17. I met someone
"Morgan, five minutes to dinner!" my mum called from downstairs.
"Okay mum" I said as I closed the laptop.
I've been watching umbrella academy all weekend.
I lazily rolled out of my bed, I usually feel so lazy on Sundays. - throughout the weekend actually -
I took of my hoodie as I dragged my self to do door - I wasn't tired that was me just being lazy-
My phone rang as I was about leaving my room.
"Aargh, what now!" I grunted
I walked back to my bed and picked up my phone.
It was Mason.
I sat back on the bed as I pressed the recieve button.
"I was wondering why you've not called, it's been like a week?" I said almost like asked
"Mason, are you there"
"Say something"
He still didn't say anything
and then I knew something was wrong.
I could feel it.
"Babe are you okay?" I asked worriedly
"Babe I'm sorry" he muttered
Sorry for what now, I felt a little scared.
"Sorry for what?"
There was silence from his end again.
"I met someone and we kinda hooked up"
I felt my chest tighten, everything around me stopped.
time froze - just like when he first kissed me - but it felt different, it felt odd and empty.
"Morgan" he spoke softly almost whispering
"I'm sorry, I didn't know how to tell you"
"I promise it wasn't my....
I ended the call before he could finish.
I met someone
I met someone... We kinda hooked up
... met someone.
hooked up.
It echoed in my head as I sat down there unable to move,
I suddenly became cold.
My phone chimed as messages popped in.
Without looking at my phone I held the power button until my phone went off.
I laid back on my bed and laid my blanket over my head.
All I wanted to do now is lay here and wish this pain that I've never felt before would magically go away before morning.
I woke up the next morning feeling worse than I did the night before.
"Morgan, wake up you'll be late for school" my brother Hunter kept on tapping me.
"I don't think I'm going to school today" I said to him
"Why not?" He asked
"I don't feel well"
"I'll tell mum then" he sounded worried
I smiled in response as he left.
I picked up my phone to switch it on but i immediately dropped it back down on the bed.
I took a deep breath as I sat up pulling the blanket off the top of my body.
I pulled my hair up in a loose ponytail as I dropped my leg on the cold floor.
I let out a yawn as I made my way to the bathroom.
I felt exhausted.
I only brushed my teeth before going downstairs to get some cereal.
"Morning Dad" I greeted
"Hey sweetie how was your night?"
"It was fine" I forced a smile
"Your mom said you slept early last night, so you couldn't join us for dinner"
"Yeah I was a bit tired".
I made my way to the kitchen to get the cereals.
"Morning mum"
"morning dear" she replied as she walked towards me
"Said you don't feel well" she said as she placed the back of her palm on my forehead and the sides of my neck to check my temperature.
"I'd be fine just need to sleep it off" I said
"Hmm okay then, so no school today then?"
"Yeah" i confirmed
The doorbell rang as I stretched for the box of cereal from the shelf.
"Hunter get the door" my dad called
"Maddy" I heard him say happily
I glanced towards the door to see Maddy.
"Hunty boo how are you doing?!" she asked him as she pulled out of the hug.
"Morgan " she called me shocked.
"why are you not dressed up?" she said as she passed me milk from the kitchen counter.
"Morning miss Henderson" she greeted my mum.
"I don't feel well" I said as I poured the milk into the bowl of cereal.
"What about your glee club mini-sing off you've been practicing all week for? "
"oh shit" I cursed
"I totally forgot" realization hit me as I ran upstairs with my bowl of cereal on my hand trying not to spill any of it on the stairs.
Maddy sighed as she followed me upstairs.
Hah 😂
That was fast..... not sure I've updated that fast before LMAO
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