There are major spoilers ahead if you have not finished reading Secrets.
SERPENT'S KISS: Serpent's Kiss is the band that played at Aideen and Courtney's birthday party in Secrets.
Luke was the lead singer of Serpent's Kiss. Every time he performed, audiences seemed to fall under his spell. He was a slayer and a witch from Omaha, Nebraska. He was an energy manipulator and a channeler.
Unknown to everyone except Barry, Luke was actually a warlock. Along with Barry, he would do anything to succeed in the music business, including murder. Luke and Barry were responsible for the "suicides" of Devon and Matthew. Luke ultimately also killed Vynn, although he was aiming for Dylan. As soon as he did, Adam shoved a dagger into his chest and killed him.
Vynn was the bass guitarist of Serpent's Kiss. She was the youngest member at eighteen and was the only female. She and Dylan hit it off immediately, bonding over their shared passion for music, and became a couple.
Vynn was a necromancer. She felt the dead could become whatever they wanted to. She decided she'd spend her afterlife amongst the stars in the night sky and told Dylan as much one day while they were talking. Her mother killed herself, and Vynn was very sensitive about the subject of suicide because of it.
After her almost-step-brother Devon's death, Vynn began to grow suspicious that his suicide was actually a murder. She clung to Dylan to cope with her grief. The two fell deeply in love in their short time together.
When Adam fled from Barry and Luke and tried to warn Vynn and Dylan they were evil, the two warlocks attacked. Luke tried to kill Dylan, but Vynn got in the way and was impaled by Luke's sword. She told Dylan to look for her in the stars before dying in his arms. Adam killed Luke immediately after.
Dylan refused to let her go at first, begging Aideen to save her, but once he accepted she was really dead, he eventually ran outside and looked to the stars, finding the perfect image in the sky and deciding it was her.
Vynn lived on as a spirit, occasionally appearing to Dylan when he needed her or when Adam was in danger.
Adam is the drummer of Serpent's Kiss. He is a certified slayer from Kentucky, where "vampire executioner" is a legal job description as long as you take the right classes. He is full of sarcasm and snark, and he and Dylan got along well as soon as they met.
Adam figured out the truth about Luke and Barry. He tried to warn Vynn and Dylan, but they were attacked almost immediately. Adam was injured by Barry's torture spell but didn't die. He stabbed Luke with a dagger and killed him after Luke impaled Vynn. He is the only surviving member of Serpent's Kiss. He and Dylan remain close friends.
Although he went back to Kentucky, Adam returns to Salem more than once throughout the series and continues to play a role in later books.
Devon was the lead guitarist of Serpent's Kiss. He was the strongest precog in California and was fast becoming one of its strongest witches. He and Vynn were very close because their parents almost got married, but Vynn's mother killed herself before they could. Devon promised Vynn he would never kill himself after seeing what her mom's suicide did to her. Devon was Barry's nephew.
The night of Aideen and Courtney's birthday, Devon seemed extremely nervous. The next morning, Dylan and the members of Serpent's Kiss found Devon in the bathtub of his hotel room with his wrists slit. It looked like a suicide, but Dylan was suspicious. So were Vynn and Adam.
It turned out Luke and Barry murdered Devon and staged his suicide. It is possible they viewed Devon as a threat. He may have seen a vision of something they didn't want him to see. Regardless, they killed him in cold blood.
Barry was the manager of Serpent's Kiss. He was also the Director of the California Unit. He was a powerful telepath and witch. Unlike Jade, Barry saw nothing wrong with reading the minds of anyone and everyone, a fact that made Dylan suspicious of him.
As it turned out, Barry was a warlock. He and Luke killed Barry's son, Matthew, and his nephew, Devon, and made both deaths look like suicides. He also participated in the events which led to Vynn's death, even casting a torture spell on Adam. Dylan bashed Barry's head against the floor, killing him instantly and breaking the spell.
Kendra was a senior in Bishop High School. She joined the E.V.S. the previous year. She was popular, pretty, and clever. Although she embraced her warlock heritage, Kendra seemed like a good kid to those who met her. Like the others, she could be vicious, but she wasn't innately evil.
In the end, Kendra died terrified and clinging to her best friend, Monique, as they both burned to death.
Hugo was a senior and was the President of the E.V.S. He joined as a sophomore. Hugo was a pompous jerk who looked down on those he viewed to be "beneath" him. He was preppy, wealthy, and obnoxious.
