Chapter One
Ryan was getting really sick of funerals. After the battle the week before, Janna had been working overtime writing rituals to honor the friends they had lost. First, they had laid Li to rest, burying her tiny body in a tiny casket with a tiny cat carved into it. That had really annoyed him. She was dead. Was the tiny kitty cat casket really supposed to make everything better? Sure, she was Bastet, but her soul had barely unlocked. The girl was barely nineteen. And now she was dead.
Alison's funeral had been next. Janna had been unable to plan the official funeral because Alison's parents were mortals with absolutely no idea that their daughter was actually the scorpion Goddess Serqet. The funeral had been elaborate and beautiful, her death officially blamed on some unknown killer. Her father, the farmer from down South, had come up to New York to crusade for the local officials to solve the case. He was crying "lawsuit" to anyone who would listen. Apparently even good old Southern boys knew how to work the system when they were pissed off. Little did he know that his precious little girl had been murdered by Chaos for no real reason other than for him to prove a point. Afterward, Janna had presided over a private ritual for the deities to mourn her in their own way. Panya had taken it the hardest.
Panya. No. He couldn't let himself think about her. That would get him into trouble. Still, he couldn't shake the image of her sobbing in Dean's arms at the ritual for Alison. She had tried to save Alison's life only to have Chaos kill her in front of her.
The hardest funeral so far had definitely been Nina and Greg's. The star-crossed lovers were incarnations of Nut and Geb, two Gods who were cursed never to be allowed near each other. The two had fought like hell to survive just so they could be together. They'd been impaled by someone they trusted on the same spear.
Seeing as how they were run-aways with no family in their lives, Zane saw fit to bury them in the only way he thought they would have wanted. They were both too skinny from living on the streets, so it was no problem to bury them side-by-side in the same coffin holding hands.
Lily's funeral had not been so beautiful. Zane had insisted they bury her in spite of the fact that she'd betrayed them all and gotten several of them killed. She had been the one to kill Greg and Nina. Still, Zane said they had to give her a proper funeral. Janna had not wanted to write the ritual for that one. She said a basic prayer for Lily's soul to evolve and that was that. She was a stripper with no family so Zane buried her in a grave marked only by a carving of a hippo, for she had been the Goddess Tawaret.
Now, they were gathered at the obelisk yet again for what they hoped would be the final funeral. Christian, who had been an incarnation of Anubis, lay on the ground before them covered in a black shroud with a golden ankh on top of it. Ryan hadn't known Christian well because no one really did. He kept to himself and was a street kid who somehow survived being raised in an orphanage. For a reason he couldn't quite identify, Ryan felt guilty for not getting to know Christian better. Maybe it was the fact that his soul was Christian's step-father.
That thought made Ryan steal a glance at Marie. She was the Goddess Nephthys, his soul's consort, who had cheated on him to become pregnant with Anubis. Marie was only eighteen and had barely begun unlocking her soul. She knew how to access her healing abilities and she knew she hated Ryan's soul, but that was about it. She glared at him when she caught him looking her way.
Ryan rolled his eyes. Why should I care how she's handling this? She hates me anyway, he thought.
"Today, I am completely devastated," Janna began. "When Christian was a newborn, his mother abandoned him in a dumpster. He was rescued by a teenager who would later turn into, well, a Goddess. I never told him that story. I wish I had, but instead I got him to a hospital, they put him in an orphanage, and I pretended nothing had happened." She had tears in her eyes. "It is with great sorrow that I bid you farewell, Christian, Anubis, our friend and our family. May Osiris take care of you in the Duat now and always."
Right, Ryan thought. As if he ever gave a damn about Anubis before. Osiris was the God Nephthys had cheated on him with. He basically treated Anubis as the hired help while he worshipped the ground his other son, Horus, walked on.
Ugh, Ryan thought. He despised Horus, but not as much as he despised his incarnation, Dean. The two of them had been friends once, but that was long ago and Dean didn't remember him. He'd taken the fall for Dean's crime and Dean repaid him by forgetting he existed.
