This list contains big spoilers if you have not read Eternal Night.
Camelot is a senior. His mother used to be a witch but became a warlock. His father, Chase, and Camelot descend from Bartholomew Bryce, the most evil entity in the history of Salem. He tends to stay neutral in warlock affairs. He only discovered his heritage after Chad recruited him.
Cam is Cierra's neighbor and grew up with her. He is a good person who believes nothing is black and white. He identifies as a person first, then a warlock.
When Camelot met Rikki, he decided to get to know her before passing judgment. He slowly got past her walls. Ultimately, Rikki and Cam developed feelings for each other, although Rikki fought against them. He was the first person to get to know her without ulterior motives. He was also the first person to kiss her that wasn't trying to hurt her.
Erica Vitti ordered the siren to kill Camelot, but Chad and Kelly saved him multiple times. The siren still almost drowned him. Chad dove in after him. Rikki showed up and used hydrokinesis to pull the water from his lungs.
The Eight Spokes Society tried to sacrifice Camelot to free Bartholomew, but Cierra and Alex saved him. Dylan healed him, saving his life. To keep them from trying again, his father, Chase, let them kill him instead.
Camelot ultimately stood against the Eight Spokes Society. He and Rikki were still exploring their feelings for each other when the book ended.
Beverly Charleston, better known as Bev, is a senior. She grew up in the E.V.S. and is one of Chad's closest childhood friends. He fully trusts her, which is rare for Chad. She is exceptionally skilled at writing spells. She's loyal to Chad, and by default, she's loyal to Cierra. Bev is extremely intelligent.
For Chad's picture and biography, see the list for Book Six. He is the club's President in Book Nine.
Daisy is a quiet, graceful junior who competes as an elite dancer but still makes time for her E.V.S. responsibilities. She has a natural gift for magick, especially the sort that involves working with fire. She doesn't speak much, but is always observing her surroundings closely.
At the end of the school year, Daisy was named the new Vice-President of the E.V.S.
For Kelly's picture and biography, see the list of Book Six. She is the club's Vice President in Book Nine.
Reid is the typical entitled jackass that everyone expects to be part of a secret society. He is an annoyingly smug senior who Chad hates. His parents are high up in the E.V.S. They are also part of the Eight Spokes Society.
Reid was weeks away from turning eighteen and intended to join the Eight Spokes Society once he did. He helped his parents prepare for Rikki's return to Salem and declared his loyalty to her. Despite being an errand boy for the Eight Spokes Society, he was not part of their inner circle and didn't know their true plans.
Reid attempted to abduct Tommi on Mr. Ko's orders, but she fought him and escaped. He was later contacted by Wes and ordered to lure Chase into a trap by saying Camelot was hurt. He agreed, thinking they'd make an example out of him, but did not think they were going to kill him. When Chad forced him to confess, Camelot wanted to kill Reid, but Addison's fear at his anger stopped him. Chad made Reid apologize.
During the battle at Bishop High School, Reid surprised everyone, including himself, by standing against his parents and the Eight Spokes Society. He helped the other E.V.S. kids fight the adults. This proved that, despite his not-so charming personality, he did have some sense of right and wrong and wanted to redeem himself.
Gabby McRyan is a junior who loves gossip even more than Chad does. She knows everyone's secrets. She puts on a very bitchy facade to fit in with the popular kids, but deep down, she cares about her friends very much. Her father is mortal, but her mother is a warlock. Gabby learned the truth after joining the E.V.S. She is a natural and quickly showed she could pull her weight in the club.
Gabby showed her gentler side during the last meeting when they were talking about Camelot's grief. She tried very hard to be supportive and comfort him. She is very close to Addison, who she treats like a younger sister.
At the end of the school year, Gabby was named the new secretary of the E.V.S. because of her ability to keep track of everyone's secrets.
For the twins' pictures and biographies, see the list of Book Six.
