The Story Of The Original Family
The next day, Rebekah was with the rest of the cheerleading squad at practice, doing a series of gymnastic moves, while Lola came here as support.
Lola was wearing a T-shirt with a small pant and some boots.
Elena walked up towards them as Lola groaned.
"I was hoping we could talk."Elena said in a whiney tone, resulting the Original and the siphon to roll their eyes. The doppelgänger reminded them of a child, all that was missing was the little foot stom a toddler does when throwing a tantrum.
"About what? Stefan? Don't worry, I'm off him until he starts treating me better. In fact, you should probably take a page out of my book, if I'm being honest."Rebekah scoffed, unbothered by the look of hatred the Gilbert girl shot her.
"Actually, I'd rather talk about this."The doppelgänger replied as she shoved a picture of Rebekah's name carved on a cave wall in their faces.
"Can't you just leave?"Lola groaned.
"I'm curious why you and Klaus have spent a thousand years running from your father."Elena taunted, earning glares from the siphon.
"Seems more like a family issue. You know her family. Go stick your nose somewhere else."Lola says harshly, glaring at Elena.
"We should get back to the girls. Homecoming's right around the corner."Rebekah stated.
"Well then, maybe I'll ask Mikael when we wake him."The doppelgänger told her, arching a brow, a warning tone to her voice.
"Just when I think you couldn't possibly get stupider."Lola said.
The blonde spat as she and the two friends looked over at Elena with stoic faces "You're bluffing! You don't know where he is. No one does."
Elena simply smirked, trying to hide the fact that she was intimidated "So, then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?"
"If you wake Mikael, we are all doomed!"Rebekah grew angry.
"Then tell me."Elena insisted, resulting in Lola shoving her away from the Original harshly.
"Not any of your fucking business."The siphoner interrupted, her hand ripping the papers out of Elena's before she lit them on fire using her magic.
"Exactly. Why do you want to know?"Rebekah added.
"Why don't you want me to wake him?"Elena retorted, sending her a look.
"Elena, fuck off."Lola warned.
"I need to get back to the girls."Rebekah repeated, walking away with a deflated sigh.
"Leave Rebekah alone. She's my friend. She just want a normal life. She isn't doing anything to you. Just because you want her brother dead doesn't mean she deserves to die."Lola told Elena as she didn't bother to wait for her reply as they walked away, heading back to the blonde.
Later on, Rebekah and Lola arrived at the Salvatore boarding house.
"Why are we meeting her here?" The siphon asked.
"Well you rather invite her to your house?"Rebekah replied.
"Good point."Lola said.
Rebekah poured herself a glass of champagne.
The doppelgänger entered the house.
Rebekah greeted "Hey! What's up?"
"You invited me over? To talk?"Elena replied in an annoyed voice.
"All right girls, have at it!"Rebekah called out.
Six girls in various jewel-toned colored homecoming dresses walk in the room.
"I wish I could do that."Lola muttered under her breath watching in astonishment.
Rebekah smiled at her before it turned into a toothy grin as she noticed the expression held on Elena's face and compelled the girls "Okay, now twirl please."
They did as told, twirling to show off the dresses that accompanied their bodies.
"You compelled your own private runway show?" Elena asked in disbelief.
Lola commented "It's actually pretty cool."
Rebekah added "I need a Homecoming dress. So, what do you think? Pick one."
Lola watched the scene unfold in amusement as she took a sip from her glass while Elena tells the Original "I'm not here to help you shop. I'm here to talk about why you don't want me to wake up Mikael."
Rebekah sped up behind one of the girls, she tilted her head back, letting her fangs run over the girl's neck slighly as she said "I said pick one, Elena."
" one."Elena said as she watched Rebekah's fangs grow nearer and nearer the girl, Lola smiled before she threw her head back, the champagne sliding down her throat smoothly.
Rebekah smiled and released the girl "There. It wasn't so hard, was it?"