Of all of the members of his chapter, Hugo was the worst. He enjoyed inflicting pain on others and causing trouble. He cast a very poorly written spell on the Silver Society members that switched their personalities to an extreme. While the spell was hilarious, it was not especially effective, as the Unit was able to break it before too much damage was done.
When Hugo and Lydia tried to kill Tommi, Jesse showed up as a wolf and mauled Hugo to death.
Lydia was the vice-president of the E.V.S. and was a senior. She joined in her junior year. At first, Lydia was just as bad as Hugo. She embraced her warlock heritage and enjoyed harming those who failed to meet their standards. She was a snobby popular girl who didn't seem to care about anything but gaining power.
Lydia was smarter than Hugo, and she criticized his horribly written spell, but she remained submissive to him because he outranked her. When Hugo was mauled by Jesse as Lydia struggled to keep Tommi under the water, she panicked and fled. She tried telling the others they needed to leave, but her best friend Bianca insisted they finish what they started.
She knew things were out of control and begged Bianca to stop, but Bianca didn't listen. Soon, the entire basement went up in flames. Lydia wanted to save their trapped friends, but Bianca wanted to flee to safety. In the end, Lydia ran off to help them. Her dress caught on fire but the wounds weren't fatal. Lydia is the reason Arthur survived the fire.
The trauma of watching Hugo and Bianca get mauled and watching her other friends burn to death shattered Lydia's psyche. She became catatonic, which spared her from the wrath of Aideen, Jesse, Tommi, and Jade. Lydia was locked in a psychiatric facility.
In the seventh book, Lydia's fate is revealed and she plays a big part in the story, but I won't spoil it here. Her character arc is important.
Monique was a junior who joined the E.V.S. as a sophomore. Like her best friend Kendra, she seemed ordinary and good. She was just as dangerous as the rest of the E.V.S. and could be counted on to play her part, but she and Kendra were largely followers.
In the end, Monique burned to death while clinging to Kendra and begging their friends to save them.
Zack was a junior who joined the E.V.S. as a sophomore. He was a popular guy and was one of the stars of the football team. He was a follower who did what was expected of him.
When the fire started, Zack was the first to run back and try to save Monique and Kendra. He had good in him despite his evil actions with the E.V.S. Unfortunately, this heroic act sealed his fate, and he was killed as he attempted to help the girls.
Kyle was a junior who joined the E.V.S. in the middle of his sophomore year, replacing an "unworthy" member they killed. He was a football player and was close to Zack. Kyle was flirtatious and charming.
When the fire got out of control and Zack ran to help the girls, Kyle and Arthur decided to go after him to try and help. Kyle escaped with a broken arm, but when Jesse attacked Bianca, Kyle stabbed him to try and save her. Aideen immediately killed him in retaliation.
Gary was the Treasurer of the E.V.S. He was a senior who joined as a junior. Gary wasn't overly interested in the affairs of the E.V.S. and was a bit of a slacker. He wasn't a good or bad person, but was more a neutral observer who participated only when forced. He only became a club officer because his father was a powerful member of the adult E.V.S. and no one dared deny him his birthright.
One day, Gary disappeared. Lydia, Hugo, and Bianca murdered him for not living up to the club's standards. His body was never recovered and he is still officially listed as a runaway.
Pru was a shy, awkward bookworm who never fit in anywhere. She was a sophomore who joined the E.V.S. because her parents told her to. Although Pru's parents were powerful, respected warlocks, she had no idea about any of that. She was a very sweet, trusting girl with low self-esteem.
Due to her inability to fit in and rise to the standards of the E.V.S, Hugo and Lydia murdered Pru horrifically in one of the science labs at Bishop High School. They couldn't cover up the murder because Tommi had a vision and found Pru's body, but they did manage not to leave behind any evidence of their involvement. Ultimately, Jesse had the Unit cover up the murder, a fact that broke Tommi's heart because not only had Pru's life gone unnoticed, but now her death would as well.
Bianca was the secretary of the E.V.S. She was a senior and was the only member in the history of the Bishop High School chapter to have been invited during her freshman year. She was extremely powerful and very sadistic, the kind of warlock who made her family proud. It's unclear why she wasn't the president or at least the vice-president, as she was better suited for the role of leader than Hugo.
Bianca cast a love spell on Jesse almost as soon as they met. Jesse became infatuated with her. She was able to control him telepathically and he was completely loyal to her to the point of it being irrational. He couldn't believe Bianca might be evil and decided she was one of the innocent members of the E.V.S. He did get offended by the way she called Jade and Aideen freaks, and he defended them, but he didn't break up with her.
