"Izuku!?" Was the only thing he heard in his catatonic state. The darkness surrounded him as he peered through the folds of his mind, revealing nothing but the void of his own head. "Where am I?" Izuku said groggily as he floated within the void, he looked around frantically to find nothing but darkness. "Wait" he said as he squinted his eyes in concentration, "did I just die?" All he remembered was clinging onto the Noumu for dear life as he plugged the aux cord into kyouka's boots, then turned the beast's brain into mush after shredding using a boosted subwoofer. "Pretty damn heroic way to go, if I do say so myself" he said in slight pride as he stared into the nothingness that surrounded him. "Izuku!" He heard once more as he tried to ignore the cacophony of his name being repeated and repeated with no known source. "I just wish I could've done more" he said in a sigh as he closed his eyes to ponder, he was starting to feel more and more lonely as the time within the darkness went on. "I kinda wanted to see where the club had in store for the future" the green-haired boy said with a weak and half-felt chuckle. "Ehh...Shoulda, coulda, woulda, I guess" he shrugged before he could hear the calls once more. "MIDORIYA!!" He clearly heard the desperation in the voice's tone this time, but what intrigued him the most was the voice had changed from feminine to masculine. "Is that you? God?" he asked as blinding light peered from what seemed to be the top. He covered his eyes as the light grew brighter, and brighter, and brighter.
"GAHHH!!!" Izuku said as he shot up the nursing bed. "I'm alive!?" He felt his head, hair, arms and legs to confirm that he was indeed in the land of the living. "Thank goodness, midoriya my boy. You gave us quite the scare" he looked towards a tall blonde skeleton accompanied by recovery girl. "How long was I out!?" He asked before the two looked at each other before answering. "Well, we estimated that you would be gone for at least 2 weeks" they said as the boy looked down in a solemn attempt to hide his tears. "But!" Izuku looked up to Allmight saying cheerfully, "luckily for us, we were wrong. You've only been in a coma for 2 days!" He said that gave Izuku a big smile. "Could you give us a minute?" Allmight directed his attention to the old woman who exited the room. "So...." Izuku said as the awkward silence had settled in after the recovery girl had left. "You've really helped me out, I've never thought that you would've done something like that" Allmight said in shame as he rubbed the back of his head. He never knew that Izuku was this heroic and selfless, he wronged him that day. The day they first met, the day he shot down the poor boy's dreams. But he saw him in action, how he threw caution to the wind to protect others. Like a true hero would. "I-I kinda just ran and did what I felt like" Izuku said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Im sorry for shooting your dreams down" Allmight said as he met eyes with the boy. "I have misjudged you, I thought that you might be another fanboy that wanted to copy me. But I'm so glad that I was wrong, you have the heart of a true hero. My boy, with a strong quirk you'd be a magnificent hero" the blonde skeleton said as the boy blushed at he compliment. "Which brings me to this" he said as the boy looked at him with curiosity. "I have made my decision, I have chosen you! Izuku Midoriya, to be my succesor! And to be the 9th user for one for all!" Allmight said as the tears Izuku held back started to flood out, he couldn't contain it. It took a lot to process what Allmight had just said, become his successor? That was absurd, and why did he have to just tell him now? 9th user for one for all? All of this information was extremely hard to process, he stopped sobbing as Allmight rubbed the boy's back in comfort. "I know it might be a lot to take in, but I assure you. You have all the qualities to be my successor" he said as the boy rubbed his eyes to wipe away the tears. "I-I'm sorry" Izuku said with remorse and a low tone. "What? My boy." Allmight said as he patted Izuku's back to try and comfort the sobbing boy. All his previous dreams were coming true, meeting Allmight, becoming a hero, and becoming the next top pro hero. But why did it feel so wrong? Was it considered cheating that the position of top hero was practically given to him on a silver platter? Or was it something else? "Are you okay, my boy?" The blonde skeleton asked as the boy coughed after choking on his own words. "I'm s-s-sorry, but I can't be your successor!" Izuku said as he steeled his convictions. "I-I-Its not like I don't want to become the next Allmight or anything it's just-" he mumbled on before the blonde skeleton sitting next to him gave a sigh. "I understand my boy" he said in a friendly tone. "It's a big decision, and I just gave it to you in a blink of an eye. Most people would take up that offer in a heartbeat, but I can see you have changed." He said as the boy looked at him curiously. "You may not have noticed it yourself, but something deep down in you has changed. You weren't the fragile little boy I saw during the slime incident" Allmight said as the boy gave a weak