Her eyes drifted back to the girls behind her, compelling them "Go away. Remember nothing."
They spun and quickly left the room, Rebekah picked up her champagne glass, and sauntered towards the doppelgänger, dislike burning in her eyes as she said lowly "You do not threaten me. You'll learn what I allow you to learn. Is that clear?"
Elena nodded.
Few moments later, they head upstairs and Lola opened the door leading to Stefan's room, Elena stood by the doorway, arms crossed as they entered.
"How fun is this...?"Rebekah said as she opened one of the drawers, ruffling through the clothing.
Lola sat on the bed.
"Really fun but you shouldn't ask Elena for fun... She doesn't know what fun means."Lola smirked.
Rebekah chuckled at her.
"We shouldn't be here..." Elena spoke cautiously.
"Of course we should! Come on, like you've never wanted to snoop. Boxer briefs. A lot has changed since the twenties." Rebekah smiled as she held up a pair of Stefan's underwear.
"Are you gonna root through his stuff all night or are you gonna start to tell me your story?"The doppelgänger asked rudely.
" really are no fun. What do you want to know?"Rebekah sighed.
Elena spoke, walking into the room "Well, Elijah said that your father was a landowner in Europe. How did you guys end up here?"
Rebekah replied, turning to the bruntette "My parents had just started a family, when a plague struck their homeland. They lost a child to it. They wanted to escape and protect their future family from the same fate."
"So, how did you end up here? This part of the world hadn't even been discovered yet."Elena asked.
"Doesn't mean it didn't exist."Lola shot back and Rebekah nodded her head.
"Not by anyone in your history books. But my mother knew the witch Ayana, who heard from the spirits of a mystical land where everyone was healthy...blessed by the gifts of speed and strength. That lead my family here, where we lived amongst those people."Rebekah said.
"The werewolves?"Elena guessed.
"Your level of idiocy truly amazes me."Lola said rolling her eyes.
"To us, they were just our neighbors. My family lived in peace with them for over 20 years, during which time my family had more children, including me."The Original recounted.
"You make it sound so normal."Elena frowned.
"It was. Once a month our family retreated into the caves beneath our village. The wolves would howl through the night and by morning we'd return home... One full moon, Klaus and my youngest brother Henrik snuck out to watch the men turn into beasts. That was forbidden. Henrik paid the price...And that was the beginning of the end of peace with our neighbors.. And one of the last moments my family had together as humans."Rebekah said, nodding.
Lola looked at her with sympathy, knowing it must have been hard.
Elena's phone begins to vibrate, snapping the four of them out of their thoughts.
"You better get that. That'll be Damon checking up on you."Rebekah mocked.
While Elena collected her phone and answered it, Lola told Rebekah "I won't ask you if you're fine because you're obviously not."
"I don't like reliving that time."Rebekah says quietly, leaning against the siphoner.
"You shouldn't have to. Especially for her. Just say the word and I'll incendiary her ass."Lola says in distaste and gestured towards the doppelgänger who was speaking angrily into her phone.
Rebekah chuckled lightly, gratitude in her eyes "Thank you, but it's not necessary. Although, I might take you up on the offer another time."
"I mean I do have a selfish reason to do so, but I wouldn't mind do it for you."Lola smirked.
"Selfish reason?"Rebekah asked.
"I hates Elena and I always thought... that bitch is a whiny."Lola explained eliciting a laugh from the blonde.
"You're a good friend."The Original told Lola.
"Thanks. You are too."Lola smiled.
Rebekah smiled back.
"Did you get your fill of snooping yet? Can we get on with the story?"Elena sighed watching as the Original and the siphoner were reading through one of Stefan's diaries. Her phone call with Damon had begun wearing her patience.
"Shut up, Elena."Lola told her without looking at her.
Rebekah stood and walked over to a picture of Stefan and Elena, saying "Honestly, I don't get you two as a couple."
