11.The new guy
********** 2 years later********
School has been going on great, I got into glee club so did Hella.
Maddy and Jason has been in a relationship for a year now.
And she also got into the cheersquad where she is doing great. she is one of the outstanding cheerleaders but she isn't the head cheerleader though.
We've passed all stages for the National sing-off competition.
and this is the third time we got to the finals according to what I heard from a senior Glee member
The finals would be coming up in some months though, almost at the end of junior year.
It's been practice all the way.
This school year just started a few weeks ago and I can't tell you how happy I am to have come this far.
"settle down guys." Mr Reuben Ordered as he walked in.
He is our coordinator and also miss jade who is also a helping hand but she hasn't been around for some weeks now.
"I have an announcement" Mr Reuben continued
"as you all know We are a family and we are always open for someone new"
"I knew that was where he was getting at! " I heard Cole say to Melissa
They are both seniors and kind of the leaders although we don't really say that but we all just know.
They are friendly though .
"meet Justin Salvador" he said as he gestured towards the door and a tall looking guy with a deep toned black hair, light-blue eyes,
Well structured cheek bone, Walked in.
He looked like a super model
He was breathtaking.
You could literally hear the gasp from some of the glee girls.
"Hi I'm Justin am a transfer student and I'm in my third year"
Oh.... He's a junior too i hope he takes most of my classes too.dont judge me!
we could just be friends.
It's been years now since I haven't seen Mason although he calls and all but I was dying to see him again he assured me that he was finishing up everything and he would be coming back and not just that, he was coming to stay!!
"OK guys introduce yourselves" Mr Reuben said to us
"I'm Mellisa..I'm Cole.... Scott... Miranda....Vicky... Sandra... Fernandez... Morgan..... Bailey.... Lola... Charlotte....chloe..... Hella... Nicole".
Yeah Nicole she suprisignly got in but she got some pipes! She really could sing you know.
"OK, I might need to keep hearing that for a while before I can get used to your names but anyway I'm happy to be here!" he was smiling all the time
"oh he's dreamy" I heard Nicole say to Maddy.
"better shut your mouth he's mine" Hella possessively said.
"buh buh... "
"shut the hell up" Maddy yelled as she leaned forward and crossed her legs and arranged her flay skirt and adjusted trying to create space for reasons that are well known.....
"you could go take your seat" mr Reuben Offered.
I immediately looked over to the other end to see Hella with a big grin on her face and Nicole trying to be noticed even if been overshadowed by Hella.
Her grin began to fall as she still looked at him and I turned my gaze only to see him coming my way.
What!! please don't why is he coming over here? Oh no this is bad
"hi Lola can I seat here" he was already standing in front of me
"em em. Sure you can" I stuttered as he took his seat beside me
"em actually my name is Morgan" I corrected
"oh even more beautiful " he said nodding his head
My face was heating up, what is wrong with me.
"thank you.. Maybe" I said
He shrugged. ..
"okay guys, Sandra where did we stop yesterday" Mr Reuben asked as we were about to start.
I was on my way to meet Maddy at the cafeteria so we could head home only for me to be dragged into a class and to one of the windows.
"the new guy Morgan!!" Maddy Yelled as she pointed outside towards the parking lot.
"have you seen him?" she asked because I could tell she has seen my less ecstatic expression although I was still happy to see him.
"really! Her eyes widened"
She was always the one among the both of us that get the latest news first.
"and when we're you going to tell me" she took her backpack and flung it on her back from the desk and checked her phone before putting it in her back pocket.
"are you serious! ..you just dragged me all the way here and I haven't had the chance to even say a 'hi'"
"well" I continued as we left the class
"he just joined glee" I said
"OMG he's cute and he can sing!! That's even more amazing " she yelled
"and he sat next to me!" I said as a blush flashed passed my face
"yes!! That's a start" Maddy yelled in my ears
"oh no it isn't I can't do that to Mason"
"oh.. Yeah" she was a little dissapointed
"but what if.."
"no...no what ifs... I know where you driving at" I said as I ran towards the gate using my hands to block my ears and Hella running towards me..
Only for me to bump into somebody.
"oh sorry," he said first
"sorry" i said back as I rose my heads up
"you..!" he said
"oh.. Em. Hi Justin.. I mean ...sorry for bump.. Bumping into you" couldn't I just talk straight!!
"no there's no problem" he was just smiling
". Hi I'm Maddy her bestie" I glanced at my side to see Maddy giving him her hand.
"oh hi maddy"
"we need to head home now" I said to Maddy
"yeah"maddy said
"let me drop you guys off" he offered
"you have a car! " Maddy yelled and composed herself as she realised that was a little too much .
"no thanks we're fyn" I refused
"no worry it's not stress to me I'm just offering don't turn down my offer please" he pleaded
Then I turned to Maddy and she just gave me a nod.
"okay fyn" I reluctantly said
Hey..... Thanks for reading. 💕
Please please please don't forget to hit the vote button.... It encourages me.
I know it's a little long but I had to chip all this in this chapter.
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