Although five of the nine Powers That Be appear on the list for Book 9, I decided that the entire group deserved their own list. Here is a more detailed account of their history. This list contains major spoilers for all books through Salem Shadows as well as the Salem Snippet entitled How the Powers That Be Came to Be.
Andrea was the second oldest Power That Be. She was the strongest energy sensitive/manipulator in existence. She was feisty, passionate, and as tough as nails. She was also very sarcastic and was the only person who refused to put up with Nathaniel's nonsense. She was not afraid to put him in his place or get in his face if he stepped out of line. This actually endeared her to Nathaniel, and the two developed romantic feelings for each other. Their fights often ended with one of them angrily kissing the other to shut them up.
Andrea was well-liked in general. Her sense of humor drew people to her, and she was always willing to speak up for the voiceless.
One day, Andrea realized she was pregnant with Nathaniel's child. When she consulted Lou Anne, the younger Power That Be had a vision that the child would be in terrible danger if discovered. Lou Anne delivered the baby boy and sent Andrea to the realm of the incarnated to hide him. Andrea ran into Balthos, who helped her age the boy and connect him to the Silver Society's incarnation cycle. That child would eventually reincarnate as Shooter Berkely. Andrea decided not to tell Nathaniel about the baby because she felt knowing he had a child he could never see would only hurt him.
Knowing her son was safe, Andrea returned to the Light. Almost immediately, she encountered what appeared to be Balthos. Her power was too strong for her to be fooled, however, and she recognized Judas for who he truly was immediately. He murdered her before she could reveal his identity to anyone. She managed to keep him from stealing most of her energy, instead sending it straight into Vishnu and the Light. She was the first Power That Be to be assassinated.
Balthos was the third oldest Power That Be. He was the purest of them, with Light that shined brighter than anyone else's. He was gentle and kind by nature, with an incredible capacity to love. He was born of the same thread of Light that created Lou Anne, making them siblings. They were extremely close. His role was the Guardian of the Light. He was incredibly powerful and could create weapons out of the Light itself. He was the main protector of the Powers That Be. His playful nature in calm times endeared him to everyone he met, and his fierceness in battle made him one of the most dependable warriors in existence.
In the times of Ancient Greece, Balthos met a beautiful demigoddess named Callista. She was a daughter of Hermes and one of his Priestesses. At first, Callista was safe, but after her mother died when she was still fairly young, her grandfather began abusing her. When Balthos met her, he quickly realized she wasn't safe. He fell in love with her and became determined to protect her.
Balthos talked to James, who informed him that Callista's destiny was to die at her grandfather's hands. He advised Balthos against trying to prevent this. Balthos went to Justice, who confirmed that someone had changed Callista's destiny and agreed to try to set it back on track.
When Andrea died shortly after he saw her in the realm of the incarnated, Balthos was heartbroken. He was equally devastated by Justice's death. Although the Powers That Be were ordered to remain is safe rooms, Balthos realized that Callista was in danger and went to Earth, telling Lou Anne and Carolyn not to follow him because they would get in trouble with Vishnu and Vincent. He saved Callista by killing her grandfather. This unfortunately completed the warlock's ritual and unleashed an apocalypse on Ancient Greece. Lou Anne and Carolyn rushed to help, with Jonathan following when he realized the two of them had run into the middle of the chaos. Ultimately, all of the other Powers That Be except for Jane followed. Vishnu and Vincent also manifested. They had to resurrect some of the Silver Society members, including Vincent's daughter (who was Aideen's past life) and Vishnu's son (who was Alex's).
Balthos was arrested and locked up in a safe room while his case was investigated. He was also accused of being responsible for killing Andrea and Justice. He was nearly acquitted due to lack of evidence, but Judas murdered Jane and deliberately got caught in the act by Ares, framing Balthos for all three of the murders.
His punishment was severe. Not only was Balthos banished from the Light, but his own Light was stolen from him, leaving him feeling hollow and cold inside as Darkness replaced it. He was sentenced to walk the realm of the incarnated for eternity. His head was violently shaved and a spell was put in place to keep his hair from regrowing. His bright blue eyes turned black. He was forbidden to have any luxuries, even things as simple as a pillow or decent food to eat. He was only permitted what he needed to do his job, meaning he had enough to eat to sustain his strength (bland food only) and could drink coffee for energy, but only black coffee. Milk and sugar were considered luxuries. He was forced to become an assassin for the Darkness, enslaved to Alestair, Lucifer, and their followers. He was forbidden to ever see Lou Anne again, and was only allowed to interact with Carolyn because she was from the Darkness. Worst of all, Callista was struck dead by Vincent, and because she tried to help Balthos when Ares was going to drag him away, Vincent destroyed her soul in front of him.
