Spoilers ahead if you have not read Perfectly Perfect, including the identity of the killer and a list of most of his known victims. (He killed countless others who are not directly referenced in the book.)
Christopher was Spencer's father. He was the head of the Precognitive Division at the Unit. He had a 94% success rate, but his final case went unsolved. He had vision of the death of a little girl named Cammie Fischer, and he tried to push for more visions to save her. He became obsessed, pushing himself past his breaking point. He misunderstood a vision, and instead of saving Cammie, he accidentally alerted Ezekiel to her location. Both Cammie and her mother, Alexandra, were killed. Christopher barely survived Ezekiel's attack. Alexandra was never on the list to die, so it was indirectly Christopher's fault that she was killed.
Two weeks after that tragedy, when Christopher thought Spencer was sleeping, he shot himself. Spencer witnessed it. He was barely eleven years old. He tried to resurrect Christopher for hours before falling unconscious on his corpse.
Christopher was a good man, but his final case destroyed him.
Ann was the mother of Kay and the wife of Justice (Kincaid). She wore a large cross everywhere she went. Ezekiel murdered her and her daughter over a century ago. Ann still haunts Salem, unable to find peace.
Kay was the daughter of Justice (Kincaid) and Ann Ellison. She was murdered by Ezekiel along with her mother over a century ago. She is a spirit who is forever a little girl. She speaks in a sing-song voice, and she has a "garden" that's now mostly weeds and litter. She helped lead the team to Cassandra when she was trapped in the tomb, guiding them to an underground tunnel they could use to rescue her.
Millie was a college freshman majoring in psychology who had moved to Salem from Tennessee. She was well-liked and very sweet. She was part of a Wiccan club in college, which was her introduction to the supernatural. She also joined the Debate team and drama club, was on the Dean's List, and was part of the honor roll.
A car accident one year before her death awakened her previously latent gift for precognition. She used her gift to save people from harm, calling the visions "hunches."
After having a vision that she was in danger, Millie tried to cast a protective circle around herself, but Ezekiel interrupted her and killed her before it could be completed. Millie was dismembered in a bloody crime scene so horrific the "normal" cops ran screaming and refused to return, handing the case over to the Unit. Her body parts were scattered throughout her apartment almost like Ezekiel was playing a game of hide and go seek, daring the police to find all of the missing pieces.
Edgar was the Head of the Memory Modification Division of the Unit. He was forty-eight and was married to a strong, respected witch. They had twin sons in college and a daughter who was a freshman in high school. He was a semi-retired slayer.
Edgar trained many of the younger slayers. He was close to Benny, so Aideen knew him very well. He trained Cassandra and was the first one to give her a chance to prove she wasn't corrupt despite her guardians being corrupt slayers. Cassandra was very attached to him, which rarely happens. She viewed him as her main mentor.
His soul was Arnie's soul's older brother. When his power combined with Arnie and Justin's, they were unstoppable.
Edgar was killed in the Burying Point. He fought back, but was ultimately strangled. The slayers took his death hard, especially Cassandra and Arnie.
Elsbeth was Ezekiel's little sister. She was blindly devoted to him, especially after they lost their parents and siblings. Eventually, Elsbeth learned the truth about him. Ezekiel murdered her at seventeen years old, destroying the last of his humanity. Elsbeth became the key to his weakness as an immortal.
Unknown to anyone, Elsbeth reincarnated as Jo, Skip's partner at the Unit. This unfortunately sealed Jo's fate. In order to make Ezekiel vulnerable so he could finally be killed, Jo had to die. Her sacrifice helped destroy Ezekiel in the end.
Ezekiel was an immortal who terrorized his hometown of Salem as well as other locations as he hunted for victims every few years.
He was nineteen when he pledged his soul to Kelithos in exchange for immortality and power. He killed his parents and two of his sisters to seal the oath, but spared his favorite and youngest sister, Elsbeth. As it turned out, his parents later reincarnated as Juan and Bobbi Paxton, Alex's father and stepmother. Ezekiel killed Juan, but he was unable to kill Bobbi.
To get around his deal, which drained his life and soul away until he would die and become the property of Kelithos, Ezekiel started killing psychics and absorbing their powers and life force. This helped keep him immortal and hid him from Kelithos for centuries. He had to kill thirty people to complete each cycle, and he had to do this every few years. Kelithos grew angry and promised freedom to any of his followers who gave him Ezekiel.
