Chapter 15- dancing with soul
"Hyung you're home!" I say as Yoongi hyung enters with a basket, draping myself immediately across his bag and hugging him close even as he half-heartedly protests and makes no real effort to escape, not when he's smiling like that.
"Hello Tae." He mumbles, turning his head to suddenly steal a kiss, a sudden pressure on my lips as he easily controls the movements and he's the one grinning when he leans back and steps into the kitchen, setting the basket down.
I trail after him, taking a peek at the basket just as Jin hyung appears, humming as he rests his head on my shoulder.
"Yoongi-ah, you didn't get as many as you usually do." He remarks, pointing out what I've noticed too.
But hyung doesn't frown or look particularly bothered, if anything his cute adorable gummy smile stretches out further and he looks pleased as he takes his straw hat off.
"I got a bit distracted." He admits, to hyung's staring gaze, shrugging nonchalantly. He walks over to get the basket, heading to the sink to rinse them off before placing them carefully into a glass bowl.
"By?" Jin hyung asks, eyes alight with curiosity.
"Someone." He says.
I straighten up from where I've been leaning against the counter, almost dislodging hyung off my back who clutches tightly at me with a squawk of protest.
"A customer from the Magic Shop." He adds but I can see the slight hue of colour on hyung's cheeks, at being caught out or by mentioning said customer.
Interest definitely piqued the two of us make our way to Yoongi hyung who's hands are calm and measured as he arranges the strawberries, with far more precision and interest than he's ever shown, fiddling.
"Who?" the two of us ask in unison.
He turns, and realises he's caged in against the sink by the two of us and sighs resignedly.
"The person I told you about the other day." He says, eyes finally meeting ours- nothing defensive nor secretive about his eyes. They're his usual soft brown, looking at us.
I think back to the conversation we'd had that day. It was the day Hobi hyung complained about cuddles when hyung got home, movie night...
"Ah! You mean the wandering soul you mentioned?" I ask, head whipping up.
He nods, slightly sheepish, the rosy shade starkly apparent on his pale cheeks.
When hyung had talked particularly animated and interested about one customer he'd met that day- his words had lured us all in. because whilst he loved working at the Magic Shop, it was rare for a customer to leave an impression on him, usually it was the shop that left the impression on customers.
So when he'd talked about how passionate and connected and emotional she seemed about music, we'd all teased that he'd met his soulmate in that term and by that association ours too. Because we'd poured a bit of ourselves into that shop and to find someone so connected and comforted by it made us all feel happy and a bit of pride that our work, our dreams brought someone a tiny bit of peace.
I reach forward to snag one of the largest strawberries, ripe and red and plump and bite into it before hyung can say anything, before he can protest.
He just stares in disbelief as I laugh and rush away, strawberry juice staining my lips as I leave him behind with Jin hyung.
And Jin hyung's laughter that echoes throughout, filtering into the hallway I know he's done the same thing.
The juice is sweet as my tongue darts out to swipe my lips clean and I wonder what hyung will make of them this time.
From the strawberries he enjoys collecting. And the ones he spends time tending to himself. Because the area he collects them from is part of Jin hyung's family's land. And the space he gets them from is hidden away.
It's hyungs' personal slice of nature. And all their effort and love goes into growing them. Maybe that's why they taste so sweet, I think as I go in search for the others.
It's one of those rare mornings when Jiminie and I aren't teaching, usually a day reserved for lie-ins and late brunch. A day for lazy kisses and slowly roving hands, that build the burning need between us higher and higher. But this morning dawns differently, this Sunday is different. Because today we're finally going to see (Y/N) dance and for some reason the excitement and anticipation for it has only built higher and higher, snuck into my mind more often as days passed and with more eagerness.
And it's Jimin who wakes me up with fast burning hands that run themselves across my torso and slide up my neck. A kiss pressed to my collarbone, to my shoulder, wandering down my chest.
"Wake up hyung." He murmurs between kisses and when he sees me reaching for him, to draw him close, he rolls off quickly, a peal of giggles escaping when I huff and frown sadly at him and leaves the room just as quickly as he'd seemingly appeared. A vixen leaving after giving me a torturing brief taste, glimpse of him.
I throw off my sheets, setting chase after him and his giggles mingle with my laughter, filtering through the mid-morning ambience, slowly awakening the others.
And it's a playful scuffle that ends with him backed against the wall until Tae comes to his rescue, sleepily tugging me back that our day dawns fresh and bright.
And with the high mood I'm already in, I can't wait to see what the rest of it brings.
The two of us step out into the outside hallway, tugging on shoes as we try to convince Tae and Joon to let go of Kookie so he can join us, seeing the way he'd perked up at the sound of a new dancer joining the more advanced classes.
"I have a good feeling about this one Kook." Jiminie had said around a mouthful of fruit and he'd eagerly turned his head towards us.
He'd been excited too but at the last moment as he'd been ready to leave the kitchen with us, Tae and Joon had tag teamed against him and drawn their long limbs around him, holding him closely between the two of them, pressing kisses to either side of his face and neck, Tae with slow purposeful drags of his lips and Joonie with quick, teasing touches.