Blathos had his memories of the Silver Society taken from him, but he was allowed to remember everything else including Lou Anne, perhaps because remembering her but being unable to see her was crueler than making him forget.
Even as a demonic hitman, Balthos has morals and a good heart. He does not like harming the innocent, but his enslavement to the Darkness means he can never defy his orders. All joy is gone from his heart, and the contrast to his former self is devastating. The picture below is what he looks like now.
Carolyn is a Demon of Darkness. She is Lou Anne's ride or die best friend. She speaks with a New York accent, which suits her snarky, savage personality. Her primary gifts are dark sorcery and necromancy.
Carolyn is the only one of the Silver Society's "bosses" who comes from the Darkness, but she is not evil. She has a temper and has no patience for stupidity. She is as tough as nails and is incredibly powerful. She has a dark, twisted sense of humor.
Carolyn was born of the Darkness at the same moment that Vishnu created Lou Anne in the Light. Alestair didn't create her and wasn't entirely sure how she split off on her own. When she and Lou Anne were little girls, Carolyn discovered a Goddess trying to eat Lou Anne. She defended her, and then Lou Anne returned the gesture, prompting Carolyn to grab Lou Anne and dive into the future in the realm of the incarnated so they could escape. She took Lou Anne to New York, and later to Savannah, Georgia. Lou Anne adopted a Southern drawl after hearing a beautiful woman use it to charm an audience and deciding she loved the accent. Lou Anne and Carolyn have been best friends ever since.
Other than Lou Anne, Carolyn is more likely to break the rules to help the Silver Society than any of the others. She doesn't care what people think and generally does whatever she wants. She talks back to others, especially Alestair, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She will fight for whatever she believes in right. She even accompanied Balthos when he was banished to the Darkness and told Alestair off for making him an assassin. She is the only Power That Be who was allowed to keep in touch with Balthos, but because he was sentenced to walk the realm of the incarnated for eternity, she does not get to see him much.
In Inner Demons, Jade saved a child but accidentally gave the cult the power to summon Carolyn. Carolyn was kidnapped, an act which was sanctioned by Alestair. She later flipped out on Alestair for it. Her temper can rival Nathaniel's, and she's even quicker to lash out in rage, but she's smart enough to know when to hold back. She uses that wisdom to keep Lou Anne out of trouble, too.
James is the fifth Power That Be, born right in the middle of the group. He is exceptionally rule-bound. He is kind of cranky, and he will generally not interfere in things in the realm of the incarnated no matter what, but he did stop Lou Anne from trying to "engage the Ultimate Darkness in battle" during Inner Demons. He also warned Cassandra that she should stop slaying while she was pregnant with Solstice during Eternal Night, a suggestion she ignored because she refused to shirk her duty to Salem.
James was in love with Justice, but they never labeled their relationship or even called each other lovers. They were both fairly stoic by nature, but when they were alone together, they found it easier to let their guards down. Vishnu suspected the truth but never called them on it, feeling it was their choice whether or not to tell people. Most of the Powers That Be also recognized that the two men were more than simply friends. When Justice died, James became harsher, not allowing himself to show any emotions. He shut other people out, focusing solely on doing his job.
Deep down, James has a sense of humor that he tries to ignore. It occasionally shows itself when something he finds amusing catches him by surprise. He is an extraordinarily strong precognitive. Of all of the Powers That Be, he has the strongest and most accurate visions of the future.
Jane was a powerful empath. She was the fourth Power To Be to be born. She and Jonathan were very close and eventually fell in love. He was extremely protective of her. Jane was extremely shy and tended to be quiet and keep to herself. Jonathan helped Jane come out of her shell. Her gentle, kind, and patient nature made everyone very fond of her.
Jane's strongest gift was empathy. She always knew what others were feeling and was very good at helping them heal from painful and traumatic experiences. She embodied what it meant to be pure Light, and her presence always provided others with comfort.