Rico Reyes is a very handsome junior. He is funny in a subtle way, and he has absolutely gorgeous penmanship, which was why Chad chose him to be the chapter's Secretary. His parents are both members of the adult E.V.S. who are in good standing, and he was raised knowing all about his warlock heritage. Chad likes him and enjoys looking at him.
Rico keeps impeccable, unrelentingly honest meeting minutes. He is very responsible when it comes to the E.V.S. and takes his job seriously. He supports Cierra and hopes to see her one day lead the E.V.S. to greatness.
At the end of the school year, Rico was named the new President of the E.V.S.
Addison is a sophomore, making her the chapter's youngest member. She is an orphan whose mother was murdered by witches when she was very young. She didn't know about her warlock heritage until Chad and Kelly recruited her. She is very powerful, but she is also a bit naive. Her innocence means she is the perfect target for others to take advantage of, so the chapter tries to look after her and keep her out of trouble.
Addison is gentle by nature. One of the people who worked in the group home she lived in started paying inappropriate attention to her. After he attacked her, Rikki found her alone. She approached her and discovered she was a foster kid. Feeling empathy for her situation, Rikki began talking to her. Upon learning Addison had been attacked, Rikki insisted on taking her in. She also killed the man who attacked Addison.
Addie is the heart of the chapter. Everyone, even Reid, has a soft spot for her. She is terrified of conflict, so most of them try to keep their tempers in check around her. This fact saved Reid's life after Camelot found out he helped get his father killed.
Addie is nervous but kind, and she brings out Rikki's human side. Rikki feels compelled to protect her, and even gave her a talisman to keep her safe.
At the end of the book, Addison is still living with Rikki. She is one of the few warlocks Rikki still trusted after the Eight Spokes Society betrayed her.
Renee is a junior and is the chapter's Treasurer. She is brilliant with numbers and is extremely practical. She wants to be an accountant, and will probably end up balancing the E.V.S.'s books as an adult. She was raised in the E.V.S.
Despite preferring to remain neutral, when it was necessary to choose a side, Renee supported Cierra. She is a loyal person who sees things in a very logical way and always has perspective.
At the end of the school year, Chad announced that Renee would continue in her post as Treasurer of the E.V.S.
For Mr. Ko, see the list for Book Six.
For Katrina, see the list for Book Seven.
Archibald was the father of Ronnie and Donnie. He also had an older daughter in college who is the only child he was proud of because she's a perfect, evil E.V.S. member.
He was part of the inner circle of the Eight Spokes Society. He brought Rachel and Renata Saunders to town in secret and helped Rachel plot to betray Rikki.
Archibald attempted to sacrifice his sons to Bartholomew Bryce, going as far as to slash one of their throats while Katrina killed the other, but Aideen and Chad were able to resurrect them.
He was powerful, but his alliances cost him. When he tried to kill Arthur and Amos, Ronnie and Donnie worked together to kill him instead.
Rachel is the most powerful warlock in Sleepy Hollow, New York. She is immortal and is well over 150 years old but looks about sixty. The Matriarch of the Saunders family is extremely evil.
She is the mother of five children. Wes and Renata both joined her in Salem. She mentioned she left Phillip, the second oldest son, in Sleepy Hollow because he wouldn't have been able to separate himself from his attachment to Rikki and do what must be done, implying that at least one of her children had a big heart. Her two youngest sons were left in New York for the same reason. She only trusted Wes and Renata to get the job done.
Rachel and her children helped train Rikki in magick. She was best friends with Rikki's grandmother. Despite these facts, Rachel betrayed Rikki and planned to sacrifice her to resurrect Erica Vitti. Rachel was in Salem because she was plotting to bring back the Eight Spokes Society.
She is a very smart, vicious woman who is not afraid to get her hands dirty and do anything she can to gain more power. After Erica was killed, Rachel realized they were going to lose. She opened a portal and retreated back to Sleepy Hollow with Wes and Renata. They all remain alive.
