Upon arriving in Utira, Wyatt felt an unsettling feeling. They found the others arguing outside the Library. Nicole had apparently seen the news of what the Augur said about people accusing him of something and pointed the finger at the other two. Nora kept her mouth shut, but Damian insisted on putting her in her place about it. Ash went over and whispered to Nora.
"What exactly was said?"
"No names. But she insists we did it. And since we've been hiding things from her, she's doubling down." Ash hummed before he spoke up, talking over Nicole's accusations.
"Darling, if you're going to accuse people, maybe you should be stronger than them." That got rage from her as she targeted him.
"EXCUSE ME!?" The other three got the hint and slipped inside while the duo clashed.
Inside, Wyatt found a door that was suspicious. They were trying to find info on the prophecy, and he felt like something was back there. Of course, he was terrified and went to look for the others.
The librarian led them to the back of the Forbidden section, which is where the door led to. An Oracle humored them in a fight, but his starter, which was now a Venusaur, blasted the team down.
However the prophecy divided the team more than they already were. Wyatt tracked down Damian after scolding Nora, who was already cursing herself. Damian wouldn't look at him until he offered an apple. He eyes the red fruit before sighing.
"You didn't have to. I'm apparently going to be with the enemy." Wyatt frowned. He didn't think it was talking about him. It didn't make sense. No, it was definitely about someone else. Who that was he didn't know. Sadly, Damian wouldn't hear anyone out, so he went to go find Ash.
He hummed at the information. Nora couldn't catch Damian before he left for the next town, so she charged after him.
"I agree. It definitely isn't talking about Damian." Ash hummed. "I wonder... it sounds like there's something missing. Like a pokemon who can force the prophecy to throw accusations around." He then paused at something. Wyatt paused as Ash went into deep thought.
"What?" He purred as he shook his head.
"I can't prove it yet." Wyatt blinked before nodding. It was better than more accusations being thrown around.
At the next town, they were alerted of the Abyssal Cult's nearby involvement. Rage fueled Wyatt before Ash spotted something.
"You think you can take them on your own?" Wyatt nodded. "Alright. Let's meet back up in the center."
Wyatt lost to the powerful legendary the Cult Leader, Audrey, summoned. But instead of leaving him, she got to his side. It was only the two of them.
"There there..." Tears coated the smaller boy's face as she pulled him into a hug. The warmth she provided gave him a sense of safety. It didn't take him long to fall asleep as she rocked him back and forth. She smiled as she picked him up.
Ash discovered him in the center, wrapped up in his usual blanket with a teddy bear. He wasn't able to disturb him, so he carried him to the next town.
Wyatt woke up to Nora teasing his cheeks, which got a noise from the kid.
"No!" Ash chuckled as he dug himself out of the blanket and attacked the Celebi Blessed female, who was unimpressed with his lack of strength. He pouted before snuggling with the teddy bear.
"Where'd you get that?" He then paused, not having an answer. He held it out in front of him, scanning it. Ash hummed.
"It was with you after I got to the center in Miara. You beat me to it." Wyatt paused.
"I don't remember..." His mythical appeared with a hum.
"I sadly wasn't watching, but whoever gave it to you knew something."
"How do you know?" Nora asked, surprised. The Delta hummed as it sniffed the stuffed animal.
"It has a scent. Mothers usually leave their scent on things for babies to recognize." It then hummed. "I don't think it was your mother, but whoever it was might've been a mother." Nora hummed.
"Well, you have a gym to go fight." Wyatt paused. "We're in Sonata, so there's a gym."
"OH!" He giggled before sitting down.
After defeating Harmony, Nora came in with an alert from the nearby hospital. The power was out.
When they got there, Nicole and Damian had beaten them there, arguing with Ruekra and Taen. Damian was quiet as Nicole reached ear-shattering volumes. Well, that's what Wyatt was hearing. Ash frowned.
"Why does it seem like two conversations are happening at once?" Damian glanced back at them. While he said nothing, his expression spoke in waves. He was hearing a different conversation than what Wyatt was hearing. Nora nudged Ash.
"Look at the floor." He paused before looking, seeing a faint pink glow. "There's something dividing the conversation. Magic." Harmony blinked.
"So... what's actually being said?" Nora gulped as Ash mouthed to Damian, who nodded. He finally intercepted the conversation, which made the glow vanish.
While Nicole and Harmony went after the Perfectionists, the four stayed at the entrance. Damian was listening for something before he spoke.
"What were you people hearing?"
"Oh, so you could hear us?" Nora asked, shocked. Damian nodded.
"It wasn't very loud, but it was loud enough for me." He hummed. "She was practically flirting with them. It was like she knew them." Nora hummed.
"We-" She frowned. "We haven't been watching her." Ash hummed.
"Things are now lining up." He explained his suspicions on the prophecy. Damian was quiet as Nora paused.
"Wait... how would that work then?" Ash hummed.
"Keep in mind that we don't know Nicole's movements. She also mentioned that there was apparently a news story on people 'attacking' the Augur." He closed his eyes. "Someone else did see it, but they commented that something was off about the Augur in the interview. Like it was a copycat." He opened his eyes. "Nora, you've witnessed most of the fights with the Abyssal Cult. Was there a member that didn't fight?" She paused.
"Not really." She paused. "But there was always one with some extremely powerful pokemon. Like the-" Damian stopped her.
"Meanwhile, that was the opposite for the Sky Cult. There was a member who didn't fight." He then paused. "Now that I mention that, they didn't stay in the room when Jaern gave the order to finish us off. They left soon after East went down." Wyatt was quiet as Ash paused.
"I know I saw Nicole once. But something is bothering me. After the Sky Cult collapsed the cave on that family, they immediately left and Nicole was waiting. Yet, she never mentioned seeing the Sky Cult." Damian froze.
"Wait... where was Nicole after me and Wyatt went to infiltrate the gym?" Ash paused before it dawned on him.
"I... don't know. I assumed she was in the center. I stayed stationed there... but I now realize I never saw her after you guys went in." He paused. "She never actually fought me outside the Library. She claimed that she was too busy." Nora paused.
"Alright. Things aren't lining up. She's willing to fight you two right after the Sky Cult left, but not outside the Library? She's up to something." Damian gulped.
"But what?" Nora hummed.
"What exactly was being said down there?" He scratched his head.
"Nothing directly. She kinda let them lead and then she countered them. It was weird." Ash hummed.
"That pink glow... I wonder... Let's see if Harmony gets anything different."
Wyatt knew not to trust the Perfection Cult. Especially when a needle came out. Damian ducked up, going into a panic, before the disaster struck. Malde, who was the target, became a half-alien and Damian was taken.
The aftermath wasn't great either. Wyatt refused to speak, squeezing the teddy bear and rocking back and forth. There was no update on Nicole, so they turned their focus onto Wyatt. The scent from the bear was the only thing that was keeping him from completely breaking down. The only thing they could do was offer him food every once in a while. He wouldn't talk to them. Ash gulped.
"He's not going to recover well from this."
"No..." Nora sighed. "We need to find him and stop Malde. We already have 5 cults that want us dead. We don't need this." Ash nodded as he scanned the teddy bear, which had Wyatt's nose buried in its fur.
"I wonder..." He shook his head. "Here. I'll get him to the next town and look for clues. You focus your search on Damian. And keep your ears sharp for Nicole." She nodded as she left. He wrapped Wyatt into the blanket and picked him up. "Come on, you."
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