Spoilers ahead if you have not read Once in a Blue Moon. Due to Wattpad's photo limit, I can't include photos for everyone. I chose to omit the photos of the lycanthrope hunters except for Jean, as well as the photos of some of the more minor characters.
For Timmy's photo, please see the list for Book Two, Secrets. That list also has his original biography.
Timmy is a werelion royal. His son is the soul of Sekhmet. In Warrior, Timmy died protecting Beth from warlocks. It came out that his soul dedicated himself to protecting her deity self, Amber, and he is one of her guardians, along with Jade and Josh.
After spending time in the Afterlife with Sekhmet, the Powers That Be brought Timmy back to life, insisting he was needed. Sekhmet led the werelion pride to him, and his soul's older sisters, Tracy, Tina, and Thea, protected him. The truth of his shocking return came out soon after, when most of the werelions were killed. Timmy got the children and teens out alive and found his way to Beth. He was severely injured, but he survived. Timmy was the first person to realize Bastet doesn't age, leading to the discovery that Jade's kitten is immortal.
Timmy is still not very dominant in this book, but he is when someone needs to be protected. He is considered the Lion Prince, and he happily lets Thea rule as the Queen.
Belinda is the Mistress of the Wolves. She came to Salem from New Hope, Pennsylvania, because she knew they needed help. Her soul is Kwame's mate, but incarnated, they are just friends. She is fierce, powerful, and fearless.
Belinda is a lesbian, and after she risked her life to save Thea, the two began flirting with each other constantly. By the end of the book, it was clear they were a couple.
Lexie is the Jaguar Queen. She is a surgical intern who works at the same hospital as Nick. The two work well together, and they seem to be interested in each other romantically.
Although Lexie can be fierce in battle, she's a gentle soul who prefers to tend to the medical needs of those around her over actually fighting. She is extremely smart.
Kurt is the Leopard King. His soul is Bastet's son and Evan's soul's younger brother. Although Evan is technically the more dominant leopard, he prefers that Kurt be in charge of the leopard pard.
Kurt is sarcastic and laid-back, but can be serious when it counts. He is a slayer who moved to Salem from Connecticut. He and Cassandra met three years before book seven and he developed feelings for her, but he never told her. When they were reunited, he fell right back into calling her "Cassie" and insisting on teaching her how to have fun.
When Cassandra was ambushed and buried alive, Kurt saved her. He cried and blurted out that he loved her. He told her she was dying and asked permission to infect her as a wereleopard to save her life. She consented. The next day, she called him on the declaration of love. When he admitted it was true, she pounced on him. Cassandra and Kurt have a very passionate relationship, and being that they are both legal adults, this is shown more than it is with some of the other couples. Their bond is a powerful one.
When Jesse was almost killed, Kurt took a dagger for him. He nearly died, which caused Evan's soul to fully unlock and his soul's memories to return to him. It came out that it pretty much always takes Kurt nearly dying for Evan's incarnations to connect to his soul.
After the leader of the wereleopards died to protect a young wererat, Kurt volunteered to lead them. He is a natural leader and excels in this role.
At just seventeen years old, Logan is the Rat King. His twelve-year-old brother Lenny was assassinated by the lycanthrope hunters. Jean claimed he did it to save the boy from being cursed to live as a beast. At Lenny's funeral, Bo assassinated several lycanthropes. This included Logan's parents, forcing Logan to step up and lead the rat pack.
Logan is a slayer. He was friendly with Jesse before Lenny's death, and Logan becoming the leader of the rats made them grow even closer. During the rescue of the werelions, they were both abducted by Rikki and the hunters.
At the New Year's Eve party, Logan got a little bit drunk. Vynn kept showing Dylan stars until he realized what that meant. Logan offered to buy Dylan a drink and later kissed him. Dylan rolled with it, and the two connected strongly. After the battle that night, they couldn't stop touching each other's hands, like they needed to remain close. Their relationship continues in later books.
Thea is the Lion Queen. Her soul is the daughter of Sekhmet, making her Timmy's soul's older sister and a werelion royal.
Thea was a triplet. Her sisters, Tracy and Tina, were killed by the hunters, but Thea survived. She was always the toughest of the triplets.
