1: The Start of Everything
-Once upon a time, there was a kid who used to live in a very big house. The house was old, and a lot of the floorboards were creaky. But the kid didn't mind it because he thought it added ambiance to the already creepy atmosphere of the house. The kid quietly opened his door, looking out to see if anyone was awake or around. The moon filters through the window, the old and torn curtains hanging around the window. He slowly tiptoed out of his room and closed the door behind him. The kid continued to tiptoe down the hallway, the floor boards creaking every few moments. He soon comes to his parent's door leading to their room. He takes the door knob and slowly turns it. The door creaks open as the kid enters his parent's room. Looking around the dark and hot room, the kid silently starts to head to his mother's side of the bed. When he steps closer, a floor board creaks and he stops dead in his track. He feared that if he woke up his dad, he would get in trouble. After a few moments of nothing happening, the kid sighs in relief and soon makes it to his mother's side. He puts a hand on her and lightly shakes her.
"Mother?" The kid quietly says.
No answer from the woman.
"Mama," the young boy whispers a bit louder, shaking his mom's shoulder again.
Still no answer. The boy was about to shake his mom a bit more when the darkened figure of his father next to his mom sat up. The boy's eyes widen as he sees his dad's head turn towards him.
"What are you doing here, boy?" The deep voice of his father seemed to echo in the room.
"I... I wanted to see if I can get a warm glass of milk," the boy quickly says to his dad, fumbling over his own words.
"And you thought waking your mother would be a good idea?" The father asks.
"W-well, I didn't want to wake you-" the boy starts, but is soon cut off as he sees his father get up from the bed.
The father walks around the bed and stands in front of the small boy.
"You know what this means, don't you?" The large man asks, looking down on the young boy in front of him. The boy doesn't answer, as he just stands there, his body stiff with fear. The man growls and grabs the boy by his throat, lifting him up easily with his hand. "It means that you get what's coming to you."
All of the sudden, lightning strikes down and shows the decomposed figure of his dad and his mother, earning a scream of terror from the young boy.-
Felix cries out and wakes up with a sudden jerk, wide-eyed and sweaty from the dream he just had.
"Woah, dude. You okay?" A voice comes from the driver's sear of the car.
Felix look next to him, and sees that his friend, Noah, was the one driving the Uhaul.
"Y-yeah, Felix stutters, sighing. "It was just a nightmare, that's all."
"You've been taking your medication, right?" Noah asks, looking back and forth frokm the road to his friend and back. "Like the doctors said to do?"
"Yes, I have," Felix says a bit irritably. "I don't know why I need to take my meds. They make me sleepy 24/7, they give me nightmares whenever I am sleeping, and it just seems that I can't function correctly whatsoever!!"
"I know it's hard for you, man. But you heard the doctors: you have severe depression and anxiety. Not to mention that schizophrenia of yours that you had since you were a kid," Noah says. "They day you have to take them daily in ordder for you to be able to help cope with your symptoms daily."
Felix sighs and stares out the window on the passenger's side. "It still feels like I'm in the nut-house, if you ask me."
Noah shakes his head and continues driving the Uhaul down the dirt road. It was a quiet 15 minute drive when Noah speaks up again, a smile on his face.
"Look, dude! It's the house I told you about!!" Noah tells Felix with excitement.
Felix looks up and sees a two story mansion-like house as the Uhaul pulls up into the driveway. He gets out and closes the door, still looking up at the big house.
"This is the house that you told me about?" Felix asks in disbelief.
"Yeah, it is. What about it?" Noah asks, getting out of the Uhaul himself and walking to the back of it.
"What's wrong with- dude, it's huge! Do you know how much the rent's gonna be okn this place?!"
"Don't worry about that, Felix. You have the first three months rent-free. I paid those months in advance so you can have time to save money from your job," Noah explains to Felix, opening the back of the Uhaul. "Now come help me with unloading the truck."
Felix shakes his head and goes to Noah and the Uhaul, mumbling under his breath. About an hour and a half later, Felix and Noah look around the first floor of the two-story house.
"There we go," Noah says, panting softly. "You need any help unpacking?" He asks looking at his friend.
"Nah, I should be fine. I'll be able to unpack my things from here," Felix tells Noah.
Noah nods and starts to head for the door, then stops and turns around. "Before I forget, I do want to tell you that I will be rooming with you here in a couple of months. I'm sorry if it can't be sooner, but I need to take care of some stuff before I can."
"It's alright. You just do your stuff. I'll be able to take care of myself until then," Felix says, looking around at the boxes and other stuff surrounding him.
"Alright. I'll come by tomorrow with food for you," Noah says before heading out the door.
Felix looks after Noah for a few moments before looking back at his stuff, then looking up at the stairs and sighing.
"Alright. I'll be able to set my bed here on the ground floor for the night," Felix explains. "I'll be able to unpack a few things here and there tonight, but other than that..."
"Don't worry, bud. I know it's hard moving. But it's for the best," Noah tells his friend, earning a small nod from him.
Noah leaves, leaving Felix alone ijn the gigantic house. About half an hour to an hour passes, and Felix had unboxed a few kitchen boxes as well as move his bed to where he felt it would be a secure and safe place. He had called Domino's for dinner, and was waiting for them.
He was finishing putting away dishes when the doorbell rings. He closes the cabinet door before going and answering the door.
The pizza delivery guy looks up and smiles. "Felix Hernandez?" He asks.
"Yes, that's me," Felix confirms.
"Alright. I have one medium pepperoni, sausage, and olive pizza. It'll be $17.50," the delivery man says.
Felix pays for the pizza and closes the door. He turns around, opens the box up, and puts a piece in his mouth before closing the top. He looks up and screams, dropping the pizza box and the piece in his mouth.
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