He killed Elsbeth exactly eighteen months after his parents and siblings were killed. In doing this, he destroyed the last thing keeping him somewhat human. He vanished after that, assuming new identities every few years.
He became Laurence Henderson, a Cleric at the Unit who had full access to all of their files on local psychics. No one ever really noticed him and he only really socialized with the other Clerics. It was the perfect cover identity, and no one suspected he was a threat, so he was able to get close to his victims and earn their trust before killing them.
Ultimately, Spencer gave his life to save Jade and Arnie, allowing Ezekiel to kill him. Because he willingly let this happen, he was able to free the souls of Ezekiel's other victims, stripping him of their powers in the process. When he freed Elsbeth/Jo, she helped Spencer shatter his soul. Kelithos then came to claim what was his.
Some of Ezekiel's more notable victims who aren't listed here include Juan Paxton (see the Family list), Miranda Tagerson (see the list of Unit members), Jo Levy (also on the list of Unit members), and Spencer Connelly (see the list of Silver Society members).
Kincaid worked at the Unit as a Cleric. He refused to give out any personal information, including his real name. He was known simply as Kincaid. He was living in a rundown motel he used mostly to store his clothes, as he spent most of his time at the Unit searching for signs of Ezekiel. He had been hunting him for over a century, and was in Salem for eight months at the time of his death.
When they first met, Kincaid was living under his birth name of Justice Ellison. Ezekiel murdered his wife, Ann, and his daughter, Kay. Kincaid vowed to stop Ezekiel. He used a potion to prevent himself from aging and another to make himself immune to mortal weapons, but he wasn't actually immortal. He was also an expert swordsman. He always wore Ann's large cross talisman, which was old and rusty but reminded him what he was fighting for.
Kincaid was killed when Ezekiel pushed him out of his motel window after a sword battle.
Damien was Priscilla's husband. Ezekiel stabbed him to death after he walked in on him killing Priscilla. He was mortal and didn't have even a shred of psychic energy to him, so his death left Ezekiel unsatisfied.
Priscilla worked at the Unit as an energy sensitive. She was known to say she was "useless" when sick because her powers would short out and stop working until she recovered.
While home sick in Andover and wearing a fuzzy pink robe and bunny slippers, Priscilla encountered Ezekiel. Under the guise of making her soup, he gained access to her home. He proceeded to slash her throat with her own kitchen knife, but grew furious when he realized her illness prevented him from being able to steal her powers or life force. He stabbed her corpse repeatedly until her husband, Damien, came down and discovered this. All of this happened in front of her toddler daughter, Mimi.
Elijah was one of Jade's classmates. He was a goth kid, and she liked him very much. He talked to her and Aurora about possibly joining their Wiccan teaching circle. He was also in Miranda's science class.
Elijah was very handsome, especially under his gothic makeup. This seemed to almost offend Ezekiel, who burned his face off with acid.
He was straightedge and was drawn to dark magic, but never anything evil. His soul descended from Alestair. He had a stuffed penguin he adored. It comforted him when he was scared. He was a gentle, kind person.
Elijah had an exceptionally rare psychic gift called Figmentation, meaning he could manifest anything he imagined into reality. Joey has the same power, so Jade understands it well. Sometimes, Elijah couldn't tell what was real vs what he had created, and he initially thought he manifested Ezekiel.
Ezekiel slashed his throat, but not quite deep enough to kill him. Elijah was alive as Ezekiel burned his face with acid, and he didn't die until the acid seeped into the wound in his throat. It was a horrific, painful death, and it upset Jade that someone so kind had died like that. Elijah's death was the reason Jade finally figured out that Ezekiel was harvesting the powers of his victims.
Justin was a ten-year-old boy with precognition. He was also the third member of the trio of unstoppable memory modifiers along with Edgar and Arnie. His soul was their souls' brother.
Two days before his death, Justin had a vision it was coming. He refused to get in the car with Ezekiel in an attempt to prevent the vision from coming true, so Ezekiel shot him in the chest, killing him instantly. Although Arnie and Aideen tried to reach him in time, they failed.
