Good Friday pt 2
At the White House
*Joe Biden is sitting at his desk doing paperwork*
Kamala Harris: *knocks on door*
Joe Biden: Come in.
Kamala Harris: *opens door* Trump is here sir.
Joe Biden: *sighs* Send him in.
Kamala Harris: Yes sir. *closes door*
Donald Trump: *opens door and slams it*
Joe Biden: What do you want Trump?
Donald Trump: I want to be president again!
Joe Biden: No Trump stop asking!
Donald Trump: Ok that's fine. *takes knife out of his pocket, stabs himself and falls to the ground*
Joe Biden: *gasp* Oh no Trump what did you do? *rushes over to Trump, bends down and takes knife out of his stomach*
Mike Pence: *opens door* Boss is everything ok I heard yelling. *gasp*. Oh my god what happened!?! Did you stab Trump!?!
Joe Biden: No I didn't he did this himself.
Mike Pence: Save it for the cops. *pulls out phone and calls police*
At Springfield Police Station in Chief Wiggum's office
*Chief Wiggum and Officer Lou are eating donuts then telephone rings*
Officer Lou: Chief your phone's ringing.
Chief Wiggum: Ok let's see who this is. *picks up phone and answers* Hello, this is Chief Wiggum speaking.
Mike Pence: Hi Chief Wiggum this is Mike Pence. We have an emergency?
Chief Wiggum: What's the emergency?
Mike Pence: Joe Biden stabbed Donald Trump.
Chief Wiggum: What! *chokes on donut*
Officer Lou: Woah slow down Chief.
Chief Wiggum: *stops choking* Did you call the hospital yet?!?
Mike Pence: No, I called you first.
Chief Wiggum: Well then call the hospital? Is he breathing?
Mike Pence: Yes he's breathing.
Chief Wiggum: Ok just stay with him and don't let Biden do anything. What's your location?
Mike Pence: Ok I'm at the White House please hurry.
Chief Wiggum: Don't worry I will. *hangs up phone and dials Springfield General Hospital*
At Springfield General Hospital in Dr. Hibbert's office
*Telephone rings*
Dr. Hibbert: *picks up phone* Hello this is Dr. Hibbert speaking.
Chief Wiggum: Hello Dr. Hibbert this is Chief Wiggum. We have an emergency?
Dr. Hibbert: Hi Chief Wiggum what can I do for you?
Chief Wiggum: We need an ambulance at the White House.
Dr. Hibbert: Really. What happened?
Chief Wiggum: Biden stabbed Trump.
Dr. Hibbert: What?!? Biden really?
Chief Wiggum: Yes. Mike Pence just called and told me that.
Dr. Hibbert: Well then we'll be right on our way.
Chief Wiggum: Ok thank you.
Dr. Hibbert: You're welcome. *hangs up phone*
Chief Wiggum: *hangs up phone* I can't believe that Biden would do such an awful thing.
Officer Lou: I know I can't believe it.
Chief Wiggum: *stands up* Welp time to go to the White House.
In the evening
Homer Simpson: *walks to the door* Honey, I'm going to Moe's. *opens door*
Marge Simpson: Ok just don't be late.
Homer Simpson: Don't worry I won't. *closes door*
At Moe's tavern
Homer Simpson: *walks in* Hey guys.
More Szyslak: Hey Homer.
Barney Gumble: Hiya Homer.
Homer Simpson: *sits in chair* Moe give me the usual.
Moe Szyslak: The usual coming right up. *pours a glass of beer and puts it on the table*
Homer Simpson: Thanks Moe.
Moe Szyslak: No problem Homer.
Homer Simpson: *drinks beer all up very fast and burps*
Lenny Leonard: Woah slow down Homer don't you need to drive first thing in the morning.
Homer Simpson: Yeah but I don't want to.
Moe Szyslak: Where are you going Homer?
Homer Simpson: Mexico.
Moe Szyslak: All the way down there?