Unknown to the warlocks or anyone else, Thea is also a vampire. She killed two warlocks after her sisters died when they got too close. She tore out their throats despite being restrained with silver-plated barbed wire. After Belinda freed her, she insisted on recovering the bodies of her people. After that, she flirted with Belinda shamelessly. Thea is one of only twenty-two werelions who survived the attack.
She is a slayer and has a strong temper. She can be as quick to rage as Sekhmet. At the end of the book, it was clear that she and Belinda fell for each other and had something between them.
Trent is a Polywere Royal whose soul is the son of Rhiannon, making him Jesse's soul's older brother. He first appeared in the very first book as Jesse's stray dog, who vanished shortly after Melissa, Jade, and Beth joined the Silver Society. Jesse assumed he ran away, saying, "strays are gonna stray." As it turned out, the truth was far more complicated.
Anna had kidnapped him, but he shifted into the form of a wolf-dog hybrid and fled. That was when Jesse took him in. Trent was stuck in that form because Serena cast a spell at Anna's request after he escaped that prevented him from changing back.
Eventually, Anna found him and recaptured him. She tortured him but didn't kill him, believing he could be of use to the hunters. When Jesse brought his Mirror self through to help, Mirror Jesse identified him as Abraham "Abe" Osborne. After mocking him mercilessly, Mirror Jesse broke the hex, and Trent helped Jesse and Logan prepare to fight the hunters and Rikki.
Alex took Trent in to help him get back on his feet. Despite the fact that Trent is two years older than Alex, Alex deemed him one of his "kids." His logic is that he feeds him, put a roof over his head, and brought him a new wardrobe, so Trent is, in fact, one of his strays.
Jesse likes to tease Trent about the fact that he walked him on a leash, took care of him, and even considered buying him a personalized collar when he thought he was a dog. He still introduces him as "my dog, Trent."
Trent is as sarcastic as Jesse. The two share the natural banter of brothers. He is also fiercely loyal, which he attributes to spending so much time stuck as a dog.
Eddie is the Bear King. His soul is a werebear royal. He is Nick's younger brother. Eddie can be impulsive and angry at times. He has a thing for Ava. He approaches magick by shouting his intentions into the universe instead of focusing on structured rituals. He is a slayer.
During the chaos of the book, Eddie helped rescue the lions, and also helped rescue Logan and Jesse. He can be stubborn and cranky, but he has a good heart and wants to do what he can to help.
Nick is the Coyote King. His soul is a werecoyote royal. He is Eddie's older brother. He is a doctor and is much more stoic and responsible than his brother. He is very practical and calm most of the time.
Nick is skilled with herbal magick. He enjoys the scientific side of spellwork. He is a slayer, although he tends to focus more on healing people than attacking them. He and Lexie are very close, and he seems to have feelings for her.
Ava is the Raven Queen. She is Maya's older sister. Like Maya, she loves magick and tends to focus on meditation and keeping the peace, but she can throw down in a fight if she needs to.
Ava is gifted and advanced in spellwork. She and Eddie like to flirt and seem to have feelings for each other. She is a kind soul, but she firmly believes a witch who cannot hex cannot heal. She will do what needs to be done.
She ended up in charge of the flock of ravens after their leader was assassinated, right before Lenny's funeral. During battles, if she's not working magick, she makes a very good lookout and spy because she can fly and hide in the trees.
Kwame is the Wolf Alpha. He has known Jesse since he first transformed and has been trying to recruit him ever since. He looks out for Jesse as much as he can.
Kwame became the Alpha at fourteen after he killed the previous Alpha, a horrible, abusive man. He is married with two children. He is very good in a fight and is fiercely loyal to those he deems part of his pack.
At seventeen, Anna was the youngest sharpshooter the Unit had. Evan got shot in the arm with silver when he saved her from stray bullets while one of the other hunters was shooting at him. What Evan didn't know was that Anna was actually one of the hunters. Her father was killed by lycanthropes and she vowed revenge.
During the shooting that changed everything, Anna showed her true colors. She killed Pauline without hesitating, and she also killed Tammy. This act was enough to make Shooter spark despite the binding spell and burn off the ropes restraining him. Shooter shot Anna twice, killing her.
