W.R.'s interview #15
W.R. pulls up a chair next to Willow's bed.
Willow looks around her room, "Who are you?"
W.R. plays with her hair, "Do you want the full history or something brief?"
Willow grips the blanket, "I've got time to kill so, fire away."
"I was born at a very young age..." W.R. snickers under her breath.
Willow rolls her eyes and facepalms, "Nevermind. What's your name?"
W.R. calms down, "I'm Writeingrockstar316. But you can call me W.R."
"Ok, W.R., what are you doing in my hospital room?"
"I have a handful of questions to ask you. So, ya know, an interview."
Willow pulls up her covers, "I'm not exactly interview worthy. Go talk to Lloyd he might be a little better for this."
"Nah," W.R. shakes her head, "Besides, I already talked to him. And speaking of good old Greenie, is he still cute?
Willow tries hiding under her covers, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
W.R. raises her eyebrow, "You mean you don't remember confessing your love for him when you were all drugged up yesterday?"
Willow chuckles nervously, "How.....You weren't there."
"Not the point, the point is have those feelings grown anymore?"
Willow tilts her head, "I guess. He is pretty special."
W.R. rubs chin while humming, "Is he the special one?" Willow looks confused. W.R. takes a breath, "Let me rephrase. Does the word beloved come to mind when you think of him?" Willow still looks lost. W.R. frowns deeply, "Fine. Do you think he's your soulmate?"
Willow chuckles at W.R.'s overreaction, "What didn't you just say so?"
W.R. rolls her eyes, "I...nevermind. To the question, do you think Lloyd's the perfect match for you?"
Willow's eyes flicker down, she licks her lips and she shuffles her feet under the covers, "I...Um. Hold on." Willow pauses to think. "I have no idea. There's no real way of knowing so I can't-"
W.R. jumps to her feet then onto the chair, "Do you love him, YES OR NO?"
Willow leans back into her bed, "Yes." Quiet. Willow sits up as W.R. sits back down, "Wait, what?"
W.R. shakes her head, "Nope. No take back answers. That is your final one."
Willow scratches her head, "What newspaper are you from again?"
W.R. snaps her finger, "The daily bugle."
"I haven't heard of that one."
"We're new." W.R. winks. "Ok, moving on from soulmate to mortal enemies, what do you think Jezzie's next move is?"
Willow smiles, "I'm hopping into a cell. I get the feeling she won't be a big problem for a while."
"Too true." W.R. smiles to her self, "During the fight, were you scared at any point?"
Willow huffs, "Me. I guess losing. Which meant the entire realm from then until eternity would be engulfed in evil." She shrugs her shoulders, "And if I was even the right person to be the White Rose."
"Destiny chose you, Willow. Quite literally I might add, but the point is, you did it. You destroyed the biggest evil in Ninjago." W.R. reaches out to touch Willow's right hand.
Willow pulls back, "Yeah. We have to trust destiny." She mutters under her breath, "I guess."
W.R.'s face flashes a frown as she folds her arms, "So from new enemies to old ones, what were you feeling when Katara died?"
Willow pauses as she looks at the clock on her nightstand, "Upset."
"Is that it?" W.R. stands up and grabs Willow's green heart locket, "You know you can use more than one word right?"
Willow nods as she watches W.R. "Angry? Disappointed? Confused? I'm sorry, I'm really not good with feelings."
"Take your time," W.R. hands Willow her necklace, "I'm in no rush."
Willow stares at her locket, gently rubbing her thumb over its face, "Scard. Not the little kid scared of there's a monster under my bed, the scared kind of being a death luck charm."
W.R. smiles, a slight amount of proud in her eyes, "I promise you're not. You have two sisters, an awesome boyfriend, and more friends then you can count on 1 hand."
Willow holds the locket face in her hand, "That is true. Can I predict your next question?"
"By all means."
"How'd I feel when she came back to life?"
"Yup." W.R. leans back in her chair.
Willow holds her locket up and puts it back on the nightstand, "Shock. Over amounts of happiness. Confusion. And looking back on it now, it almost feels like my life has become some kind of fanfiction cheesy story."
W.R. opens her mouth then closes it. She laces her fingers together, "Who said anything about cheesy?"
Willow shrugs, "I'm just answering your questions Miss W.R. who possible works for the Daily Bugle."
W.R. shrugs, "You need your rest so, last question, what's a treasured memory that you have?"
"That's like asking to pick a favorite song."
"Fine, what's the first one that comes to mind?"
"Umm," Willow smirks, "Not dying."
"That is a lot of times. And they don't count."
Willow glances at her clock on the nightstand, "Mind if I am cliche for a sec?"
"Not at all. Go for it."
Willow looks down as she presses her lips close and pink dust covers her cheeks, "First meeting Lloyd. I don't know why but I don't think I could ever forget that."
W.R. covers her heart, "Aww! You're right, that is really cliche."
Willow grabs her pillow and throws it at W.R., "Hey."
W.R. throws up her hands, "I'm kidding," she catches the pillow the hands it back, "That is really cute."
"Thanks, I guess. Hey, do you have the time?"
W.R. snaps her fingers, "Aww, shoot. I don't. WHy?"
Willow points to her clock, "Because it's been 1:23 for the past 5 minutes. Who are you?"
W.R. gets out of her chair, "I um....oh, wow, hey you want to see the awesome thing I got?" She puts on her sunglasses.
Willow looks unimpressed, "Sunglasses? I don't think-"
"No, not these," W.R. pulls out the device from the Men in black one last time, "This." FLASH!
Willow blinks and rubs her eyes, "What's going on? Why can't I see?"
W.R. waves goodbye and walks out the door. She looks to the audience, "Man, I haven't done one of these in a while. And it's the last one. But never fear, you guys can keep asking questions to everyone in Ninjago. Just don't expect me to return with the answers right away. Anyway, a question for you guys, Am I doing a good job? I'm not thinking of quitting or anything but sometimes I get too overconfident in my writing abilities. So if anyone has constructive criticism for me, I'd love to hear it.
Now constructive criticism means how and where can I improve as a writer and an online creator. NOT, trying to destroy my self-esteem and generally being a jerk/troll/fool/Jezzie/bully and any other words that one could put in that description. Well, I've got to run. Those short stories won't write themselves. Later~W.R."
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