Homer Simpson: Yeah.
At home in Bart's room
Marge Simpson: *walks in* Kids let's get ready.
Bart Simpson: So what restaurant are we going to mom?
Marge Simpson: Mmm what restaurant do you wanna go to?
Bart Simpson: Krusty Burger.
Lisa Simpson: Krusty Burger?
Marge Simpson: But we was just there. Are you sure you guys wanna go there?
Bart Simpson: Yeah.
Lisa Simpson: I guess so.
Marge Simpson: Then let's go there again.
At Moe's Tavern
Moe Szyslak: So do you wanna watch tv?
Carl Carlson: Sure why not.
Moe Szyslak: *turns on tv* Oh look the news is just coming on let's watch this. Maybe they'll say something about Trump and Biden.
Kent Brockman: Hello Springfield this is Kent Brockman live from channel 6 and today we have some shocking news. Joe Biden has stabbed Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been taken to Springfield General Hospital and Joe Biden has been taken into custody. Joe Biden will be showing up in court on Saturday of Joe Biden is guilty, Donald Trump will become president. This is Kent Brockman live from channel 6 have a good evening Springfield.
Moe Szyslak: *turns off tv* Oh I can't believe it, how could Joe Biden do such an awful thing.
Homer Simpson: I thought he was a good guy.
Moe Szyslak: Yeah well that's too bad.
Barney Gumble: *burps* Who's Joe Biden?
At Krusty Burger
*Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie walks in*
Krusty the Clown: Ugh it's you again. What do you guys want and where's your big buffoon?
Marge Simpson: Homer is at Moe's and we came to eat here again because Bart wanted too.
Krusty the Clown: Oh well then go sit down.
*Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie goes to sit at a table*
Lisa Simpson: Krusty?!
Krusty the Clown: *walks to table* Yes.
Lisa Simpson: Can you turn on the news? I wanna hear more about Joe Biden.
Krusty the Clown: The news already came on.
Lisa Simpson: Did they talk about Joe Biden?
Krusty the Clown: Yes they did.
Lisa Simpson: Then what did they say?
Krusty the Clown: It's something bad. Are you sure you wanna hear it kid?
Lisa Simpson: Yes I'm sure.
Krusty the Clown: Joe Biden get arrested because he stabbed Trump.
Lisa Simpson: What?!?
Krusty the Clown: Yeah that's what they said.
Lisa Simpson: But that's impossible. Joe Biden would never do that. There must be some mistake.
Krusty the Clown: Well that's what I heard on the news. It's a shock to all of us. Have a good spring break. *walks away*
Lisa Simpson: *groans and puts head down on table*
At home
Marge Simpson: *opens door, enters with kids and closes door* Homer, we're home. *closes door*
*Lisa looks sad*
Marge Simpson: *looks at Lisa* Oh Lisa I know what Joe Biden did was very shocking and surprising but we need to move on and hope that Donald Trump has changed and will do good things.
Lisa Simpson: No I can't move on. I just don't think that Joe Biden would stab him. I'm going up to my room. *walks upstairs*
Marge Simpson: She'll probably get over it.
Lisa Simpson: No I won't! *slams door*
Bart Simpson: Well I'm going up to my room. *walks upstairs*
Marge Simpson: Homer!
*Nobody answers*
Marge Simpson: Homer!
*Nobody answers*
Marge Simpson: Hmm. It looks like your father's not home Maggie. What do you wanna do?
Maggie Simpson: *sucks pacifier*
Marge Simpson: Great idea we'll watch tv.
At Springfield Police Station
Chief Wiggum: *shines a flashlight in Biden's face* So, what did you do?
Joe Biden: I did nothing. I'm telling you the truth I swear.
Chief Wiggum: You swear? Then why were you holding a knife in your hand.
Joe Biden: I told you Donald Trump stabbed himself and I took the knife out.
