Do I Know You?
Chapter 4
The morning finally came after a long night of restless anxiety. 'Do I still really have to go?' Izuku thought to himself while ignoring the banging rings of the alarm clock. He finally got up and wiped all the crust in his eyes before checking his phone. 'what's this?' The green haired boy mentally asked himself as he looked towards the one notification in his messages
Shin-kun: Hey Midoriya do you wanna hang out today. I don't really have anything to do, and I'm bored as all hell cooped up in my home.
Izuku smiled at the message Shinsou sent him, despite it being 3 hours ago. He looked towards the empty reply box before he remembered, 'Should I invite Shinsou to the meetup?' He pondered on whether to bring the quirked loner, he knew if he invited him it would just be a dead giveaway to who he actually was. Especially when Creators had to wear a special all-access ID. 'Well since we're gonna be classmates soon, I guess He'll know sooner or later' Izuku mentally noted before typing up a reply. 'Wait' He mentally asked himself 'Will Shinsou gossip about my online personality to my other classmates?' Izuku doubted whether or not Shinsou was a tattle-mouth. 'I guess we'll just see when we're in the classroom' He thought to himself as he pressed enter.
Friend: Sure! Let's meetup at 8 sharp by the train station :D
Shinsou looked at the reply his friend just sent him "The hell are we going?" He whispered to himself as he was eating breakfast. 'Hopefully nowhere sucky' Shinsou said as he stared at the blank reply box, blinking and begging for a response. 'Wait a minute' Shinsou squinted as he had a theory that might be crazy considering how absurd it was. The blue haired boy remembered when he first encountered Izuku, and how much it made him squirm when he asked if his voice sounded so familiar. 'I swear I've heard it somewhere before' Shinous said as he scrolled down on his phone, searching through thousands of videos scattered all across the internet. 'This'll take me years' Shinsou said as he gave a loud sigh and closed all the tabs on his mobile browser. He was just too lazy to search anymore and decided to cave in, and not search where he heard Izukus voice before.
Shin-kun: See you there, then.
Izuku readied himself as he read the reply. He took a long shower trying as much as possible to get all of the nooks and crannies clean, 'I don't want to smell all of a sudden' He mentally said as he scrubbed himself clean. Izuku ate his breakfast with quickness and hastiness in mind, not even trying to enjoy the flavor of bacon, eggs, and coffee. He finally went upstairs and grabbed his gray shirt, Brown hoodie, and scarf. Izuku checked his phone one last time seeing if anyone had messaged him before leaving his house. 'Why did I even say I was gonna wear a scarf? It's like 100 degrees out here' Izuku said to himself while he was walking towards the train station. *Midoriya!* Izuku looked at the person calling him at the entrance of the train station. "Hi Shinsou-kun!" He replied while waving towards the blue haired boy as he walked towards him. "So what's with the get-up?" Shinsou asked Izuku with a snarky tone in his voice. "D-Don't even ask" Izuku said with a tired look in his eyes. Shinsou cleared his throat successfully removing the tired look in Izuku's gaze "So where are we going?" Shinsou asked Izuku as he scratched his head to avoid the oh-so easily flustered Izuku. "We- We're Going to th-the Cover Creator Meetup in akihabara!" Izuku said as his blush started to take over his body. Shinsou raised his eyebrow at Izukus statement 'So that's where I heard It before' all the puzzle pieces were starting to come into place as Shinsou knew now exactly why the green-haired boy sounded so familiar, and why he gets defensive when his voice is brought up. 'So that's why' Shinsou smirked a little as he followed Izuku into the train.
Kyouka hastily ate her breakfast, showered, and changed into her all-black attire. 'I'm finally going to meet him!' She mentally screamed as she quickly messaged said Idol. She didn't even wait for a reply, after taking some cash and her guitar, she quickly took off to akihabara. "I'm sooo excited!!" Kyouka said to herself as she skipped towards the train station.