Afterward, Evan felt guilty because in saving Anna's life, he's given her the opportunity to kill Tammy.
Bo was a trigger happy redneck with a beer belly. He was one of the most dangerous hunters, especially because he didn't care who he killed. He wasn't a genius, but he was smarter than people thought. He became a lycanthrope hunter after watching his neighbor get mauled, but he mostly did it because he liked shooting things and wanted a challenge. Of all of the hunters, Bo had the highest body count.
During the shooting that changed everything, Bo made racist remarks about Jesse, which Jean shut down quickly, not approving. Showing how deep his racism ran, Bo decided Tyson would be the first to die. He forced him to his knees, put his arms behind his head, and shot him in the head, killing him instantly. He also declared Jade a witch after she made Serena kill herself, poured lighter fluid on her, and set her on fire.
Bo opened fire at Lenny's funeral, killing several lycanthropes including the leaders of the rat pack and the leader of the leopards.
On New Year's Eve, Danny fed on Bo after getting shot to protect Johnny. He nearly killed him, but didn't. Chad cut Bo's still-beating heart out of his chest before he could kill Jesse. He tossed Bo aside like the trash that he was and silently told Tyson is was for him.
For Serena's picture and original biography, see the list for book six, Mirror, Mirror.
Serena started off as one of the good guys in this book. She even joined the high school Wiccan Club for Beth's sake. She created a binding box to try to stop Brett's powers from being an issue. It was a complex ritual, and this was an important detail.
As a child, Serena was nearly killed by lycanthropes who mauled her friends, including Brett. Serena fought like hell to defend them, earning Jean's respect. He saved the eight-year-old and also saved Brett's life, forever earning Serena's loyalty.
When Jean called in his favor, Serena agreed to help, although she didn't want to hurt her friends. She was also the one who hexed Trent into being stuck in his wolf-dog form.
The binding room ritual was used for the shooting. Jade recognized it and realized the shocking truth that Serena had betrayed them. Ultimately, after Shooter weakened the room slightly, Jade tapped into her blood magick connection to Serena and slipped into her mind. She used her telepathy to make Serena kill herself, a fact that nearly completely destroyed Jade psychologically. This also fried Jade's telepathy until midnight on New Year's Eve.
Serena began haunting Jade because she was stuck in a frenzy. She also haunted Ellyn, trying to warn her that her life was in danger and Lucifer, their souls' father, would find her. It came out that Ellyn and Serena's souls were twins, with Serena being the stronger one.
Ultimately, Serena got her act straight and stopped Brett, who was under Rikki's control, from killing Jade. She forgave Jade. She crossed over after the cleansing ritual so she could find Ellyn on the Other Side and rescue her from Lucifer.
Marques was a former soldier who was great with a gun until he injured his spine. Three days after he got out of the hospital, his parents were mauled in front of him. Powerless to save them, Marques was going to kill himself, but Jean recruited him to the hunters instead.
Marques was only nineteen years old. He became a bad shot due to his injury, and he accidentally killed a young tourist.
Although everyone else fled, Marques was too slow during the shooting that changed everything, and Jesse mauled him to death.
Jean was the leader of the lycanthrope hunters. He had a French accent and was soft-spoken. Years ago, when Serena was eight, he saved her and Brett from werewolves who had mauled their friends. He saved Brett's life using medical techniques. Serena vowed to repay the favor. He called in the debt during the seventh book.
Jean was complicated. His nine year old sister was killed by wereleopards when he was thirteen. He got infected that night but didn't know. He vowed to never let that happen to anyone else, and that was when his hunting journey began. He genuinely believed he was saving people, and his intentions were pure, but he was deeply misguided.
Jean was actually the main rogue lycanthrope who was infecting people, although there was at least one other, who Evan put down after she attacked Melissa. He would black out and be unable to control the hunger. His mind refused to process this, so he simply explained the blackouts away with excuses he convinced himself were true.
Upon learning the truth after Evan nearly killed him, he asked Rikki for his gun. She convinced him to wait to end his life until the other lycanthropes were dead.