Chief Wiggum: Don't wanna tell the truth aye. Well looks like you're about to meet your new home.
*Joe Biden is put in a jail cell*
Chief Wiggum: Meet your new home traitor.
Joe Biden: I didn't stab him, please let me out.
Chief Wiggum: Don't try and sweet talk me. We'll figure out what we'll do with you tomorrow. *walks away*
At Moe's Tavern
Moe Szyslak: Hey Homer. Since you're going away how about we make this the greatest night of your life and have a karaoke night.
Homer Simpson: That's a great idea Moe.
Lenny Leonard: So what song are we gonna sing?
Moe Szyslak: Umm. Homer, how about you choose?
Homer Simpson: How about "We Are The Champions".
Moe Szyslak: Pretty good choice Homer.
*Everyone sings we are the champions*
At home in the living room
*Marge and Maggie are sitting on the couch watching tv and Marge is changing the channels*
Marge Simpson: Hmm there's nothing that good to watch on tv. Maggie, should we start packing now?
*Nobody answers*
Marge Simpson: Maggie?
*Nobody answers. Marge looks at Maggie*
Marge Simpson: *looks at Maggie* Oh you're sleeping. Well it's just me that's awake now. Time to put you to bed. *turns off tv, picks up Maggie and exits living room*
In Lisa's room
Marge Simpson: *enters bedroom* Lisa, we have to start packing honey. We leave tomorrow early in the morning.
Lisa Simpson: But mom I don't feel like going to Mexico tomorrow. What happens if Trump builds the wall?
Marge Simpson: Oh honey. Trump is not gonna build the wall. We don't know if he's gonna become president again. So come on, let's start packing.
Lisa Simpson: I don't wanna.
Marge Simpson: Then I'll do it for you. *starts to hum and packs Lisa's suitcase*
At Moe's Tavern
*Everyone' just finishing singing "We Are The Champions" and cheers*
Moe Szyslak: That was fun guys, we should do karaoke more often. So what song next?
Homer Simpson: How about "We Are Young"
Barney Gumble: Ooh I love that song.
*Everyone starts singing "We Are Young*
In Bart's room
Marge Simpson: *enters bedroom* Bart it's time for you to start packing up?
Bart Simpson: Aww I don't feel like it. Can you do it for me?
Marge Simpson: No you can do it yourself.
Bart Simpson: But I don't want to.
Marge Simpson: I didn't ask if you wanted to. I told you to start packing. I'm about to pack now.
Bart Simpson: So who's gonna pack dad's suitcase?
Marge Simpson: Not me. He's gonna do it himself when he gets home.
Bart Simpson: Alright. I'll start packing.
Marge Simpson: Good. *exits bedroom*
Bart Simpson: *starts to bicker and pack*
At Moe's Tavern
*Everyone is still singing "we are young" and then Homer's phone rings*
In Marge and Homer's room
*Nobody answers Marge's phone*
Marge Simpson: Pick up Homer please pick up.
*Nobody picks up then Marge hangs up phone*
At Moe's Tavern
*Everyone is just finishing singing "We Are Young"*
Homer Simpson: *laughs* That was fun Moe. We should do this again.
Moe Szyslak: Yeah we should.
Homer Simpson: But now I gotta get home before my wife gets mad.
Moe Szyslak: Alright take care Homer.
Lenny Leonard: Goodbye Homer.
Carl Carlson: Goodbye Homer.
Barney Gumble: Goodbye Homer. *burps*
Homer Simpson: Goodbye guys. *exits Moe's Tavern*
At home
*Homer enters home whistling, hang up coats and keys then walks upstairs*
In Marge and Homer's room
Homer Simpson: *enters bedroom* Hi honey I'm home.
Marge Simpson: Homer why are you home so late?! It's already midnight and I called you.
Homer Simpson: Sorry hon we were doing karaoke.
Marge Simpson: Well then before you go to bed don't forget you have to pack.
Homer Simpson: Doh!
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