Renata is the only daughter and favorite child of Rachel. She is pure evil. She loves torturing others and is obsessed with gaining power. She'll do anything to get what she wants and doesn't care who she has to hurt.
She is bitchy by nature. She is the second youngest of the Saunders children and has a younger twin brother who is not directly mentioned in the book. He is pure light. Rachel and Renata both hate him and think he's weak.
After Erica died, Renata escaped back to New York with Rachel and Wes..
Wes is the eldest of Rachel's children. He is arguably the most powerful of them as well. Although he is very much evil, he has another side to him.
He has known Shooter since he was a kid. Shooter hates him. He once seduced a waitress Shooter had his eyes on just because he could. He uses magick to cheat at poker. He liked Tammy, and the first time he saw Shooter after her death, he offered to take him out drinking. Shooter attacked him for daring to say her name. His dynamic with Shooter is hard to describe, but one might call them almost frienemies.
Wes was reluctant to betray Rikki. He was the only Saunders she initially knew was in Salem. She trusted him more than anyone because he handled so much of her training. When the time came to try to sacrifice her to resurrect Erica, Wes used an illusion to make it look like he took his turn stabbing her, but he refused to actually hurt her. He telepathically apologized and said that was the only thing he could do for her.
After Erica died, Wes escaped back to New York with Rachel and Renata.
For Amos, see the list for Book Three.
For Chester's biography, please see the list for Book Six.
In this book, it came out that Chester is Valley Danny and Mirror Judy's son, making him sort of Spencer's half-brother. He is still traumatized and full of anger, but he's trying to get to know them. He trusts Judy more than Danny. Jade struggled with this news after Shooter told her.
At the end of this book, at Tommi's request, Joey made Chester a guardian of the realms. This means he no longer has to stay in the In-Between or fear for his life just because he exists. Chester's redemption was an unexpected but welcome surprise.
Faith is fifteen years old. She is Mirror Randy's daughter with Kit, who chose to give birth in the In-Between and age her with magick so she stood a chance of surviving. She is a very pure soul who genuinely wants to help others. She loves her mother very much. Sometimes, they were able to communicate using water across the dimensions.
Faith is both hydrokinetic and pyrokinetic. She is extremely powerful, just like her parents. When the siren tried to kill Randy, Faith had to choose which Randy to save. She chose Valley Randy instead of her father because she knows he's a good person, but it broke her.
After upsetting the balance by saving Randy, the Powers That Be tried to capture her. Carolyn argued to let her have a few minutes with her mother. Kit ran with her and took her to Danny, who took Faith under his protection so they couldn't get to her.
At the end of this book, at Tommi's request, Joey made Faith a guardian of the realms. This means she no longer has to stay in the In-Between or fear for her life just because she exists. It also means she can see her mother any time she wants to.
For Merrick's biography, please see the list for Book Six. At the end of this book, at Tommi's request, Joey made Merrick a guardian of the realms. This means he no longer has to stay in the In-Between or fear for his life just because he exists.
Anthony was Cora's beloved. They fell in love when they were children after he helped save her when she was injured. He was a young Puritan boy at the time. He had the same powers that Shooter has and was nearly as strong as he is. In the times of the Witch Trials, that was dangerous. Cora taught him not to fear his powers.
He ultimately had a human child with Cora. A different family raised that son. Shooter is his descendant.
Maria Vitti drowned him and used his energy to curse Cora, bringing his life to a tragic end.
Jeremiah was the High Priest of the Witches in 1692. He was Kevin, Beth, and Nyxie's ancestor. Bartholomew murdered him. Jeremiah sacrificed himself to save Agatha Liggman. He used his blood to seal the binding against Bartholomew as he died.