Kelithos is an evil God of Contracts, Collections, and Retribution. He's typically invoked by warlocks, who offer up their souls in exchange for temporary immortality and power. He then feeds on the souls of his devotees, slowly over time, until there is nothing left. Only Ezekiel ever found a way to stop this, by stealing the powers of others to extend his own life and remain immortal. This made Kelithos angry, so he promised any devotee freedom from their deal if they delivered Ezekiel to him. Randy ultimately managed to do this, freeing himself from the deal Adrienne had trapped him in.
Claude is a Cleric at the Unit. Before his death, Kincaid left a package with him and told him to give it to Spencer when Ezekiel found Elsbeth. After Jo's death, Claude fulfilled his promise and got the package to Spencer. This helped Spencer finally solve his father's final case.
Tony is in charge of the New York Unit. He is a powerful precognitive psychic. He used to be Alex's boss before Alex moved to Salem. Tony came to Salem in person to tell Alex that his father had been murdered and that his stepmother had been wrongfully charged with the crime.
Ember was a thirteen-year-old slayer who was trained by Cassandra. She always wore her hair in a bun at her very traditional Asian parents' insistence, much to Cassandra's annoyance because a bun can easily be grabbed in battle. She was tough and very smart.
Cassandra trained her from the time she was three. Even when Ember frustrated her, Cassandra was very fond of the girl, and she was a gifted young slayer.
Ember was four blocks away from Gallows Hill Park when Kelithos came for her after Randy cast the spell dedicating himself to him. Randy did not know the poppet he used was attached to Ember and that his actions would kill her. This fact was later used to shock Randy enough to break Adrienne's hold on him. Ember died a horrible death. She was split open by an invisible force, slowly, until every inch of her was torn in half. This was probably the most horrific death in the entire book.
Mimi is the daughter of Priscilla and Damien McMahon. She was about fifteen or sixteen months old when Ezekiel murdered her parents in front of her. Ezekiel almost killed her, too, but left her untouched when he heard Arnie and Spencer pull up to the house. She began calling "Mama" over and over again after they arrived.
Elsie is an elderly woman with a heart condition. She was Millie's landlady. She's a bit of a stereotypical nosey old lady, but mostly because she cares. Shooter pushed her away from the crime scene after Millie died because he was worried she'd have a heart attack.
Corey is one of the top slayers in Salem. Although he can come across as arrogant and annoying, he has a really good heart. Cassandra assigned him to be Jade's bodyguard without her knowledge. His first words to her, after saving her from a warlock attack, were "you're welcome." Although Jade initially found him extremely annoying, they started to bond as the series continued.
Corey can usually find Jade when no one else can, and he seems to know how to calm her down and when to back off. They often exchange witty banter, and Jade loves to mock him, even sarcastically calling him her "Knight in Shining Acne."
After Spencer's death, Corey found Jade and comforted her, carrying her home after she collapsed from the weight of her grief. He is very good at taking care of her when she needs it the most.
Corey becomes extremely important in later books, but I won't spoil his story here.
Adrienne is stunning and charming, but not what she appears to be. Upon meeting Randy, she claimed her mom "split" when she was a baby and her dad is an ambassador. She was born in Nevada, and has previously lived in New York, California, Paris, London, Ontario, and Kentucky because her father moves all over the world for his job.
Randy was quickly seduced by Adrienne's low, silky voice and physical beauty. She gave him an enchanted apple that made him fall for her and slowly started turning him evil. She tricked Randy into sacrificing a young slayer to Kelithos by using a poppet doll as a symbolic link to a real person.
Joey later grabbed Adrienne's bag, referring to her as the Queen from Snow White and rambling about a poisoned apple to warn Jade and Beth that she was evil. This caused Randy to grab him harshly, which Jade did not stand for.
As it turned out, Adrienne is a warlock, born to one of Kelithos's followers and a woman he later sacrificed. Kelithos wanted her mother, who was beautiful and powerful, to bear a child before she was sacrificed. When Adrienne said her mother "split," she meant it literally, as in she was split open just like Ember. Her father is a warlock ambassador, recruiting new warlocks from all over the world.
Randy confronted Adrienne after the spell broke. She told him how to free himself from Kelithos. Randy allowed her to escape with her life. Ultimately, Adrienne moved to Omaha with her father.
Hilariously, Adrienne is probably the only person Beth has ever hated. She even nicknamed her "Satan's Skank."
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