"Me neither." Lola commented.
Elena scowled "Why would you? You don't know anything about who he really is."
Rebekah dropped the photo back onto the table, leaning closer to Elena, a stern look on her face as she says "I know exactly who he is. He's a vampire. We're a predatory species. We don't have time to care about humans and their silly little lives."
" Is that why you did that runway show earlier? 'Cause you don't care about the Homecoming Dance...You know what, I'm just gonna go."Elena questioned sarcastically.
"Okay, Bye-bye."Lola said, a bored etched on her face as Elena stood.
"You haven't even heard half the story."Rebekah said, watching the doppelgänger closely as she hastily shrugged her jacket back on.
"And you are not going to tell it. You're just bored and looking for someone to push around. Find someone else to play with...maybe you can compel yourself a friend."Elena retorted.
"Rebekah is fantastic and don't talk to her that way, bitch. And I'm her friend you idiot."Lola said, rolling her eyes.
"The necklace wasn't Stefan's to give. It belonged to the Original Witch."Rebekah announced, stopping the doppelgänger from leaving.
" The one who put the hybrid curse on Klaus?" Elena asked, a frown pulled between her brows as her curiosity grew larger.
"Not just the hybrid curse or the tribrid curse, the one who turned us into vampires."Rebekah revealed.
Rebekah started to explain how her mother and father begged the witch Ayana to help them turn their children.
"I'm thirsty. Do you want a drink?"Rebekah asked.
Elena followed after Lola and Rebekah as they sauntered down the stairs before she asked "So, vampirism was a form of protection?"
"What else would it be?"Rebekah replied.
"A curse."Elena guessed.
"My parents only saw a way of keeping their children alive." The blonde responded.
"Yeah, but why stay, if they were so afraid of the werewolves? Why not...leave?"The brunette questioned.
Rebekah sighed "Pride...My father didn't want to run anymore. He wanted to fight and be superior to the wolves. Where they could bite, we had to bite harder. Where they had speed, we had to be faster. Agility, strength, senses... Ayana refused to help my parents, so my father placed it in my mother's hands."
"In her hands? How could she do anything?"Elena frowned.
"Please save me. Think about it, Elena."Lola muttered.
"Because my mother was also a witch."Rebekah chuckled.
"What?" Elena asked in shock.
Lola groaned "Use your fucking brain, Elena! The Original family... The Original Witch. How does that scream some sort of relation to you?"
"Where do they keep their best vintage?"Rebekah asked as they walked into the libary.
"But if your mother was a witch, then..."Elena trailed off.
"Am I? No, a witch is nature's servant; a vampire is an abomination of nature. You can either be one or the other, never both. My mother did this for us. She did not turn." Rebekah said going through the cabinet and collected a bottle of wine.
"How did you turn?"Elena asked curiously.
Rebekah sighed "She called upon the sun for life, and the ancient white oak tree, one of nature's eternal objects, for immortality. That night, my father offered us wine laced with blood. And then he drove his sword through our hearts."
"He killed you?" Elena whispered, stunned at the revelation.
"And he wasn't delicate about it either. We had to drink more blood to complete the ritual. It was euphoric! The feeling of power was indescribable but the witch Ayana was right about the consequences. The spirits turned on us, and nature fought back. For every strength there would be a weakness. The sun became our enemy. It kept us indoors for weeks. And though my mother found a solution, there were other problems... Neighbors who had opened their homes to us could now keep us out. Flowers at the base of the white oak burned, and prevented compulsion. And the spell decreed that the tree that gave us life could also take it we burned it to the ground. But the darkest consequence was something my parents never anticipated.. The hunger. Blood...had made us reborn and it was blood that we craved above all else. We could not control it... And with that, the predatory species was born..."Rebekah explained, taking a sip of wine.
Lola wondered why Elena was so interested and what they were all up to. They always were.
"Wow."Lola piped up in awe of the story.
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