After he abducted Lydia from the mental institution at Rikki's request, Jean tried to protect her. When everyone else fled and left her to die in a fire, Jean went back for Lydia to try to save her, but Arthur and the others got there first. He lost control and almost killed Kelly, but Ronnie and Donnie attacked him with heavy bags of catnip until he fled.
Rikki was controlling Jean's mind by controlling his leopard. On New Years Eve, upon realizing this, Jade telepathically pushed her out, freeing Jean. She told him he had a choice to make, but she refused to force him to choose what she wanted. Jean quickly assassinated the remaining warlocks before apologizing, saying he and his friends were the real monsters, stating he was free, and then shooting himself in the head.
In the end, Jean did the right thing, making him much better than Bo and Anna.
Tara was an unstable pyromaniac. She was completely sociopathic. Jean recruited her to the lycanthrope hunters to give her a sense of purpose and try to keep her from causing too much chaos. She would go scout towns with rumored lycanthrope activity, confirm it, burn down some buildings for kicks, and tell the other hunters if it was worth their time to come.
Tara set the fire that killed Graham's father. That was what ultimately led him to Salem, as he started tracking Tara and the hunters.
On New Year's Eve, Tara tried to burn down all of Salem. While she was in one of the buildings, Aideen and Graham cornered her. She attacked Graham with fire, but he sent it back at her, killing her.
Deanna is the president and unofficial High Priestess of Bishop's Wiccan Club. She is all about love and light, and if people threaten the peace, she has been known to zap them with electricity. She is almost as strong with energy manipulation as Shooter is.
Deanna is extremely upbeat and perky. She ends nearly every sentence with an exclamation point. She is Bishop's head cheerleader, and she was Beth's friend before Beth lost her parents.
Ro is a slayer from from Utah who describes herself as a "recovering Mormon." She is a slayer and is pyrokinetic. She has been known to accidentally set her homework on fire while playing with flames in her hand.
Ro is funny and sarcastic. She gets along extremely well with Aurora, and the two become close as the books continue.
Kit is very proud to call herself a blunt bitch, but deep down, she actually cares about her friends. She plays the role of the snobby warlock baby but joined the Wiccan Club because she enjoys magick and wanted to experience what it was like to do it without evil motives.
Kit has an air of superiority to her. She is the captain of the swim team and the softball team. She once dated Brett for three weeks, and she likes to mock him. She and Serena clashed severely. They had several arguments, especially since Serena was ready to attack her on sight when she saw she was part of the Wiccan Club.
Kit is a sophomore but acts like she's older. She has very powerful hydrokinesis. Although her parents are card carrying members of the E.V.S, she doesn't really want to join it.
Maya is an artist and a dreamer. Her head is often in the clouds, but she is extremely sweet. She is gifted with Earth magick and can communicate with animals. Kit describes her as talking to animals more than she talks to humans.
She is Ava's little sister but is not a wereraven. She has a very big crush on Jeremy. She confirmed that Bastet is immortal and is Jade's familiar.
Nyxie is known in magickal circles as the Midnight Child. This gives her tremendous power, but it isn't fully explained until book eight, so I won't spoil that here. She is a strong precognitive.
She was kidnapped the day she was born from her parents, Lewis and Maggie Ashford, by warlocks who wanted to raise her to be evil. Lewis, Maggie, and everyone else was told that she was stillborn. She is Kevin and Beth's little sister, but Beth was so young when she was born she didn't remember her mom ever being pregnant. Kevin, being a little bit older, did remember that his parents lost a baby. Danny is especially attached to her because he was supposed to be her Godfather.
Nyxie showed up at Alex's house to warn him danger was coming. She refused to tell him who her birth parents were, but Alex suspected she was an Ashford because of her energy and her facial features. Jesse immediately realized someone had abused her because of how nervous and skittish she was, but she wouldn't let the Silver Society help her.
Rikki abducted Nyxie to sacrifice her during the ritual on New Year's Eve, starting the ritual at the stroke of midnight, which was the exact moment that Nyxie turned thirteen. Beth felt a strong urge to protect her that she couldn't explain. Even when she was terrified, she stayed strong for Nyxie.
The truth came out after everyone was saved. Johnny realized who Nyxie was and told Beth and the others. He promised he would press charges against her kidnappers and would help her find somewhere safe to stay. Beth and Jade took Nyxie home with them until Mark could be told his niece had survived. She ultimately went to live with him.
