What now?
"Ms. Granger please calm down at once," Snape says glaring at her a bit though not as roughly as usual as he keeps glancing at Draco who still has the young girl in his arms. "Draco, I believe you can put the girl down now."
He let go of her a bit but she holds tighter to him so he holds her like before. "I don't think she wants to let go," Draco says trying to have a blank expression but can't help the smile that appears instead, because no one had ever hugged him like this, like alone wanted to be near him like this and he likes it.
"Mr. Potter," Snape says gesturing to Draco and though he was a bit hesitant to remove her Snape's glare makes him jump and he agrees.
"Lily, dear," Harry says softly trying to coax her off of Draco while Draco kind of just stares at Harry as he gets closer to him. Though he won't ever say it out loud he isn't totally against the idea of Harry and him together.
Lily removes her head from Draco's shoulder and smiles at Harry and right before she is going to go with him she see the hint of a tattoo on Draco's arm. She smiles and slides the arm of his shirt up, making some gasp, and kisses his Dark mark. Lily giggles before looking up at Draco and speaking, "Father usually likes it when daddy and I do that." (AN: Idk if he does have it but I wanted to put this in so just go with it)
Draco stares at her then glances up at Harry who just stares at him in shock. What shocks him even more is the tears that start to fill Draco's eyes as he just stares into Harry's. Then abruptly he pulls Lily back into a hug, which it doesn't take her long to accept, sitting down back in his seat to cry. His crying is almost silent but Harry could hear the ending of the heart aching sobs as they left his mouth, the hiccup and the catch of his breath with each sob.
"It's okay Father," Lily whispers as she kisses his cheek and beckons Harry closer who is even more reluctant to go near Draco. "Daddy come on."
Harry sits next to him not sure what to do making Lily roll her eyes with that little attitude she probably got from Draco. She grabs Harry's arm and puts it around Draco's shoulders to which almost reflexively Draco turns and digs his face into Harry's shoulder. Harry hugs him as Lily is in the middle of both of them.
While this is occurring the others are discussing the time turner.
"How could you have possibly let go of it," Hermione says exasperatedly as she runs her hands down her face. "I honestly don't know what to do. I mean I could let you use mine but that would mean I wouldn't have it in the future and I'm not sure how that would work."
"Well," Dumbledore speaks up grabbing her attention. "I mean if you were able to make it to this time so should the turner so that means it could have just been dropped in another location." (Probably not true, not entirely sure, but whatever)
"Yeah I guess that does make sense," Hermione says nodding as she continues to think. "But how can we know where it ended up, it could be anywhere?"
"We'll just have to get everyone to help us look for it," Ron says for the first time as he steps up next to Hermione with Hugo still in his arms. "I mean I think that is the only thing we can do unless someone has a spell that specifically finds the turner."
No one has a response to what Ron says so he nods his head as if to prove his point. "So, When are we going to ask everyone?" James asks as he stands next to Rose.
"I will announce it during lunch tomorrow so that everyone knows that it is serious," Dumbledore says and seems to already be thinking about what he'll say.
"But you know how people are they won't just hand it over," Draco says as he walks over, eyes a bit puffy from crying, with Harry next to him and Lily between them swinging as she holds their hands. "You should say you'll give some kind of award to whoever finds it. Either that or no one will look for it or give it back if they do."
"That's actually a really good idea," Hermione says nodding her head and taking Hugo from Ron when he reaches for her to told him.
"Yeah make it into some kind of game, people do love winning," Ron agrees grinning at the thought.
"I agree," Scorpius says walking up between James and Rose and wrapping his arm around her shoulders to which Ron raises his eyebrow at him then glares. Scorpius grins at him not really scared of what he would do to him.
"Scorp," Rose elbows him in the side causing him to groan but she chooses to not move his arm so she just rolls her eyes. "So, where are we going to be sleeping?"
Everyone seemed to freeze having not thought of that and then they look at Dumbledore expectantly. "I believe you could use the room of requirements," He suggests to which everyone nods agreeing with his idea.
"What's that?" Lily asks as she looks up at everybody and before someone could answer Scorpius picks her up and throws her into the air causing her to giggle.
"Remember that secret room I talk about?," Scorpius asks to which she nods in understanding to which he kisses her cheek and holds her.
"The room that turns into whatever you need," She elaborates for Hugo who had looked at her expectantly knowing she would explain it for him and he nods with a surprised face.
"Okay, off you go," Snape says shooing them all out of the Great Hall and they start heading to the door. But Lily starts wiggling and jumps out of Scorpius's arms and walk towards Snape.
"Are you Professor Snape?" Lily asks looking at him and he looks at her a bit shocked. "You look like the picture so you must be him." She then runs into his legs and hugs him, he's frozen not knowing what to do. "Daddy and Father always say that if they could see you again they would give you a big hug."
Everyone was in shock at what she did, Scorpius and James as if just realizing who he was start running towards him and hug him as well. Snape looks at Dumbledore not understanding what was happening while Dumbledore just smiles at him. By the door Draco and Harry kind of look at each other a bit confused then back at the kids as they let go of Snape.
"It's nice to finally meet you," Scorpius says his eyes are a little teary as he chuckles happy to meet this man. He smiles at Dumbledore as well but doesn't go in for a hug like with Snape.
"You as well, Mr. Potter," Snape finally says after pulling out of his shocked state though Lily was still hugging his legs. A small, tiny, almost not visible smile appears on his lips as he sees the blond hair and can't help but think of Draco when he was her age. But then he clears his throat and it disappears as she pulls back to smile up at him. She steps back and reaches up for Scorpius to pick her up, which he does. They head back to the group and they all leave the room.
"It's good to see that you are loved," Dumbledore says to him to which he only receives an eye roll as Snape turns and leaves the room through the teachers' entrance.
"Maybe," Snape whispers silently as he leaves the room to head to his own.
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