"So this Is Akihabara?" Izuku looked wide-eyed and mesmerized at all the people gathered and socializing with one another along side small kiosks and stores. "C'mon Midoriya we should get going" Shinsou tugged at the jaw-dropped boy as they began to walk towards the gate of the convention hall. "Midoriya... Don't we need a ticket to enter here?" Shinsou asked the boy as he looked towards the line of people entering the gate with either a ticket or scanning their phone at the toll gate. "Er.. I th-think we'll be f-fine." Izuku said with a blush as he scratched the back of his head with slight embarrassment. Shinsou raised his eyebrow, but decided to just shrug it off...for now. As they went up to the gate Izuku was acting strange all of a sudden, Whatever was left of his confidence seemed to have left his body as they were inching to the front of the line. "Midoriya. Is there something wrong?" Shinsou knew exactly why Izuku was so jumpy all of a sudden, but he didn't want to look inconsiderate to his friend. The green haired boy gave a small shake of the head as they went to the front of the line. The bouncer took Izukus phone and scanned it towards the small table before returning it to Izuku. "Thank you for attending Deck-kun. And I suppose this young man is accompanying you?" The bouncer said as he gave Izuku a Bright Pink ID and gave Shinsou a grayish blue ID. Izuku was blushing the whole time as some of the people behind him started to whisper stuff about deck-kun, 'Man this guy is shy' Shinsou thought to himself as they started to walk away from the line and into the convention hall. As the two walked through the hall filled with booths, food, merchandise, and people sometimes strangers would walk up to them and take a picture with Izuku and sometimes ask for a Signature. "It's tiring being famous eh?" Shinsou said between the times they would have a photo shooting with a random stranger and walking around. "Y-Yeah" Izuku said under his breath with a mad blush. It was a dead giveaway that Izuku was a Creator, what with the bright pink ID distinguishing him from all the other grayish-blue IDs. But through all the photographs and pictures Izuku couldn't help but wonder, Why isn't Shinsou surprised by all this? The green haired boy looked towards the smug faced Shinsou as they walked around the convention hall. 'Right' Izuku thought to himself. 'He probably knew all along'.
"Man this place is BIG" Kyouka said to herself as she entered the convention hall. "Okay so Creators have Pink IDs while normal guys have Blue IDs" Kyouka noted to herself as she wondered around the building. She had bought a few posters and pins before she checked her phone to see no reply. 'D-Did he forget or something?' The purple haired girl nervously thought to herself as she typed up a message hopefully reminding him.
JazzNyan: Heyya!! I'm here already :D
Izuku felt his phone vibrate as he looked towards his pocket. 'CRAP' he thought to himself as he read the reply. "This guy really wants to be alone with me, but I can't just leave Shinsou all alone in Akihabara. What if he gets lost?" Izuku thought to himself as he glanced at Shinsou. 'Maybe he won't mind' The green-haired Singer typed up a reply before sending it.
Deck-Kun: Yeah, I'm here too. Would you mind if I brought a friend though?
Kyouka read the really with stars in her eyes, 'I'm almost there!' She mentally screamed as she started typing. 'Wait'... She took a moment to process what he had just said. 'I guess they wouldn't really be a bother if they don't mess with us' She pondered as she hit reply.
JazzNyan: I don't mind...As long as they can pay for their own meal ;P
"Is this guy gay for me?" Izuku whispered to himself as he stared at the reply his #1 fan sent him. He still doesn't know whether to be flattered or creeped out. "So you got a girlfriend Midoriya?" Shinsou said with a smug grin while he looked down on the messages the blushing boy was sending and receiving. "N-No I d-don't! I-I'm j-just meeting up w-with a fan" Izuku said with a fretting face. "Whatever" Shinsou rolled his eyes as Izuku started to puff out his cheeks.
Kyouka looked around the convention hall to see no snack bar. 'H-How the hell are we gonna meet up?' She said to herself nervously as she looked around to see if there was a thing remotely close to a snack bar. "A CAFE!" She looked towards the sign atop the glass door before entering. "Hoshi-tea leaves" Kyouka mentally noted before sending him a message.
JazzNyan: I'm at the Hoshi-tea leaves cafe by the Animate manga store. Let's meet up there! :DD
Izuku stared at the reply he got. 'N-Now!?' He mentally screamed as he tugged at Shinsou she shoulder a few times. "What is it Midoriya?" Shinsou asked Izuku with a concerned look in his eyes. "W-We're gonna be meeting him now" Izuku said with a drained voice. "Wh-Where? Did he give you any directions?" Shinsou turned to face the slouching boy. "H-He said by the a-animate m-manga store" Shinsou gave a small sigh as they started to hunt down every manga store in Akihabara. They finally entered Hoshi-tea leaves after searching for 30 minutes, Izuku stopped at the entrance having doubts on whether to enter or not. Shinsou gave a small sigh before pushing Izuku inside the cafe. "Don't make your fans wait like that" Shinsou smugly said as he pushed the green haired boy towards the cafe.
