stretched wide and unrestrainedly across her lips, eyes glittering with excitement and recognition for our baby.
"Are you feeling good?" he asks, voice dropping slightly.
And something is exchanged in the silent stares they give each other, communicating about something we're in the dark about because she nods, hand reaching out to touch his arm lightly, squeezing it in gratitude before she takes it off.
Kookie is now beaming, adorable bunny smile across his face, eyes dropping to marvel at his arm as if not daring to believe that she just touched him.
"I'm glad to hear that! Don't scare me like that again you meanie." He gripes back half-heartedly.
And this time I'm lost for words.
All I can think of is...
I'm confused, beyond confused actually.
How on earth did our shy baby Kookie come to such familiar comfortable terms with another shy person? The two of them have such shy, sweetly soft personalities that I could've never envisioned this being the scenario that played out.
I'd set myself up to having to break the ice between the two, to try and encourage them to get to know each other despite being strangers, to seeing them revert silently into themselves no matter how much encouragement it took.
But this.
This wasn't what I'd imagined.
Kookie to be talking so animatedly, so easily to her and for her to respond with equal comfort and familiarity- the slight teasing tone in Kookie as he talked to her, the situations that were being insinuated at when they'd clearly met before where all just mysteries and unsolved puzzles for me.
Where on earth did the two meet? And why did the sight of them so easily getting on send both a warmth rushing through me as well as longing that I could also be in Kookie's place- as easily conversing with her, some of her shyness fading away to allow her to be more comfortable around me.
And when he turns his bunny smile to us, he's already nodding eagerly.
"She can join our team. I want her to." He says with a note of finality as well as eagerness. least it went better than expected.
And as we move to warm up, the four of us spaced out slightly I note how Kookie doesn't hesitate to stand opposite to her, easily falling into a companionable silence as he mimics her stretches, face expressing silent amusement- eyes glinting with something unreadable. The two of them stretch facing each other, a silent charged energy between them and even though I have no idea what's going on at least I can note that they will have amazing chemistry as they dance.
"So what style of dance are we going to start with?" Jungkook-ah asks, turning to face the two of us with an adorable expression of confusion. it makes me want to kiss it off him, I think briefly before pushing the thought aside.
"Hmm...seeing as it's (Y/N)'s first dance session with the three of us, I think we should figure what styles of dance all four of us can meld together really well and see what style of dancer she is too." Hobi hyung comments, thoughtfully looking at her.
"Do you want to show us your moves then?" I say, before biting my tongue at how she seems to shrink in herself...just the slightest change but I notice it, and the other two do too- if Kookie's sudden sharp warning stare is anything to go by or Hobi hyung's silent look of 'stop'.
"Ahh about we show you some of the dances we've choreographed together and you see if you can pick up some of the moves?" I suggest instead, a relieved smile coming to my face when she nods eagerly, scampering to the side to lean against the mirrored wall, looking at us with unrestrained excitement.
Hobi hyung smiles at the sight of her looking at us with anticipation and he quickly chooses a song, automatically connecting with the speakers as the tempo of Mic Drop begins playing. The song demands heavy punctuated and emphasised dance moves mingling with a sense of fluidity.
With practiced ease the three of us step into formation, quickly falling into the rhythm of the music as we move in sync with each other, letting the music seep into us and take control.
As we dance my eyes catch onto our reflection but also onto (Y/N)- eagerly drinking in every change of expression, each silent subtle change of her face as she expresses emotion- more focused on her than monitoring myself as I dance, wanting to see her reaction, wanting to see how she responds to our dancing.
And when we finish, breathing heavily she grins, clapping her hands, face expressing awe and wonder as she looks at us. She gestures two thumbs-up at us and I watch with my heart swelling with pride that she enjoyed our dancing, that she enjoyed seeing us move too.
But then again I'm surprised when Kookie steps out of formation, playfully staring at (Y/N) with a mischievous glint as he steps closer.
"Reckon you can keep up?" he teases.
And then there's a flash of determination that overtakes her amazement, ignites those large soft orbs with a fiery passion and she nods, jerking her chin out towards him in a silent message of 'bring it on'.
And Kookie slowly guides her through the steps of the choreography, teaching her slow counts of eight, helping her see the transitioning moves. But after a few run-throughs of her slowly, and adorably, trying to grasp the moves she shakes her head exasperatedly.
Kookie's grin widens but then she just gestures for Hobi hyung to play the music, the three of us stepping into formation again. And she starts off a beat or so behind but her moves are pretty accurate as she joins in, standing near Kookie and once we've done one run-through he turns to smile at her.