When Andrea died, Jane became extremely distraught because she was feeling not only her emotions but everyone else's. Jonathan took care of her. This happened again when Justice was murdered, so Vishnu decided to keep Jane and Jonathan in a safe room together so Jonathan could help Jane through her grief. When everyone else went to Ancient Greece to help with the Balthos situation, Jane stayed in the safe room by herself. Jonathan decided it was for the best because she was still so overwhelmed.
Jane was devastated to learn that Balthos had been accused of treason against the Light for interfering in Callista's fate and was suspected of killing Andrea and Justice. She also didn't believe it was true and was relieved when it appeared he would be acquitted. While walking in a garden, she was approached by "Balthos," but the anger radiating off of him told her he couldn't possibly be Balthos. She knew he had no capacity for that level of rage.
Judas told Jane he had hoped to spare her, but he had seen that in a few weeks, she would realize who he really was. He shoved his weapon through her heart, and as Jane died, she saw the truth in his eyes. He confirmed he was who she thought, smiling as she died and intentionally getting caught by Ares at the scene. He fled, prompting Ares to chase after him once Apollo showed up to try to heal Jane. Unfortunately, Jane was too far gone, and even Apollo could not heal her. He managed to save her physical form, but there was not enough of her life force left to revive her.
Jonathan is the third youngest Power That Be, and the youngest of the males. He is very close to Lou Anne. His primary gift is psychometry, which is the ability to touch an object, place, or person and interpret the impressions it has absorbed, enabling him to "read" the past events which it is attached to.
Jonathan is more likely to get involved in the realm of the incarnated than James and Nathaniel, but he is still reluctant at times. He is kinder and more sympathetic than they are, but he still tends to follow the rules unless he feels it is absolutely necessary to break them.
Jonathan and Jane became close fairly early into their existences. They started off as good friends and eventually fell in love. He was very protective of her and was excellent at helping her when her empathy overwhelmed her.
He was the first one to go after Lou Anne and Carolyn when they ran off to help Balthos. When Balthos was suspected of treason, Jonathan tried very hard to comfort Lou Anne and keep her from getting herself into trouble. He consoled Jane when both Andrea and Justice died, and he stayed with her when she was too vulnerable to be left alone.
When Jane died, Jonathan broke down. His display of grief was so powerful it snapped Lou Anne out of her own, and she pulled herself together to comfort him. With Ares stated he'd witnessed Balthos killing Jane, Jonathan asked for mercy. He stated that his gentle, beloved Jane wouldn't have wanted blood to be shed in her name, and also asked for mercy to spare Lou Anne the grief of having to watch Balthos be executed. Vishnu agreed despite Vincent's protests that Balthos was too dangerous to live.
During Inner Demons, Jonathan helped Randy find his way back to his body by protecting Aideen, Beth, and Jesse as they kept a beacon of light going to guide him home after a dark fire spell killed him. In Eternal Night, Jonathan saved Cassandra's life when she went into premature labor. During Salem Shadows, he nearly got himself critically injured as he saved Randy's life. Despite his concern about interfering too much, he always shows up when it counts.
Justice was the fourth youngest Power That Be. His primary purpose was to keep the balance in check. He had the power to rule over destiny and excelled at chaos magick, which he used to maintain order. He was dignified, stoic, and always kept perspective. Of all of the beings in the Universe, Justice was entrusted with the powers of Destiny because he would never abuse them. He only got involved when it proved absolutely necessary, putting destiny back on track when something changed it in a way that would disrupt the balance of the Universe.
Justice was patient and wise. He and James were born close together and instantly bonded. Although they never labeled their dynamic, they were more than friends. Justice had a deep love for James, but he knew James wasn't ready to admit his own feelings yet. Their bond ran very deep, and when one was upset, it was always the other they ran to for comfort.
When Balthos asked Justice to look into Callista's destiny, he realized it had been changed. Justice began working on setting it back on track. Realizing whoever changed it had to be close to him in order to steal some of his power over destiny, he became suspicious of the other Powers That Be. His unfailingly logical mind forced him to even consider the possibility that his beloved James could be the person responsible, a fact he admitted to James.
After Andrea's death, Justice began working harder than ever to figure out the truth. Unfortunately, Judas murdered him before he could. He completely stole Justice's power to alter destiny, giving him the ability to do more harm than ever.
