How did this happen?
{Location: New Ninjago City Police demartment}(Morro's POV){Time: Between Undeniable and Black & White}
Jay's annoyingly walking in the middle of the room in an annoying circle in this annoying cell. If it's hard to tell, I'm a little annoyed. Jay's breathing heavily as small spark come off of his hair, "I can't take it anymore," He grabs the bars, "Officer? Miss? I demand another phone call!"
The officer shakes her head no as her feet are kicked up on the desk, "No. And for the last time, I'm a detective." Her deep blue eyes look annoyed too. She's a 'detective' but she is in a cop's uniform so mabey the detective bit is a work in progress. Her brown hair is in a tight bun witch suits her kinda up tight persnaily so far.
Kai touches Jay's shoulder and has him sit next to Cole, "It's ok, Jay. We did nothing wrong." He not too subtly looks in my direction as I'm chilling out on the window sill, "He's to blame."
"Oh yes," I roll my eyes as Zane meditates, "It's totally and completely my fault that you four are idiots." I don't even know how in Ninjago they think this is 100% my fault.
Cole stands up, balling his fists, "Hey, that's not true and you know it."
"Witch part?" I flick my hair around, "My fault that we're here or that you're all idiots?"
Jay comes to Cole defense as Zane looks like he's a tad ticked off about the situation, "That we're here! Just admit it, dude!"
Now, oh lucky me gets to experience my first 4 on 1 argument. Honestly, how can these guys stand each other?
The detective gets up, slams her baton against the bars, "Shut up! Good gosh, why don't all 5 of you stick it-" The door opening cuts her off. She puts the baton away and rubs her forehead. She points to us with her thumb, "I'm guessing that these are your hooligans, sir and ma'ma."
Sensei and Katara appar. Sensei looking several disappointed and Katara looking slightly mad at me. Sensei nods, "Yes. They are."
The detective scratches the back of her head, "Well, they didn't do anything too bad but that will be a $100 dollar fine for each of them."
Sensei reaches into his gi and pulls out a few hundred dollars, "I am sorry that they took up your time. I'll be sure that whatever made them do this will no longer be a factor." He keeps talking to the detective as she hands him paperwork to fill out.
Katara grips the bars as I hop down from my perch, "How did this happen?"
Zane stands up as I swallow hard, "It is a bit tough to explain. But I have complete video and audio recordings of what happened."
"Well," She folds her arms as I get the feeling she's mostly mad at me, "I'm listing."
[2 hours erlyer]
Jay winches slightly as he walks, "Remind me to never be on any of the girl's bad sides. Ever."
Cole holds his left shoulder carefully as Kai puts pressure on a small cut on his arm, "And that was them holding back."
I stop in my tracks as some of Nya's water is still in my hair, "It wasn't that bad. I mean we were holding back too....right?" I take my hood off and squeeze the water out.
Zane shrugs as Kai opens out dorm door, "I am not sure of any conclusive evidence at this point other then we lost."
Kai huffs as I spin in my softer and much dryer, grey hoodie, jeans and grey t-shirt, "Lost? We got creamed."
"That is correct." Zane folds his arms as the other three spin into normal clothes like me, "And sadly, we bet the video games on that fight."
Jay sighs heavily as he stops spinning, "Don't remind me. Now we have nothing to do."
"Well," Cole fixes his hair in the mirror, "We could always sharpen our skills."
Skills. That one little word triggers to many memories from my small time crimes past. Ah that old motto of mine, skills are as deep from the pockets you steal from.
Kai looks over. I'm probably smiling wired. Then something clicks in his brain, assuming there's one hiding under his spiky hair, "What's with the smirk, pickpocket?"
"Pickpocket?" Jay looks interested in a minor crime, "You can pickpocket?"
I nod as I try to wipe my smirk off, "Yeah. Back before I met Sensei, life wasn't super easy."
"Can you still do it?"
Ah, old habits and my ego. How I've missed your need for me to relieve the old time and to show off. I can't resist. And he's right, we have nothing else to do. I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know. It's been a few decades since I last tried it." I move forward slowly, spotting a loose floorboard and fake tripping on it. I fall on my rear and I know just what to take.
He reaches out to me with his left hand. Perfect. "I guess if you don't use it ya lose it."
Small swipe and I'm gold. I grab him with both hands, my fingers claim around his engagement ring, as I let go he actually dose the work for me.
Cole rolls his eyes, "I had a feeling he couldn't do it."
I actively try not to smirk. Smirking=to getting caught.
Zane looks far less impressed than anyone, "This skill will likely come back with time and practice...what am I saying. That is stealing."
Kai frowns, meaning my tiny cover story is working, "Hm, I actually thought that'd work."
"Yeah, guess I'm a little rusty," I rub the back of my neck as I let the ring slip down my hoodie sleeve. It falls down my hoodie and lands on my shoe. I give it a light kick, sending it above my head. To just show off a touch more I keep it afloat in front of my face with my wind power. I now smirk wide at their shocked faces. "Well, how did I end up with this?"
Jay snatches it back and puts it on, "How...I mean....when did...What? How'd you get that?"
"I found it on a spark plug, believe it or not." I stop my little wind gust. When they literally can't seem to respond I relax, "It's not that hard. You just need a sucker who's overly involved with something or someone, quick hand and an idea of what you want."
Kai smirks as I wander outside to the warm sun, "Can we try?"
Cole follow like I'm some kind of ringleader, "How'd you learn?"
Zane comes out last, "I highly do not recommend this course of action."
Jay it a little more careful of his ring, "But...if we're ever caught by an enemy, we might need to pickpocket their keys."