"Not bad." He singsongs, eyes sparkling with mischief.
But I don't think even he could've been prepared for when she silently gestures to Hobi hyung to play the music again, gently ushering us away from the centre and to the side-lines to watch as she steps into the centre, alone and standing uncertainly.
My heart goes out for her shy uncertain nature, about to tell her it's fine and nudge Kookie to stop teasing the poor girl.
But then the music comes out again through the speakers and flawlessly she begins to execute the moves, stepping flawlessly into performing the choreography with a passion and vigour, eyes flaming with passion and emoting the feelings of the song, eyes glued to her reflection as she dances. There's none of the sweet endearing slight fumbling that was there when she danced with us and I realise with a startled laugh that we've been played by her.
Her body moves fluidly with ease and control, executing the choreography with finesse and I turn to see Kookie's jaw dropping as he watches her, eyes wide and entranced.
And just then I realise...that she'll fit perfectly with our style as a group. This was a completely different style to the contemporary touch she'd given to her audition and I had no doubts that she was a powerful dance machine waiting to be unleashed. This seemed like the mere tip of the iceberg and I didn't know whether I was afraid or excited to see just how much more potential she could show us.
I cheer for her as she stops, body slightly heaving with breaths, face expressing satisfaction even as her face has a slight sheen to it.
She looks expectantly at us, eyes darting challengingly to Kookie.
Message clear, the silent 'hah' present even if she doesn't say anything, even if her smile remains soft.
And I know that we've found someone to add another layer to the pre-existing dynamic, someone who can easily sync with us.
And I could've never guessed that my snow angel from the rink would've been the one to be that person.
(Y/N) POV:
It's pleasant surprise that the third person from Hoseok's and Jimin's team is none other than my bunny from the arcade and my strong saviour from the swimming pool. The nerves I had been experiencing the entire night before and on awakening all vanishes when our startled eyes meet because if there had been anyone I could've chosen- I'd have chosen the person who'd been so easy and willing to meld with my silent nature and so effortlessly seemed to rouse my competitive spirit.
And when I finish dancing to the song, I stare triumphantly at him, at the one who'd blatantly been challenging and provoking me, from the moment he'd stepped out to stretch in front of me to when he was executing the dance with power and control.
He knew exactly what he'd been doing with the sly teasing and small remarks and frankly I was thankful for it. Because despite it being a shock that he knew the other two, he kept the normal we had, he didn't feign ignorance or pretend to be something he wasn't- he was genuine, and I couldn't help being enraptured by his bunny smile or innocent beaming that made his eyes crinkle. As well as being mesmerised by the strong control as his muscled frame moved powerfully, transitioning effortlessly from one move to the other.
"Yah Jungkook-ah, had enough fun?" Hoseok chides, looking at him.
Jungkook. That's his name.
The day at the pool I hadn't heard it, but now I know. Now I have a face to put to the name.
And I have the urge to verbalise it, say it aloud- deciding to leave that for a moment when I'm alone but it has a nice ring to it.
But as he grins sheepishly at his hyungs, I see a glimpse of the tenderness they look at him with, at how he ducks his head but dodges them easily when he goes to get water- holding out a bottle to me with sparkling brown eyes.
"You really bring it to everything, huh?" he asks, sparking off the memories of our arcade gaming and competitive swimming. I nod.
But when the other two turn their attention to me as well, looking interestedly at the two of us, I feel flustered at the three combined gazes, ducking my head down as I fiddle with the bottle I've taken, suddenly intrigued by the pattern of my shoes.
And then a fond bright chuckle breaks the air.
"You know...what surprised me the most is how such an adorable face can pull off such deadly expressions!" Hoseok exclaims.
I raise my head to glance at him, see the way he openly grins and beams, cooing loudly when I feel my cheeks heat.
"Aigoo...that's what I mean." He says warmly.
And his words don't come across as anything but soft and genuine- making warmth fan out across my body in response to it, feeling flustered at the way his caramel voice lightens slightly from its deep tone.
Whilst I know the three of them, am happy that the people I'll dance with are such friendly, kind people- I feel a bit nervous at being in their company all together.
And wander how our upcoming dance lessons will be and whether I'll be able to survive the mixture of teasing and competitive and intense and softness of the three's personalities.
But even so...I look forward to what it is we'll dance to next.
Mine matter how plain or comfy or simple my outfit is I tend to always add jewellery even slightly to it.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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