But even so he'd managed to escape and reach until here.
Just about.
"Kookie's ours for the day, he always goes dancing with you guys when you practice. He's part of your team. Let us have him today." Tae wheedles.
Then Joon spots the struggle on Kookie's face, the internal fight he's losing and tugs him closer.
"Come on Kookie, spend time with hyung." He asks softly, no persuasion or charm.
And Kookie falls. Turning to reassure and comfort his Joonie hyung and turns apologetically to us.
"Next time Kook-ah." I reassure him, smiling at how easily he perks up again, adorable bunny smile alight on his face.
And the two of us leave.
With high hopes and thrumming anticipation.
(Y/N) POV:
"You'll do great sweetie." Mi-sun unnie says as she waves me and Habaek oppa off.
I hadn't expected for Habaek oppa to come barrelling into my room in the middle of the night, waking me up to ask if he could come to. His eyes had been alert and wide awake despite the droopiness to his posture.
"Pretty please?" he'd wheedled in the guise of the darkness, diving under my blankets to tug me closer to his natural warmth, spooning me from behind.
But I'd have said yes without the late night wake up call, or the sweet bribe of warm toasty cuddles.
But who was I to refuse them? And mere minutes after nodding yes he'd sighed happily and drifted off to sleep, still clutching me from around the waist, head nestled onto my shoulder.
And honestly, deep down I was worried. That I would mess up, fail, and embarrass myself. If oppa was there rather than feeling pressure from the intense eyes of dance teachers, I'd be comforted because he'd seen me perform, practice, and rehearse. He'd seen me through my highs and lows, and he knew what I was capable of.
And as we stood outside the building to the dance studio, he reached over to squeeze my hand comfortingly, reassuringly.
"You'll be fine. I know it." He says simply, eyes wide with bright excitement as he takes in the exterior of the building, committing each detail to memory, a smile tugging at his lips.
We slowly navigate our way to a different studio, different to the one we danced in and I stand nervously outside, feeling nerves begin to prickle as they settle in.
"Perfectly fine." He murmurs.
And then a voice calls out from behind us.
"You're bright and early!" a cheery voice remarks.
And then him and Jimin step around to smile at me, eyes alighting on the new figure next to me but nod understandingly.
"Bit nervous?" Jimin asks, voice a low whisper, leaning in slightly. His breath fans across one side of my face, across my ear and I fight the urge to shiver, try not to focus on the slight intimacy of the gesture.
I nod.
"Don't worry! Even though hyung looks scary when he's in teacher mode, he's a real softie. Though I was scared too when I first danced for him." he adds, words bringing a mixture of comfort and nerves.
Hoseok elbows him playfully and the two of them unlock the door, stepping through and holding it open for us to follow.
I step in and stop.
Marvel at the way one length is entirely covered with mirrors that stretch across seamlessly, polished, and clear. Note the speakers that are placed around, fitted into the corners at the top, observe the airiness of it, the high windows that give both privacy and a fresh breeze to drift down when they're opened by a switch.
It makes me stop because I can see myself dancing here, see myself spinning and moving through the large spacious floor, dancing until my legs give out, eyes glued to my reflection. I stop because it reminds me of times past.
"This is a personal studio we use to practice in. The three of us mainly, JK too." Hoseok adds, noting the way my mouth has dropped open slightly. I shut it quickly, nodding as I walk in, feel the silent comfort Habaek oppa provides as he follows me.
It's only then that I realise that oppa towers over them but hadn't realised before because their own heights and presences are tall and domineering, silently commanding the attention of those around them.
Habaek oppa moves to the front with the two of them, sliding down to lean against one end, mirror pressed against his back whilst the two of them remain in the centre, postures loose but eyes sharp and attentive- slipping into teacher mode I note.
"What song do you want to dance to?" Jimin asks, phone in hand and looking at me excitedly.
I don't answer. Habaek oppa calls it out for me instead.
"Butterfly." He calls out.
Jimin's eyes widen.
"You sure?" he asks.
I nod, even as I feel an inkling of insecurity kick in at the slight disbelief in his tone.
Habaek nods reassuringly, confidently- eyes solely on me.
And then when the beginning soft tune of it begins to play out, strong and sweet as it fills the studio I breathe in deeply, allow the song to sink in, feel the emotions behind it grasp me and take control just as they always had done.
But I don't move, missing the timing when the soulful voice spills out. And freeze- feeling the mistake hit me like a personal failure, unmoving as I try to remember how it is I used to move.
The music stops and I can't bring myself to look at Jimin and Hoseok, at the undoubted looks of pity and sympathy they'll be sporting.
Habaek oppa calls out from where he's sitting.
"Cherub focus on the music. Nothing else. Lilac gauze." He says at the end, voice soft but also invoking memories of the first time I'd ever performed it after months of practices and rehearsals, when my outfit had been made of a lilac shimmering gauzy fabric. Back in 1893, when for the first time I'd danced and performed as a soloist after a long time. When after a few decades of reflection and experiences had shaped me to realise that everything I knew could slip out from under my grip, when that time had taught me how much it hurt losing a loved one, how it felt to remain timelessly young whilst the one I'd loved grew old and died. When life had taught me that time was like a butterfly, beautifully evading capture. Unable to be stopped or grasped or controlled.