smile. "Something happen between the months since the slime incident?" Allmight said as the boy looked down to find his words. "Well..." he said as he rubbed the back of his neck, " I went into depression, until I found something that made me happy" Allmight nodded as he listened to the boy's story. "I met a few people that I could call my friends along the way, I founded the music club and made even more friends. But I couldn't have done it without kyou-senpai" Izuku said with a warm smile as he remembered the day they met, the times they spent goofing around in akihabara, and the first day of school. "Sounds like a keeper" Allmight said with a smirk that landed Izuku in a deep blush. "Please don't make this weird for me" he said as the latter gave a light chuckle. "Why? She seems as equally interested in you" Allmight said to the blushing boy. "I don't know! I kinda just want to stay like this, stay friends. No one actually wants to date someone like me" he said as he looked down in a sad tone. Allmight clapped both of his hands on the boy's shoulders as he said, "life is short, enjoy your youth. You won't know if you don't give it a shot" Izuku glanced a bit from side to side, avoiding eye contact as he blushed furiously. "She was the girl with purple hair and aux cord earlobes, right?" The blonde hero said as Izuku weakly nodded his head in confirmation. "We had to call her parents before she let go of you, she only left a while ago. The girl spent two whole nights sitting besides you and asking when you'll wake up" he said as the boy looked wide eyed as he heard these strange words. Sure he knows that jirou could be stubborn sometimes, but staying two days in a hospital with little to no rest was just dumb. He sighed before he could muster up a response, he didn't know how much he actually meant to her. Was it actually worth giving a shot? What if it all came crashing down? But what did he even have to lose? His dignity, most likely. "I-I-I don't kn-know what to say" he spoke before Allmight nodded. "It's getting late, you need rest. After all those injuries, you might want to try and sleep. But think about my offer if you have the time, I'm a patient man." He said before the blonde skeleton stormed off. "Become...a hero?" Izuku said as he gripped his hand to show off the whites of his knuckles as Allmight was out of earshot. "Can I become a hero?" He asked himself as he laid on the hospital bed, he was practically going to be given a quirk. Oh how his childhood self would freak out if given the chance. But he had his second thoughts, he put so much effort in his "music career" it would be a shame to just throw away all of his efforts. Especially since someone near and dear to his heart was cheering him on, he knew that the last thing that she wanted was to see him getting hurt. "Ugghh" he groaned before he tried getting some shuteye.
*KNOCK KNOCK* The loud banging on the door shot him out of his sleep, he groaned and wiped the crust out of his eyes before groggily walking up and opening the door. "IZUKU!!" The moment he opened the door he was tackled by a mean hug that manage to trip him over. He looked towards his attacker, it was the girl who's boots he trashed. "K-Kyou-senpi?" He asked as he looked down to the girl gripping him tightly. "Y-You dumbass. Y-Y-You made me worry sick" she said as tears stained the corner of her eyes, her grip tightened as the boy stroked her hair in the hopes of comforting her. "I-I-I told you not t-t-to do anything stupid!" She managed to say inbetween sobs, the boys sighed as the hug continued for a few minutes. The words Allmight said to him last night echoed in his head, the thought of him actually going out with someone was absurd. 'Is it really worth a shot, though?' Izuku thought to himself while she gripped onto him. "Did you really miss me THAT much?" He said as the latter pulled herself from the tight lock. "N-No! It's j-just that you made me worry. A-A-And I don't know what I'd do, I-i-if y-you died" Jirou said as she avoided eye contact with a mad blush spread across her face. He gave a light giggle before she could soon follow, they talked for a bit. Discussing on what the hell he was thinking on just running in quirkless and all. "So you don't know how to play a guitar!?" She asked wide eyed as Izuku gave a weak and slightly embarrassed nod. "You could've asked, you know? I could've given you some pointers" she said with a sigh as they moved to sit by the bedside. "Hehehe" he gave a weak chuckle before stating, "I didn't actually think it would work. It was a long shot, but I'm glad it worked out" Izuku said before his stomach growled. "You haven't had breakfast?" She asked as the boy nodded in embarrassment. "I'll go out and get something to eat, you feeling like having anything?" She asked before the boy put his finger up to his chin. He pondered a bit before he answered, "I guess I could go for some pie" she nodded before she exited the room, and left the boy with his thoughts. Another groan of his stomach ringed through the almost empty room, he laid there on his bed as he looked to the ceiling. His phone rang, putting him out of his thoughts as he slowly walked up to pick up.
