Good Friday pt 1
Friday morning
Marge Simpson: Everyone wake up it's Good Friday!
In Homer and Marge's room
Homer Simpson: *wakes up* Oh Marge why do you have to yell?
Marge Simpson: Because in one more day we leave for Mexico.
Homer Simpson: So that means that I don't have to go to work.
Marge Simpson: Yup so if we get ready now the day will go by much faster.
Homer Simpson: *gets up out of bed* Then I'll get ready.
In the kitchen
*The kids are sitting in the kitchen finishing up their cereal then Marge and Homer walks in*
Marge Simpson: Good job kids, you're all ready.
Lisa Simpson: Of course we are, it's a half day today.
Marge Simpson: Well then your dad will take you to school today. Get your bags kids. I'll see you guys later. *kisses Homer, Bart and Lisa*
Bart Simpson: Bye mom.
Lisa Simpson: Bye mom.
Homer Simpson: Bye Marge.
*Homer, Bart and Lisa walks out*
Marge Simpson: Bye guys have a great day.
At Springfield Elementary
*The car pulls up*
Homer Simpson: Goodbye kids.
*Kids run out of the car*
Lisa Simpson: Bye dad.
Bart Simpson: Bye Homer.
*Homer drives off*
At the power plant in Homer's office
Homer Simpson: *sleeping*
*Lenny and Carl walks in*
Lenny Leonard: Homer!
Carl Carlson: Yo Homer wake up!
Homer Simpson: *wakes up* Huh what? *looks around* Lenny! Carl!
Lenny Leonard: Hi Homer. Enjoying your nap?
Homer Simpson: Yeah. I have to drive to Mexico tomorrow.
Lenny Leonard: Geez Homer you guys are driving?
Homer Simpson: Yeah. We're banned from going on the airplane.
Lenny Leonard: Well why are you banned Homer?
Homer Simpson: It's because of my wacky son Bart. One day he decided to fly the plane and we almost crashed into the ocean.
Lenny Leonard: Oh wow that sounds like a day. Why did he do that?
Homer Simpson: Because I dared him to.
Lenny Leonard: What did Marge do?
Homer Simpson: She yelled at us and gave me the silent treatment.
Lenny Leonard: Sounds like it was that bad.
Homer Simpson: She gave me the silent treatment for about a week and she yelled so loudly that everyone in Springfield heard it.
Carl Carlson: Oh yeah was it when Chief Wiggum came to the house.
Homer Simpson: Yeah.
Lenny Leonard: Oh yeah now I remember.
Carl Carlson: There's donuts in the cafeteria. Mr. Burns is giving it away for free.
Homer Simpson: *gets out of chair* Oh yippee donuts.
Carl Carlson: Come on let's go.
*Homer, Lenny and Carl exits*
In Bart's classroom
Bart Simpson: So Millhouse what are you doing for the break?
Millhouse Van Houten: I'm going to Florida. What about you?
Bart Simpson: I'm going to Mexico.
Millhouse Van Houten: Why are you guys going to Mexico?
Bart Simpson: Lisa chose it. She wants to explore the country. Why are you guys going to Florida?
Millhouse Van Houten: My parents want me to have fun. They say it's spring break so why not have fun.
Bart Simpson: Are you guys going to Disney World?
Millhouse Van Houten: Yeah and then to Universal Studios.
Bart Simpson: Lucky. I wish I could go but I'm going to boring old Mexico.
Millhouse Van Houten: Maybe you'll like Mexico.
Bart Simpson: I guess we'll see.
In Lisa's classroom
*Lisa is working on an assignment*
Ralph Wiggum: Lisa. Lisa. *says her name very slowly*
Lisa Simpson: Yes Ralph
Ralph Wiggum: What are you doing for spring break?
Lisa Simpson: I'm going to Mexico.
Ralph Wiggum: Can I come?
Lisa Simpson: No.
Ralph Wiggum: Aww. But I'm gonna miss you.
*Lisa turns around*
Lisa Simpson: Ralph the break is gonna go by so fast . Before you know it we'll be back in school.
*Lisa turns back around and continues on her assignment*
Ralph Wiggum: Ok... I love you Lisa.
Lisa Simpson: *looks up and eyes go wide* I love you too Ralph. *goes back to her assignment*
At the power plant in Homer's office
*Homer, Lenny and Carl enters Homer's office eating donuts*
Homer Simpson: These donuts are so good. Mr. Burns should bring us donuts more often.
Carl Carlson: He would but you keep sleeping on the
Homer Simpson: *sits in chair, stretches and presses a button*
Lenny Leonard: Homer what did you press?!
Homer Simpson: I don't know. There's too many buttons.
Waylon Smithers: *on the speakers* Homer Simpson please report to Mr. Burns office right now.
Lenny Leonard: Good luck Homer.
Carl Carlson: Yeah see ya bud.
*Lenny and Carl exits*
In Mr. Burns office
Homer Simpson: *knocks on door*
Montgomery Burns: Open.