Janna continued her ritual in an Ancient Egyptian tongue and Ryan zoned out. It wasn't because he couldn't understand her; that was why Dean zoned out. It was because he couldn't stand to focus on death anymore.
When the funeral had finished, they held a funeral pyre. Janna had insisted it was what Anubis would have wanted. Ryan wondered how Christian would have felt about that.
Watching Dean hold Panya against his chest as she wept was too much for him. Ryan nearly walked out of the ritual. Instead, he focused on Shannon, their newest addition. Shannon was the mortal form of Aset, Ra's consort who had previously been believed destroyed. Aset was dark and serious with a unique wit. Shannon looked like a white runway model born to some privileged family and although she was focused on battle and what needed to be done, she was clearly having trouble adjusting to the change.
"Ryan?" Panya called softly. He snapped back to attention. "Are you well?"
"I'm fine," Ryan replied automatically.
She gently reached out and touched his arm. He tried not to focus on how her flesh felt against his. She was small and quiet like a mouse. She had probably had the most difficulty adjusting to life in New York City because she was from Egypt, and not just Egypt but Ancient Egypt. Julian, whose soul was Thoth, had given her the power to speak and understand English but some things were still difficult for her to understand. She was extremely literal. She was also beautiful, at least to Ryan, but he couldn't tell her that. He was worried he would scare her away. Panya had been through a lot. Besides, she was Horus's consort, not his. Marie was his. And she hated him. This was a typical day in his life.
"Ryan, are you certain you are 'fine?'" Panya asked, hesitating on the word he had used. Her concern for him was genuine. He felt guilty for worrying her.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just really sick of funerals," he replied.
"You're not the only one, Man," Dean said. "I'm glad this is the last one."
"You should not say such things," Panya said. "It is bad luck, almost a curse." She looked nervous.
"This has all been too much, hasn't it?" Alyxx asked. Alyxx was another person who was from a different time. She was a flower child from 1969, which was an amusing contrast to her soul, Neith, the Goddess of war and crafts. Alyxx might have annoyed Ryan with her peace and love and outdated British slang, but she had a warped sense of humor and he liked that in a person.
"We were thinking of going to get something to eat," Mark said. Of everyone in their group, Ryan was probably the closest to Mark, whose soul was Khonsu. If nothing else, Mark never judged him and he knew that. Of course, he knew little else when it came to Mark, the infamous con man, whose name may or may not have actually been Mark.
Alyxx wrapped her arms around him. "Fancy coming along for a bite?" She asked.
"I'm in. I'm starving," Dean replied. "Where are we going?"
"Alyxx wanted to go somewhere fun and different from all of this," Mark said. "I suggested Dave and Buster's."
"Sweet! We are so there!"
Ryan was annoyed that Dean assumed Panya would go with him. He was pretty sure that he was not included in Dean's "we."
"Are you a moron?" Ryan asked. "Oh, wait... Don't answer that."
"What the hell is your problem?" Dean demanded.
"Did you consider the fact that Panya might not handle Dave and Buster's so well? With all the noise, flashing lights, and morons playing video games, she might freak out."
Dean looked more annoyed than embarrassed. "Sorry, Panya. I hadn't considered that. Do you want to go? It's really fun, and I'll be there to hold your hand the entire time if you get scared."
Ew, Ryan thought. He hadn't really needed that image.
"I will go with you," Panya replied.
"Ryan?" Alyxx asked.
"I'll pass," Ryan replied.
Panya looked disappointed. "You need to have fun as well," she pointed out. "You should come."
Crap, Ryan thought. He couldn't say no to that, not when she looked so eager to have him come along. "Fine," he reluctantly agreed.
"Jonathan, Josie, you guys should totally come with!" Alyxx said, grabbing two others. Jonathan was the last of the displaced people in their group. Before meeting all of them, he had been a Confederate soldier in the Civil War. He had nearly bled to death and had ended up in a psychiatric ward because the doctors who treated him thought his story was insane. His soul was Khnum.
"Josie can't get in," Dean pointed out. "She's underage and it's late. They have rules about that."
Josie put her hand on his shoulder condescendingly and said, "Dean, don't you know me by now? I'll sneak in as a frog."