Lulu was Evan's younger sister. Their parents were corrupt slayers who abused them and who believed lycanthropes should be killed on sight. They didn't know Evan was a lycanthrope. Evan killed their parents when he was thirteen, then got documentation to say he was eighteen so he could go to college and legally take care of Lulu. Having always been extremely intelligent, Evan finished his undergrad degree in a year and started medical school at nineteen. He got through that pretty quickly, too, and he did everything he could to protect Lulu, who was still very young.
Tragically, Lulu was murdered after Evan refused to take a job that involved him assassinating a kid. He blamed himself and left New York after that. Lulu haunts him randomly. She still acts like a bratty little sister, teasing him constantly. When Aideen broke up with him, she kept harassing him to win her back. She is very much Team Deevan and will do anything to see her ship succeed. She even insulted another girl, saying she wasn't as pretty as Aideen.
Lulu is hyper, loves to torment her big brother, and is probably a little bit sad. Her soul needs to move on, but she seems to be attached to Evan and won't fully leave him.
Miss Chaffey is Jade's guidance counselor. She is a kind, happy woman who keeps snacks for her students. Jade gets sent to her office so often she actually noticed when Miss Chaffey painted it a new color. She and Jade often make small talk, but she never gets Jade to really discuss her issues.
Giles Corey was pressed to death during the Salem Witch Trials for refusing to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. He knew if he pled either way, they would steal his land and prevent his descendants from being able to claim it. He stubbornly refused to say anything except "more weight" until he finally died after three days of having heavy rocks and slabs piled on top of him to try to force him to enter a plea.
It is said that Giles Corey cursed Salem before he died. Every sheriff in Salem since his death has either died young or had to retire early due to blood or heart disorders. Ironically, Giles is also viewed as a reluctant protector of Salem. Before the Great fire that destroyed much of the city long ago, people reported seeing him in the Howard Street Cemetery for days. He has been seen before other major disasters as well.
Needless to say, when Giles Corey showed himself to Aideen, Graham, and Randy and pointed at the center of town, they knew it was bad news. He continued showing himself to people, including poor Ruby Vasco, who screamed her head off in terror. The first person he actually spoke to was Jade after he had his wife Martha lure her to him. He told her to listen to the right voice when her telepathy came back. He also spoke to Randy, telling him "more weight," and that he would need to practice more with his telekinesis if he hoped to do what he needed to do. He appeared to several other people as well, giving them silent warnings of what was to come.
Giles is a snarky spirit. He's often cranky, and he doesn't like to be disrespected. Most people address him as "Mr. Corey" to be formal and show they are trying to be respectful.
Giles Corey was an actual person from the Witch Trials. The lore attached to him in the books is actually the lore of Salem. I didn't make any of it up, including the part about the sheriffs. They ultimately moved the sheriff's office out of Salem in the 1990's, which was when the deaths and mysterious illnesses finally stopped.
Gianna is a witch elder who runs a neutral new age shop. Everyone in the magickal community of Salem loves her. She never judges anyone, no matter which side they are on. She'll help witches and warlocks alike as long as they aren't causing harm or chaos while in her shop.
Tara set Gianna's shop on fire and killed several people. Rikki cast a spell that made the fire worse, and only Cierra was able to break it. Trying to stop the fire brought everyone together from both sides. Aideen, Graham, Chad, Kelly, and Kit were the first to try to put it out together.
Ultimately, Gianna was severely injured, but she survived. Aideen promised her the entire community would come together to rebuild her shop.
Graham was an artist and was a powerful pyrokinetic from Dallas. His father died in a fire set by Tara. He was framed for it and charged with murder and arson, so he fled Dallas, following Tara and the hunters. He picked up on the pattern that the fires always started before the hunters arrived in a new town. That was how he ended up in Salem.
Upon meeting Aideen, they had immediate chemistry. She had just broken up with Evan, and she latched onto Graham. He was ultimately arrested in Salem, but the Unit realized he wasn't the one setting the fires and he was released into Johnny's custody since Johnny was his lawyer.
