Chapter Four
Everyone stared at the new girl in shock. Josie did the same. This might just be enough to make her speak up.
"Prove it," she said.
"Really?" Trish asked. She looked offended.
"Yes, really. Because we already had a Bastet, key word had. She died last week. We just buried her a few days ago. So who the hell are you, really?"
"I told you who I am. Cats have nine lives, you know."
"You're not Li."
"No, I'm Trish. I thought we already covered this?"
"She speaks the truth," Shannon said. "I know my daughters."
"If you know them so well, track Panya so we can find them," Mark said. He stared at his feet almost immediately. "I'm sorry, Aset. I know you're trying. I didn't mean that like it sounded."
"You're forgiven. I understand you are stressed and worried about Ne- Alyxx."
"I still think this could be a trick," Josie objected.
Trish rolled her eyes. "Fine," she said. "Have it your way." She proceeded to transform into a tiny black house cat. Then she grew into a snow leopard. Finally, she transformed into a jaguar before turning back into a girl. "Proof enough?"
She didn't even look tired. Josie was impressed. "Your soul is unlocked," she said.
"Duh, Frog Girl. It has been for, like, three years. I just didn't know the rest of you were here until you turned that place into a giant bloodbath. That sort of got everyone's attention."
"Everyone? Who else is there?" Josie was suddenly hopeful that there might be good news coming. Even if this Bastet was the Anti-Li, she was still the powerful cat Goddess they needed among their ranks. It wouldn't bring her friend back, but maybe she could make a new friend.
"Oh, there's a bunch of us. I came alone because no one else wanted to risk exposure, but I could care less. Besides, I wanted to see my parents." She gave Shannon a hug. "Where's Dad?"
"He is attending to business," Shannon replied. "He will be so glad to see you, my sweet girl. We thought you were lost to us."
"Me? Never. The snake can't keep this kitty down."
"What kitty?" Adara asked. She appeared behind Trish.
Uh-oh, Josie thought. There's about to be a literal cat fight.
"Me. I'm Bastet... Sekhmet! It's great to see you're here. We're going to have so much fun."
"Who the hell is this imposter?" Adara demanded. "How dare you claim to be Bastet? She was a million times better than you could ever hope to be!"
Trish laughed. "It's nice to know you think so highly of me." She took Adara's hand. Adara tried to create a fire ball but Trish extinguished it. "Nice effort. Next time, try to do it before I get ahold of you."
Adara blinked at her. "Crap. You are Bastet... How? You're, what, eighteen?"
"Seventeen, actually."
"That means you were incarnated at the same time as Li."
"I don't get it. How are you here?"
"Parallel lives, Sekhmet."
"Adara. I always incarnate in more than one place at a time in case of just such a situation. I'm sorry you guys lost me, but I'm back. Now, I get the impression I'm different than she was."
"Yeah, you can say that again... She was a quiet little Asian girl and you're..."
"A crazy ass white girl? It's okay, you can say it. I don't offend easily. Yeah, that's how incarnating works. We experience all sides. I'm just the flip side of Li."
"I think I might like you," Adara said. "I'm not sure yet."
"Ditto," Josie added.
"Welcome back," Mark managed. He was barely recovering from his shock.
"I'm a tad bit lost," Jo said.
"Mom, this is another incarnation of Bastet. You remember I told you that Li died?" Josie tried not to cry. "I saw it. I was there when she died, and she was the only one who realized it. Anyway, it seems Trish is also Bastet."
"Yes, Luv, I got all of that. What I don't get is why it's such a big deal. Isn't this a good thing?"
"It's awesome," Angie said. "We need Bastet. She's a vital part of this battle."
"How sweet of you," Trish said. "Have we met?"
"I'm Angie. No, you don't know me. My soul is apparently the Golden Scarab. I still only know half of what that means."
"It means you're special," Tommy said, "and we can't do this without you."
"He's right. Don't worry, you'll figure it out soon. Everyone's got their own journey," Trish replied. "Anyway, I'm here to help. I hear you lost some recently found Gods. What can I do?"
"We were starting to work on that when you knocked on the door," Josie said. She wished she had a better answer. Jonathan was missing. Gods, what if something horrible had happened to him? She'd just found him. She couldn't lose him. On top of that, Alyxx was practically her unofficial aunt and Panya was her friend. Having your father nearly rape your friend and trying to rescue her tended to bond people.
"You have a lot on your plate, don't you?" Trish asked her.