Lou Anne is the youngest Power That Be from the Light. She was born at the same time as Carolyn. She was created from the same thread of Light as Balthos, making her his younger sister. She speaks with a strong Southern drawl, a habit she adopted after Carolyn took her to Savannah, Georgia when they were children. Lou Anne has the purest Light out of the remaining Powers That Be.
Lou Anne is Carolyn's best friend and would do anything for her. She is quicker to get involved in the realm of the incarnated than the men are. Of all of the Powers That Be, Lou Anne is the most approachable and sympathetic. She cares deeply for others. She is a Light sorceress and an extremely powerful healer.
She was extremely close to Balthos and never believed he was guilty of treason. She argued on his behalf and fought with everyone who accused him until Balthos telepathically begged Carolyn to stop her before she got accused of treason as well. Carolyn did her best to talk Lou Anne down, and Jonathan held Lou Anne back before she could get herself into trouble. Lou Anne was completely devastated by Balthos's conviction and his sentence, but she couldn't do anything about it.
Lou Anne is feisty and is no pushover. When no one else would help Carolyn during Inner Demons, she manifested a physical form to do it herself, prompting the others to reluctantly go after her. She continued to get involved, usually resulting in the others running after her and trying to keep her out of trouble. James even had to stop her from attacking Alestair.
At some point between Salem's Civil War and Mirror, Mirror, Lou Anne was viciously attacked by Judas and left for dead. He tossed her into Mirror, and she would have died if Mirror Josh Saki hadn't found her and saved her life. He used much of his energy to do it, and Lou Anne ended up pregnant via the energy mergence. Knowing their daughter was in danger, Lou Anne hid her in the In-Between, having Joey take her to Merrick. That child is Thyme Kaida Saki. Lou Anne visits her in dreams but couldn't physically go see her because the Powers That Be can't enter the In-Between.
Lou Anne has several other children, but most don't incarnate. Two run the part of Healing where souls who took their own lives end up. One helps run Security in the Light. Another works in Prophecies. Due to very bad circumstances, Lou Anne has a daughter with Lucifer whose name is Brownie. She often gets into trouble, but Lou Anne loves the girl just as much as she loves her other children. Most of Lou Anne's children have unusual names.
During Eternal Night, Lou Anne saved Solstice's life, using magick to incubate her until she was as healthy and strong as a full-term baby. In Salem Shadows, Lou Anne learned that someone had brought Roxy to her and had her do the same thing for her that she'd done for Solstice before taking her memories of Roxy away. This revelation causes Lou Anne to begin working with Arnie, taking Tommi's place in the conspiracy theory department and trying to find out the truth about Judas.
During that book, Judas attacked Lou Anne severely, stealing her blood to heal Bonnie Pierce, and leaving her to fend for herself. Lou Anne somehow made it to Jade's house before she could die and told her to call Arnie. With Arnie and Jade's help, Lou Anne survived and was able to heal thanks to Joey giving her some of his Light.
Lou Anne was the first Power That Be that Arnie cleared of suspicion of being Judas, followed by Carolyn simply because she was from the Darkness. She was the only Light Power That Be that Arnie fully trusted.
Nathaniel is the oldest of the Powers That Be. He does not get involved in the realm of the incarnated under any circumstances and stands very firm in that belief. He is the most stoic of the bunch and he often sees things in black and white, with no room for a grey area. He's a bit of a jerk at times and has a very quick temper.
Nathaniel is a gifted Elementalist. He can wield the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. He can also affect the weather. He is incredibly strong.
Andrea was the only person who could calm Nathaniel's temper a bit. She would often throw his rage right back at him, not afraid to get in his face and tell him he was being an asshole. This actually made Nathaniel fall for her, and although they fought all the time, that only fueled their passion. Their arguments often ended with one of them forcefully kissing the other to shut them up. When Andrea died, Nathaniel grew even colder.
He follows the rules with no exceptions. He is very duty-bound and does not have patience for people who interfere with destiny. As the eldest Power That Be, he is technically their leader, although the others don't always give in to what he wants. He can be exceptionally harsh on people at times, but it's because he takes his job very seriously.
Andrea had Nathaniel's child but never told him, hiding the boy in the realm of the incarnated. Their son eventually reincarnated as Shooter Berkely, making Chris Cabrera their grandson.
Although Nathaniel never interferes in the realm of the incarnated, in Salem Shadows, he saved Jonathan and Randy by killing one of the invading warlocks. When Lou Anne questioned his actions, he said it had been the man's time and it wasn't technically interfering.
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