Chapter 9 - Laxus
Warning - some of the scenes aren't accurate and this is based from my memory of what happened.
I'm to lazy to go back and rewatch everything
I flew towards the grave with my ice wings at a fast rate.
When I arrived at the grave, Gramps sat there, eyes closed, meditating.
"Uh... Gramps?" I call out cautiously.
"Yes Y/N." He replied back.
"Me and Reni found this guy-well Reni found this guy, wandering around the island and he isn't in our guild."
"Did you tell him to leave?"
"Yeah, but you don't understand, he uses death magic."
Master opened his eyes and got up.
"What do we do now master?" I asked.
"Do you smell that?"
"W-what?" I asked, caught off guard.
"I smell Mira's soup."
I face palmed and snapped "Well? What are we going to do?"
"We hope the guy leaves... And I have a hunch on who it is.." He turned back to Y/N. "The trials must remain."
I nodded.
"So... What do I do?"
"Go help Mira, I want good soup when I come."
I mentally far palmed, but nodded.
"Yes Ma-Gramps."
I walked over the the cave top opening and commanded "Frozen Angel!"
Ice wings shaped and attached to my back, and flew off.
Reni's POV
I walked along the beach, looking for any victims, I mean contesters.
I spotted a figure walk along the beach.
I didn't see him around Fairy Tail.
God damnit, where are these people coming from?
I walked up to him and tackled him from behind.
He cursed loudly.
"Bloody Demon!" And raised my dagger at his throat. "You'll be wise enough not to move and answer my questions correctly."
His huffed and and said "I'm Makorov's grandson!"
I glared at the guys hooded head and muttered "Prove it."
"If you let me go, I will."
"Fine, but if you run. I will torture you." Curse my ability not to kill. One of the cons of joining a guild.
I loosened my grip and my dagger disappeared and replaced with a gun.
He turns around, he was handsome, with blue black eyes, a scar running down one of his eyes.
He threw off his cloak, which revealed his fucking tall ass frame. And spiky blonde hair.
He lifted up his shirt, I fought back a blush and then I saw his guild mark.
My bloody demon form disappeared and I nodded at him, and walked away.
"Wait!" He called out, "you name?"
I turned around "Reni, yours?"
"Laxus, can you show me where Gramps is?"
I pointed in the direction of the grave and said "There, I got things to do, so I can't show you."
Laxus just followed me.
I tried ignoring him and trying to find other contestants, but whenever I hear his foot shuffling, I think it's contestant.
I finally whipped my head around and glared at him, "What do you want?" I snapped.
He raised his eyebrows. "Does someone have a bad temper?" He mocked.
I rolled my eyes, "What do you want?" I repeated.
"I don't know where Gramps is."
"I already told you," I pointed to Mavis's grave "There."
"Yeah, because your pointing is going to help." He said, sarcastically.
My stomach suddenly turned and I screamed "Bloody Demon!" And changed into the form.
I grabbed Laxus and flew up.
A boar rampaged in the spot we just stood.
A guy stood there, looking up.
His face paled, he was rather... Large with a blue tint to his skin.
My vision turned red, I grabbed his arms and flung him towards a tree.
There was no mercy. Not now.
He looked up at me, grabbing me and flinging me to a tree.
"Sky Scythe!"
I summoned a blue metallic scythe with a silver and gold blade.
"Zeus's Wrath!"
The sky immediately darkened and thunder could be heard.
The guy looked at me curiously. Then opened his mouth to say something-
Rain poured down on him, except- it wasn't rain.
Thunder crashed down on him also.
Wait, I didn't summon that.
I look at Laxus.
He frowned at the guy.
The weather cleared and I grabbed his meaty arm, and flung him across the island.
"Let's hope that isn't a surprise member of Fairy Tail." Laxus said.
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