The jealous tree
{Location: New Ninjago city hospital} (Willow's POV)[Time: Between Undeniable and Black and White]
I flicker through the tv channels....probably 50 times by now. I turn off the tv and place the remote on the nightstand. At this point, I'm mostly healed but my arm is still broken. I feel my stomach growl. I really need to get up and stretch. I manage to get out of bed and slowly make my way down the hallway as nurses yawn.
I eventually find the cafeteria. It's empty with perfectly clean tables and chairs. I work my way to the buffet line, grab a tray and collect food. The attendant is literally sleeping on the job as I leave an I.O.U. note on a napkin.
I sorta wish Lloyd was here, so I wouldn't be bored out of my mind. I wipe my mouth and clean up my mess. I turn to leave when I hear a familiar fit of laughter.
I head back towards the other side and peek around the corner. Lloyd is still in his wheelchair and is talking with a little too friendly looking nurse. She has bright red bouncy hair, perfectly white teeth and she...she's touching Greenie! Her hands rub over Lloyd's back as she smiles.
I feel something twist in my stomach as I chew the inside of my lips. Who is that? Dose Lloyd like her? What is she even doing talking to him?
Lloyd sighs, "So how does it work, Lilly?"
'Lilly,' geez, a little too much cheer in one name, Lilly bends over and rubs her hands over his chest, "I'll be on top. know what, I'll take care of everything. You just relax and I'll make sure you're fine." Her voice is like honey. I hate it.
I feel my throat swell up as Lloyd nods. I feel my free hand balls up as I taste blood in my mouth.
Lloyd reaches up to grab something but Lilly hands him a clipboard, "Thanks. And no one else will know?"
Lilly shakes her head as her long red hair bounces around, "Nope. It'll be totally confidential. Unless you want to tell someone."
Lloyd hums then shake his head as he reads the paper on the clipboard, "Nah. Willow doesn't need to know about this. And I think my Mom will be fine with it."
Lilly shrugs her shoulders as Lloyd signs something and hands the board back to her, "One last thing, do you want to do it now or later?"
Lloyd rubs the back of his head as I glare, "Now. Let's just get it over with. I'll feel better once it's done."
Lilly bends down and taps her finger on his nose, witch blossoms a new kinda angry feeling in me. I try hiding it only for it to grow a little. Lilly stands up, "All right then. I was hoping you'd say that. I'll push you to-"
That's is. I come out from my corner and grab the handles on the back of the wheelchair, "There you are. What are you doing out of your room?"
Lloyd turns and looks up at me, "Willow? What are you doing here? I mean it's a big hospital but-"
Lilly tucks the clipboard under her arm, "Excuse me, miss. But I need to-"
I start pushing Lloyd down the hallway to his room, "Get him back in his room? I got it."
Lilly walks after me as I speed up a little, "No. I can do it."
I grip the handle with my hand as she grabs the other, "Well, I'm already here. How about you can push him a week from never." Easy Willow. Stay in control.
Lloyd looks ahead, "Um...can I say something?"
Lilly almost pushes me out as she glares at me, "I don't think you understand. He is my responsibility."
I growl as I bump her out, "Yeah so? He's my boyfriend."
The hallway gets quiet. Lloyd looks back up at me as I desperately try and keep blush from my face. Did I just say that out loud?
Lloyd looks shocked but super joyful, "What was that?"
I swallow, "I mean, my friend who is a male. Who in-"
Lloyd snickers and chuckles, "It's OFFICIAL!" He shouts as Lilly rolls her eyes, "SHE'S CALLED ME HER BOYFRIEND." He winks at me, "Which makes you my girlfriend."
My face gets really hot as Lilly looks at her watch. "Ok fine." I glare at Lilly as she looks ticked off, "But I still don't know who you are."
Lilly holds up the clipboard, "I'm his new nurse. His last one got transferred to the east wing."
I lose my hard look, "But what were you agreeing to?"
Lloyd bites his lip as he turns himself around, "I need a cold shot. I hate getting shots and my old Boarding school wasn't too keen on giving us shots. So I've never really had one."
I was jealous. I am now embarrassed. I grimace a little, "Oh. I thought....nevermind. It doesn't matter."
Lloyd gives me, 'you can't get away from this, Rosie,' face, "Willow. Did you think that I was interested in Lilly?"
I look at the white floor and hold my hands behind me, "No....," Honesty Willow, "Mabey.....Kinda."
Lloyd shickers, "I never thought I'd see the day you were jealous."
"I wasn't jealous. It was a misunderstanding."
Lily shakes her head as she grabs Lloyd's wheelchair handles, "Could you talk about this later? After I'm done giving him his medical shot," she makes her works crystal clear, "After that," she winks at me as she pushes Lloyd down the other way, "He's all yours."
I watch as she pushes Lloyd away. He turns and mouths, 'Jealous,' before turning into another hallway.
I sigh as I turn around and head back to my room, "Watch yourself, Willow. Stay in control." It was a strange mishap. But a tiny, small, bit part of me is ecstatic that I called Lloyd my boyfriend.
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