W.R.'s interview #13
W.R. folds arms, "Just so you know, everyone hates you."
Jezzie smirks as she rests her feet on the table with her hands against the back of her head, "Do I look like I care?" She sneers as flings her blonde hair around.
W.R. glares and bites her lip, "Guess not." She growls, "first question. Why do you suck so much?"
Jezzie snickers, "if by suck you mean the perfect compatible host for the Overlord, then just because I am that dazzling."
W. R. mutters under breath, "More like a snotty nose little man stealing mind parasite."
Jezzie raises an eyebrow, "what was that sugar plum?"
W.R. looks at notebook page, "Nothing. Next question," takes in a deep breath, "WHY KATARA? WHY ARE YOU SUCH A JERK!?"
Jezzie shrugs shoulders, "First off, Katara was at the wrong place at the right time."
W.R. taps fingers on the table, "And for the second question?"
Jezzie folds arms, "Because being a jerk is fun."
W.R. raises an eyebrow, "Explain."
Jezzie rubs chin, "Think about it, I don't care about what people think about me. When you think like that consequences feel less severe."
W.R. leans back in chair, "I'd hate to agree with you, but it is good to not care too much on what other people think about one's self but the consequences don't lessen."
Jezzie shrugs, "Mabey for you."
W.R. shakes head, "Next question, why bond with the Overlord?"
Jezzie taps chin, "It's actually very interesting. It was because of the Ninja."
W.R. gets comfortable on her chair, "This outta be good."
Jezzie cracks her knuckles, "I never felt more like myself when I wiped there minds. Even manipulating Lloyd was an incredible experience."
W.R. "Wasn't that Katara's plan?"
Jezzie sneers, "In a way. I actually had a majority of the basics done. She's the one who gave it's personal touch."
W.R. "Specking of which, what was with the drug stuff?"
Jezzie still looking and, "Well it was her Daddy's idea. All to separate the super Fay twins."
W.R. taps foot, "Speaking of the Black King, he must be very similar to the Overlord. How does this work into his master plan?"
Jezzie scowls, "It's not part of his plan. I made my choice and he made his with his new-"
W.R. "New what?"
Jezzie holds her finger by her mouth, "I can't say yet. But yes, the Overlord and the Black King are sorta similar. "
W.R. rolls eyes, "Last question, do you still have the sword of souls?"
Jezzie shakes her head. "No. It was destroyed during the bonding ritual." Touchs forehead, "And yes, Garamond remains ignorefully bless. If ignorefully bless means that he's under my complet control."
W.R. sticks tongue out, "And that is all I have for you today."
Jezzie, "Are you gonna flash me with your little device thing?"
W.R. puts hand under table, "No," pulls out a baseball bat. THWACK! Jezzie is knocked out and W.R. erases this interview from her memory, "You needed a much more personal touch."
Jezzie fades back to her evil lair.
W.R. snaps fingers and the bat dissapers, "Hey everyone. Today's question is, what is the worst thing Jezzie has done? For me she's done a lot but it is a tie between killing Katara and mind wiping the Ninja. Now I've got other things to do. See ya next chapter. BYyyye!"
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