The Truth
Lola laughed at something Rebekah says as Stefan entered the bar. Klaus and Lola were seated at the bar with them conversing as Gloria was sat at a table, her hands floating above a large tome on a table filled with candles.
"You left us."Rebekah said with a bit of a pout as she turned towards the vampire.
"Yeah, sorry. Retail therapy was making my head explode."Stefan said, not sounding sorry at all.
Klaus agreed "Tell me about it."
"It was just shopping!" Lola told them.
"It was still awful."Klaus said.
"Seriously? Besides, the two of you were having a blast with the champagne."Lola said.
Stefan turned to Gloria and asked "What's she doing?"
"She's failing."Klaus immediately spoke as all eyes turned towards the witch.
"It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on."Gloria pointed out, making Lola grin. Yep, they liked the witch for not taking Klaus crap.
"Why don't you use Bekah?"Lola asked, causing Rebekah to nod before getting up and speaking "I only wore it for a thousand years."
"See? Now these two offer a solution. All right, give me your hand, sweetheart."Gloria said as Rebekah sat on the table.
Rebekah gives Gloria her hand.
"She's, uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh?"Stefan asked nervously.
Lola raised an eyebrow and said "Yes, she is... so?"
Stefan just shook his head. As Lola went to ask something else to the Salvatore, Gloria's voice shone through "I can sense something."
Lola wondered why does Stefan seem really worried. It was just a necklace. And besides, what are the chances that he knew where it could be? And whom it could be on?"
Gloria chanted "Anta Cotis Syrum, Anta Cotis Syrum..."
The witch droped Rebekah's hand and looked at Klaus, Stefan and Lola before she said "I found it."
Rebekah asked "So where is it?"
"It doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends..."Gloria told her.
The original cut her off "Yes, a dead girl with dead friends, if I don't get my necklace back."
"So dramatic, Bex."Lola remarked.
The witch brought the conversation back to the matter at hand "Well, I'll have to dive back in to get the details."
"So dive."Klaus replied.
"I need more time."Gloria told him.
The hybrid leaned over the table, causing Gloria to add "And space. You're harshing my ju-ju."
"We can wait."Klaus said with a devilish smile.
Gloria said, nodding "I'm sure you can. But that's not what I asked."
Lola teased as she went up to the hybrid "That's not close to what she said last, Nikky."
"Hey. Hey, you know, why don't we just come back later. I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick who we eat." Stefan said as then Klaus, Lola and him left.
Later, Lola was seated on a chair. While the three vampires around her were eating their snack.
Rebekah spoke out "My girl's dead. I'm bored."
Klaus stopped drinking blood from the girl in his arm to look at Stefan before he said "You weren't kidding about being hungry."
"Yeah. It's been a long day."The Salvatore replied.
"You know when I have a long day, I normally just take a nap. You should try it sometime."Lola said sarcastically.
Klaus shook his head at her and replied to Stefan "Try being related to her."
Lola threw a pillow at his face in defense of Rebekah. He easily caught it.
Rebekah smiled at her in appreciation before looking back at Klaus and said "You're being mean."
Stefan laughed. The blonde girl glanced at him accusingly and asked " You're being mean. And why are you being mean? You used to love me."
"It's been ninety years, Rebekah. Give him a minute."Klaus said.
"Why are you taking his side?"Rebekah asked.
"Because, my dear sister, I feel pity for any man who doesn't give you what you want."Klaus stated.
Rebekah groaned angrily "Will you stop making me out to be a brat? I am not a brat!"
"A thousand years of life experience says otherwise."Klaus said.
"Jerk."Lola mumbled.
"Well, you're no picnic, either. I mean, I've only spent one summer with you and I feel like I want to blow my head off."Stefan chuckled.
"Yeah, I often have the urge to chop off all your limbs and set the lot you on fire."Lola added.
"Fantastic."Rebekah laughed.
Stefan dropped his human snack on the ground and got up and said "I need to go."
He walked away.
"Where's he going?"Rebekah asked.
"To write a name on a wall. It's a long story."Klaus told him.
"Can we do something fun, now? I'm bored and hungry."Lola asked.
"Really?"Klaus asked.
Lola nodded.
"Let's get you two something to eat. "Klaus says.
"You coming, Bex ?"Lola asked Rebekah.
"Go without us."Rebekah said.
"Okay. Bye, Bex."Lola told her as they left.
Klaus and Lola sat across from each other at a restaurant.
The waiter arrived at the table with her order. He placed a place with chicken tenders and fried in front of the siphon girl.
The siphon girl took a bite of one of the fries.
"So I heard about your visions and your ability to create portals? How long did you had them?"Klaus wondered.
"I always had them. My visions are tricky though."Lola shrugged.
"What do you mean?"Klaus asked.
"The future can changes. Kinda like Alice in the twilight movies. It's like... how do I say... my visions are based on someone's decisions. If the person change his choices, then the vision will change."Lola explained.
Lola suddenly had a vision. She saw why the reason were failing was because Elena was alive. She gasped once the vision was over.
"Did you just had a vision?"Klaus asked.
"Yes. I saw the reason why your visions are failing. Elena is alive."Lola said.
"What? How?" Klaus asked.
"I saw that when we did the sacrifice, they linked Elena's life to her biological father's life. So when he died, she came back."Lola explained.
"Let's go."Klaus said.
The hybrid sped them back to Gloria's.
They approached the door and Lola's hand shot out to hold Klaus arm.
"Something's wrong."She warned him.
The hybrid's eyebrows furrowed as he walked in. They realized it was empty.
"She's gone."Klaus said angrily.
"We should go check on Stefan and Rebekah."Lola suggested.
Klaus speed the both of them to the warehouse where Stefan and Rebekah were at.
They walked toward the door and opened the door before walking in.
They found Stefan and Rebekah standing together both looking upset.
The vibe was instantly off.
Klaus asked "What's going on?"
"Something's wrong. He was asking about Mikael. He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it."Rebekah told her brother.
"She's wrong."Stefan said.
Without the Salvatore noticing, Lola ran behind Stefan and used her strength to snap his neck.
"Her voice annoy me to not end."Lola told them.
Now, they were in the back of a truck. Stefan was temporarily dead as Klaus snapped his neck again.
Klaus compelled someone to drive them back to Mystic Falls.
Stefan then wakes up with a start inside the back of a truck filled with the coffins. Klaus and Lola looking at him.
The Salvatore vampire turned his head to see Kiara smirking at him.
He then turned to look back at Klaus and said "Just give me a chance to explain myself, okay?"
"No need. I'm not mad, I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts, borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding."Klaus told him as he opened the back of the truck. They were in Mystic Falls.
Lola added "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan. "
She snapped his neck with magic.
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