Jeremiah had three children. They were each part of a powerful destiny and had the same powers as Kevin, Beth, and Nyxie. The eldest child was driven mad from grief after his death, although Mirror Lewis believes it was actually a curse Maria Vitti cast. The son slaughtered his younger sisters and became a warlock, turning the family line evil. He faked his death and fled to New York after killing the girls. The Ashford family line did not return to Salem for well over a century, so no one made the connection that they were members of the same bloodline.
Bridget was a feisty, stubborn, strong independent woman who lived during a time when that was unheard of. She was never afraid to speak her mind. She even ran two taverns and wore flashy, revealing clothing with bright colors, which was never done in the Puritan times.
It is no shock that she was the first to be hanged as a witch despite not being the first to be accused. No one doubted her guilt. Bishop High School was named after her.
Bridget was a badass, and her spirit remains feisty and powerful. At the end of the school year, she allowed the Wiccan Club to name their coven the Sisterhood of Bridget because she felt the seven girls were worthy.
Bridget Bishop was a real person who died during the Salem Witch Trials. Any history mentioned in the book regarding her is factual.
For Giles Corey's biography, see the list for Book Seven.
Sheriff Corwin was believed to have tortured confessions out of accused witches by strangling them in his home, releasing them when they blacked out, and resuming the strangulation when they revived. His actions in life were so evil his family buried him in his basement to protect his body after death. The body was eventually moved to a cemetery, but the Sheriff still haunts what became the Joshua Ward House. Tales of ties and necklaces tightening around the throats of the building's employees persist to this day.
When he showed up in Cedric's classroom, the Sheriff tried to strangle Sarah. Aideen banished him back to the Joshua Ward House.
It is believed that he was the first victim of Giles Corey's curse on the Sheriff's Department, as he died young from heart trouble.
Sheriff Corwin was a real person who lived during the Salem Witch Trials. Any history mentioned in the book regarding him is factual. The legend attached to him is also an actual legend from Salem.
Dorcas was four years old when she was put in jail for witchcraft after a confession was bullied out of her. She was driven insane by everything she endured in jail. Upon her release at five years old, she was deemed mad.
Although she grew up, Dorcas was severely unstable. She lived a very difficult life. Her story is probably the most tragic one to come out of the Witch Trials.
Upon her death, Dorcas regressed, and her spirit appears as a four year old. She is skittish and clings to her mother's spirit for protection. She is smart and wants to help. She tries to warn the living of what is coming.
Cedric makes it clear that her name was written incorrectly upon her arrest as "Dorcas" and that despite her later records calling her Dorothy, historians tend to use the wrong name. He decided they should call her Dorothy because it's unfair that the Trials took everything from her, even her name.
Dorcas Good was a real person who lived during the Salem Witch Trials. Any history mentioned in the book regarding her is factual.
Sarah appears as a spirit, first aggressively begging Randy for mercy for her family and later in Cedric's classroom. She was the mother of Dorcas. She can be a very hostile spirit at times but is not evil.
In life, Sarah was looked down upon for begging others for food or money for her family. Salem treated her as an outcast. She was accused of witchcraft while pregnant. She gave birth in the dungeon to a daughter named Mercy who died shortly after birth. She was later hanged.
Sarah Good was a real person who died during the Salem Witch Trials. Any history mentioned in the book regarding her is factual.
Rebecca Nurse was an elderly woman who was hanged during the Witch Trials. Her spirit is powerful and protective of innocents. She defended Sarah and Dorcas from the Sheriff when he showed up in Cedric's classroom.
Rebecca Nurse was a real person who died during the Salem Witch Trials. Any history mentioned in the book regarding her is factual.
Becca was Corey's twin sister. When the young slayers were twelve, they were patrolling an abandoned house and discovered several hostages. Although they were able to save three of the slayers who were being held hostage, one of their captors broke Becca's neck. Corey forced himself to keep fighting and saved the three survivors, which included Cassandra, Benny, and Kevin.
Despite Shooter and Skip trying to defend him, Corey and Becca's parents blamed him for her death and disowned him.