"Um... Yeah, I guess," Josie replied.
"Don't sweat it. Everything will work out."
"How are you so sure of that?"
"Because I refuse to believe otherwise. Belief is a big part of making things happen." Trish took Josie's hands in her own. Her nails were painted red and black with white skulls and crossbones on them. Li had usually kept her nails neat with subtle French manicures. She was also significantly shorter than Trish. This was going to take some getting used to.
What if this keeps happening? Josie wondered. What if everyone we lose comes back as someone else? What if Jonathan comes back as someone else? No. I can't believe that. He's fine. He's got to be.
Josie was saved from her thoughts when the door opened. Janna walked in and paused when she noticed Trish. "Bastet?" She asked.
"In the flesh, or fur if you prefer," Trish answered with a slight bow.
"Well, that's... unexpected."
"So I've been told."
The door was still open when Richie arrived. "Did I hear that right? Bastet?" He asked.
"That's super!" He hugged her as if they had been friends for years. "I'm Hapi, like the Nile God, not the emotion. Actually, if you're Bastet, I'm happy emotionally, too. Oh, but incarnated, they call me Richie."
Trish was grinning now. Richie had that effect on people. Josie was tempted to throw herself into his arms in the hope that some of his happiness would rub off on her. Richie seemed to sense that. He moved from Trish to her and picked her up.
"Don't be sad, Josie. Everything will work out," he said soothingly.
Josie tried not to flash back on what Richie had looked like only a week before. His eye socket had been shattered, he'd been badly beaten, and he was half dead. Marie had healed him somewhat and the nearest hospital had done the rest. Zane claimed Richie was mugged. It was the easiest explanation.
The people who did that to Richie might be the same people that have Jonathan, Josie thought in horror. She didn't realize she had started to cry until Richie wiped one of her tears away with his index finger.
"Shhh, Josie... It's okay," he whispered. "Wipe that image out of your mind. I'm better now. And most of those guys are dead."
Josie snuggled into his embrace as she began sobbing harder. Her mother walked over to them and started stroking her hair. Tommy joined Richie in hugging her. Soon enough, she felt slightly better.
"I'm sorry," she said softly.
"You're entitled to cry, Josie," Mark said. "You've had it rough lately."
"Let it out, honey," Richie said. "Everything will work out just fine, I promise. I won't let anything hurt you. Please don't cry too much, though. I hate it when girls cry. I'll do anything I can to make it better."
"It won't be better until they're safe," Josie replied softly.
"Then I'll find them and bring them home." He said this with so much determination that Josie nearly believed him. She knew he couldn't do it alone, but she also knew he'd try if given the chance. If Richie was anything it was loyal. He may think he was the family disappointment, but Josie knew they should be honored to have a son like him.
Julian walked back into the living room. He started pacing back and forth. He did that a lot when he was deep in thought. He nearly tripped over the coffee table as he pondered whatever he was stuck on in that moment.
Tommy steadied him automatically. The two worked at the same law firm and it appeared to be a reflex at this point. "Careful, Julian," he said.
"Ah, yes, thank you..." Julian mumbled. He paced some more.
Josie had decided she was ready to stand by herself again by the time Zane walked in. She immediately ran to him like a small child and began sobbing all over again.
Zane wrapped her in his arms and she finally felt safe. He was Ra. He could do something about this mess. He was the head of their pantheon and if anyone could find their missing friends, it was him. "Fix this," she begged him. "Please... We have to get them back..."
He held her tighter. "I will do my very best," he promised.
Josie lost control of herself. Suddenly, there were about a dozen frogs at her feet. Her mother picked one up. "He looks just like Herman," she commented. She was quite used to Josie manifesting frogs randomly, especially when she was upset.
"He descends from the same line," Josie informed her between sobs. "Why can't I stop crying? I'm not this girl. I don't cry this much."
"It's not every day your world flips upside down," Zane replied gently. "Why don't you go upstairs and rest for a bit? I promise we'll wake you up the second we know anything."
"Or for pizza," Richie added. "I'm totally buying us all lunch."
Josie managed a small smile. "Extra cheese, please," she requested.
"You got it!" Richie gave her a thumbs up.
Josie somehow put one foot in front of the other until she was upstairs and in a bedroom. Jonathan's bedroom. She curled up in his bed and inhaled his scent from his pillows. She wrapped herself in his blanket and it was almost like he was there with her. Exhausted, she passed out.
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