Chapter Sixteen
It felt good to be back. Alyxx was not the going catatonic sort. She led them through their prison quietly and quickly. When they reached what she thought was the exit, she paused. "Stay back," she told the others. She pushed the door open slowly. Blinding sunlight greeted them.
Panya practically ran out into the sun. Jonathan and Alyxx were more reluctant as their eyes adjusted. Alyxx cursed and she was pretty sure Jonathan did, too.
"How did you know we could escape?" Jonathan asked her in awe.
"Well, I spent a little time with Lily before we found out she was a traitor. She was a really self-centered brat who had to have everything her way. I figured the chances were good she'd ordered the cult to leave so she could have us to herself for a while," Alyxx explained.
"You're amazing. You saved us."
"We aren't safe yet. We're still barely outside. We need to figure out where the heck we are and find our way home."
Panya looked toward the sky and said, "We are in that other place... The one Dean always says sucks? New Jurley?"
"I believe it's New Jersey," Alyxx replied, "but you were close!"
"How do you know?" Jonathan asked.
"The position of the sun. It tells us where we are and also what time of day it is. I'd say it is mid-afternoon," Panya replied practically. She was much calmer now that they were outside. She'd also stopped bleeding.
"Does anyone have any idea how to get back to Manhattan from here?" Jonathan asked.
Alyxx paused, then sighed. "Sorry. I'm clueless on that one," she admitted. Then a thought dawned on her. "Wait, we don't have to get back to Manhattan. Just get me to a phone. I'll call Mark. He has a car. Why ride public transportation when we can ride in style?"
They began searching for a telephone. "Man, cell phones killed public phone booths," Alyxx said. "This is harder than I thought it would be." A car was driving by. Without hesitating, she ran in front of it waving her arms frantically at the driver.
The three of them must have been quite a sight. The woman who rolled down her window looked absolutely horrified. "My God! What happened to you?" She asked.
"That's a rather long story. Do you happen to have a cell phone I could borrow?" Alyxx asked.
"I'll call the police. Or an ambulance. Or both. Were you in a car crash?"
"Sure, that's a logical explanation. So can I borrow your phone or not?"
The woman seemed confused but she handed Alyxx the phone. She dialed Mark's number from memory.
"Mark." It was a short answer. More alarmingly, it was the name he publically used. He almost always answered his phone with one of his false identities. In that moment, however, Alyxx didn't care. All that mattered was how amazing it felt to hear his voice.
"Hello, Luv," she said.
There was a pause. Then, "Alyxx?"
"Well who else would it be?"
"Where the hell are you?" The desperation in his voice broke her heart.
"Hell's the right word, but I think you lot call it New Jersey. I'm not exactly sure which town... Hang on..." She turned to the woman. "Where are we?"
"Hoboken," she replied. She still seemed confused.
"Ick. Hoboken," Alyxx repeated into the phone.
"What happened?" Mark asked.
"That's a long story. Fancy picking us up so I can tell it to you in person?"
"Don't move. I'm already in the car. I'll be there as soon as I can."
No words had ever sounded so wonderful to Alyxx's ears before. "Thanks."
"Are you all okay?"
"We're alive."
Mark didn't ask anything else. Alyxx suspected he knew he didn't really want the answers to his questions. "I love you," he said instead.
"I love you, too. I'll see you soon."
"I don't want to get off the phone. What if you vanish on me again?"
"I'm not going anywhere, Mark. I promise."
"I believe you, but humor me and stay on the phone anyway?"
"It's not my phone, Mark. This woman was nice enough to let me borrow it. I think I should let her leave. She's a bit frightened of us I'm afraid."
"Right. Of course. Okay. Just don't move, alright? I'll be right there."
"I love you, Mark. I'll be here."
"I love you, too..."
Alyxx hung up and handed the phone back to the woman. "Help is coming. Thanks so much! On your way now!" She smiled brightly. The woman nodded, still clearly confused, and drove away.
Panya stumbled off of the ledge she stood on. Jonathan barely grabbed her in time to prevent her from falling. He steadied her. "Are you alright, luv?" Alyxx asked her.
"I do not feel very well," Panya replied. With that, her eyes rolled up and she collapsed.
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