Kyouka kept staring at the door to see if Deck-kun had entered. But all she saw were blue ID's. She gave a loud sigh before she saw a blue haired boy that looked like he needed a couple weeks of sleep and a messy green haired boy with freckles that looked like he was on the verge of crying. Kyouka noticed that the green-haired lad had a bright pink ID compared to the usual blue. 'There's no way that could be him' She shook her head at the thought of Deck-kun being thins wimpy and fragile.
"So what do they look like?" Shinsou asked Izuku as the looked around the cafe for his fan meetup. "Hang on a second" Izuku grabbed his phone and scroll back his messages from JazzNyan to check what kind of clothing he was wearing. "Okay, He says th-that he's wearing all black a-and a guitar. As he looked around the cafe Izuku spotted what seemed to be the exact type of clothing described. "H-He's a girl!?" Izuku covered his mouth to avoid screaming. Shinsou spotted her too and began to push Izuku towards said girl. "W-wait Sh-Shinsou Noo!!"
Kyouka began to be Impatient, she took more and more glances towards her phone. "Where Is he ?" She quickly tapped up another message before sending it over to Deck-Kun. At that moment when she sent the message she could hear the feint sound of a phone Vibrating, She looked up excitedly to see the green-haired boy and blue-haired boy infront of her. "Who the hell are you guys?" She said with her usual uninterested tone. "Midoriya, So this was your date?" The blue haired boy smugly said as he looked towards the Green-haired boy. "N-No th-that's n-not what I meant" The fragile looking boy said as he put his hands out in defense. Kyouka cut them off before they could say anything else "Okay look here. I'm Kinda busy waiting for someone, so if you could politely fuck off?" She said with a shooing motion. A small "oh" could be heard from the overheard name "Midoriya" as he showed her his phone. Revealing her and Deck-Kun's Conversation. "W-What!?" Kyouka jumped in her seat as she looked towards the new message being revived, The EXACT same one she just sent. Looking now at the green-haired boy she noted that he wore EXACTLY what Deck-kun said he would wear. "A brown hoodie and a scarf" Kyouka whispered to herself as she stared at the boy. "Alright, well. I'll leave you two to your own." Shinsou said with a smug grin as he left midoriya. "W-Wait Sh-Shinsou-kun Don't leave me!" Izuku tried to chase but his conscience was telling him to stay with his #1 fan.
Kyouka deadpanned at the green-haired boy sitting infront of her. "I-Is this what he really looks like!?' She asked herself as she looked towards "Deck-Kun" 'He looks way too plain and shy' Kyouka stated to herself while the boy was thun king with his fingers and avoiding her gaze. "Sooo..." She thought to herself that if she didn't break the silence then nobody would. "You're Deck-Kun. Right?" The green haired boy gave a small nod. "I'll be honest" Kyouka said bluntly "I thought you'd be more handsome" "And I thought you'd be a boy" Izuku quickly retaliated to her before he knew what he accidentally blurted out. "I-I-I mean i-it's not that I h-have a p-problem w-with you being a g-g-girl or anything it's just..." After what he said he just started to become silent again. 'Just how Timid IS this guy?' She looked towards the flustered and shy "Deck-Kun" infront of her. 'I wanted to enjoy a day with Deck-Kun then I'm gonna enjoy a day with Deck-Kun, whether he likes it or not.' She thought to herself as she tugged the poor boy out of the cafe.