She wasn't kidding. As Heket, the frog Goddess, Josie could transform into a frog at will, which she frequently did. She was the youngest among them at just under fifteen years old.
"I'll go wherever my lady leads," Jonathan said. Ever since he had embraced his feelings for Josie they had been annoyingly mushy. Jonathan was eighteen and too old for her to most people, but Josie's soul was his consort and he worshipped the ground she walked on.
Another happy couple, Ryan thought. Jonathan and Josie. Alyxx and Mark... Dean and Panya...
Suddenly, Ryan was even more miserable. Three couples and him? That didn't sound like much fun. The look in Panya's eyes kept him from backing out, but he knew he would probably regret it. Not only was Dave and Buster's not really his scene with the crowds and video games, but he was going to be the outcast among his so-called friends. Again.
The others said their goodbyes. The seven deities then took the subway, which Panya was still a bit frightened of, to Times Square. He watched as she shrank into Dean's protective embrace at the sight of the chaotic tourist trap.
"Are you alright?" Ryan asked Panya. She nodded but did not speak as she took everything in.
"She's fine," Dean said. "Don't be a jerk and keep making her feel like she shouldn't be."
"Whatever," Ryan mumbled. He wasn't in the mood to fight.
They arrived at the extremely overcrowded restaurant and waited to give their names for a table. When the hostess asked them what name to put it under, Mark spoke up first. "Dr. Marshall Edward Collins, the fourth," he said quickly and naturally with a slight British accent.
Alyxx stifled a giggle. "The fourth?" Ryan asked him when the hostess was through with them. "Seriously?"
"The third is too played out and juniors are insignificant," Mark replied.
"Why would you pretend to be a doctor?" Dean asked.
"To get a table quicker, obviously."
"I could have just showed them my military I.D."
"I said I wanted to get a table faster. This is New York, Dean. Soldiers don't always get respect here."
"Do you actually carry that on you at all times?" Alyxx asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Dean replied.
"It seems a bit stupid to carry around a military I.D. when you aren't actively in the military."
Score, Ryan thought. He actually smiled for the first time that night.
"I'm not on active duty, but I'm still in the Army. I could go back out there any time I want to."
"You should," Ryan said before he caught the words slipping out. "It's the perfect place for a bunch of brainless followers."
"Hey, no hating on soldiers, please," Jonathan said.
"I don't hate all soldiers," Ryan replied. "I just hate the ones without honor."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Dean demanded. He let go of Panya to get in Ryan's face. "You think you're so great? At least I have done something to make an impact on the world. What have you done? You're insignificant, Ryan."
Ryan had to fight the urge to punch Dean in the face in the middle of the crowded restaurant that had several security cameras. "At least I don't pretend to be a hero," Ryan spat back at him.
"Who's pretending? I served in Iraq, man. That's the real deal."
"Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night."
"Guys, can you please go ten seconds without fighting?" Alyxx asked. "This is supposed to be a stress reducer."
"I'll stop when he does," Dean replied.
"This was a bad idea," Ryan said. "I'm leaving."
"Quitter," Dean mumbled.
Ryan finally snapped. He punched Dean square in the mouth. Dean retaliated by shoving him against the wall so hard Ryan's head hurt.
"Stop!" Panya cried. She couldn't be heard above the noise, but Ryan knew she had spoken.
Ryan wanted to stop but Dean kept smashing him against the wall. On instinct, he escaped Dean's grasp and flipped their positions.
Mark and Jonathan jumped in to try to break them up. Dean got out from Ryan's trap and threw Jonathan across the restaurant. Ryan forced himself to stop fighting when Mark grabbed him.
Before anyone could react, a frog attacked Dean. He swatted at it but it kept attacking him. Realizing it was Josie, Ryan intervened. He scooped her up and placed her out of danger before Dean threw a cheap shot at him and he hit the floor.
Security showed up. Mark and Alyxx both began trying to explain the situation away. "They're rehearsing," Mark said. "Don't you recognize them from Broadway? I mean, really, don't you know who they are?"
