W.R.'s interview #14
W.R. grins excitedly, "So....what's the hottest news with you?"
Katara facepalms, "Please no puns. Between Cole and Jay, I've had more than enough to last me a lifetime."
W.R. "Just A lifetime?"
Katara shrugs, "Well..."
W.R. "This is, after all, take two."
Katara raises an eyebrow, "So is this an interview or a pun contest?"
W.R. still grins, "All right. We're getting to the questions. First and foremost, how is it being alive again?"
Katara plays with her hair, "My answers probably the same as Zane's or Morro's. It's just good to be alive. It does seem like every second is more important now."
W.R. nods, "That seems fair. But it also must be nice to have your magic back."
Katara holds up a small fireball, "Heck yeah. I have no idea how Willow has survived for this long."
W.R. "I thought her healing power is magic."
Katara, "Technically that's right. Just it used.." Katara's eyes flicker down, "Well. Let's just say before we came to Ninjago it was a lot more powerful."
W.R. licks lips, "Ok. The second question, is it nice that you're back in Willow's good graces?"
Katara snickers, "I don't know if I'm that far alertly in such a short amout of time. No. But as far as being around her without the one trying to kill the other, very nice actually."
W.R. "So speaking of other people, what's your opinions on the Ninja?"
Katara plays with her hair, "Kai I can deal with. Although he does seem more in touch with the angry side of fire. Zane's cold like ice and calculating. But he seems friendly when you're not trying to burn him or his brothers alive. Jay.....just.....won't.....stop talking."
W.R nods, "Jay's a bit of a motor mouth."
Katara huffs, "That's putting it lightly. Anyway, Cole's hard as a rock but it's almost hilarious seeing him try to talk to Seliel. All his bright red cheeks, slight shudder and his eyes shifting around."
W.R. "Now if only Seliel would return that feeling. Or showing attraction."
Katara, "I doubt it. But the poor thing has been through a lot of heartaches."
W.R. hides a small evil smirk, "I think that will be solved soon enough." W.R. stops smirking as Katara raises an eyebrow, "And the next ninja?"
Katara folds her arms, "Lloyd. Lloyd is sort of a tricky one for me. I mean yeah. Yippie for him being the Green Ninja and all. But a little too bright, blonde and energetic for my taste."
W.R. smirks a fan girl's smirk, "So...you like a touch of darker things? A little bit, boo-hoo?"
Katara facepalms as W.R. cackles from her lame pun making. "Way to be subtle."
W.R. shrugs, "Sorry. The fan-girl side effect. And now for the last Ninja."
Katara touches her lips as the room get hot, "Turbion." She now blushes from using a nickname, "I mean Morro. What? I didn't say Turbion."
W.R. rolls eyes, "The point?"
Katara still touching her lips, "Right. Where to start? He's just so...umm...I don't know."
W.R. makes small pucker faces, "He's just so Morro?"
"Yeah." Katara sighs with a dreamy look in her eye. "He's definitely different than Lloyd. Where Lloyd's energetic, Morro's sarcastic and salty. But there's a lot I still don't know about him."
W.R. squeals in delight, "But that kiss in the latest chapter."
Katara titles her head, "I don't think you were there. Who are you?"
W.R. bites lips, "Um...It's a very long story. Any further thoughts?"
Katara, "Do you want to be here until next year?"
W.R. mutters under breath, "Well for me that's a few days away."
Katara relax, "What was what?"
W.R. "Nothing. Last question So if Kit is Willow's adopted little sister, and you're Willow's twin sister, dose that mean you're Kit's adopted twin sister?"
Katara holds her head, "You just confused me on my own family tree. Thanks."
W.R. "Apparently Morro's not the only one with salt." W.R. puts on sunglasses and holds up the device from men in black, "Bye!"
Katara fades back into the story as W.R. takes off her sunglasses and faces the readers, "Hey everyone. Man, 14 interviews. I knew I had a lot of characters but man I might have a small problem. I might extend this type of short stories to Pink hair and a Broken heart. I've got a few other things to work on.
Which brings me to a few other things. I'm finally on winter break. Gosh, school was insane for me this year. I won't bored you with the details just know that we may have some more short stories popping up within the week.
Now there was 1 more thing," Snaps fingers, "The last interview of an Undeniable character. Willow. Eather post a comment you have for the White Rose or shoot me a message or put it up on my conversation board. Well, see ya in the next chapter. I think you're gonna like what I have in the next section of this very book. Bye and if I don't see ya for a while, happy holidays."
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