They spent the day by Stopping by shops and kiosks, Izuku got only a few stuff while kyouka had a bag full of pins and posters. Izuku payed for a few of them though. "A-Am I on a d-d-date!?" Izuku screamed to himself while he was steaming red as Kyouka pulled onto his sleeve the whole time, making slight skin contact. The day finally ended with the two exhausted and sitting on the bench from running around akihabara buying and looking around. "S-So when are we gonna record?" Kyouka said in between her botched breaths. "Oh...R-Right...We still have t-to catch a t-train to my home." Izuku still looked red as ever, but being with a girl or just exhausted was still up for debate. The two walked towards the train station, as they sat down Kyouka was starting to be more and more convinced that he was really Deck-Kun. A few people came up to them and got his signature, while some asked him if he was on a date. As usual he was flustered like all hell. While the train was running down the tracks Kyouka noticed that she didn't even now the damn kid's name. "Hey" She said as she tapped on his shoulder to grab his attention. "I'm Kyouka Jirou by the way" She said while she looked towards her reflection in the window. "Ohh!! Uhh.. I'm I-Izuku Midoriya. Nice to m-meet you." Izuku put out his hand showing her he wanted to shake hands, which she gladly shook. They finally arrived at his house before he stopped at the front door "My m-mom's a l-little b-bit overwhelming s-so don't get s-startled." They entered his house to see his mother teary eyed and smiling wildly. "IZUKU!!! You finally have a girlfriend...I'm so proud. She hugged Izuku tightly as tears began dripping from her eyes. Of course Izuku became extremely flustered as he processed that he had just invited a girl into his room. "I-It's n-not l-like th-that we're j-just gonna r-record a s-song together!" The timid boy managed to spurt out to his mother as she began to loosen her grip and wipe away her tears. "O-Okay Izuku, j-just have f-fun" and with that the two went upstairs.
Looking at the room filled with Posters upon posters of bands and singers she noticed that the windows and door was covered in sound proof foam. On top of that she saw in a corner a chair with an expensive mic right next to it, a mic that seems to be positioned to at the right height of the boy. "S-So l-let's get st-started" Izuku said while dropping his things and scarf while turning the mic on. Kyou grabbed her guitar before asking. "So... what song are we gonna do today?" She was still skeptical whether or not the boy was really Deck-Kun, that's why she insisted on recording a song with him to prove he's real. Izuku tossed her some sheet music, as she scanned and quickly memorized the notes she started to practice a bit. It was a repeating riff so it wouldn't reall be that hard. "S-So t-today we're g-gonna do a j-jazz cover of r-rolling girl.... b-by hatsune miku." Izuku said as he looked towards Kyouka. She just gave him a nod before she started to play her riff.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"A rolling girl, is always in a dream. That never will be coming true"
She looked wide eyed as the timid boy pushed aside all his insecurities like a switch and became this sort-of dreamy boy singing in front of her.
"no problems, the word comes out so light
but in return it's gone to the air"
She stared at the boy singing his heart out infront of her, her heart was starting to pound, her cheeks were starting to burn, and her eyes started to glisten. "What am I feeling?" She mentally asked herself as he pours his emoitions into his songs.
"she said that I don't give a damn
so lets cause some mistakes with me
she tempts me on this hill road"
Kyouka sang at a few point during the song, but her eyes and focus was all poured on Izuku. "So he really IS the real deal" She mentally took note with a slight pink shade on her cheeks.
After their recording, Kyouka got his signature and a picture of the two of them before leaving. She took note that right after his singing all his confidence and suave goes down the drain too. 'Damn this kid is cute' She says to herself mentally while she looks at the photo of them while she boards the train.
Izuku was emotionally and physically tired. After all he just spent the whole day with a girl, and it ended with her being in his room. Red couldn't even begin to describe how his cheeks were burning up. After all of his embarrassment he opened up his Pc to show hundreds of notifications.
*You're really Cute IRL*
*Didn't expect you to be this smol*
*kawaii as fuck, boii*
He blushed at the numerous comments and photos of him with his fans from the meetup. His Identity wasn't a secret anymore. Izuku gave a loud exhausted sigh before lunging into his bed. Before he could get any shuteye his phone rang again.
JazzNyan: Maybe we could do this another time, Izuku-kun
The poor boy blushed a deep red before putting his phone down and trying to get some sleep.
Okay so, super long chapter I know. But bare with me here. Thanks for all the support I've been getting recently, I know this is kinda a trashy fanfic but, seeing all your votes, comments, and reads just really motivates me into updating each and every chapter.
Anime_MultiPlay_ thanks for sticking around with me, and for helping me with almost all of my trashy fanfics
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