W.R.'s interview #12
W.R. folds arm as Cole is frozen, "So how this normally works is you ask me what you're doing here and what is here? Then I talk. Or sometimes I talk first then you talk-"
Cole raises an eyebrow, "Do you rant like Jay all the time?"
W.R. shakes head, "No." W.R. pipes down and opens up a notebook. "I just have a few questions I'd like to ask."
Cole stands up, "S no offense, but I really don't feel like doing an interview. So bye," Cole opens the door only to show a void much like we're in space, "WHAO!" He closes the door.
W.R. looks at her nails, "Yeah. The only way out of here is through me.....so sit down and buckle in."
Cole huffs and comes back to his seat. "All right, shoot."
W.R. cracks knuckles, "First question, how are you doing with Katara...ya know."
Cole looks at his hands. Small tears swell up in his eyes, "No comment."
W.R. "Yeah, sorry about killing her."
Cole snaps up and glares at W.R. "Are you Jezzie in disguise?"
W.R. shakes head, "No. I'm this story's writer." W.R. almost smiles at Cole's shocked face, "Technically I'm a fan fiction writer and it's a pretty long story."
Cole rakes his hair, "So this is all fake?"
"Yes and no. Just because something like characters in books or tv aren't real, it doesn't leave less of an impact on the poepl who enjoy them."
Cole tilts his head, "Wait, so you wrote that Katara would die? Bring her back. Come on. Morro's losing his mind over losing her and Willow has let more then a few tears slip from her face."
W.R. shrugs, "Sorry but not sorry. You'll find out what I mean in the next chapter or two."
Cole folds arms and glares, "No. Not later. NOW!"
W.R. hold arms up, "I promise something will come out of this. But I have a schedule to keep, man."
Cole quiets down as a slight tremor shakes the earth.
W.R. sighs, "Let's move on to a less sensitive topic. Seliel?" W.R. smiles as Cole covers his blushing cheeks, "Anything special there?"
Cole sighs, "I don't know what it is. She's just so amazing from what I know of her and she's one of a few people who can look as stunning in her armor or in a dress."
W.R. "Sounds like you love her."
Cole shrugs as a smile pulls his lips up, "I guess."
W.R. frowns, "You guess? Dude, have you ever been in love before?"
Cole rubs chin as he puts his feet up on the table, "I'm not sure. I know I like girls but in terms of love, not anything close to Seliel."
W.R. scratches head, "So you've never had a crush? Or dated?"
Cole, "I've dated but I really never felt attraction until I met her."
W.R. hums, "Interesting. Next question, what is your relationship with your Dad like? How'd he feel about becoming a ghost."
Cole rubs the back of his neck, "Oh boy. I love my Dad, no question there. I have been getting back into the habit of spending the holidays with him. But he can be-"
W.R. smiles faintly, "Over the top?"
Cole nods, "Yeah. That's the best wording." Cole bites lip, "And I didn't exactly tell him I was a ghost."
W.R.'s jaw drops, "Wait, what?"
Cole sighs, "Look, I totally meant to. But one thing after another kept coming up. I promise that the next time I get to sit down with him I'll let him know. But he on tour now, and he hates calls like that."
W.R. hums, "Ok then. So everyone knows to have a baby a Mom and a Dad are needed. And as far as I can tell we only know about your Dad."
Cole facepalms, "I'll make it quick, I never met my Mom. I've asked my Dad where she is only for the story to keep changing. I'd like to know but I'm kinda busy at the moment."
W.R. "Wait you didn't have a Mom?"
Cole shrugs, "Yeah. What's next?"
W.R. "So going back to the love interest topic, what was the whole thing with Nya?"
Cole rubs face then rest elbows on the table, "So I never quite understood the deal until after it was all over. There was yelling, Jay jumped me a few times and Nya being indecisive about something. Once I had a clue what was going on, then I let Jay know he could have her. Even thought Nya's definitely, not property."
W.R. "Ya know that makes more sense than you actually," shivers, "loving her."
Cole nods, "Yeah. I see Nya as more of a sister an way. And speaking of girls," slams hand on the table then stands up, "Bring Katara back to life!"
W.R. jump out of seat as Cole circles on the other side, "Cole, calm down."
Cole's fists turns into lava, "No. Kit has been crying for not being more clear in her visions. Morro won't eat or sleep. And Willow...I think you almost broke her." Cole jumps over the table and managed to pin W.R. to the wall.
W.R. slips her hand into her pocket and pulls her sunglasses down, "Who said that my plan is let Katara stay dead?"
Cole lets her up, "Wait-what?"
W.R. holds up the device from Men in Black. FLASH! Cole shakes his head as he fades back into the story. W.R. smirks as she takes her sunglasses off, "Hey guys. So is anyone mad at me for killing off Katara? It's ok, I can take the backlash. Go ahead. And for today's question, if Katara were to come back from the dead, how could she do it? Well, I've got holiday shopping to do. See ya!"
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