Homer Simpson: *opens door* You wanted to see me sir.
Montgomery Burns: Yes Simpson yes come in. Shut the door behind you.
Homer Simpson: *walks in and closes door and walks to Mr. Burns desk*
Montgomery Burns: Have a seat Simpson.
Homer Simpson: *sits in chair*
Montgomery Burns: Simpson why have you been sleeping all week?
Homer Simpson: Because I have to drive to Mexico this week sir.
Montgomery Burns: This doesn't explain why you've been so tired, Simpson. Are you going to bed late at night?
Homer Simpson: Yeah at like 11 sir.
Montgomery Burns: Oh Simpson I'm afraid that I have to take this out of your paycheck.
Homer Simpson: No please! Not the paycheck! I'll do anything Mr. Burns anything!
Montgomery Burns: Alright Simpson. When you get back from Mexico you better be awake during work and not touching random buttons. Do you understand Simpson?
Homer Simpson: Yes Mr. Burns.
Montgomery Burns: Smithers be a gentleman and escort this man out.
Waylon Smithers: Yes sir.
*Homer stands up*
Homer Simpson: Sir I have one more thing?
Montgomery Burns: What is it Simpson?
Homer Simpson: May I leave work now? I have to pick up my kids from school.
Montgomery Burns: Sure Simpson just get out of here. I'll have Smithers walk you out.
Homer Simpson: Oh thank you sir have a good break.
Montgomery Burns: You too Simpson.
Waylon Smithers: Come along sir. *walks Homer out of Mr. Burns office*
At Springfield Elementary School
*Bell rings and kids start rushing out. Bart and Lisa enters the car*
Bart and Lisa Simpson: Hi dad!
Homer Simpson: Hey kids. Ready to start spring break?
Bart and Lisa Simpson: Yeah.
Homer Simpson: *drives off*
At home
Homer Simpson: *opens door and steps inside* Honey we're home
*Bart and Lisa steps inside*
Marge Simpson: Hi Homer. Hi kids.
Homer Simpson: *closes door*
Marge Simpson: How was school kids?
Bart Simpson: It was great we get to relax all day.
Marge Simpson: Well that's nothing new. How about you Lisa?
Lisa Simpson: It was boring. Ralph kept bothering me all day.
Marge Simpson: That's because he's gonna miss you. How was work Homer?
Homer Simpson: It was great. Mr. Burns brought off donuts.
Marge Simpson: Well that seems nice of Mr. Burns to do that.
Homer Simpson: Well I'm off to the living room. *goes to living room*
Marge Simpson: Kids I'll make you guys some lunch. What do you guys want?
Lisa Simpson: Grilled cheese!
Bart Simpson: Waffles!
Marge Simpson: Umm. Bart waffles is more of a breakfast food. But we can have waffles for dinner. I can make you a grilled cheese.
Bart Simpson: Ok. Can we get ice cream for dessert?
Marge Simpson: Yeah sure.
Bart Simpson: With all the toppings we want?
Marge Simpson: Sure.
Bart Simpson: Alright.
In the living room
*Homer is sitting on the couch watching tv drinking beer then the kids run in and turn to Krusty*
Homer Simpson: Hey! Don't turn the channel I was watching that.
Bart Simpson: We'll now it's our turn.
Krusty the Clown: Hey hey hey kids it's me your favorite Krusty the Clown and today we have a very special episode from Itchy and Scratchy.
Lisa Simpson: Yay! Itchy and Scratchy.
Bart Simpson: Oh boy our favorite.
*Itchy throws a bomb at Scratchy then Scratchy blows up and Itchy laughs*
Krusty the Clown: That's all for today kids on the Krusty the Clown show. Happy Good Friday, Happy Easter and have a good spring break kids. See you on the next episode bye. *waves goodbye*
Bart Simpson: *turns off tv*
Homer Simpson: That's it.
Lisa Simpson: Yes dad. That's the whole point of the show.
Marge Simpson: Here's your grilled cheeses kids.
Homer Simpson: Ooh grilled cheese. Gimme gimme gimme.
*Homer tries to reach and Marge pulls away*
Marge Simpson: No Homer no! It's for the kids!
Homer Simpson: But I wanted one.
Marge Simpson: Well you didn't say anything and I'm not making it again so go make it yourself.
Homer Simpson: Aww.
Marge Simpson: Here kids. Come take your sandwiches.
Bart Simpson: Can you bring it to us?
Marge Simpson: No.
Bart Simpson: Lisa?
Lisa Simpson:... Fine I'll get it. *walks to Marge, gets plate and gives one to Bart*
Bart Simpson: Thanks Lis.
*Kids begin to eat their grilled cheeses*
Homer Simpson: Honey I'm going to Moe's tonight.
Marge Simpson: Well then don't stay out too late and don't get too drunk you have to drive first thing tomorrow.
Homer Simpson: Don't worry I won't.
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