~Chapter 1~
~Harvey's POV~
I groan in pain as I slowly awake. Yesterday's beating wasn't as bad as it normally was, probably because every single one of our neighbors were home.
I look around to notice im naked and in my father's room. I groan again and get up and slowly limp my way to my "room" ,which is really a small room under the stairs (if you undertdnand that, cake for you). I have little to no clothes. All I have in here is a small box of clothes, a blanket, and very small pillow. That's it.
Anyway, I change into a black long sleeved shirt with a skull, some boxers, and some well fitted skinny jeans. I grab my backpack, my blade, my old phone, and some of my saved up money, and head out to school.
~Time skip to school~
I enter the school and make my way to the nurse, she's the only one that cares. As I'm heading there, I'm getting glares and some shoves. I near the office before I'm shoved towards the ground. I don't even bother bracing myself so I land face first on the ground. I groan as I hear laughter. "Nice job honey!~"i hear a high pitched voice. I roll to my side to see Briana(Very sorry if any of the names that I'm about to list offend you, there just people that were bitches in my past, if you take offend by this, I am deeply sorry. *prepares for hate*), the slut of the school, and her boy toy if the week, Manny. Manny is laughing as he holds Briana's waist. She leaning on him with a lustful look. That will only last still the end of the week, which is tomorrow. I roll my eyes and fix my hair. Making sure it's still covering my right eye. As they walk away, I get up and walk into the nurse.
"Hi Ms. Glenn..." I say just above a whisper. Her head snaps up as she looks me over.
"Again?" She replies sweetly. I nob and walk over and sit on the counter. She sighs and gets the first aid kit and closes the door. I take my shirt off to reveal Yellow and black bruises, some still forming. "You can't keep letting him do this to you..." she mumbles as she puts some medicine and gauze around my torso.
"Hey, it's not as bad as it usually is...."I say and lightly chuckle at the end, trying to lighten the mood. She sighs again and hands me my shirt. I put it on slowly, being careful of the gauze. I hop off the counter and start to head out in it the hall. I wave at Ms. Glenn and start to head to homeroom. The halls are mostly empty, except for the few people who got here late.
I get to my homeroom, which is math, and sit in the back, like always. Everyone else starts to file into the room. This day is going to go by slow...
~Time skip til end of school day, he's at home~
I get home to see no one home. Father is probably at the bar, getting his ass drunk. I starts to clean some bottles, leaving the half emptied, or half full, bottles, knowing my beating would be harder than nornal if I thrown away those bottles. Once that is done, I start on dinner, steak with mashed potatoes and corn.
As I set the plate with the food, I get startled by a bang in the living room, father's home. I quickly leave his food by the counter with a new cold beer and stand in one of the corners. He walks in a wobbly. "W-whereeeees my foooooooooooood?" He ask, hks words slurred.
"On the counter sir, with a new beer." I mumble. He wobbles over to the counter and starts to eat.
"Youur dissmissedd" he slurres as I quickly made my way to my "room". I finish my homework for the day and I wait for father to call me down for my beating. "HEY BITCH! GETT DOWN HERRREEE" father slurred. I slowly get out of the "room" and made my way to the living room only to get shoved to the ground. Then I'm grabs by the shirt and punched in the gut multiple times. Then I'm thrown against the wall, whacking my head hard on it. He's laughing the entire time.
I feel liquid running down my head, blood. He laughs harder. "YOUR SO USELESS! I DON'T EVEN KNOW I EVEN BOTHER WITH YOU!" Bottles thrown. Glass shatters. Blood. Everyday's routine. "I DON'T EVEN KNOW I EVEN KEEP YOU!!" he screams, throwing yet another bottle at me, hitting me square I'm head. Moore blood poured out of my head. Multiple kicks to the chest and face, even some punches. My vison started to grow black, but the last thing I see is someone knocking down the door, and a crap ton to people pile in.
~Neighbors POV~
"YOUR SO USELESS! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I EVEN BOTHER WITH YOU!" I hear from next door. Why is Art(Harvey's father) constantly screaming? I then hear glass shatter. I know he has a son, why he would beat him. Hes very caring and sweer. I don't understand. I'm worried. I usually see Harvey leave with a limp but I don't think Art would hurt him. Another clash.
I rush over to my phone and I dial 911.
~991 call~ N= neighbor(one who's calling) p= police.
P= police, what's you emergency?
N=um, yes, I'm hearing yelling and glass shattering in my neighbors house and it worries me.
P= okay, what are your neighbors name?
N= It's Art Johnson and Harvey Johnson. Art is Harvey's Fath--* Art yells "I DON'T KNOW WHY I EVEN KEEP YOU! *
P=I'm sending police to the call as we speack. Please stand outsidr to meet police.
The police hangs up as I quickly slip on some shows as I head outside to wait.
About 5 minutes later, I hear police sirens. They pull up closer while I wrap my robe tighter around me as I wave them over. They all pull up to my house. They all pile out as one comes over to me. "Ma'am are you the one that called?"
"Yes that was me. The screams and shatters are coming from over in the house." I say as I point to the Johnson house. They nob as they all jog over and the pound on the door. No answer. Soon they knock door the down and all pile on. I run over to see Harvey, passed out with blood pouring out of multiple wounds on his head, some even on his arm.
I rush over to grab him and run out. Parametric come over and take him from me. I follow but one stops me. "Sorry ma'am, family only." I got mad.
"You are going to let me in, his father abused him, he has no other family. I am the closest he's got, you are letting me in." He looks shocked but let's me in. I hope he's okay.....
~ hey guys skythekud here and this is the first capper to my new Book 'The Sky Mate' This replaced the old 'My abused mate'. The Plot for that story was getting crappy and I wanted to replace it with this. This is going to he BoyxBoy. Fair warning. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next chapter. I am signing out. Peace Out ! ✌~
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