"Izuku Midoriya here, what's up?" He said groggily from starvation. "It's jirou, the pastry shop only has butterscotch and cinnamon pie. You okay with that?" He thought for a bit before he confirmed. "Butterscotch is fine" he said before Jirou dropped the call. He gave a loud sigh as he jumped back on the plain hospital bed, until his phone rang again. "Yeah?" He said once he picked up, "in only asking, but you don't dislike cinnamon or anything?" She spoke which gave Izuku a weirded look and took a few seconds to process what she just said. "I'm okay with whatever" he finally spoke before she dropped the call once more. "What's she doing there?" He asked himself while he prepared for the next call, but it never came. It took a few minutes before he finally laid down on his bed. But the rest was short lived, a sharp knock on the door. He groaned before he got up and opened the door, sure enough it was jirou carrying a small plastic bag. "Hey, the flavors were actually one mixed. So it's actually butterscotch and cinnamon" he nodded before he took a bite of the soft and flavorful pastry. "I feel like I should save this for something" he said which gave the girl a light giggle, "where did you get that idea?" She asked after her short laughter. Izuku shrugged before he took another bite "dunno" he said as he took yet another bite. "From a video game I think" he said before the girl sat besides him and took a bite out of a slice of pie for herself. "I still can't believe you did all that stuff. Even if everyone told you that you couldn't be a hero without a quirk" she said bluntly while she chewed on the soft pastry. "Ehh.. my body kinda moved on its own" he said as he looked down to the half-eaten slice. "I still wonder sometimes if being a hero is worth it" Izuku said solemnly.
She looked at him with concerned eyes as she laid her hand on his. "Sometimes I regret everything I've done, the things I didn't do, and the things I didn't say" His emerald eyes met with her own raven black eyes, the two looked eye to eye for a bit until Jirou decided to break the awkward silence. "Yeah, I kinda wished that could've said a few things myself" she said as she lowered her head in slight shame. She wanted to tell him, how much he meant to her. How much his music and his voice had helped her through tough times. She wanted to scream how much she wanted to rush over and protect him, that time with the Noumu. He wasn't just a soothing voice, oh how glad she was that he met him. Her life turned to the better she found herself someone she could share personal matters with, someone who wouldn't go judgmental when she told him about her own problems and peeves. She just needed that little push so she could finally tell Izuku how much she loved him. "You know, it isn't too late" Izuku said with a warm smile that confused the girl. "A wise man said: life is short, you should go and enjoy your youth. Give it a shot" she looked bewildered before he sighed, with a smirk he stared once more. "I just hope I'm not too late" she noted how his stutter left, confidence just surged through his persona. She was breath taken and speechless at the sight. "H-How would you enjoy your youth?" Jirou finally asked as she straightened her bearings. "I'm not sure" Izuku said as he took his hand from her and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sing some songs, spend life with someone. Go around the world? I don't know, I'm too young to think about stuff like this" he said with a chuckle as she saw how he was blushing. "Must be nice" she admitted, "but, this someone" she accidentally said as her curiosity got the better of her. "Y-You like someone?" She hated to ask, oh how wonderful would it be if she was the person he liked. It was a shot in the dark, but she held onto her hopes. She tightened her grip on her shirt as the boy was about to speak. "Too bad, I kinda owe her something" he hummed which gave her an even wilder curiosity. "Owe her what?" She asked as the boy smirked. "I kinda trashed her boots a few days ago" he admitted before she got confused. 'Wait!' She mentally screamed as she went wide eyed at the statement. 'OH MY GOD!!' She screamed again while the blank smile on her face scared Izuku a bit. 'H-He likes me too!!!?' It was almost too good to be true, the person she kept by, the nerd she walked besides everyday liked her back. "I just hope she'll let me pay her back with a date" he said as he peeked at the blushing girl. Sure he wore a blush as well, but it wasn't as bad as hers. "T-T-Tomorrow is fine!" She managed to blurt out, Aizawa actually gave them the week off in preparation for the Tournament, where all the first years are to fight for the attention of the pro heroes. "Hmm..." Izuku pondered, "I didn't say it was you" he stuck his tongue out in a teasing manner. "Goddamnit!" She lightly punched his shoulder as he rubbed it slightly. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. How about 8 pm tomorrow?" He asked before the girl gave a sigh, she was blushing like crazy behind her hands that covered half of her face. "Y-Yeah. I'll go" she said as the boy whispered to himself "Yay!" The two talked it out for a bit, but then the question came up. "Soo.... jirou said while she looked down as she thumbled with her fingers, "are we official?" She asked in slight embarrassment as she looked to meet eyes with Izuku. "Ehh...that's up to you" he scratched the side of his cheek as he avoided eye contact. "Then it's settled!" She smiled warmly while she held his two hands, the two looked at each other for a bit not wanting to break the grip they had with each other. "Maybe you won't cry as much this time" she said jokingly, she gave a light giggle while Izuku puffed out his cheeks a bit. "Don't make me go broke this time" he turned his head while the latter gave a louder giggle.
Anime_MultiPlay_ pointless fluff
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