Becca was very impulsive, sarcastic, and mischievous. She was a gifted young slayer. She and Corey were both close to Kevin, who helped train them.
When Jade ended up in Mirror, Mirror Becca saved her from the very evil Mirror Shooter, who stole so much of Jade's energy he nearly killed her.
Mirror Becca revealed that she and Mirror Jade were an unofficial couple. She also told Jade that in Mirror, it was Corey who died. She took care of Jade until she was stable enough to return to Valley. She asked her to tell Corey it wasn't his fault that she died. This ended up helping Corey confront his parents and ultimately stop blaming himself.
Maria was Erica's ancestor from 1692. She cursed the siren and ensured Bartholomew's eventual liberation from his prison. She was extremely evil.
Bartholomew was the most evil entity in Salem's history. He was an immortal warlock who healed even as he was being injured. He enjoyed torturing his victims for days or even weeks before killing them and stealing their powers and life force.
During the Witch Trials, everyone considered the charming warlock to be above reproach. After he murdered a young werewolf, Gill's ancestor Clive Leonard brought the witches, vampires, and lycanthropes together to stop him. They were called Division Y. This group included Agatha Liggman and Salem's Master Vampire, Jacob. Together, they bound Bartholomew and trapped him in the ground beneath an empty field. That field later became Bishop High School.
Maria Vitti took pity on Bartholomew and enabled him to absorb the energy of anyone who died on that land. Every soul sho died there became trapped, including the E.V.S. kids who died in the fire in Book Two. Bartholomew slowly regained his strength by feeding on the souls he trapped.
Johnny's ancestor, Mary Winston, foresaw Bartholomew returning during night eternal. Sure enough, when Cierra cast her accidental spell, Bartholomew began to rise.
Chase's death set him free the day before the Summer Solstice. The following night, he murdered Himari and Josh, sending Cassandra into premature labor. He fled after Aideen, Arnie, and Melissa showed up.
During the battle at Bishop High School, Bartholomew tried to kill Randy, but Jeremy got in the way. Jeremy was impaled and bled out. Bartholomew also tried to kill Annabella and Johnny. Jacob jumped in front of them and was decapitated.
Aideen stripped Bartholomew's immortality by using her Reaper powers, Rikki's Vitti magick, and Camelot's blood. Evan shot him after he insulted her but left him alive. In retaliation for Himari and Josh's deaths, Cassandra used Josh's sword to make sure Bartholomew's soul would be destroyed, which burned his chest severely. Ultimately, Randy snapped his neck in Jeremy's name. Immediately following his death, his body rapidly aged and turned to dust, which Aideen simply deemed "cool."
Chase was Camelot's father and Cierra's neighbor. Although he was a warlock, he was loyal to Cierra and was a fairly good man despite sometimes being arrogant. He was a neurosurgeon. He genuinely loved his wife and son.
When Reid lied and told him Camelot was injured, Chase walked into a trap. Amos was especially reluctant to kill him, but he was left with no choice. After learning it was him or his son, Chase made Rachel take a blood oath that Camelot would be safe before he allowed the Eight Spokes Society to sacrifice him. This freed Bartholomew, shattering the binding spell.
Cora is the Siren of Salem. Although she began life as a gentle, pure soul who guided those who were lost, she was cursed into becoming a killer.
She met Anthony when they were eight. They bonded and later fell in love. They had a secret human child who was raised by another family for his safety. The siren gene was dormant in the child.
In 1695, Maria Vitti murdered Anthony and used his energy to curse Cora into service to the Vitti line. Cora became powerless to resist the orders of any Vitti, and she also had a hunger that forced her to kill innocent men.
Shooter descends from Cora and Anthony's son. This is why she never harmed him. She last appeared when he was twelve, and he saw her, but she never tried to hurt him. She cares very deeply for him and calls him by his real name.
