Yay, another tag. Again from WritingisMagic1515. I have no idea if I have all the questions but I'll answer what I can.
Name: Writingrockstar316.
Nicknames: WR, Princess(From my parents), and Root Beer(Long story).
Height: 5 feet 6 inches.
Birthday: A day that ends in y.
Eye color: Blue. Greener closer to my pupils.
Hair color: Dirty blond with hair chalk. Mostly pink.
Sign: The cross. I really don't believe that stuff but I'm an aries.
Romantic orientation: I'm straight. I don't believe queer stuff but that doesn't mean I'll hate you if you are. I'll say it one more time, I don't hate people just because they have different ideas of love than me. Currently, single as a Pringle.
Favorite color: Any shade of blue.
Time right now: 11:47 A.M.
Average hours of sleep: What kind of question is this? It's not like I keep track. I guess 8 or 9.
Lucky number: 316. Because of John 3:16.
Last thing I googled: Does Pinterest count? If so then this morning's pinning spree.
Words that come to mind: Food. I love my puppy. Time to read my bible. My mind is a scary place.
Blankets I sleep under at night: 2. Sometimes 1.
Celebrity crush: Chris Evens. Sebastian Stan. Tom Holland. I have a thing for Marvel ok!
Favorite book/series: Percy Jackson and the Olympian. The first five books are better. I'm not a fan of the newer stuff. The Chronicles of Narnia. That never gets old.
Favorite band(s): I'm not a band girl. But I really like Royal Tailor. Look for Remain. Favorite song right now is Fearless by Jasmine Murry and Battles by The Afters.
Last movie I saw in theaters: Spider-man Homecoming.
Favorite fictional character: Zane from Ninjago. Captain America and the Winter Soldier from the cinematic universe.
Crushes: The last two boys I liked turned out to be gay. So, currently no one right now.
Dream job: Author or screenwriter.
All done. Now I tag
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