I stop moving on the edge. This may be a bad idea. "1, I don't know if you're ready. It takes a while to perfect. 2, in the real world. Do or die style."
Kai glances downward, flips onto his dragon, "Could you show us?" He pauses as the others flip on as well, "Not on us but like you were saying, in the real world."
"Sure," I follow them into the city in a loose formation, "I was never caough so what's the worse that can happen?"
[A half an hour later]
This was the worse idea ever that worked out perfectly. I sorta feel special as I watch them go with their half masks, swiping small things from pretty easy marks. Kai, Jay, and Cole are coming back with their stuff as Zane glares while looking at me. I start counting up my loot when his starring finally gets to me, "Can I help you?"
"Are you sure this is a smart course of action? If Sensei were to find out-"
"Sensei's not gonna find out," I feel on top of the world and my luck just seems to be growing, much like the wallets I've collected, "Besides, who's gonna tell? The best part about swiping stuff, the witnesses are clueless."
Kai looks the least successful as Jay and Cole toss in small useless things like bottle caps and trading cards, "Ok, master thief," he points behind him to a pair of teens on their phone listing to music, "Those two look like decent suckers. Watcha gonna take?"
I tuck my loot in my pockets, stretch out my hands and fingers and scan them for valuables, "Donno. Let's find out." I pull my hood up as I feel them watch me go. One boy has red-orange hair while the other has black hair. Both are in football jerseys. Both look like good targets. And I only need one.
Lucky me.
I head straight through them, catching myself in their shared earbud wire, "Oh my gosh," One of their phones falls to the ground, "I am so sorry."
The orange hair kid glares at me as his counterpart reaches for the phone, "Watch it, mister."
I reach for the black haired kid's wallet when they switch on me. I pull my hand back.
The brown hair kid smile apologetically, "Sorry about Gean. He's had a rough last day of school."
I smirk as he bends back over. I reach for the orange, Gean's, wallet. "No problem. School sucks."
Gean comes back up as I'm mear centimeters from my prize, "Tell me about it. Brad here, is a genius when it comes to gardening yet somehow he bombed his last test."
Bombed? As in the paper explored? I'll have to ask about that one later.
Gean bends down and I reach for Brad's wallet. And it happens again. This is uncanny, are these two playing me? Brad stands up as the phone is still on the ground, "Hey, Gean. We should run."
Forget it. This is a bad mark. I fold my arms behind me, "Sorry for running into you, too."
"Oh no," Gean sounds cocky out of nowhere. He stands back up and points behind me, "It was fine."
I turn around slowly to see a cop brown hair, deep blue eyes are tanish skin stand behind me with a pair of handcuffs.
Brad chirps up, "You're welcome, detective."
She nods, the two boys run off and she looks into my eyes, "Sir, can you unzip your hoodie, please?"
Trick time, I slid all wallets down, keep them afloat in the air behind me as I unzip. Just in time. Nothing but my shirt, "Is there a problem?"
"Well yes," she points to the guys, who are already under arrest, even Zane as I see an officer take a wallet out of his hands. The detective in front of me reaches behind me and grabs a wallet, "You and your little pickpocketing possie seemed to have lift too many goods for today."
I give up my cover, put my hands out in front of me, "So too much of a good thing can be bad. Who knew?"
[Presant day]
Cole frowns deeply as a pon looking a second time, mabey I was a little more responsible then I first thought, "And that's what happened."
Katara holds her hands us, "Hold up," She points to me, "You, taught these four how to steal in the least exciting way," I nod as Sensei finishes up the paperwork. Katara points to the others, "And you four pressured him into showing off."
They mutter their reasons but nod.
I spot Seliel in the corner, she takes a business card but the moment she lays eyes on the detective she turns around. Strange.
The detective pulls out her keys and unlocks the door. We exit but she stops me. "I know who they are, but you....your name's on the tip of my tongue."
I turn around slowly so my back faces her desk, "My name is Morrow. With a w. Morrow Who. Not Wu, who."
She sighs and points to the door, "Just go. If I catch you stealing again," she forces me to slide down her deck, making me knock over her nameplate, "Let's just say you're not the first bad boy I've had to deal with more then once."
I smile as sincerely as I can as I pick up the nameplate, "I promise detective," I quickly read the plate, "AJ Myers, no more nefarious plots or schemes. Not even baby schemes." I follow the guys, Katara and Sensei out, "Bye!" I have my index and middle finger twisted around each other behind my back then head out.
I hang back as Sensei gives those four a talking to. Katara drifts over to me, "You're in big trouble, mister."
"Why?" I just got out of the slammer. What else could I have possibly done?
Katara grabs my hand and my stomach finds new shapes to bend into, "We had a date."
"Oh crap," I bite my lip, "Sorry."
"You're fine," Katara finger walks up my arm then gets my arms to stay over her shoulders, "You just have to pay me back for the 5 cups of cocoa I drank while waiting for you."
"How about a date to Jamonikai village," I lean in to whisper, "Where we won't have a team of helicopter ninja around our heads?"
"Sounds perfect." Katara slips out form my touch as the guys and Sensei look at me sternly, "Wow, look at the time. I've got sure Kit gets dinner. Come on, Seliel, you know how much Kit hates her veggies."
Jay frowns at me, "Ok, mister big shot, what was that about never being caught?"
"Ok," I frown back, "That was when I was on my own. I never rolled with a pickpocket crew. Espissily one this lame."
That starts up another round of arguing as we take off on the energy dragons. I'm never going to hear the end of this one.
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