After Erica Vitti ordered Cora to kill Camelot and she nearly succeeded, Rikki became determined to break her curse to protect him. She demanded Shooter help her, and together, they were successful.
Cora was devastated by the lives she'd taken and the loss of Anthony. She asked Shooter to kill her, but he refused. She is now free to help lost souls find their way once more.
Deirdre is the Banshee of Salem. Her beloved was the siren's first victim in 1695. Her grief was so extreme she became a banshee. Her appearances usually coincide with Cora's because their fates are interconnected, but she also appeared to warn Corey that Becca was going to die.
She is not evil, but her presence triggers flashbacks of people's most devastating losses.
Deirdre is Corey's ancestor, a fact that Mirror Becca figured out before Corey did. Deirdre warned Corey that he had to save the Vitti descendant. He assumed she meant Cierra, but he actually meant Rikki, which he figured out just in time.
Matilda was a Uanie vampire who helped abduct Gill. She was turned about twenty years ago. Jacob spared her life because she ultimately told him what happened to Gill, but he confined her for twelve days and stripped her of her Uanie status, relegating her back to an ordinary daywalker with no real power.
Gerald was a college student who was putting himself through school by working as a fisherman. He was the siren's first victim this time around.
He was dating Salem's unluckiest mortal, Ruby Vasco. Ruby found his body and was initially in shock but ultimately began screaming after the Unit arrived.
Himari was Cassandra and Josh's mother. Although she was originally from Japan, she moved all around the world searching for her youngest child and only daughter after she was abducted. She and Josh were the only other surviving members of the Saki family.
During a storm, Josh and Himari were separated and couldn't find each other. She ended up in a coma for several months. When she woke up, she searched for Josh for a long time. During that time, she ended up stumbling across an illegal ring of artifact traffickers. They were selling dangerous and sacred magickal artifacts on the black market. She decided to go undercover to stop them.
Himari infiltrated their inner circle and remained deep undercover until two months before Cassandra found her with Aideen's help. She blew her cover to save a child, but even as they tortured her, Himari refused to tell them the information they wanted to know before they could kill her. She was dehydrated, malnourished, and severely beaten when Cassandra and Josh rescued her, but the Boston Unit helped her recover quickly.
Cassandra kept her at a distance, using her name instead of calling her Mom or Okasan, although Kurt used Okasan to address her. She welcomed him into the family with open arms as she realized he gave Cassandra the only real joy in her life.
Himari was a fierce slayer with a very big heart. She gave Cassandra as much advice about becoming a mother as she could in their short time together. She was smart, funny, and was someone Cassandra found easy to look up to because of how strong she was.
Not long after she attended Cassandra and Kurt's wedding, Bartholomew shoved his sword through Himari's heart. She was barely able to say goodbye to Kurt and Cassandra before she bled to death. That was when Cassandra called her Okasan for the first time, screaming it as she realized she was dead.
Virginia and Yancy were Corey and Becca's parents. When Becca died, they blamed Corey and disowned him. Although he tried to fix things with them, they refused to forgive him. After he finally told them off, Virginia chased after him just to yell at him for embarrassing them in public.
Unfortunately, they were killed soon after when Myron's restaurant exploded. They died still angry with Corey, a fact that will always haunt him.
For Erica's picture and biography, see the list for Book Eight. In this book, Erica was resurrected from the dead after the new Eight Spokes Society tried to sacrifice Rikki to bring her back. They got enough blood from Rikki to pull it off despite her survival.
Erica only survived for two days. During the battle at Bishop High School, Cierra, Rikki, and Chad worked together to kill her. Cierra and Rikki then destroyed her soul by absorbing all of her energy. As Erica was destroyed, she told them she was proud of them.
Wendy is a young daywalker vampire who was turned two years before the ninth book takes place. Jacob has a soft spot for her because she was only fourteen when she was turned. Although she participated in Gill's abduction, Jacob believed she was influenced by the older vampires, so he chose to spare her life.
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