Graham usually called Aideen "Beautiful" instead of by her name. He had a slight Southern drawl that got stronger if he was relaxed. It tended to come out around Aideen. They started dating.
On New Year's Eve, Graham and Aideen chased after Tara. Graham sent Tara's attack back at her and killed her, but he was impaled by debris after she took out the main support beam of the building they were in. He knew his injury was fatal and that it was his time. He had gotten justice for his father, and that was enough for him.
Johnny had warned Graham that something bad was coming. Graham made his peace with his death. Aideen didn't want to leave him. She was determined to save him, just like he'd told her she did in a vision he had the night his father died. Graham told Aideen she had already saved him just by loving him. He also added that he knew he was the rebound guy, but he still valued what they had.
Knowing Evan was in danger and that he stood no chance of surviving his injuries, Graham told Aideen to go save Evan's life, insisting there was no reason she should lose them both that night. She didn't want to leave him, but she ultimately listened to what he was telling her and left to save Evan. Graham bled out shortly after.
Rikki is Cierra's evil half-sister. She believes she is the only worthy descendant of Erica Vitti and is determined to take control of the warlocks. She hates Cierra, who is a few months older than her and stands in the way of her taking what she views as rightfully hers.
Rikki was raised in New York. She comes from a long line of Henley warlocks who were systematically murdered over the years by rivals who were jealous of their power and status. Erica's first love was Jackson Henley. He fathered her first child, but he was murdered in front of her and she miscarried. Erica vowed revenge and protected the Henley family line. She never loved again.
Rikki's mother was killed when she was three years old. Rikki was put into foster care. No one knew her true heritage. She found her mother's Book of Shadows when she was thirteen and began training herself as a warlock. She ultimately found her grandmother prior to the start of book seven and learned the full truth of her heritage. Rikki descends from both the Henley line and the Vitti line, and there is a prophecy that a descendant of both lines will become the strongest warlock in history.
When Rikki first came to town, she enslaved Brett as a minion using magick. She began recruiting followers. After she saved Jean and Bo, she began working with the hunters, using them to her advantage. She wanted Cierra dead, and Cierra was now a wereleopard, so they shared a common goal. With Rikki by their side, the hunters became much more dangerous.
She was also working with an entity who calls himself Judas. In many ways, Judas fueled Rikki's rage, jealousy, and actions. For more on this, see his bio below.
She viewed Lydia as a threat because of her visions and tried to recruit her, but Lydia refused to follow her lead. Ultimately, she left Lydia for dead, causing Jean to defy her for the first time so he could try to save Lydia's life.
Rikki arranged the abduction and murder of most of the lion pride. She did this to lure Jesse into a trap. Although Jesse, Logan, and Trent ultimately escaped, she still intended to sacrifice several people for a spell that would ensure her power could not be challenged. On New Year's Eve, she abducted a bunch of sacrifices. This included Alex, which she only did to lure Cierra into her clutches. The ritual went sideways and she lost control of the situation, but she refused to stop. She opened a portal and fled with Chad, Nyxie, Beth, and Cierra so she could continue the ritual.
To Rikki's shock, Chad betrayed her. He admitted she was the perfect heir to the Vitti line, but since she'd sided with the lycanthrope hunters who killed his boyfriend, he chose to protect Cierra instead of her. Since Cierra refused to kill her younger sister, Chad bound her powers. She used a portal stone to escape.
Rikki is in hiding during book eight, but she will make her return in book nine.
Mr. Higgley is the Principal of Bishop High. He is a kind man, but he doesn't quite know what to do with "tough" cases like Jade. He means well, but he is obviously a bit afraid of her. He also worries about her, but he usually sends her to Miss Chaffey instead of trying to get her to talk to him.
"Judas" is the alias of someone the Silver Society is supposed to trust. He is an entity who exists on the other side. He works for the Light, and no one suspects that he is actually evil. Judas is the cause of a lot of the things the Silver Society members struggle with, including so many of them having abusive parents. He has the power to change destiny sometimes, and he makes their lives as difficult as possible, but as far as they know, he is one of the Powers That Be in charge of their group and is a force of pure Good.