Security looked confused at first. Alyxx batted her eyelashes at them. "It's true, gentlemen. I'm so sorry they worried you, but they were just messing around."
To Ryan's shock, security backed off after asking for Dean's autograph. Mark and Alyxx were a very convincing pair. Seeing as how their party now had not only a doctor but a famous Broadway star in it, they were seated almost immediately. Ryan turned to leave.
Panya grabbed his wrist. "Please," she said. "Do not leave me alone here. This place is terrifying and Dean... Dean is angry. Please, Ryan."
Ryan pulled her into his arms before he realized he was doing it. He tended to do that when Panya was frightened. "You will be fine without me," he said.
Dean was fuming as he glared at the two of them, but seeing as how Panya had initiated the contact he couldn't do much about it. Panya nodded. "I'll see you later," Ryan promised.
He walked out the door and downstairs. He was about to head to the subway when he felt something inside of him stir. Go back, his mind said. She needs you. She's in danger.
Ryan sighed but did as his instincts said. Zane was always telling them they should listen to their instincts. He went back upstairs and found Panya and Dean standing by the restrooms.
"What was that about?" Dean demanded.
Panya shrank. "I did not want him to be excluded," she answered.
"He's a creep, Panya. Didn't you see what he did to me back there?"
"He was reacting. You were pushing him," she reminded him.
Dean tensed. He grabbed Panya's arm in a way that made her let out a soft whimper. She was terrified. Ryan had seen enough.
"Back off," he told Dean.
"You again?" Dean demanded. "Just go away, Ryan. No one wants you here."
"She does," Ryan replied. "Let her go, Dean."
"Mind your own damn business."
"Protecting Ra's daughter is my business."
"You say that like I would hurt her! She's my consort, Man. I love her."
"She's shaking, Dean. Let. Her. Go." He was dangerously close to losing his grip. Set was fighting for control.
Dean released Panya's arm. "See? She's fine. You're making a big deal out of nothing."
"Don't grab her like that again," Ryan said angrily. "You scared her." He tried to get closer to Panya but Dean blocked him.
"She's fine. Now leave us alone."
Panya, as usual in situations involving angry males, remained silent. Ryan was fed up. He looked at her. "Are you okay?" He asked.
Panya nodded. She came out from behind Dean and looked into Ryan's eyes. A silent expression of gratitude was clear on her face.
"I'm hungry. Let's just go eat," Dean said to Panya. She obediently followed behind him as he headed back toward the table. Ryan stayed by her side. "What are you doing?" Dean asked.
"I'm hungry, too. Might as well eat," Ryan replied casually.
The tension between the two remained clear but neither caused a scene again. By the time they had all eaten, everyone was eager to play games. Josie, now a human again, led Jonathan toward a game that featured frogs. Alyxx practically dragged Mark toward the ski-ball. Dean caught sight of a soldier-based game and lost himself in it. Panya was silent, so he ignored her.
She was clearly overwhelmed. "Hey," Ryan said, guiding her to a quieter spot. "What's on your mind?"
"I do not like this place... It is too loud and bright... I wish to return to Zane's house, but Dean seems to enjoy it here," she replied.
"I can take you home if you want."
"I should not leave. I agreed to come."
Ryan knew she wouldn't go without the others, so he decided she needed to do something fun. He took her to the pool tables. They didn't actually exist in this particular Dave & Buster's, but as a God of chaos he could blur reality and link to the one in Long Island. It was much quieter there. "Let me show you how to play," he said. He was pretty good at pool. Panya paid careful attention to his movement. He was very conscious of her eyes on him.
"Your turn," he said after knocking three balls into holes.
"I do not know how to do this," Panya objected.
Ryan slipped behind her. She didn't tense. He was one of the only people who could do that without scaring her. "Just follow my lead," he said. He was so close to her. His body covered hers and he tried not to focus on the way she smelled like the Nile. He helped her aim the stick and hit one of the balls. It went into a hole across the table.
Panya looked pleased. "I think I understand now," she said.
"Great." He was glad to see her smile. The fear had left her eyes. It was like they were alone. She felt safe. That was all that mattered.
Suddenly, he didn't want the night to end.
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