Bianca was willing to leave the others behind to die in the fire in order to save herself, but Lydia ran off to help them. Since Lydia was the only person Bianca seemed to genuinely care about besides herself, Bianca reached out to Jesse for help. He went to her. He helped save Lydia, Kyle, and Arthur, although it was too late to save the others.
When Aideen showed up, Bianca ordered Jesse to kill her. Although he changed form into a wolf and attacked her, he realized what he was doing. The fact that Bianca tried to make him kill Aideen made him regain control of himself, and Jesse mauled Bianca instead. Although Kyle tried to save her, Jesse ultimately succeeded in killing her. This event was the last straw for Lydia's sanity and left her catatonic.
Tommi is a junior during Secrets. She lives in an orphanage and remembers nothing about her parents. She is snarky, feisty, and hilarious, and she bonded with Jesse quickly. She didn't fit in with the E.V.S. but they wanted her for the enormous power levels she didn't know she possessed. Tommi knew nothing of the supernatural except that she sometimes had visions.
After Gary vanished and Pru died, Tommi told Jesse about her visions. He revealed his own experience with the supernatural, and the two soon teamed up to take down the E.V.S.
Tommi is infamous for her love of conspiracy theories. She can be very random at times and is usually hyper. She is an ally of the Silver Society. As the series continues, much more comes out about her past and her powers, but I won't spoil it here.
Arthur is a junior in Secrets. His parents are divorced and until that point, he hardly saw his father, who he hates. When he joined the E.V.S, however, his father started to take an active interest in him. Arthur knew he was a warlock, but didn't know much about it. He quickly started learning and adapted to the lifestyle, rolling with it because it seemed like something he should explore.
Arthur is snarky and sarcastic. His dry humor is highly amusing but annoys people like Hugo, Lydia, and Bianca. He knows how to play the game, walking the line between good and evil carefully and playing whatever role he needs to in the moment to survive.
He is extremely powerful and clever. He picked up magick quickly and impressively well, and he learned everything he could from his father in a short amount of time. He mostly did this as a survival tactic, knowing the only way out of the E.V.S. was death.
When the fire got out of control, Arthur and Kyle tried to save Zack, Monique, and Kendra. Arthur was pinned beneath debris and would have burned to death if Lydia hadn't gone back for him. Jesse helped save his life. After Jesse killed Bianca, Arthur surrendered willingly, and his life was spared.
The events of that day led to Arthur becoming protective of Lydia. He is one of only two people who visit her in the asylum. He showed his true colors in later books and, although he is a warlock, he is an ally to the good guys. I won't spoil much here, but Arthur's rebellion against the warlocks inspires other young warlocks to fight back, too. Arthur becomes a very important character in later books.
Kara was Jade's partner on the E.V.S. case, her first case ever. She was a seasoned member of the Unit and was guiding Jade in the field. When the E.V.S. set the fire, Kara stayed behind so Jade and the others could escape. She knew what would happen but sacrificed herself to protect them. Kara was thrown into the fire. She burned alive quickly, but her magick was too powerful and it caused the E.V.S. to lose control of the fire.
Timmy is a homeless runaway from New York. He was born into a warlock family but betrayed them by becoming a witch. He ran away when he was eight and has been on his own ever since. He lived in Salem until his parents found him and he had to kill them to survive. This put a target on his head because they both came from powerful warlock lines and had ties to Salem.
Timmy crashed Aideen and Courtney's sixteenth birthday party in the hopes of finding free food. The twins nearly killed him with a spell to destroy their other party crashers, but Aideen stopped the spell when she realized an innocent was under attack. She and Jade took an instant liking to the fourteen-year-old boy and became protective of him. Jade and Beth convinced the Ashfords to take him in.
Timmy is a royal werelion, but he isn't dominant. His lion acts more like a kitten than the King of the Jungle. His soul is Sekhmet's youngest son. He's painfully shy and is often bullied. Timmy's story doesn't end in Secrets, but I don't want to give any spoilers away.
Henry was Cierra's biological father. He was a successful, brilliant doctor from Boston. Cierra soon discovered that he was actually a warlock from a powerful family line. He used magick and psychology to manipulate and corrupt Cierra, slowly turning her evil.
Shockingly, it was Spencer who killed Henry. This enabled Jade to get through to Cierra and help her realize that having evil in your blood doesn't mean you have to follow that path yourself. Thankfully, Henry's hold on Cierra broke and she was able to be rehabilitated.
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