He is working with Rikki. He always changes his form, never appearing physically in the same body twice. He egged Rikki on, pushing her to continue on her quest to take Cierra down. He nursed the darkness within her because he believed it would benefit him.
Judas appears again in later books. He has other evil allies as well and may very well be the true villain of the series, but his real identity has yet to come out. As the books continue, he will become more and more important.
Clara is Chad's older sister. In this book, she was twenty-five. When Chad was nine, his mother realized his father would try to control him because of his powers. She planned to take her children and leave, but Mr. Ko sacrificed her for daring to defy him. He made his children watch. Clara tried to stop him and got hit with part of the spell he cast. It fried her brain. She has been catatonic ever since and lives in the same asylum Lydia was in during this book.
Chad is the only one who visits Clara. He fixes her hair and makeup and makes her look pretty. He talks to her about whatever he can think of, just so she isn't alone. This revelation was both surprising and tragic, but it added a new layer to Chad. It is unlikely that Clara will ever recover.
Katrina is a warlock from Russia. Her job is to recruit new E.V.S. members. She discovered a jade dagger in Beijing that belonged to a warrior who was meant to protect the Vitti bloodline. She is the one who identified Chad as the reincarnation of that warrior. She knew it was him because the dagger glowed red in his hands, and so did his eyes.
Nate was a very kind boy who was on a date with Courtney. He knocked her out of the way of bullets when the hunters were aiming for him. He shifted into a werewolf and tried to protect her, much to Courtney's shock because she hadn't realized he was a lycanthrope. He died to save her life.
After his death, Nate jumped into Tammy's body. He didn't know he was dead, and his only concern was knowing whether or not Courtney was safe. Shooter gently guided him away and, presumably, Nate later crossed over.
What made this more tragic was that for the entire night and even after his death, Courtney thought his name was Neil. She kept calling him that, and considering she was hysterical, no one had the heart to correct her. Ellyn finally had enough and blurted it out. Courtney proceeded to start calling him Nate like she hadn't been using the wrong name all night.
Pauline was a sweet, bubbly girl from Tennessee who had just moved to Salem. Randy fell for her almost as soon as they met. She was a very pure soul who liked to lay in her backyard finding shapes in the clouds. She was a dreamer, and was very impulsive. While looking up at the clouds the day they met, she told Randy she saw "a cute boy" and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.
Pauline was very hyper and loveable. When Randy was with her, he felt like he didn't have to be perfect, because she was. She was completely mortal, and she made Randy feel normal for once in his life. He fell deeply in love with her. Tyson helped him tell her by encouraging him to make a truly awful attempt at a giant heart sculpture that proclaimed his love for her after a football game.
They began dating. When Pauline met Randy's mother, Darla immediately latched on to her and told Randy to hold on to her. Randy promised Pauline he'd introduce her to his friends.
Unfortunately, that meeting was crashed, and they were abducted. Pauline was the second person to get shot the day everything changed. Randy fought as hard as he could, but he couldn't free himself to save her. He was powerless to watch as she was murdered by Anna right after Tyson died. Their deaths hit him especially hard because they were both mortal and had only ended up in the middle of things because they were close to him.
Tyson was one of Randy's friends from the football team. He was Pauline's neighbor, and he introduced the two of them.
No one knew that Tyson was deep in the closet and secretly dating Chad. As Chad put it, Tyson was "terribly mortal," but that was what he loved about him the most. There were no power struggles or dominance games between them, unlike with warlocks. Chad actually loved him so much he decided if it came down to it, he'd run away with him just to keep him safe.
During the shooting, Bo singled Tyson out, bringing him forward first. Tyson didn't fight him because he knew the odds weren't in his favor. He was shot in the head and died instantly.
Chad felt Tyson's death and snapped. He released a powerful wave of magick, damaging several trees and scaring nearby mortals. Cierra found him and tried to calm him down, realizing he had tears in his eyes.
Later, Chad prayed to Anubis for Tyson's soul. Randy found him and, after realizing he wasn't doing something evil, joined in.
On New Year's Eve, Chad cut Bo's still-beating heart out of his chest in Tyson's name. Tyson gave Chad humanity, and even after his death, this remained true. When Chad betrayed Rikki, it was because she'd been working with the people who killed Tyson.
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