W.R.'s interview #3
W.R. "Okay Doki, my first interview with a hothead."
Kai. "Hey. I know I can be headstrong but-"
W.R. "No, your hair is on fire." W.R. points.
Kai pats out the fire on his head, "Sorry. That happens sometimes."
W.R. "Witch transitions nicely into my first question, dose that happen when you're excited or upset?"
Kai. "Sometimes. Let's just say it happens a lot around cute girls."
W.R. "Like Skylor?"
Kai pulls on his shirt collar, "Wow did it just get hot in here or is it just me?"
W.R. "A bit of both. I think your heating things up in here."
Kai. "And that happens sometimes too."
W.R. "Moving on, what are your thoughts on Willow?"
Kai stops tugging on his shirt, "She seems nice. Not very talkative. And a little mysterious. I really wish that she'd just open up."
W.R. "I'm sure she will. What about her sisters?"
Kai "Kit or Katara. Kit just adorable beyond belief. And I can appreciate another fire user like Katara."
W.R. "All right. Next question, based on past events, who would you call your arch enemy?"
Kai, "Ummm. Hard one. Samokai and Garmadon kidnapped my sister. But the snakes and Pythor were really tough. The Ninjarods fall more to Zane. Chen was a real piece of work, Morro was freakishly smart and was very hard to beat. Natackon was more of Jay's baddie. Then the time twins, I'd go with them because they kidnaped my parents but Krux is apparently Kit's Dad."
W.R. "So...everyone is your arch enemy?" Strachs head with a pencil.
Kai shrugs, "I guess. And don't even get me started on Jezzie."
W.R. "I sorta thought Pythor would be what you said. With him taking your arm and all."
Kai shows off hand, "Oh yeah. Thanks for the reminder. And if Pythor is reading this, you suck (beep), what'd I do to you, you (beep). What why is a beeping sound happing whenever I say (beep)?"
W.R. takes a deep breath, "Dude, I've got to keep this cuss-free. So thanks for making my job harder."
Kai looks confused as he looks at his clock on his metal arm, "How is me cussing making your job harder?"
W.R. readys device from Men in Black, "I'll answer that one when you answer my last question."
Kai folds arms and leans back in a chair, "Ok. Shoot."
W.R. "Out of all your brothers and counting Morro, who's your favorite Ninja?"
Kai holds up hands and makes sparks, "Me. I'm my favorite Ninja. Duh. Missy, have you seen my abs?"
W.R. covers eyes, "Oh no. Those are reserved for Skylor."
Kai stops flaming, "Fine. And now for my question, how is me cussing making your job harder?"
W.R. holds up the device from Men in Black and swipes Kai's sunglasses, "The answers are located right here," Points to the middle of the lens, "Just keep your eyes focused on this."
Kai squints, "I'm not seeing anything. Are you sure, that's-" Flash.
Kai rubs eyes as W.R. takes off sunglasses, holds up a remote and hits pause on Kai. W.R. stands up, "I know I had a request to do Willow and Katara. But I'd like to save Willow for last and Katara after a certain point. I assure you, I will not forget them. At least Katara won't let me forget." W.R. opens a door, drags Kai's chair and walks out, "Next I'm thinking either Lloyd or Nya. Let me know in the comments whether the next interview will be about the Green Ninja or the Water Ninja." W.R. walks on the clouds to the rest of the Ninja riding their dragons, all frozen where they stand. W.R. picks Kai out of his chair and places him on his dragon, "I almost regret giving you a medal arm. It's heavy."
Kai doesn't respond as he is frozen.
W.R. hums, "I feel like something's missing." W.R. snaps fingers, holds her hand out and a bright pink bow-hairclip appears. W.R. places it in Kai's hair. "Nah." Takes it out and it vanishes, "I have to keep the story consistent for those who don't read my short stories." W.R. faces the camera, "Bye guys. Now, I've got a lot of leftover candy from Halloween to snack on. I can't let Lloyd or Kit know about that stuff. BYYYYYYE!
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