I remember those memories; those hurts and the initial feeling of being lost as I'd stepped out in lilac gauze and the feeling of being found as I'd danced my hurts away.
I nod to him, feeling my body shift, mind slipping into that headspace of being connected only with the music and nothing else.
"Play it again." Habaek oppa says.
Again the music sweetly and poignantly filters through the studio and this time I let it take control, let the music fill me and move my body- allow it to propel me through turns and twists and graceful movements that I'd learnt at the time, learnt how to use my body to express those feelings that the voices sung about as I just dance, just feel.
There's no eyes I can feel on me, just the exhilaration of my soul elevating, loosing all the pain through the music and conveying it through dance, heart unburdened and liberated once again as I move and transition through the dance I know like the back of my hand, the shape of my fingernails.
And when the final notes linger and finally fade, I feel those emotions slip away, smiling; feeling that exulted sense of freedom again, slightly sweaty, and out of breath but happy. I hunch over slightly, breathe in deeply, lungs expanding to swallow and allow the air gratefully.
And it doesn't matter whether or not they liked my dancing, because I liked dancing. Dancing for myself again.
And then there's the sound of sniffling and I look up alarmed from my hunched over posture to meet Habaek oppa's eyes, see the tears trickling down unashamedly even as he sports the widest grin. And he rushes to stand, feet speedily making their way over in large strides before scooping me up and twirling me around, laughing through his tears as he murmurs how proud he is, how lucky he feels to see me dance it again.
And when he sets me down, clutching at me happily despite the stickiness I feel, I peer up to look at Hoseok and Jimin with fearful expectation.
And watch as the teacher modes have already fallen and been cast aside to give way to bright beaming smiles and alight eyes.
And somehow I feel that I proved myself to them, I validated that I deserve to dance like I once did.
My heart goes out to her when she freezes and clams up, because we've all been there and felt that; all felt the moment of hesitation that holds us back.
But she doesn't meet our eyes, even as I desperately want to convey how it's fine.
But then the man speaks up.
Softly but assuredly.
And though his words are obscure to us, it's clear it shifts something in her because when the music plays again, I fall for the beautifully captivating sight. Get reeled into the emotional, powerful, and entrancing performance. Watch her body move and twist and shift effortlessly into a beautiful dance- haunting in its grace and elegance and beauty. The curves and lines of her body demanding, holding my attention with the way she moves with fluidity and control.
She has control and poise that I haven't seen in ages, her ability by far exceeds the expectations and visions hyung and I had. Shatters them and rebuilds them even higher, even powerful..
I don't realise that I haven't blinked, haven't dared to, in fear of missing a single moment of her dance and when she finishes, the air rushes out of me as if I've been holding it in.
Stunning. Beautiful. Exhilarating.
That's what I feel as I've finished watching her dance. Stunned and shocked into silence.
And I watch as the man rushes to scoop her up, tears mingling with laughter and pure joy and pride as he hugs her close.
I want to rush to congratulate her too.
But when her shy nervous anticipating eyes turn to me, I can't help but beam at her.
"Breath-taking." Hyung says, stepping forward and closer to the two of them.
I move to grab a towel from the pile we keep stocked up with the other things in the cupboard, reaching them and proffering it to her.
She takes it shyly, nodding her head in gratitude before dabbing at her face and neck, the slight glistening sheen oddly distracting on the curve of her neck.
"You were captivating." I breathe, feeling the awe still hang over me, eyes wide with interest.
"Where'd you learn to dance like that? You really had been holding out on us." Hobi hyung says, looking indignant at the thought of what could've been if we hadn't thought to ask.
She looks slightly abashed, eyes meeting ours slowly, sinking into the comfort of the man's arms, relaxing into his hold.
"We...we really didn't expect you to show us such control and poise. Are you trained as a dancer?" I ask, words sounding like truth even as I voice them.
She stills.
And then shakes her head wryly. Hand making a shaking gesture, hand tilting both sides.
Meaning somewhat trained.
But if her somewhat trained level is this good, this beautiful- I can only wonder and marvel at what her fullest capability must be.
Her style of dancing is a beautiful mix of styles and I can't wait to explore them with her, see her further potential if we focused on just one genre.
"Well...I don't think you're suited for our advanced lessons." Hobi hyung deadpans.
The smile slips off her face, eyes expressing how sudden the words are to her, but even as the man's arms still around her, tighten almost imperceptibly her posture isn't upset.
My head whips to face hyung, confused by his words.
But then a grin spreads across his face.
"I very much think that you're a talent we want to steal and keep for us. I'll have to confirm with the others but how would you like to join our team?" he offers.
And his words make me grin with excitement.
And I turn to her eagerly, feeling that I'd like that. Very much so.
Mine is...I was about 4 or 5 I think and going to the shops with my dad and brother. And then as I crossed my street- BAM! I got hit by a car, flew into the air, smacked down hard onto the road and then...
got up, brushed myself off and went home.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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